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Who Wants To Be A Bimbo? Complete Series

Page 15

by Sasha Scott

  “Any preference Maggie?”

  “I don’t even know what they do, I told you this.”

  “Oh Maggie you don’t wanna know but I’m sure our audience does and they have voted. Something nice and simple for you to sink your teeth into, it’s Fanged Fancy!”

  She felt a sudden surge in her teeth, Maggie opening her mouth up as she could feel the sensation of her canine teeth growing in length. It was just as she expected, she was growing a pair of large fangs, the type one would picture on a vampire or werewolf.

  Maggie would at least be able to hide them in her mouth as they didn’t do the novelty act of hanging out from her lips but it wouldn’t change the fact that she had them now and they weren’t going anywhere.

  “Wow that’s a nice look for you,” Jim cheerfully commented, “If you ever wanna give up that vet job I’m sure you could be a dentist with teeth like them.”

  “Well I suppose there could have been worse things in store for me there.”

  “I guess we’ll never know… not until next year anyway. But we don’t have a year we wait, we only have around forty five minutes to go so let’s not waste too much time and we’ll jump straight to question four.

  Which Biblical prophet had a vision of a valley of dry bones? Was it A, Ezekiel? Was it B, Jeremiah? Was it C, Hosea or was it D, Zephania?”

  Maggie let out a loud sigh as she rubbed the side of her temple, those large horns still jutting out from the top of her head.

  “Ah I know this one but I just can’t seem to remember it. What was it, what was it, what was it?”

  “Afraid I can’t answer that one for you Maggie.”

  “I was talking to myself don’t interrupt. These intelligence hits really do make you feel fuzzy, so hard to concentrate.”

  It was one of those things the people watching at home couldn’t really get a grasp on, just how light headed and stupid all those IQ sapping rounds left the contestant. It was no wonder by the end they were getting some very simple things wrong.

  “I think it could be Ezekiel?”

  “You’re saying A, Ezekiel. Is that your final answer?”

  “Final answer.”

  All attention was taken back to the board which flashed up the long awaited sight for Maggie or a big green tick.

  “Correct! Well done Maggie you got that question spot on. So I guess you did know after all?”

  “I guess I did.”

  “We’re getting close to the halfway point now and you’re sitting at a split record. Taking in a positive one to the second half of the show could be a real boost to your chances. Think you have what it takes to answer this next one?”

  “I hope so. Guess I’ll find out in a moment.”

  “I guess you will, question five. How many stars appear on the flag of New Zealand? Was it A, four? Was it B, five? Was it C, six or was it D, seven?”

  Maggie folded her arms as she leant her head backwards, her horns resting themselves across the top of her chair as she thought through the answer, letting out a long sigh of breath.

  “I’ve been to New Zealand before as well, I just can’t remember how many stars there was on the flag.”

  “Suppose you were too busy taking in the wonderful country to be paying that much attention to the number of stars on a flag.”

  “Yeah something like that. I think though maybe it was six stars?”

  “Shall I take six as your final answer?”

  “Yes please.”

  “She’s saying six, is that correct?” he brought all attention back to the screen where sadly a red cross was waiting to spring itself on the unfortunate contestant. “Oh how unlucky, the correct answer is actually four. There are six stars on a flag but it’s actually the Australian flag. It wouldn’t be a surprise if you were getting confused between the two. Sadly for you Maggie it means you have to sit tight and watch up as we play Ask the Audience!

  Okay audience the next category is the body morphing round. What fun stuff do we have in store for Maggie this time? Vote A if you think our contestant would look dashing Fuzzy and Feisty. Vote B if Tale of a Tail is more up your alley. Vote C for Stone Cold Gorgeous and Vote D if you’re a fan of Salaciously Scaley.”

  “Wait what sort of weird choices are you letting them vote on?” a concerned Maggie interrupted with.

  “No need to worry all our transformations are one hundred percent safe.”

  “That wasn’t the thing which was worrying me!”

  “It’s not worrying our audience either as their votes are in and they’ve selected Tale of a Tail as the winner.”

  There was another surge of tingles coursing through her body but this time it was mainly directed down at her lower back. Sadly for Maggie she couldn’t exactly see it this time she could only feel the sensation, a sensation which felt like stretching. It felt like her entire body was stretching in that direction.

  Her hands reached back behind her body and began to rub around to see what was causing that sensation; she already had a very good idea what it would be.

  Maggie’s fingers touched along something that was long and thin, sprouting from close to her behind. There was no way around it this was a tail. She may not have been able to get a good look at it, being hidden away in her dress, but it was a tail there was no use denying that.

  “No way, this can’t be real can it?” she complained in shock at the swirling accessory. When she squeezed down it made her body jump, it was definitely connected to her.

  “Well we have to take a quick commercial break. We’ll let Maggie here get accustomed to her new toy and we’ll see you all back here after these messages. Don’t go anywhere folks.”

  “Welcome back folks. I’m Jim Harris and this is Who Wants To Be A Bimbo? Hope you had a great break. Today we’re joined by Maggie for our Halloween special who as you can quite clearly see hasn’t been doing the best so far.”

  During the break a small change had been made to Maggie’s outfit in the form of a hole being cut in the back of her dress so her tail could slip through.

  It may have been attached to her but it didn’t share the same fleshy tone as the rest of her body. The tail was a deep red colour, similar to her dress, clearly trying to match the theme that the tail was going for. It was long, it was thin and it had a spaded end. It was clearly based around a demon tail and it was the newest addition to Maggie’s body.

  She hadn’t actually had a choice in this outfit change, it had been forced upon her by the show’s glamorous bimbo assistant, dressed in a sexy nurse outfit for this particular show, who had sneaked up and cut through the outfit with some scissors to let that tail wiggle free. The producers didn’t want to hide their viewing pulling tools after all.

  “This is humiliating,” Maggie complained, “I just thought it was going to be some Halloween based questions. I didn’t think it was going to be themed transformations.”

  “Don’t you worry. As long as you answer the next five questions correctly you won’t have to worry about any more forfeits.”

  “That’s a big if!”

  “Well at least you’re still full of energy and raring to go. Let’s get this show back on the road then as we move onto question six. Which small uninhabited island is located in the middle of Niagara Falls? Is it A, Buffalo Island? Is it B, Goat Island? Is it C, Hog Island or is it D, Moose Island?”

  As Maggie thought about the question, trying to work out the answer, her tail swished from side to side like she was a feline waiting for some treats, the contestant humming to herself as she gave it her careful consideration.

  “I think it might be Goat Island.”

  “Straight out of the park with a direct answer. You sure about this one?”

  “Sure enough for my liking. Let’s go with Goat Island.”

  “She’s saying B, let’s check to see if that’s a correct answer. Wow, that’s the right answer! Straight away you don’t just hit it out of the park you swung it to the next town over. What a great return
to the show.”

  “Well it’s almost an animal question and I already said I’m an animal lover.”

  “That’s right, the island is named after a herd of goats which were once kept there. Fantastic stuff Maggie. See that five correct in a row situation doesn’t look too bad. You only need to get through four more.”

  “Well if they’re all about animals I think I’ll have a shot.”

  “No promises Maggie. Ready for question seven.”


  “Question number seven. Which pseudonym has been used by the author Stephen King? Was it A, Richard Bachman? Was it B, Richard Bannerman? Was it C, Richard Bateman or was it D, Richard Bateson?”

  As soon as the question was asked Maggie already had a sour look on her face.

  “Hey come on this question isn’t fair at all. That’s basically the same answer four times.”

  “They’re different answers Maggie.”

  “Yes but even if I sort of know it I’m not going to be able to work it out from four almost identical answers unless I definitely know it.”

  “Well this is a quiz Maggie. It wouldn’t be a very good quiz if we made it easy to answer the question without knowing the answer.”

  “That’s not the point… no, I’m not going to let you wind me up like this. Let me think for a bit.”

  She slumped back into the chair with her arms folded tightly across her body, her face being turned into a scowl as she released some low growls below her breath, taking the question into deep consideration.

  “Shit there is no way I’m going to be able to think about this when the answers are this similar. I’m just gonna have to take a punt at it, it could be any of the four.”

  “So which way are you going to go?”

  She took a deep breath, running her fingers through her hair, bypassing those pointed horns, “C sounds the most correct to me, if any.”

  “Okay folks she’s saying C, Richard Bateman. Let’s see if that is a correct answer.”

  This was the one Maggie really needed to see come up as correct. She crossed her fingers hoping for a big green tick to get her through this cheap question. A big red cross wiped away that slight hope.

  “How unfortunate. The correct answer was actually A, Richard Bachman.”

  “See that’s like a two letter difference!”

  “I know, from A to C, that’s how the alphabet works Maggie. Sadly being close doesn’t earn you anything on this show. Well in a way it earns you the same thing every other incorrect answer does, a one way trip to Ask the Audience!

  Hello, it’s the surprise round. With this Halloween special who knows what kind of fun choices it could throw up. Audience fingers on those voting pads, let’s see what special seasonal treats are in store. Vote A for Need for Treats. Vote B for Brain, Brain, Brains. Vote C for Childish Chicken and Vote D for Dominating Demon.”

  Surprise round was one of the shows most popular rounds as it went against the usual convention of items from one category and allowed a wide range of choices that could go from the subtle to the extreme and the simple to the bizarre.

  Even now there were some weird choices. A candy obsession. A zombie acting mod. A fear of monsters which would trigger at their own reflexion and a dominatrix transformation. A wide range for the audience to vote on.

  “The votes are in,” Jim announced, “And the winner, by some margin actually, is D, Dominating Demon.”

  They seemed to be sticking to a certain theme. Horns, fangs, tail and now this. It was becoming a very demon themed show, appropriate with the outfit she’d worn on the way in.

  This time it was a mental chance which was inflicted onto Maggie. A throbbing began deep in her head as her mind was warped by the swirling nanobots which imprinted the new thoughts into her head. They were thoughts of domination, control, power; thoughts she’d never felt to strongly before.

  Once the transformation was complete it was like she had been struck by a revelation. The whole world appeared before her in a new light.

  “So, how are you feeling Maggie?”

  “Quit you worm,” she snarled back to Jim, rather suddenly, “Don’t you speak to me in that same condescending tone you talk to all the other contestants, trying to shame me for your entertainment. If I wish to tell you how I am feeling I will do it on my own terms, not yours.”

  The audience let out a long, dramatic, ooo sound as they heard Maggie suddenly snap at Jim and his usual teasing routine.

  “Wow look who got their panties in a twist all of a sudden.”

  “Do not test me old man. I am here to win this show, not to put up with crap from a geezer who is thirty years past his prime.”

  “Well hasn’t she turned feisty folks?”

  “Do not suddenly go and talk to the audience, ignoring me. What I want you to do is your job, asking me the next question so we can hurry up and finish this crappy show.”

  Most contestants got pissy but had the atmosphere of a bratty child throwing their toys out of the pram, fun to tease. Not Maggie, she seemed dead serious and looked like she could snap fully at any moment. It sapped all the fun from the activity.

  “A-alright, onto question number eight. In Norse mythology, what weapon did Freyr use to kill the giant Beli? Was it A, the antler of a hart? Was it B, the horn of a bull? Was it C, the jawbone of an ass or was it D, the thigh bone of a reindeer?”

  Maggie sat up straight, arms crossed as she thought through the answer with a stern expression on her face, clearly not wanting any bother from Jim.

  “So, would you consider this to be an animal question?”

  “Mouth shut,” she commanded, giving him a glare before she went back to contemplation. “I am going to say it is B, the horn of a bull.”

  “Horn of a bull, she’s saying horn of a bull. Let’s check to see if that is a correct answer. Unlucky Maggie that is incorrect. The answer was actually A, the antler of a hart.”

  “Do not take that tone with me like it was obvious. I know you’d be stumped if you couldn’t read it from your screen.”

  She certainly had a lot more venom to her tongue than she had earlier on in the show, making the atmosphere between host and contestant a lot more uncomfortable.

  “Well… shall we just go ahead and Ask the Audience? I think so. Okay folks it’s over to you guys. The category this time is clothing. Time for us to give our Maggie a whole new wardrobe. So audience vote A if you want Curse of the Mummy. Vote B if you prefer some Mistress of Darkness. Vote C for a Trashy Trick or Treater and finally vote D for Queen of the Hunt.

  So Maggie, any preference on a style of outfit for yourself?”

  “If you’re asking if I will be pleased if this audience dares to put me in something labeled as trashy then no I will not.”

  “Well then I have good news for you as the votes are in and it’s not C. The winner is B, Mistress of Darkness. Now Maggie if you’d please follow our glamorous assistant here to the back and we’ll get out a change of outfit.”

  This was another mental change, the audience seeing nothing just yet apart from the reintroduction of the show’s glamorous assistant, dressed in her lovely slutty nurse outfit.

  “Oh it’s you,” Maggie snarled towards her as she rose from her seat, “The same bitch who cut up this outfit. I think we’ll be having words once we arrive in the back.”

  “Okay folks Maggie will be right back as will I after a quick word from our sponsors. Don’t go anywhere.”

  “Welcome back everyone. Jim Harris here rejoined by Maggie who is now done with her small wardrobe change and is looking very foxy.”

  She did look very stylish in her new outfit. The Mistress of the Darkness was a desire for tight, black, domineering clothing which meant big boots and a lot of leather and latex.

  Maggie had squeezed her body into a tight, revealing, latex outfit. Her chest was pushed up to form a rather splendid showing of cleavage by a tight black corset which formed down into a pair of modesty covering p
anties. Her legs were packed down into a pair of high heeled, leather, boots.

  “I’d prefer if you could use a term that wasn’t dripping in such obvious chauvinistic qualities.”

  “Sorry Maggie sometimes you just end up speaking with the heart, not the head.”

  “You really are a weed of a man. Just hurry up and and ask the next question so I can hurry and get out of your company.”

  “That tongue, I love it. Question number nine. In what year did the USA purchase Alaska from Russia? Was it A, 1857? Was it B, 1867? Was it C, 1877 or was it D, 1887?”


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