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Seduction in the Sun: Adult Romance Box Set (9 Sizzling Tales with BBW, Billionaires, Bad Boys, and Alpha Males)

Page 79

by Hawkeye, Lauren

  “Where did you learn all that? From college?” he asked.

  “No, my father ran a nursery with a landscaping service, and I’d help around the place and go out with the men. Someday I want to start my own nursery.” She confessed her dream before thinking, and then tensed, expecting him to sneer.

  His eyes narrowed, but he answered easily, “Sounds like you’d be good at it. Jessica could probably help you with planning how to finance it and the paperwork. She knows all the ins and outs of small business accounting.”

  Something relaxed inside her. He hadn’t laughed. Had even suggested...Jessica? Beth shook her head in surprise. Why hadn’t she thought about asking Jessica for help?

  She felt a tremor of excitement as her dream began to leaf out. “That’s a great idea. Thank you.”

  She worked on her salad, nibbled a pepper, and studied him in turn. An uneasy feeling ran through her. This man had been inside her, had done incredibly intimate things to her, and she didn’t know him at all. Her face warmed as she cleared her throat. “What about you? What do you do?”

  He’d already finished his salad. He pushed the plate off to one side and refilled their wine glasses. “I’m a contractor. Construction.”

  No wonder he was so muscular. Her lips pursed. “The housing market’s dead. Are you doing all right?”

  “I do mostly office buildings, and Tampa is growing nicely, despite the economy.” He grinned at her. “Like you, I followed in my father’s footsteps. He owns a construction company back in Texas.”

  “I wondered where your accent came from. Why aren’t you still in Texas?”

  “My wife had family back here, and she didn’t want to live too far from them. She talked me into moving here.”

  The unexpected blow took her breath away. “You’re married?”

  “No, sugar. I wouldn’t be playing in the club if I was married. I got a divorce about seven years ago. My wife cheated on me, and that was it.” His gaze landed on her, straight and level. “I despise liars, and I figure cheating is just another way of lying.”

  This blow was almost worse. Her eyes dropped to her left hand where the white line from her wedding ring had slowly faded over the past year.

  Their main course came, the lasagna bubbling in the stoneware dish, and yet the scent of the spicy sauce turned her stomach now. Cheating. Lying.

  Had her husband cheated on her? Nolan watched the little sub’s face. All the animation had faded, and the sparkle in her blue-green eyes had dimmed. Her appetite had disappeared as well. Dammit. Some women ate when unhappy or stressed; Beth was obviously not one of them. He felt like pulling her onto his lap and telling her everything would be all right.

  He’d enjoyed listening to her talk. Obviously competent at her job, overflowing with enthusiasm, her energy unleashed. A far cry from the wary little rabbit in the club. Seeing the difference in her increased his determination to help her heal... And maybe someday she’d bring all that enthusiasm to making love.

  “I have a house in the country. A few acres on a small lake,” he said, toying with a piece of garlic bread. “The view is really pretty, but the entire acreage is weeds and stubble. I could use a designer...”

  She lit up as if he’d handed her a dozen roses. “I’d love to give you some ideas. Maybe—”

  He could see the moment she realized she’d have to visit his house. Be alone with him. Little rabbit. He gave an exasperated sigh. “Would you be interested if I arrange something so you won’t be alone with me?”

  “I’m sorry, Sir.”

  “Nolan, sugar.” He took her hand and rubbed her thin fingers, knowing now where the calluses had come from. “I answer to Nolan outside of the club.”

  “So you don’t do the full master-slave routine?” Her fingers trembled for an instant.

  “Take a bite and I’ll tell you.” He waited until she started on her untouched lasagna. “I had a slave for almost a year, but I uncollared her before I left for Iraq.”

  Her fork stopped halfway to her mouth. He frowned at her until the bite disappeared. Her eyes were filled with questions she was too timid to ask.

  “No, I’m not involved with anyone now. No, I don’t want a slave again.”

  Relief, plain and simple, showed on her face, then confusion. “But why not? I thought all men liked that.”

  “Some do. Maybe less than you’d think, at least after trying it.” He nodded at her food again and grinned when she rolled her eyes before taking a bite.

  “Think about it, sugar. You’re not only responsible for your own well-being, but for someone else’s also. Making day-to-day decisions for them, all the time, without a break.” He lifted her fingers to his mouth, kissed them. “Now, I will never give up control in the bedroom and I occasionally enjoy control at other making you wear the butterfly when taking you to a restaurant.” He gave her a wicked smile and could almost see the erotic images float into her head. When he nipped her finger, she flushed a gorgeous red.

  “But the rest of the time, I’d prefer to have a partner, not a slave. Does that make sense?”

  “Ah. Yes.” She was still pink.

  He grinned and throttled it down. No sex today, whether she wanted it or not. Dammit.

  * * * * *

  Kyler glanced at his wristwatch and scowled. Almost 2:00 p.m. He couldn’t afford to wait any longer or he’d miss his plane.

  Hell. Nothing was working out as it should.

  Fury surged through him as he looked around the hovel Elizabeth lived in—a fucking studio apartment with cheap furniture. The place didn’t even have a real bedroom. The bitch actually preferred living in poverty to being with him. Well, she wouldn’t be here for long, would she?

  Walking around the room, he tossed a few items into a grocery sack: a CD player and CDs, loose cash, the few pieces of jewelry from the dresser. He took enough that she’d believe a burglar had broken in.

  He glanced at the door and smiled at the memory of the wood shattering. Not as satisfying as breaking bones, of course, but that time would come. Soon. Perhaps he should thank her for choosing an apartment in the back of the complex.

  If only he had time to deal with her now. But her punishment would take a while, and he had to be in court early tomorrow, Wednesday. After that, if he worked late and put in some time on the holiday, his partners could manage to cover his cases for a few days.

  He tucked his notepad into a pocket. He’d gone through her files, taken down information from her bills and address book. Even if she managed to escape him now, he’d find her again quickly.

  And once he finished with her this time, she would not be capable of running again.

  * * * * *

  Beth unlocked the gate in the eight-foot fence at the back of the Shadowlands and entered Z’s private gardens. Thunder rumbled overhead, and along the fence line, purple fountain grass rustled in the stiffening breeze. She was running late, but just had to pause and enjoy the sight before her.

  Over the past couple of months, she’d worked on changing the appearance of the huge yard. The previously formal landscaping was evolving into casual, even a bit wild. With a contractor’s help, she’d given the swimming pool area the appearance of a tropical pond where water gurgled through a faux rocky stream to splash into the clear-blue pool.

  Wildly flowering gardens carved the big yard into smaller garden rooms, each with a theme. To the right, a Jacuzzi room. Closer to the house with a view of the rising sun, the breakfast nook held a small table and wrought iron chairs. In the contemplation room near the back, she’d planted soothing blue flowers.

  Now looking at her work, she felt pride rising in her. She’d never had so much fun and look what she had wrought in such a short time. Lovely, lovely, lovely, if she said so herself.

  “You going to stand there and admire your work all day?”

  With a small scream, Beth jumped. The voice had come from above... Scowling, she looked up to see Jessica leaning over the
third-story balcony.

  “Next time,” Beth said, “just shoot me instead of giving me a heart attack.”

  “Sorry.” In shorts and a pale green tank top, Jessica trotted down the steps. “I saw you from the kitchen. C’mere, I’ve got a peace offering.” As Beth entered the covered, screened lanai, the blonde handed over an ice-cold Coke. “Take a break for a minute.”

  “I had one already. That’s why I’m running late.” Beth opened the can and took a big gulp. “I swung by my apartment to grab something to eat and found someone had kicked my door in.”

  “Jeez, are you serious?”

  “Smashed the frame and everything.” And terrified her so badly she’d almost abandoned all she’d built and fled. But the couple next door had seen her and came running over. They walked into her apartment with her. A few things had been pilfered...her CD player and music, some jewelry. Just a burglary, and how weird was that to be relieved a burglar had been in her place?

  After calming down, she had realized Kyler couldn’t know where she was, and if he did, he’d do worse than just kick in her door. “At least I didn’t have much to steal. The poor burglar was probably really disappointed.”

  “That’s still scary. Is the door fixed?”

  Beth felt anxiety curl in her stomach. “No. The maintenance guy broke his leg last week, so the manager’s going nuts with complaints. Said she couldn’t get anyone over to repair it till tomorrow. So after I finish setting the plants out, I’m going to fix what I can. And I’ll put a chair under the knob tonight.”

  “I don’t like the sound of that.”

  “Best I can do. But that’s why I’m late getting here, and why I don’t have time for a break.” She glanced around casually. After remembering Nolan’s arrangement with Z, she’d planned to come early and leave before he arrived. And now she was late, and his truck sat in the parking lot. Knowing he was upstairs made her feel weird. Itchy. She’d enjoyed being with him yesterday a little too much, at least until he talked about adultery. And lying.

  Now she knew; she couldn’t afford to get involved with him. She would have to keep their interactions casual and only for sex. At the club.

  “It looks like you get a break whether you want one or not,” Jessica said as the first drops of rain splattered on the wide leaves of the nearby pagoda plant. The blonde dropped into a chair at the wrought-iron-and-oak table and shoved a chair out for Beth. “Might as well sit till the storm passes.”

  “Oh, honestly.” Thunder boomed overhead, and the rain increased, fat drops splashing on the grass like little explosions. Beth took the chair. “Are you always this persistent?”

  Jessica laughed. “This is nothing. You should see me when it comes to travel expenses or office supply receipts. I can be a real bitch. Speaking of which, Nolan said you might want help figuring out how to open a nursery.”

  Beth felt her breath stop as her heart bobbed in her chest like a top-heavy flower. Nolan believed in her, believed she could do this. Could she? Yes. Yes she could. She put her hand over her jittery heart and jumped into the future. “I would. You mean you’d be willing to help?”

  “You bet. Planning is free.” Jessica held up a finger. “However, after your place is up and running, I’ll be your accountant, and you’ll have to pay me. And have to keep your receipts in order, and your expenses written down, and—”

  Beth laughed. “Do you nag Master Z like this?”

  “God, no.” Jessica rolled her eyes. “The last time I tried, he was almost at the end of some mystery, and rather than saying that—I mean, he could have just told me, right?—he tied me up, gagged me, and stuck vibrating things in me and on me everywhere. And left me lying on the floor while he finished his damned book.”

  “Oh. My.”

  “Yeah.” Jessica scowled. “I came so many times that I couldn’t stand up when he released me. And that was so unfair. We’re not in a twenty-four hour master/slave relationship, right? And then I almost broke my hand when I hit him; his muscles are harder than rocks.”

  Beth tried. She really did try. A snicker escaped, then a giggle, and when Jessica looked at her in disbelief, she roared with laughter. The little blonde accountant always looked so put-together and conservative. Reserved. The thought of her, naked and punching Master Z, sent Beth into an unstoppable fit of giggles.

  “You are cruising for a good slap, girlfriend.” Jessica huffed, then grinned. “You know, there’re very few people I could tell that to and have them laugh instead of calling the cops. Or mental health.” She paused and narrowed her eyes at Beth. “But next time you laugh, you die.”

  “Of course. I totally understand,” Beth tried to smother her giggles with Coke and choked instead. “I’m very sorry. Really.”

  Lightning sizzled, striking somewhere in the forest, followed by a roll of thunder. The rain increased, and Beth tipped her head back to watch the downpour, reveling in the noise and the drop in temperature.

  “Well, look what we have here.” Master Z walked up behind Jessica and pressed a kiss to the top of her head.

  Startled, Beth gasped, then relaxed, realizing that the rain had covered the sound of his footsteps.

  He looked at her and frowned. “Why aren’t you working?”

  Dear Lord, he thought she was being lazy. Dismayed, she opened her mouth to explain and defend, then caught the laughter in his eyes. She spared a thought of pity for her friend. This Dom had a positively evil sense of humor. “Well—”

  “Looks like the rain drove a rabbit onto your patio, Z. I’ll catch her for you.” And two big hands reached over Beth’s shoulders, slid down into her low-cut top, and caught her breasts.

  Fear ripped through her and choked her breath. She tried to leap away and was yanked back against the chair. A warm breath touched her ear, and a rumbling voice said, “Relax, little rabbit.”

  Master Nolan. She knew he’d be here. Heart hammering, she managed to ease back, not that she’d have been able to go anywhere with his arms pinning her to the chair. He bit her neck, kissed the tiny pain, and his hands ran over her breasts.

  Nolan nibbled her neck, tasting salt, smelling the woman’s warm fragrance lightly scented with strawberries. She wore a gold tank top under denim overall shorts. He’d never stripped a woman out of overalls; looked like fun. He cupped her perky little breasts in his hands and felt her nipples pebble to taut points. Damned shame to have to be polite and release her.

  Under his hands, the thudding of her heart eased as she got over her fright. One terrified little rabbit. Anger ran through him, knotting his muscles. What he wouldn’t give to meet the bastard who’d taught this woman to be afraid.

  A few minutes ago, he and Z had stood on the balcony, listening to the women talk. And laugh. He’d never heard Beth really laugh, and the sound of her unrestrained giggles had hardened him like a rock.

  He wanted to draw more laughter out of her and learn what made her laugh. Their meal together had pleased him more than he’d anticipated. The woman blazed like a fire, giving off heat and light...when not terrified. And he’d spent a lot of time since thinking about how her fears crippled her.

  There was work to be done, and he was just the Dom to do it.

  “Have a seat, Nolan, and a drink,” Z said and set a root beer on the table. Reluctantly, Nolan released his captive. He glanced at the empty chair over by Jessica. Too far away from where he wanted to be.

  “I’ll share Beth’s chair,” he said and scooped the little rabbit up. She gave a pleasing squeak. He took her place and set her on his lap. Ignoring her struggles—she wasn’t really trying, he noticed with pleasure—he yanked her against his chest and secured her with a hand on her hip. “You know, I don’t think I want you associating with Z’s sub, sugar. She’s not very well-trained.”

  Beth straightened indignantly, ready to defend her friend, but he kept her in place with a hand on her breast. Well, he’d planned to put it between her breasts, but...oops.

annoyed by his comment, Jessica opened her mouth then closed it. She glanced at Z.

  Seating himself next to Jessica, Z kissed his sub’s fingers. “We’re not in the club now, little one, so you may be as rude as you wish.” When Jessica smiled, he added, “But Nolan does have a nasty way of settling old scores. And you will be in the club on Saturday.”

  She sat back with a disgruntled scowl. “Well, that’s not very fair.”

  Nolan gave her a sympathetic look. “That’s why I prefer being the Dom.” When Beth laughed, he kissed her, enjoying the way her lips softened under his. As he drew back, he held her gaze and murmured, “Well, there may be more than one reason.” She flushed, and her nipple spiked under his fingers.

  “Behave, Nolan.” Z took a sip of his sub’s Coke. “Beth isn’t here to play, remember? She works for a living. Speaking of which, what do you think of the yard?”

  Nolan compared the landscaping to his memory of what it had looked like before he left for Iraq. “That’s quite a difference,” he said slowly. “I like it. Much less stuffy.”

  A tiny smile appeared and disappeared on Beth’s face.

  Z frowned at her. “Beth used the exact same word. Stuffy. But I do like the effect she’s achieved, both here and in the Capture Gardens.”

  “What did—”

  Nolan’s question was interrupted by men’s voices as Dan and Cullen dashed through the open gate and into the lanai. “Damn wet out there,” Cullen said, shaking his shaggy head and spraying everyone with water. “Where’s the beer and the cards? Are we playing down here?” He grinned at Beth and Jessica. “Are these extra treats?”

  The little sub in Nolan’s lap squirmed, and he tightened his grip. It was time for the next step in her education, so she might as well get used to Cullen’s ways. Besides, he wanted her to see his place without being afraid. “While you’re all here...”

  The noise settled. “Thursday’s the Fourth. I’d like to have a party at my house. My balcony has a good view of the fireworks. Just the four of us and our subs. Start around three or so and end after the fireworks.”


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