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The Battlefield Series 7: Disguising the Truth (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 13

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  He didn’t know what Chloe did when she went over there, but whatever it was, helped. He caught her eye and he gave a wink. She smiled and then went to help another group of guys with drinks. He took a slug from his bottle of beer and then caught Stephan reaching for his cell phone, look at the caller ID as if surprised and then answer it while heading out of the bar.

  “What do you think that’s about?” Scottie asked him.

  “Who the hell knows? This is the longest he has ever stuck around. I know he spoke to his boss about fully retiring. Maybe he’s tying loose ends,” Tobias said.

  “I don’t know. I’m going to ask him when he gets back,” Wallace said to them.

  “Not here. Later tonight when Chloe is asleep,” Tobias said to him.

  “So you think it has something to do with his work and maybe something he was involved in?” Scottie asked.

  “We don’t know much about what his work entailed, only what he had been doing the last year and how he met Chloe. Hopefully these calls have nothing to do with that guy who got away,” Tobias said to them.

  “Shit. I sure the hell hope not.”

  * * * *

  “So what are you thinking? That there’s someone on the inside trying to locate Celeste?” Stephan asked Brogan Rourke.

  “I don’t like the little red flags that have been popping up, Stephan. It’s hard to identify Copias’s men, but we know an operation is going on in the Caribbean. There’s some chatter that Copias is still operating these facilities and deals behind the scenes. Yet, nothing, not even a crumb on a possible location on him.”

  “Well, until you get something concrete this information is just bits and pieces of things.”

  “That could lead to a bigger plan. Listen, I know the two of you want peace and for this to truly be over, but I don’t think it is. I think Copias is alive and well and looking for Celeste.”

  “What the fuck? I can’t let him find her.”

  “We can’t, and remember I’m calling you like this to keep you informed. Maybe put those brothers of yours on guard, too.”

  “Let’s go over this real quick. The things we’re concerned about are one, some searches for Celeste under her old name and identity. Two, chatter about operations being conducted by Copias from a distance. So the asshole is still making money and in hiding with resources. Three, someone from the inside, whether federal or from the department she worked in, has been searching for her new identity and location. So who from her department talks to her still, or has she contacted that you know of?”

  “I know she spoke to Michael Crown. That was months ago. He took it hard that she was nearly killed and that he fucked up by not getting word out to the team they had organized to get in and assist in the raid. He was supposed to have a few men just as backup for our agents to get her out of there and to safety. They never showed as far as we know.”


  “I’ve had my suspicions about him and made sure to put a couple of agents on him. Found out he’s screwing one of the agents from internal affairs.”

  Stephan whistled. “That isn’t too smart.”

  “No, but aside from that the agents didn’t find much. I gave them a week on him but that was it.”

  “Well, how about just for the hell of it, you put agents on him again and dig further. I don’t want to sound paranoid, but screwing some woman no matter how hot she might be doesn’t justify putting your friend, an undercover agent no less, at risk in such a high profile investigation. He could just be a lame dick with no fucking clue, but confirmation right now will at least help in the process of elimination.”

  “You got it. I’ll get on this right away. I’ll call if I get anything more concrete.”

  “Thanks for everything.”

  “Of course, and tell Chloe I said hello.”

  “What makes you think that I’ll tell her about this?” He chuckled.

  “Knowing Chloe, you on the phone with me has already been caught on her radar and she’ll be giving you the third degree at home. Don’t leave her out of the loop. The more eyes and ears we have on alert, the better.”

  “Will do,” he said and ended the call.

  He took a deep breath and released it as he looked around the parking lot, seeing more people coming in and others leaving. He loved this town, and he never thought he would have the opportunity to place roots here, but now he had the chance. He wanted children, wanted to raise them in Repose and do it right. His mind and ideas of his wants and desires changed because of Chloe and how much he loved her. He wanted it all with her and his brothers. To be a complete family and even live normal lives. How could they do that, take the next steps with the threat of Copias lingering over their heads? They needed to find out who the rat was and where Copias was hiding out. Maybe it was time to call in some favors.

  As he walked back into the bar he bumped into Cameron. Cameron shook his hand.

  “How are you feeling, man?” Cameron asked him.

  “A lot better, thanks.”

  “Good to hear. I heard you and the brothers have been eating like kings the last week. That’s really nice for the Willis family to do that and send over food.”

  “Yeah, I hope they really take the incident to heart and start disciplining the other kids. It was a situation that could have ended differently.”

  “I know, but you handled it well. We all could have taken that kid out with a shot and then felt terribly about it afterward. I’m glad his brothers intervened. Oh, by the way, I heard just now, that about twenty minutes ago the dirt bike that went missing a few weeks back mysteriously showed up at the family’s home and with a fresh new paint job.”

  “Well, isn’t that interesting. Hey, Goose isn’t here, is he?”

  Cameron gave him a sideways look like he was nuts. Goose was retired from the Special Forces and didn’t really like hanging out and socializing a lot. The fact that he and his brothers were possibly opening up a sports bar in Repose was kind of funny, yet they’d always been into sports of every kind.

  “Why do you ask?”

  Stephan looked around them. “I may need his assistance with something.”

  Cameron squinted his eyes. “Personal or business?”

  “Personal. On the very down-low.”

  “Sounds like something right up his alley. Do you need me, too?”

  Stephan smirked. “I sure as shit hope not, ’cause that would mean some really bad shit.”

  Cameron chuckled.

  “Well, you know my credentials and capabilities. You ever need anything, I’m here for you and your brothers.”

  “I appreciate that, and same here. I’ll call Goose tomorrow. Could you give him a heads-up?”

  “Will do. Good luck and enjoy the night.”

  Stephan walked back to the bar and put on a smile.

  “Who was that?” Tobias asked him and Wallace and Scottie looked at him, trying to anticipate his response.

  “Don’t lie. We’re in this together. Chloe is all of our responsibility,” Scottie said before he could respond.

  He took a slug from the beer bottle that Chloe dropped off.

  “It was just an update on our boy Copias and his operations. Seems he’s still in business.”

  “Any word on a location?” Wallace asked and Stephan knew his brother would think nothing of taking the guy out. He would get away with it, too. Wallace was that good. They all were.

  “Unfortunately nothing. He’s out there, though. There’s some chatter and indicators of searches for Chloe but under her real name. I’m not too worried about that because the feds cover that shit good.”

  “Can you be sure about that?” Wallace asked.

  “Nothing is a hundred percent.”

  “So what is your plan?” Tobias asked.

  Stephan took another slug of beer. “I’m going to talk to Goose.”

  “Shit. You think Copias has the means to infiltrate computers and shit?”

  “I don’t under
estimate the man’s abilities. He’s resourceful. Look how he evaded capture. I’ll handle this and hopefully it’s nothing to worry about.”

  * * * *

  Chloe was in the shower when she heard the door to the bathroom open and she knew one of her men was joining her. As she turned to the left, her hands against the wall, her head lowered as she rinsed the conditioner from her hair, Tobias appeared. Her eyes immediately went from his tattoos to his ugly bruises.

  He was naked as he stepped in behind her. He wrapped an arm around her waist and began to kiss her shoulder.

  She closed her eyes and stuck her ass back and felt his thick hard cock as he lowered and stroked it against her ass. “How are you feeling?” he asked her.

  “Me? The question is, how are you feeling?”

  She turned around in his arms and ran her hands up onto his shoulders, avoiding his bruises. “I feel pretty good but it could be better.”

  She squinted her eyes at him. “Better? What’s wrong? Are you achy? Do you need something?” She panicked and he lifted her up and pressed her against the tiled wall.

  “I need you. To be buried deep inside of you where everything is perfect.”

  She smiled and cupped his cheeks then kissed him. She explored his mouth as he pressed fingers to her cunt. She was already wet and ready for him.

  She pulled back and ran her fingers through his hair as they stared at one another. She felt him maneuver his cock between her pussy lips and she slid down over his shaft, taking him inside of her. They never looked away and he began to rock into her, pressing her harder against the wall then gripping her thighs and ass to penetrate deeper.

  “I love being inside of you. Making love to you.”

  “I love it, too. I thought I wouldn’t be able to handle the four of you, and that it would be too much, but I crave each of you all the time. I love you so much, Tobias. I don’t know what I would do without you and your brothers in my life.”

  “You’ll never have to worry about that. You’re ours forever, baby. Forever.”

  He stroked faster and faster and she counterthrust downward, feeling him penetrate deeper. They were moaning and then kissed again, pulled apart and kissed again. It was erotic, sensual and as she lifted up higher he nipped her breast.

  “Tobias,” she exclaimed. She could feel her pussy tighten and her core ache.

  “You drive me crazy, baby. I’m already there. Come with me, honey. Come all over my cock,” he cheered her on and they moved faster, the water splashed between them and she tilted her head back and came. He gripped her hips, stepped back slightly so only her shoulders held her in place against the wall and he thrust repeatedly until he grunted as he came and she called out his name. “Tobias!”

  They caught their breath as they hugged one another tight. He grunted slightly and she remembered his bruises and eased back. “I’m sorry,” she said and then lowered down as he pulled from her pussy and she kissed along the bruising. He ran his hand along her shoulder and squeezed.

  “I hope the damn pain goes away soon,” he complained.

  “It will. You were shot, Tobias, and you broke two ribs. Your body needs time to heal and recover.”

  He ran his hands along her waist and stroked his thumb along the scar on her side. “How long did it take you to recover from these?”

  “Nine months or so.”

  “It must have hurt so badly. You had to be scared that you would die.”

  She stared at him and remembered that night so clearly. “I actually didn’t care as it happened. My concern was over Stephan.”

  “And I left you there. To die,” Stephan said, standing at the edge of the shower wearing boxers.

  She held on to Tobias and squinted at him.

  “You didn’t just leave me. You thought I was dead and you were pushed out of there. The place was getting shot up and you heard the gunfire.”

  “I didn’t know it was you shooting. I could have helped.”

  “Maybe if you came back you would have gotten shot.”

  “I failed you either way, and I’m not going to fail you again.”

  She squinted her eyes at him and then looked at Tobias, who seemed just as upset by his comment.

  “What is that supposed to mean? Is something going on that you’re not telling me? Does it have to do with the phone calls?”

  Tobias cupped her cheek and kissed her lips. “I’ll be in the other room. You two need to talk.”

  Tobias stepped out and gave his brother a serious expression. Stephan stepped out of his boxers and walked into the large open shower. He stepped under the spray of water and ran his fingers through his hair.

  “Brogan called me. Copias is still running operations. Specifically, there’s a deal going down in the Caribbean. There is also some chatter and some evidence of someone looking you up and trying to find you.”


  “I don’t know but I intend to find out and take care of it. Brogan is working on his end.”

  “I want in.”



  He lifted her up and pressed her against the wall. Using his hips to keep her in place, he cupped her cheeks and held her firmly.

  “You are not going anywhere near any potential situations that could harm you. Brogan has men handling this and we’ll take precautions here. I’m going to enlist some of my friends to figure out who is looking for you. I don’t want you to worry about any of it. My brothers and I will protect you.”

  “How can I not worry? I don’t want you, Tobias, Scottie, or Wallace to get hurt because of me, or anyone else for that matter.”

  “Well, you don’t have a choice.”

  “Says who?”

  “Says me and I’m in charge. This is my family, I’m the oldest and I will protect each of you with all I have. You are our woman, a civilian now and I’m never going to fail you again. Ever.” He pressed his lips to hers and kissed her.

  She ran her fingers through his hair and wanted to ask more questions and demand to know more but she felt his resistance and his need to control her and protect her. He lowered down and slid his cock right into her pussy with ease. She inhaled and then they both moaned and he immediately began to set an even pace, with deep thrusts. In and out he stroked his cock into her cunt. She ran her fingers over his shoulders and held his gaze, remembering how sad and miserable she was when he disappeared and thought he’d helped Copias. She never thought she would see him again and here they were together, lovers, a family with him and his brothers. She loved him so much she would die a thousand deaths for him. She felt desperate, emotional, and needy as she covered his mouth and kissed him deeply.

  They moaned and thrust together and when their lips parted he suckled against her neck and then to her breasts before he went back to her neck again. “I love you, Chloe, always. I will do whatever it takes to make you safe forever. Whatever it takes.”

  “I will, too. I love you that much and more. You’re my family and together we’ll handle it. Together,” she said.

  She felt her core tighten and she cried out her release and Stephan followed.

  “I love you so damn much, baby. So much,” he told her and squeezed her tight until the water began to cool, and she felt desperate to see Scottie and Wallace and make love to them next.

  * * * *

  Wallace pulled her into his arms and kissed her hard on the mouth. He rolled to his back and she immediately straddled his hips and took him inside of her.

  He was desperate to feel her pussy wrap around his cock and milk him hard. He gripped her hips and thrust upward as she stroked downward. Her breasts bobbed and swayed and her fingers dug into his shoulders as she countered his thrusts.

  “God damn, I couldn’t wait to love you tonight. To be buried deep inside of you and see this sexy, luscious body of yours. I’ve never felt anything like this, baby. Never,” he told her and ran his hand up under her hair and neck. He applied a little pressure to bri
ng her lower to kiss him. She complied immediately as Scottie moved in behind her and began to massage her ass. She moaned into Wallace’s mouth. When he released her lips she suckled his neck and widened her thighs then lifted up and back.


  “Yes,” she moaned in response to Scottie spanking her.

  “She loves a nice ass spanking. Especially when I’m balls deep in her ass,” Scottie said and Wallace felt her tighten up and then shiver.

  “Just a bit of lube, baby. I don’t want to hurt you. I want you begging for me to fuck this ass harder.”


  “Oh God, Scottie, do it. Do it,” she exclaimed.

  “Fuck yeah,” Wallace said and cupped her cheeks and kissed her again. She moaned loudly into his mouth and Wallace knew that Scottie was fucking her ass. He released her lips and she lifted up and both men began to fuck her together. Her breasts bobbed and swayed, her pussy tightened and she cried out as she came. He felt how wet she was and Scottie moved faster. “More, Chloe?” he asked her.

  “Harder, faster, I need it,” she demanded and he and Scottie moved in sync quickly. The bed dipped and Tobias was there. He stroked her cheek and then lowered her head to his cock. She immediately sucked on him. Wallace watched, felt his cock enlarge and stared as her luscious mouth moved up and down over his brother’s cock.

  “Fuck, you’re a goddess. A damn goddess,” Wallace said and came.

  “Fuck yeah,” Scottie said and thrust and thrust then smacked her ass and came.

  “Let me in there,” Stephan demanded.

  Scottie pulled out. Tobias moved and Stephan wrapped his arm around her waist and hoisted her up.

  Wallace moved out of the way and Tobias rolled into position. He watched her immediately take Tobias’s cock into her cunt and they both moaned. Then Stephan squeezed her ass, stepped in between her legs and slid right into her ass. She cried out and his brothers fucked her fast, causing the bed to shake and creak.


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