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Enlighten (Thornhill Trilogy Book 2)

Page 2

by J. J. Sorel

  “Yeah, it’s pretty clear now.” I took a sip of the juice. “You know Aidan’s apartment is up one level?”

  “I know. He’s a generous guy. And they all own them. Not on loan. And they’re worth quite a lot, especially this one.”

  My brows knitted. Wow. Aidan’s generosity made it hard not to love him even more deeply—if that were at all possible, considering I worshipped every square inch of him, as well as the ground he walked on.

  “Your Aidan is one hell of a great guy, Clary. I hope you realize that.”

  I sat up. “Of course, I do, Tabs. Look at what’s happened to both of us. All this wouldn’t be possible without Aidan.”

  “Why are you so down, then?” asked Tabitha.

  “Because I haven’t seen him for two weeks, and apart from the flowers, I haven’t heard from him. He may have gone off me by now.”

  “Hello… five dozen red roses,” sang Tabitha, refilling her glass with wine.

  “You’re making a big day of it?”

  “Yeah, I feel like celebrating. My life is great. Evan is a yummy boyfriend, who I can’t stop wanting to…” She raised an eyebrow.

  I laughed. “Tell me all about him,” I said, grateful that we’d switched the subject away from Aidan.

  Tabitha grabbed her phone and scrolled down. “Here are some photos.”

  I took the phone. He was a tall, solidly built man. Just what one would expect as the head of security. He had a lovely smile. “He’s definitely your type, with those dark eyes and features. And he’s so well built.”

  Tabitha ran her tongue over her lips. “He’s fucking yummy. I can’t take my hands off him. And he can’t take his hands off me. It’s sex on tap, Clary. And he’s really…” Tabitha rounded her hand as if weighed down with a huge cylinder.

  I laughed. “You look amazing, Tabs. Your eyes are so clear. And that beautiful tan, your skin’s so healthy. Your hair’s lustrous as well.”

  Tabitha smiled as she pulled back her long blonde hair. She really was a beauty. If it wasn’t for her inability to keep an appointment, I’m sure Hollywood would’ve been keen on her. With her long, shapely legs, hourglass figure, and big green eyes, Tabitha was a knock-out. “That’s not just the sun and sea, you know. It’s because I can’t get enough of Evan’s cock.” She giggled. “You know what they say about swallowing cum?”

  “Oh, Tabs, too much information.” I scrunched my face. She had, however, piqued my curiosity. “What do they say?”

  “Ha… Knew you’d be interested. I’m sure you’ve feasted on Mr. Sex-God.”

  My lips curled up.

  “Come on, Clarissa. Don’t go all blushy on me. I know you like it. You told me one night when we were drunk.”

  “Well, yeah, I do.” I sighed.

  “Anyway, semen is full of vitamin E and therefore excellent for hair and skin.” She smoothed down her hair, looking pleased with herself. “But all jokes aside, Clary, I’ve never come as much as I have with Evan. He found my G-spot with that big cock of his straight away. And I was on the ceiling ripping sheets. Toegasms all the way and by the bucket load.”

  I laughed. “God, I’ve missed you, Tabs.” I reached for my bag. “I nearly forgot, I brought the donuts. It looks like you could use a bit of weight, Tabitha. You’re looking skinnier.”

  “I haven’t had much time to eat.”

  “So, it would seem. Apart from all the sex, what else is happening?” I asked, heading to the kitchen.

  I emptied the contents of the box onto a plate.

  Tabitha picked up a donut. “Not much, just shopping, eating out. Evan’s cashed up. I mean not as much as Aidan. But then, he’s one of LA’s richest, so that would be a stretch. But Evan’s doing really well. And he’s so generous. He owns an apartment in Hawaii, and one in New York as well.”

  “But what’s he like? Outside of the bedroom, I mean,” I asked, biting into a donut. The chocolate ejaculating onto my tongue made my taste buds dance with delight.

  “He’s sweet, interesting, and what can I say?” She shrugged. “He’s just hot, Clary.” I recognized her heavy-lidded gaze well enough. Tabitha found it hard to separate hot sex from anything too serious.

  “It’s love then?” I said, tilting my head.

  She nodded sweetly while ravaging a donut.

  “Okay, enough about me. Now Clarissa, what are you going to do to get back with Aidan? Sixty roses suggest you won’t have to do much. And by the way, Evan mentioned that Aidan always talks about you. They’re best buddies, you know?”

  I grew a few inches. “Really?”

  “Uh-huh… and not only that, but he also mentioned that Aidan never spoke about women before you.”

  “Really? You’re kidding. That’s unusual for best friends.”

  “That’s what I thought. But Evan said that Aidan was not like the others.”

  I sighed slowly. “He’s unique, that’s for sure,” I muttered, almost to myself.

  “You have to forgive him, Clarissa, sweetheart.”

  Staring down at my hands, I nodded slowly.

  “When’s he returning?” Tabitha asked.


  “That’s two days away.”

  “Shit, it is, isn’t it? Oh, freaking hell.” I stared at Tabitha’s wine longingly.

  Tabitha passed me her glass. “Here, have a sip. It won’t hurt.”

  I took the glass from her and swallowed a mouthful. As the wine slid down my throat, it burned all the way down to my belly. The heat felt restorative. “I’ve got to go to a soiree on Saturday night. I have to perform.” I twisted my lips.

  “What the hell’s a soiree? That sounds very nineteenth century to me.”

  “It is very nineteenth century. A couple from Aidan’s neighborhood asked me to give a short lecture on Klimt, even though technically he’s early twentieth century.”

  Tabitha frowned. “Klimt?”

  “Gustave Klimt, an Austrian painter. You know that painting titled The Kiss? It was printed on a T-shirt that Aidan gifted me. The one you liked so much you begged me to let you borrow it?”

  Tabitha nodded. “I love that image. What’s the problem, then? That’s right up your alley.”

  “It is. But I don’t like public speaking. And if I see Aidan in the audience, I’ll probably have a panic attack and mess it up.”

  “You won’t fuck it up. You’re brilliant, Clary. Just drink some champagne and ramble on as if you’re telling someone you’re trying to impress. Or take something.”

  “A tranquilizer, you mean?” I asked.

  “Yeah, a beta-blocker, perhaps. I took one when I had to do a presentation at college. It worked well,” said Tabitha. “Hey, Clary.”


  “Can I show you something?”

  I nodded. “Yeah, sure. What is it?”

  Tabitha crooked her finger for me to follow her. “Now promise me you won’t freak out.”

  My curiosity was well and truly piqued as I followed her into a room. “Holy shit, Tabitha, what’s this?” My jaw was on the ground.

  There were whips of every description hanging on the wall. The bed came with ties at each end. I noticed leather outfits hanging. And even a mask.

  “Is this what I think it is?” I asked.

  Tabitha nodded. A slow, wicked grin formed. “Ah-hu.”

  “Who does the whipping? You or him?”

  “He does.” She rubbed her wrists. I grabbed them and noticed red marks.

  “Oh, Tabs. He did that to you?” My voice went up a register.

  “It’s not like it seems. I love it. At first it freaked me out. But then, when he blindfolded me… It’s indescribable. It’s the sexiest experience I’ve ever had.”

  My brows knitted. “Tabs, what are you telling me? That Evan is some kind of Christian Grey?”

  “Maybe. Not as rich. But he’s fucking just as hot.” She fanned her face and giggled.

  “But doesn’t it hurt?”

“At times it does. But then, I have a safe word, and he always plays by the rules and stops.”

  “Holy shit, Tabitha. That’s so kinky.”

  “Yeah, isn’t it? I love it.” Her peachy complexion shone. Tabitha meant it.

  I inspected the paraphernalia closely. He had quite a collection. I went to touch one but stopped. I wasn’t sure where they’d been. There were also handcuffs and equipment, the function of which, I didn’t quite understand.

  “This is so medieval. It’s like a torture chamber.”

  Tabitha giggled. “I knew you’d say that. But I had to show you. I’ve been dying to tell you about it. It’s incredible. The orgasms are so far reaching and intense. I hope these walls are soundproofed.”

  “How did it start? Did he just bring you into the room and start whipping you?”

  “No.” Tabitha laughed. “It started with spanking.”

  “Right. And you liked that?”

  “Fuck, yeah. It was hot. It got to the point where I would do something I knew that he wouldn’t approve of just so he’d lay me on his lap and spank me.”

  “Do you hit him?” I asked.

  “No. I’m his submissive.”

  “Do you know what you’re doing? I mean, Tabitha, I don’t want you to get screwed up by this.”

  “Evan and I spoke at length about it. He’s so sweet. And I’m hooked, Clary. I’d read about it. But I never thought I’d get into it. And when he enters me, it’s like a hot, fiery charge. All my senses are so heightened, especially with the blindfold on.”

  I pondered this. It was the last thing I had expected. But then, Tabitha had always had a dark, seedy side to her nature. “Have you got marks on your back?”

  She lifted her blouse, and there were indeed red marks from where she’d been whipped. Not welts as such. But her back was bruised.

  “Shit, Tabi. Doesn’t it hurt?”

  “A little, but I’m good.” She lowered her blouse and put her arm around me. We went back into the living room in silence.

  “Can you promise not to tell Aidan?”

  “Sure, if you like. Not that he’d mind. He’s a grown-up, after all.”

  “It’s Evan. He wants this to remain a secret. He’d be pissed if he knew that I told you. But”—she played with my ponytail— “we’re sisters. We don’t do secrets.”

  I didn’t know whether to be touched or alarmed.


  It had been a while since I’d eaten in the dining room. Dreamy Impressionist landscapes in gilded frames leapt off the red walls. It was such a dynamic celebration of color, the contrast striking. And, like everything on the Thornhill estate, satisfyingly aesthetic. I recall Aidan saying in his heart-stopping husky voice, “Surrounding myself with beauty is my life mission. I set a high value on it.” If that wasn’t enough to make my heart melt, then the way his eyes devoured me when uttering the word “beauty” was.

  While I was indulging in poignant Aidan moments, a delicious aroma floated in. Will was such a brilliant cook. His cooking always managed to rouse my appetite. My tummy rumbled for the first time in weeks.

  “There you are, sweetheart,” said my father.

  I rose from my chair, and we hugged.

  “Hi, Daddy, I’ve missed you,” I said choking back the tears.

  “And I you, darling,” he said as he pulled back his head to look at me.

  “You’re here now, and that’s what counts.”

  I smiled gently, managing to swallow back my tears. “It’s so lovely here,” I said, sitting down.

  “Isn’t it? This is how we dine every night.” He smiled. “Greta should be here soon. She had to take a call.”

  “Nothing serious, I hope,” I asked. I didn’t know why I asked that. I was looking for anything on Aidan, I suppose.

  He shook his head. “Not sure, love. Anyway”—he rubbed his hands— “how marvelous to have you back here, Clarissa. This is your home. It suits you here. The place just wasn’t the same without you.”

  “I’ve only been away two weeks.” I helped myself to a bread stick.

  “That you have. But you know what I mean,” he said with a tight, off-center smile.

  “I suppose.” I sighed deeply.

  “What’s wrong, sweetheart?”

  “Oh, Dad. I don’t know what to do. I’m adrift.”

  “About Aidan you mean?”

  I nodded wistfully. “Isn’t it always about him?”

  “I suppose it is. I’m not the best when it comes to discussing sticky romantic situations. You know me, books and nothing but books.”

  I balanced my chin on my palm. “How’s the library going?”

  His eyes lit up. There was my father’s magic elixir to happiness. “Oh, it’s amazing. I’m more than up to my ears with things to do,” he gushed as he poured wine into my glass.

  When Greta strolled in, my father turned to greet her with a charming smile. It was such a lovely moment between them that my sagging spirit lifted. Sitting up straight for the first time in weeks, I indulged in a wave of warmth. At least my beautiful father was happy.

  “Hello, Clarissa.” Her blue eyes reflected warmth. “Nice to have you join us.” She rubbed her hands together. “Mm… that smells delicious. I am starving. I haven’t had much time to eat today.” She lifted her glass of wine. “Cheers.”

  The new maid, Susana, sashayed in. I had forgotten how good-looking she was. As my eyes followed her wiggly butt, I noticed she was dressed in figure-hugging jeans and a tight, low-cut blouse. I’m sure, had he been there, it was all for Aidan’s benefit.

  I missed the plainer Melanie, even if she was a gossip. Despite Aidan admitting to a taste for brunettes, I still didn’t like this new blonde maid. There was that hungry look in her eyes. I suppose I couldn’t blame her. Aidan was one hell of a catch, as Tabitha always reminded me.

  I watched with distaste as her perky breasts were offered up as a feast. My father was oblivious. His eyes were on the delicious platter of carved roast beef and vegetables. Picturing her doing this around Aidan made my veins ice.

  “Have you met Susana?” Greta asked me.

  I nodded coolly. “Yes, we met briefly.”

  As her equally cool blue eyes met mine, I was sure they said, “Yes, I remember. You had just tasted my hunky new boss, who was dressed in that tiny towel, teasingly covering his magnificent, clit-swelling body.”

  I looked away quickly just in case she could read my insecurity. I was never like this before. Cattiness was not my thing. But then, my obsession for Aidan had deranged me.

  “Will that be all for now?” Susana asked Greta.

  Just like the first time we met, Susana made me feel invisible.

  I shifted my attention to Greta. “How are things going? You mentioned that your work load’s intensified now that Bryce is gone. Can I help with anything? I’m eager to work.”

  Greta wiped her mouth with a cotton serviette. “I could use a hand. There’s a new program that Aidan specifically asked me to discuss with you.”

  I stopped cutting into my meat and looked up. “Oh, really?”

  She nodded. “He has this plan to set up art classes at the Veterans’ Health Center. He hopes that once everything is in full swing, we can run quarterly auctions of the best works in order to raise funds.” She had an enigmatic expression, which was not unusual for Greta. I couldn’t tell if she thought it was a worthy idea or a half-baked one.

  I, however, could barely contain my excitement. My enthusiasm burned into my face. “Oh my God, that is so great.”

  “Isn’t it?” My father chimed in.

  “It is, for sure. I mean, art is so healing. And everyone can have a go. It doesn’t need to be anything but just that. And it can be, in my opinion, a fantastic way to procure original works, straight from the heart.”

  “Well said, sweetheart. My sentiments exactly,” said my father, refilling our glasses.

  “I’m sure that’s what Aidan was thinking.
Mind you, I don’t know how much money we’ll manage to raise from this method, as colorful as it sounds. No pun intended.” Greta’s lips curved slightly.

  My father chuckled.

  “The gala events brought in cash for all the charities Aidan supports. I’m not sure this will be able to deliver the same results,” said Greta, glancing from my father to me.

  I nodded thoughtfully. “So, will Aidan extend this program to the women’s and children’s shelter?”

  “Eventually. He just wants to see how things progress at the VHC first before taking it further.”

  “It’s a marvelous idea. I love it. And I want to help in every possible way to foster it.”

  “Good. We’ll discuss it in the morning,” replied Greta, reaching for her wine.


  I bounced out of bed. It was the first time in weeks I was driven by a sense of purpose. A project was what I needed. And as I opened the French doors out to the patio, I welcomed the sunny morning with an open heart. My lips even curled up for a change, which nearly made my face crack from lack of exercise, given that it had been a frozen lump for the past fortnight.

  I stepped out, clutching a cup of coffee. My eyes went straight to the old willow, my dear friend. After checking to see that no one was around, I greeted the thick trunk with a hug.

  Life had a new shine.

  No more moping about. No more head hanging heavily with unwashed, uncombed hair dragging my sad body down to the ground. I even tossed out the old, tear-stained T-shirt bearing my old college logo. Considering my unhealthy tendency to hold onto the past, it was not an easy thing to do.

  I popped my feet up on the seat. The sun kissed my flesh, sending shivers of warmth through me. I had missed all of this. Could I do this without Aidan? And would I need to?

  A pretty bluebird landed on the table. “Hello, you gorgeous creature,” I said, glancing over at the bird-food bowl, which was in sad want of seed. “You need feeding, don’t you?”

  I went back in, grabbed the box of bird seed, and poured it into the bowl.

  What a sweet, fantastical creature. I had often marveled at these creatures with Aidan. Much to my joy, he loved nature as much as I did. We often watched the sea birds catching the wind, gliding miraculously and diving into the sea, delighting in their agility and power.


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