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Shifter Starter Set

Page 23

by Candace Ayers

  Her hands worked awkwardly at my belt, mine fumbled with the back of her bra. I was so drunk on her that I couldn’t find the clasp. Her knuckles brushed over my straining erection and I growled into her kiss.

  “Need you.”

  She moaned and arched into me. “Please.”

  Her broken plea sent me over the edge. I ripped the back of her bra open and was trying to get it off when I heard a throat being cleared.

  I jerked my head up in the direction of the sound and snarled viciously. My brain was slow to catch up to my reflexes which instinctively knew to protect Carter from whomever was in the house. I wrapped my arm around her and kept her hidden, pressed to my chest.

  A man who had the same eyes as Carter was staring at me with a smirk twisting his lips. But, there was something dark in those eyes, too. “Nice to see my sister getting along with the locals.”

  Sister. I relaxed slightly and hastily pulled my shirt off and slid it on to Carter. Once she was covered, my wolf wouldn’t feel the need to defend her so badly. Maybe.

  Carter pushed me away and jumped off the island. She was moving away from me before she even hit the ground. “Cannon! What are you doing here?”

  “Turns out grown up bears don’t do roller-coasters. Matt got sick. I got sick. Jellybean laughed.” He glanced back at the front of the house. “She’ll be in here in a few seconds. You might want to get yourselves together before then.”

  Carter’s face was bright red as she sent out orders. “Turn around, Cannon. Take your shirt back, Alec. I’m going to get changed in my room.”

  I got an eyeful of perfectly shaped breasts and caught my shirt as she scurried out of the kitchen. I slipped my shirt back on just as Cannon turned back around to me.

  “So, Carter’s your sister, huh?”

  He nodded. “I’ve got about twenty seconds before Jellybean rushes in here and saves your ass, but I’m getting this out. You hurt my sister, my baby sister, and I will hunt you down. You have never known pain like I will—”

  I just smiled and shook my head. “You can save it. She’s my mate.”

  Cannon’s face went slack. “That little brat.”

  Jellybean ran into the kitchen, waving around a giant stuffed panda and a straw full of powder candy that was almost as tall as she was. She spotted me and her smile grew. “Alec Patterson! You came over!”

  Another man slipped into the room behind Cannon, looking a little green. He still sniffed the room, though, and his eyes narrowed on me. He wrapped his arm around Cannon’s waist and nodded my way. “Did we interrupt something?”

  Carter slipped back into the room, fully dressed, and rushed to grab Jellybean in a hug. “Hi, peanut! You’re back early.”

  “Uncle Cancan got sick. He threw up all over a boy.” She turned to me and her little smile widened. “I didn’t throw up. I was tougher than them.”

  I laughed and grinned back at her. Her exuberance tugged at a part of me that I hadn’t known existed. I’d never particularly wanted children. I never thought I’d have time or the extra energy for them. But seeing her, a little chip off my mate, sparked in me the same protective instincts for her that I had for Carter. That deep ache in my chest throbbed and I rubbed it. I wanted this little family as my own.

  “Jellybean, why don’t you show your mom your new toys in your room?” Cannon kept his smile in place, but I could tell he was eager to threaten me some more. I could take it.

  Carter smiled at her brother, but there was a threat of her own in it. “I’ll be right back. Behave, Uncle Cancan.”

  I watched her go and bit back a grunt. The sway of her hips drew my eyes despite her brother being feet away.

  Cannon wasted no time. “You’re really her mate?”

  I nodded. “Really.”

  “It doesn’t change anything. If you hurt her, I’ll hurt you. She hasn’t been herself lately. Are you the reason why?”

  I let out a slow breath. I wasn’t going to lie. “When I arrived in Helen’s Corner, I came with a fiancée. As soon as I saw Carter, I knew I had to end the engagement. It took longer than I would’ve liked. I didn’t handle it as well as I should have. That’s all done now, though. Carter’s my mate and I’m going to claim her, as soon as she lets me.”

  Cannon shook his head. “My sister is a good woman. The best. She’s better than you could ever deserve—”

  “That’s for sure.”

  “She’s been through a lot…”

  I gritted my teeth. Picturing Carter having to go through trouble didn’t sit well with me. “We haven’t talked about our pasts, yet. I think I have an idea of what some of it might have been, though. I’ll protect her with my life. I won’t take her for granted. I know how lucky I got with her.”

  “How are you going to take care of her?”

  Not with a huge merger with Dames, Inc., that much was for sure. “I’m employed. I’m working on restructuring things so I can remain here in Helen’s Corner. She’ll be taken care of, though.”

  “She’d better be.”

  The other man rubbed Cannon’s arm and smiled at me. “Cannon is a little protective of his sister. He’s not usually such an uptight prick. Really.”

  I shrugged it off. I understood. I would feel the same way and worse about anyone new coming into Carter’s life. “I’d be upset if he didn’t care about what happened to her.”

  “I’m Matt, by the way. Cannon’s mate.” He elbowed Cannon. “Thanks for introducing me.”

  Cannon winced. “Sorry. I was a little distracted by walking in on my sister sucking face with a wolf.”

  “Where’s a wolf? What’s sucking face?” Jellybean asked her question from the edge of the hallway, her eyes wide. She looked from me to her uncle and then up at her mom, who was frozen behind her. “What’s sucking face, Mommy?”

  Cannon snorted before giving in to a full out belly laugh. Matt held up his hands and shook his head. When Carter looked at me, I sent her a grin and watched as redness crept up her neck.

  “Let’s go back to your room and play some more, okay?”

  I’d never seen a bear move faster.



  “They went back to Texas this morning. Jellybean wanted to go too, so they’re keeping her another week. Hopefully, they’ll be more equipped to deal with her puppy dog eyes now.”

  Muddy snorted. “That’s highly unlikely. That girl could bring anyone to their knees with those eyes. You’re going to be in trouble when she gets older.”

  I didn’t want to think about that. It gave me chills to think of my baby growing up too fast. I’d grown up too fast and things hadn’t gone all that well for me. I wouldn’t change the past because I ended up with Jellybean, but the journey had not been easy.

  “I saw you making goo goo eyes at Mr. Patterson this morning.” She looked over at me and smirked. “He got to you, didn’t he?”

  I thought about him getting to me on my kitchen island and blushed. He’d gotten to me, alright. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. I wasn’t making eyes with anyone.”

  “Come on. Something happened. Again. I know it.”

  I was quickly getting lost in the hope that wouldn’t stop blossoming in my chest. I couldn’t help wanting more. Cannon and Matt had stayed the night, so Alec and I hadn’t been able to be alone. I’d avoided his question. Not that I would’ve known what to say. I could just imagine my opening line being something about how I was too untrusting of men to get into a serious relationship, but if he wanted to keep touching and kissing me, I would be into that.

  Because, damn, I was so into that.

  “Something did happen! I knew it!”

  I groaned and pulled out a tray of perfectly baked cookies. They looked beautiful and the smell coming from them made my mouth water.

  “Holy shit. Did he fuck you into baking better?”

  I scowled at her. “You’re a pervert.”

  “You know it.” She laughed. “Now, tell
me. Did he show you all of his doggie tricks last night?”

  Not nearly enough of them. My body still pulsed with the unquenched need. I wanted him, and I was terrified of what that meant, but I knew I wasn’t strong enough to resist him.

  “We didn’t do anything, really. Cannon and Matt came back with Jellybean and interrupted.”

  “That’s the worst thing I’ve ever heard! Are you going to finish it tonight?”

  That was the million-dollar question. Part of me wanted to run out in the dining room and invite Alec back to my house for the night. Then, there was another part that reminded me I barely knew him. The things I had learned about him weren’t that great. He’d cheated on his fiancée and had only been engaged in the first place to get ahead in business. Was that the kind of man I wanted?

  Even as I was debating, the intense longing I’d felt the night before was ever present. But, was I falling for another man who was no good? I wanted to believe that wasn’t the case. I wanted to trust myself again.

  “It wasn’t a complicated question, Carter.”

  “You have no idea how complicated it is.” I started cleaning up and looked back at Muddy. “Are we sure the universe always gets it right with mates?”

  Muddy stared off into space and sighed. “I think so. I think we don’t always get it right.”

  There was something behind her response. Something that went deeper than just philosophizing with a friend. “I want to ask, but I’m not sure my brain can handle any more complication right now.”

  She laughed. “Don’t worry. It’s not a story I’m willing to tell. We’ve all got those.”

  “Let’s toast.” I stole one of the cookies and took a bite. It was good. Better than good. My mojo had returned.

  Muddy did the same and tapped her cookie against mine. “Whatever that man did to you, have him keep it up. These cookies are fucking awesome.”

  We finished cleaning and putting stuff up with lighter conversational topics. I had a feeling that Muddy’s mind was just as busy as mine. I was confused about what I should do about Alec. I was scared, truthfully. I didn’t want to be hurt again. I still wasn’t ready to trust.

  I was so distracted that I barely noticed Muddy wander off to handle cleaning a room upstairs. I was so distracted that I didn’t pay attention when walking into the walk-in fridge in the storage room off the kitchen. I was so distracted that I forgot about the faulty latch mechanism on the inside, and let the door slam shut behind me. I was so distracted I didn’t even realize what I’d done until I turned around and saw the closed door.

  I gasped and rushed at the door, pushing and shoving at it with my body until I was breathing heavily. I knew there was no real reason to panic because Muddy would come in and find me. There was still a jug of milk sitting on the counter that she’d have to put away. In the meantime, I just had to sit in there and wait. That didn’t go over too well with my bear. Or me.

  Feeling stupid, but desperate, I started screaming. I wasn’t even making any sense, just yelling. I wanted out of what was quickly beginning to feel like a casket.

  My chest tightened and I tugged off the apron I wore. I pulled at the neck of my shirt, thinking it felt too tight and fanned myself with my other hand. It was hot. Why was it so freakin’ hot in a fridge?

  Was there an air flow in there? I looked around and didn’t see a vent. There wasn’t enough air! I was going to suffocate.

  I was considering shifting and ramming the door down when it swung open. Alec stood staring, his face drawn tight with worry. Before I could rush out and into his arms, he stepped inside and pulled me into a hug.

  “Are you okay? I heard you screaming.”

  Even his deep voice wasn’t enough to make me feel better when I watched the door close behind him. I slapped his chest and kept right on fanning myself.

  “We’re going to die in here. Now there’s two people sucking up all the air. We’re going to die faster. Why’d you let that door close? Oh, my god.”

  Alec turned and did the same thing as me, pushing at the door and grunting with the effort he was putting in. “It’s broken.”

  I grabbed a package of cheese from the shelf next to me and put it on my hot forehead. “This is not how I wanted to die.”

  He turned to me and grinned. “Cupcake, we’re not dying. Maybe when we’re old and gray and have lived a very full life together, but not like this.”

  His words sank in and I wasn’t sure what panicked me more, that we were trapped in a walk-in fridge, or that he was talking to me like we were going to grow old together.

  “I think I’m going to pass out now.”



  “You are not going to pass out. Look at me.” Alec took my face in his hands and held me close. “There’s a vent pumping air in here. It’s not that cold. Muddy will come looking for you soon. I’ll shift and break down the door if I need to. I won’t let anything happen to you. We are completely okay in here.”

  I looked into his eyes and felt myself calming. “We’re okay?”

  He smiled. “We’re okay.”

  That sounded good. Really good. In that moment, a moment of terror, I liked the idea of Alec taking care of me.

  “I take it this isn’t a good time to finish what we started last night.”

  “Don’t be a dick.”

  “I thought so.” He laughed and held me tighter to his chest. “I’ll always take care of you, Carter. You’re my mate.”

  “You changed speeds pretty quickly. Yesterday, you were engaged to be married to someone else.” I thought about the bite mark on his neck and gritted my teeth. “You were having sex with someone else. Your actions leave me with a lot of questions about your intentions.”

  “I wasn’t having sex with her! I admit that technically I cheated on Chelsie with you. Maybe not the best way to handle things. But, I promise you I haven’t touched her since I laid eyes on you. I swear. I wouldn’t have been able to even if I’d wanted to—which I didn’t! All I could think about was you, Carter.” He stroked his hands up and down my back. “My execution was flawed, but I’ve got it figured out now.”

  My fear warred with a weird but ever present sliver of hope and loosened my lips. “It’s not easy to trust… I don’t trust easily.”

  “Someone hurt you.” He said it as a statement and his eyes glowed as his wolf moved closer to the surface. “Where is he?”

  I roughly shook my head and pressed my forehead to his chest, not able to look at him as I spoke my ugly truth. “He hurt me. I ran with Jellybean, but he followed. Cannon helped me hide, but he found us. He shot Cannon and almost killed him. Cannon…” I swallowed the lump in my throat unable to finish that sentence.

  “Cannon killed him?” Alec’s voice was matter of fact.

  I nodded and let him wrap his arms tighter around me. He was squeezing me tightly, but it felt good. I needed his closeness. “I knew we weren’t mates, but our kind don’t always find true mates. He was nice and he made me feel special. I thought I was in love with him. Then, I got pregnant…” I could feel my body tensing.

  His hands stroked my back and arms comfortingly. “I’m not him, Carter. I would never intentionally hurt you. Our beginning wasn’t perfect, but I intend to make the rest of our lives as close to perfect as I can.”

  I almost believed him. It scared the hell out of me, but there it was. “How does this work?”

  He pulled back enough to meet my eyes. “What do you mean? Tell me what you’re scared of.”

  “Everything.” I laughed, and then sobered. “I have Jellybean. I don’t come without her.”

  “Okay, now I know we have to communicate more. I would never expect you to come without your daughter. I want all of you. Especially your beautiful child. Everything else, too. I’ll take the good, the bad, the secrets, everything. We were made for each other. I trust this enough for the both of us, Carter.”

  The door opened behind Alec and Muddy peeked in. “Serio
usly? Can’t you two get a real room like normal people? I rent them out. Ask me about my rates.”

  I blinked away tears that I didn’t want her to see and adjusted my shirt as I stepped away from Alec. “We got locked in.”

  She made a show of bowing. “Then, I guess I’m a hero.”

  Alec followed me out and, once we were in the kitchen, pulled me into his arms again. He pressed a kiss to my mouth and pulled back. “I’ve got to take care of some stuff, but I’ll be back.”

  I nodded, wishing he’d stay and kiss me again. He didn’t, though. He let me go and strode purposefully out of the kitchen. I stood there, my heart in my throat, watching after the man.

  Hope had taken over and I was letting myself start to consider a future with him.



  I had a lot of loose ends to wrap up in the city, and the sooner I tackled them the better. I was in a rush. I hadn’t even left yet and already I couldn’t wait to get back to Carter.

  I’d have to deliver the bad news to the board about the merger. And I had something special planned for Carter. I also wanted to get back before my dad arrived in Helen’s Corner.

  I was planning to transfer most of the business decisions to my second in command, Howard. He’d been by my side for so long that he knew the business just as well as I did. He was going to shit bricks that I ruined the Dames deal, but I could handle his disappointment.

  He’d be given a huge raise along with the increased work load I’d be handing him. He could still call me in for the big decisions, but I was going to be focusing on a different part of the business.

  I planned to call Dad on the way back to the city and let him know when I’d be back in Helen’s Corner. Dad would be helping me get the new venture together, and checking out the empty storefront for me. I wanted to be hands on again. I wanted something small. Something that would let me take lunches with Carter and be home in time for dinner.


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