Shifter Starter Set

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Shifter Starter Set Page 31

by Candace Ayers

  “Fuck. I can’t wait, Sky.” He settled into a big chair on his patio and positioned me on top of him. “I need to be one with you.”

  Sitting on his lap, my thighs spread wide open, I was completely on display. His eyes raked over my chest and then my pussy, drinking me in. The way he looked at me, I’d never felt more beautiful. I wanted him to look. I felt like I’d gone wild. I stretched my arms above my head and bit my lip as he growled.

  His big hands captured my breasts and tweaked my nipples before one of his hands trailed down my stomach and cupped my core. His palm pressed against my clit and his fingers played against my folds. “Are you sure you’re ready?”

  I nodded. “Yes. Do it. Please”

  His fingers dipped lower and spread my folds. The tip of him pressed against me and I held my breath. As his head pushed into me, I gasped at how amazing it felt. The pressure of it was intense as more of him slowly eased into me. My body stretched and pulsed around him. Holy crap. He felt incredible.


  I nodded and then cried out as I was filled even more. I gripped his shoulders and blew out a rough breath before forcing myself down on him. Sinking until my thighs rested against his, I could feel him in what seemed like every single nerve ending of my body. He was fully inside me and I wasn’t sure whether I wanted to beg him to be still or beg him to start moving.

  My heart pounded and when I met Beast’s eyes, my world altered. For a moment, I felt every crazy thing he’d been telling me down to my very soul. Mate. Dragon. I was meant for him. We were made for each other.

  His eyes glowed, the gold flecks shimmering. His hands gripped my ass and as he sat up, his shaft hit different nerve endings and I released a loud moan. His mouth captured mine, his tongue invaded my mouth and danced with mine, devouring me, my whole body was heading towards an orgasm that would top the record books.

  My body tightened and a fire bloomed in my core. It spread to my stomach and limbs until it reached my fingers and toes, as though pure pleasure was consuming me. It was almost painful in its intensity until Beast started moving. The friction of him moving out of me and back in caused the burning to twist itself, turning to ecstasy. A tsunami of exquisite bliss rolled and crashed against the fire in me, neither of them being diminished by the other, each wrecking me in their own way.

  Orgasms had never felt that way with my vibrator. Even the ones Beast had given me with his mouth didn’t compare…nothing had ever felt that way. I was soaring above my body, flying, and I had major doubts that I’d ever come back down.

  I followed Beast. When he thrust, I rolled my hips into him. It felt right to my untrained body and the growls that he released let me know he liked it. With my body in turmoil, I desperately needed him to feel the same.

  Beast wasn’t just staring at me with glowing eyes, though. When he gritted his teeth and thrust into me harder, I noticed that his teeth had grown longer, sharper. The bare skin of his chest rippled between black and gold shimmers and his normal tanned flesh coloring. Gold veins ran through his skin. His shaft inside of me felt longer, harder.

  It all just made me hotter. He wasn’t in complete control of his body. Something was happening to him, just as it was happening to me. I gripped his shoulders and rode him, my body demanding more, demanding release. Harder, faster, I cried out and moaned his name while he hammered into me from below.

  One of his massive hands came up and I saw that the tips of his fingers had lengthened into sharp claws. I should’ve panicked. I should’ve been afraid. Even as he gripped my hair and pulled my head to the side, I rode him. Even as he leaned forward and those sharp teeth flashed as he opened his mouth, I rode him. When those teeth sank into the flesh of my shoulder, the fire in my body won. A mix of burning, intense pleasure and pain overtook me.

  Every single nerve ending in my body reacted. Electrical impulses surged through me and I screamed as my orgasm began to shudder through me. It raced through my veins, feeding into my core that tightened like a vice around Beast’s swelling erection, and into my shoulder where I could feel Beast sucking at me, tasting me. Feeling like I’d split into a million pieces, my body tightened in on itself until the waves came rushing through, dousing everything in a pulsing, throbbing sensation of pure ecstasy. I came like a freight train on top of Beast, milking his cock until he shot his seed into me, a wild roar ripping from him as he yanked his teeth out of my skin and fell back into the chair, my blood dripping from the corners of his lips.

  I watched him through heavy lids as my orgasm continued.



  I came and then I went, out like a light. I passed out on Beast’s chest and didn’t wake up until the smell of roasting meat tickled my nose. I didn’t want to open my eyes. I was on a cloud. It had to be a cloud. Nothing else could feel so soft and luxurious.

  “Hello, beautiful mate.” Beast’s low voice came from somewhere in the room and I couldn’t help but finally open my eyes to find him.

  Standing in the doorway to the room, he was backlit. The only light in the dark room spilled in from the living room behind Beast. He looked bigger, more demanding than ever. I could see that he was naked, the backlit silhouette of his hanging shaft blush-worthy.

  “Do I pass inspection?” He sounded amused, lighter than I’d ever heard him.

  I sat up, bringing the blanket with me, and bit my lip. “What time is it?”

  “Late. The sun went down an hour ago.”

  I gasped. “The boys!”

  He stalked into the room and knelt beside the bed, his hands finding the blanket and slowly pulling it down. “I took care of them.”

  When I gasped again, he chuckled. The sound was so low and gravely that my pulse raced and tingle shot through my veins.

  “I did not mean that I ended them. I would not hurt the young males, mate. They’re mine now, too.” His finger trailed down my neck, over my shoulder. When my skin tingled there, he smiled. “It’s rare for a dragon to find his mate. My brothers here are overjoyed for me and they are celebrating. Cezar is a very good dragon and is quite fond of younglings. He has welcomed the males to his castle. They are excited to stay with him and with your blessing, he would like for them to stay a few days longer. Cezar is very set on the ways of this world. He will take them to school and cook them nice meals and care for them in any way they require.”

  “Oh…” I stuttered. “Uh, y-yeah, sure. He has my, um, blessing. You’re sure Nick and Casey are okay with it? And that I can trust this Cezar?”

  “I would trust Cezar with my own life. And yes, the young males were very excited to stay with Cezar.”

  Nick and Casey were probably happy to have a man around for a while. I felt another pang of guilt in regards to my parenting abilities and the fact that I hadn’t provided the boys with a male role model to help them transition into manhood.

  “We have a few days with no interference to enjoy each other.” He hummed low in his throat. “And I would like to spend every second with you and most of them in this bed.”

  “But, work…I have to go to work.”

  “If you insist on going, I will take you.”


  “The young males took him to Cezar’s house. I just wish I could see the dragon playing with that mutant.”

  I was still riding a wave of pleasure induced stupor and I just nodded. I’d be going to work, but we could hash out the details later. The rest of what he was saying didn’t make much sense, either, but I couldn’t take it apart all at one time. I needed to be out of bed and a few feet away from Beast first.

  “You are perfect.” He stood up suddenly and scooped me under my arms, lifting me to my feet in the bed like a child. Almost eye to eye with me, he shook his head and ran his fingers through my hair. “I never thought I’d find my mate. Especially here, in this world. Humans, I wouldn’t have thought they were made to handle us. But, here you are. Perfect. And I shall be so gentle with you. And I shall care
for you with everything I possess. I promise.”

  My knees felt weak. I was weak. I had so many things I needed to process and think through, but instead, I was so caught up in his compliments and sweet words that I couldn’t think straight. “There are other worlds?”

  He grinned. “Of course. My world was ruled by dragons. Some of us were harsh. Some, like Cezar were not.”

  “And you?”

  His grin diminished. “I liked power.”

  My stomach twisted and I cupped his cheek in my hand. “What happened? Why did you come here?”

  “The dragon slayers.”

  “There are dragon slayers?”

  “There are always dragon slayers, little one. In my world, they rose up and fought harder than we thought possible. We underestimated them. A grave error. They killed thousands of our brethren. We could have stayed and fought. That was my choice, and I believed we could’ve killed them all. Yet, as was pointed out, not without enduring many more casualties on our side. Cezar, always a peace-keeper and diplomat, found a way for us to leave, to spare losing any more of our race. We lived. The slayers lived. Everyone won, or so he said.”

  “Are there dragon slayers here?”

  He held my waist and pulled me into him. “A different sort, it seems.”

  “What?” Feeling instantly panicked, I looked around like there might be one of the hunters standing behind me waiting to drive a sword through Beast’s chest. Or a bullet. I was so out of my league.

  “Calm, mate. I just meant to say…” He hesitated and then kissed me. “According to our history, every dragon has its slayer. For some, it’s literal. A sword, dagger, or an arrow to the heart, killing us dead. For others, it’s just a thing we say. Swords and arrows aren’t the only way to take a dragon’s heart. Sometimes, a beautiful human female with soft curves and kisses that light fires in one’s soul is enough to capture a fierce dragon’s heart.”

  I licked my lips and swallowed. It felt comically loud. “You mean me?”

  He nodded. “Slayed me the second I saw you.”

  “Beast…” I shook my head. I wasn’t… I couldn’t be that for him. “I don’t know about all of this.”

  “I do. You do, too if you allow yourself. You feel the connection between us. I know you do. You saw me lose control. You saw me in that in between form and you didn’t run screaming. You even allowed me to mark you, drink from you. We are connected inside and out, now.”

  My heart sped up and I probably would’ve collapsed on the bed if he hadn’t lifted me into his arms. We brushed against one another, bare skin to bare skin, and it was almost enough to make me forget how alarming his statement was. Almost. Truth be told, I couldn’t be any sort of slayer to him. My first responsibility lay elsewhere. I couldn’t give the boys the life they needed if I was shacking up with a…a… dragon from another world! It wasn’t fair of me to give up on trying to create the stable, normal life that I’d been trying to create for the past six years. Something I definitely couldn’t do if I was with Beast.

  He wasn’t wrong, though. I did feel something. I had from the start, too. Otherwise, I would’ve called the cops pretty much right away. When he’d followed me home, I would have called the cops. When he’d burst into my bedroom, I would have called the cops. When he’d refused to leave my house and ended up sleeping on the couch, I would have called the cops. When he’d grown sharp ass teeth and sank them into me, well, I would have screamed and run off the dock, but then I would have called the cops. Instead, despite my fighting it, I had reacted in a completely irrational manner because of my insane attraction to him.

  It was like some sort of magic spell had suddenly taken over my entire listless and utterly magicless life and enchanted it. I wanted more, but I couldn’t remain in the magic. It wasn’t real. I knew I had to go back to normal, but wondered, nevertheless if maybe there couldn’t be some sort of compromise.

  I hated to do it, but I had to…“This is going to sound terrible, Beast, but… I can give this thing between us a week max, no more. I feel those things for you, I do, but I need to have a normal life. A stable life. A life where dragons are things of fairytales and medieval folklore. A life where I work my boring little waitressing job in a boring little café in Lafourche Parish and raise my two nephews up to be good, kind, hardworking southern gentlemen.

  “If you can’t agree to a week, I understand and will walk away now. I don’t want to, though. This whole thing is a first for me—a first in so many ways, and I want to prolong it for just a few more days.”

  He sat down with me on his lap and repositioned me so I was straddling him. “You are mine, Sky. Forever. Dragons mate for life, and it is a very, very long life.”

  I shivered. “I can’t do forever.”

  “You will. I’m going to take forever.” His low growl told me that he truly planned on it.

  I rolled my eyes. “Just tell me that you’ll accept a week and then we’ll figure it out.” It was so selfish of me, but as much as I knew I should walk away right then with all his “forever” talk, I just wanted a few more days with him. “Please.”

  He scowled. “I did not expect the first time you begged me would be for me to let you leave.”

  I smiled, seeing that that was all the give I was going to get from him. “Maybe I could do a little of the other kind of begging, if it’d make you feel better.”

  He sighed and pouted like a little boy. “It would.”

  I sank to the floor between his knees and rested my hands on his bare thighs. “I’ve never done this before.”

  Beast’s eyes glowed and I felt some of his power flood my veins. “What are you doing?”

  I waggled my eyebrows. “It’s called a blow job.”

  “A blow job?”

  I took him in my hands and nodded. “Maybe you have a different name for it where you come from.”



  We did not have blow jobs in the old world. In an instant, I rejoiced that we had left the old, outdated world behind for a new world where mates took your cock into their mouths. I dismissed any prejudices I had left of the old world being better. The new world was where I belonged. Not only because of my mate, but…blow jobs.

  I was still thinking about it the next day while I watched Sky run around the café taking food and drinks to people. After a wondrous night together, I wasn’t sure how she was still moving with so much pep. I was an immortal dragon. I had the ability to replenish everything my body needed almost instantly but she was a human.

  Her movements were slightly stiffer. Obviously, those last few rounds of love-making had left her sore. She’d driven me mad with desire, though. Her cries, demanding more each time, could not be ignored. No self-respecting dragon would deny his mate. It was my duty to satisfy my Sky. When she begged me to drive into her hard and fast, I’d worried about breaking her, but she’d taken me and given just as good.

  My mate was perfect. Not just perfect for me, although she was that, but perfect—in every way. I watched the human males in the place carefully. Surely, they could all see how beautiful, how special, she was. I worried that they’d want to try to fuck her. I’d kill any of them that dared to touch her. She was mine. Despite her silly idea of a week, I’d never let her go. She wouldn’t be able to leave me, either. She was marked. We were joined.

  Soon, she would realize that she had no reason to want to leave me. I would tend to her every need. I would shower her with everything she wanted, and I would do the same for the young males. I would fight for them just as fiercely as I would fight for her because they, too, were our family. I needed only to wait until the realization sunk into her head that we were fated to be together and that our lives were interwoven forever.

  She glanced over at me like she could hear what I was thinking, and rolled her eyes. It made me want to pull her down on the table and lick her cunt until she screamed. She knew that, too, since she grinned and swayed her hips as she walked away.
r />   Fuck. Everything about her made me come alive. My home no longer felt lonely, and after the boys came home to stay with us, it would be even better. Or, if she wanted something different, I’d build her that. I didn’t care. I’d build whatever castle she wanted, wherever she wanted.

  She sashayed her plump ass over to me after a few minutes and stopped too far away from me. “You could just go home, you know?”

  “And do what? Wish I was looking at you?”

  Her cheeks turned red and she tucked some loose strands of hair behind her ears. “You could do whatever it was you did before me. Live your life.”

  “What life? Before you, I was waiting for you. I did nothing before you, little one. I’ve been here, in this world, for almost eighty years and all I’ve done is become relatively companionable with an alligator and build my castle.”

  Her eyes went wide. “Eighty years?”


  “How old are you?”

  I raised my eyebrows, like she did. “You don’t ask a dragon how old he is.”

  “A hundred?”

  I shook my head.

  “Two hundred?”

  Again, wrong.

  “Three hundred?”


  “What? You’re older than three hundred?”

  “A lot older.”

  She swayed and then leaned against the table. “Holy shit.”

  I shrugged. “I think I look good for my age.”

  She suddenly laughed, the bright tinkling sound of it drawing the attention of almost every male in the room, which was unfortunate, because although it made my cock harden, it also made me want to kill the other males who could hear it. “You look good for any age.”

  I puffed my chest out and raised my chin in pride. “When can we leave?”


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