Shifter Starter Set

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Shifter Starter Set Page 32

by Candace Ayers

  She looked at her watch and licked her lips. “I have another four hours. I get a break in a little bit, though. We could maybe take a walk.”

  “I don’t want to walk.”

  She leaned over and pressed her lips against my ear. From that angle, I could see straight down her shirt and her heavy breasts bounced slightly in front of me. “Unless you want to have a quickie right here, in front of everyone, we have to take a walk.”

  I growled. “I will allow no one to see you.”

  “Then we’ll take a walk, my possessive dragon.”

  I kissed her hard, it was what I needed in that moment to calm myself. “Hurry.”

  She moved away, stopping by tables and charming people as I watched. She smiled sweetly and treated everyone as kindly and as friendly as possible and I watched as they naturally fell for her charms. It wasn’t hard to imagine her in the old world, in my old castle, entertaining my people as she fed them. She was the perfect queen.

  Then, she was grabbing my hand and pulling me out of the front door with her. Around the side of the building and behind an old rusted out truck that blocked us from view of anyone who happened to look down the alley towards us. And my queen dropped to her knees in front of me and took my cock into her mouth. Before I spilled my seed, I dragged her up and pushed her over the back of the truck. Sliding into her tight sheath felt like coming home.

  While I hadn’t been sure about the idea initially, by the time we were finished and back inside the café, I was a fan of quickies. My head spun and she was in complete domination of every one of my senses. Her smell, her taste, the feel of her, it was all I could process. Watching her walk around, smiling politely, knowing that I’d just released my seed in her, it fueled a flame inside that I didn’t know what to do about. I couldn’t just throw her over my shoulder and take her home, but holding on to my sanity was a savage battle as everything about her pushed me towards doing just that.

  I hoped she would not be able to walk away because if by chance she managed to, it would kill me. I would never be done. There was no way. I simply needed to show her why we belonged together, why it was the only thing that made sense.



  I wasn’t sure how I’d managed to make it through the entire work day without losing my mind. Even the quickie with Beast hadn’t been enough. I was sore and exhausted, and still my body demanded him—craved him. I’d gone from a virgin to a raging nymphomaniac in less than a day. Nothing like making up for lost time.

  After work, I was barely able to wait for him to fly us to his castle before I ripped off my clothes and we made love on the dock. The wood dug into my back and Beast had to find a splinter that had lodged itself in my hip, but it had been hot and so worth it.

  Another round later in the shower, and I was dressed in one of Beast’s shirts and a pair of his boxers that I’d had to roll about a hundred times to keep up on my hips. I was staring across the house at Beast as he worked on making something in the kitchen. I was contemplating whether or not I had it in me to go at it again right there in the kitchen. The muscles in my thighs were achy and my core was almost too sensitive to be touched, but he was so delicious and I wanted him again.

  In just a pair of boxers, he moved through the kitchen, making something for us to eat. His back rippled with strength, his meaty ass and thick, strong thighs flexed as he grabbed something from the fridge making me drool. His hair was still wet from the shower. He was hotter than any man should ever be allowed to be. It was eating my brain to be so turned on by him constantly.


  His back stiffened, but he didn’t turn to face me. “Don’t say my name like that when I know you’re too sore for me to make love to you again right now, Sky.”

  I got up and strode across to him. Wrapping my arms around him and pressing my cheek against his back, I sighed. “What is happening to me? I can’t stop this lustful ache to have you inside of me.”

  He held my arms and blew out a rough breath. “You’ll be used to me eventually, little one, and you won’t get as sore.”

  Eventually. That word. It soured my stomach. We didn’t have eventually. No matter what he said.

  I pulled away and settled on one of the stools at his island. “I want to check on the boys tonight.”

  He was quiet for a few minutes and then turned to look at me. “Cezar is bringing them over for you to see.”

  “How do you know?”

  He tapped his head. “We can communicate. He’ll be over soon. They’re playing some game right now.”

  I tried to picture the boys playing a game. They never wanted to play with me. “Really?”

  “Yeah. They’re trying to teach him how to play a video game. He’s as old as I am, though. Technology isn’t our best skill.”

  I giggled at the image. “What do you all do during the day to keep busy? If you don’t work, don’t have girlfriends, and don’t do technology, what do you do?”

  Beast stared down at the oven and cursed. “We do the same things we did in the old world. As much as possible. I built this house. I updated it after fifty years or so. I read, though the books here are strange. I tried to learn to cook for myself, but stoves do not like me.”

  I bit my lip and grinned. “You cooked last night. It was good.”

  He shook his head. “Cezar made that and dropped it off while you were sleeping. He has a stove like the ones we had in the old world. Despite trying to humanize himself, he can’t help some things.”

  “I could teach you.”

  He looked me over at me and then nodded. “Come over here.”

  The fluttering in my heart moved down to my stomach and then lower. I was mesmerized by the way his voice dropped. His words, like thick honey, tempted me. Even some of his bossiness was growing on me.

  I moved over to the stove and peeked in the oven. The chicken he’d put in was charred. “Maybe you want to just cook it for a shorter duration.”

  His arms came down on either side of me and boxed me in. His large body rubbed against my backside and I felt his erection poking into my back. “Maybe I should hire a cook.”

  I swayed my hips into him. “Maybe. It might be difficult for you to fuck me over the kitchen counter if there was a cook here, though.”

  He growled and buried his face in the crook of my neck. His teeth raked over the mark on my shoulder that wasn’t fading and one of his hands dropped to the front of my shorts and pressed against my mound. “Is that what you want, Sky? Do you want me to fuck you?”

  Every hair on my body stood up and I panted. “Yes. I want you to fuck me hard and fast and don’t hold back. I’m not as fragile as you seem to think.”

  “I don’t know if you can handle it, little one. I don’t want to hurt you. I’ve made love to you and treated you like my queen, because you are. Do you think you can take me all-out fucking you?”

  My core dripped and my body weakened like someone had pulled a magic trick with my bones. Everything felt like jelly. “Tell me how it would be.”

  “Rough. Me fucking you would be rough, Sky. I’d fuck you so hard that you screamed for me. I’d spank that plump, delicious ass of yours and pull your hair. I’d use you however I wanted. If I wanted to pull out of your sweet pussy and slide into this beautiful ass, I would. I’d tie you up and use you until I’d come all over you and you begged me to stop so you could rest.” He nipped my neck. “I wouldn’t stop, though. Not until I’d had my fill.”

  I panted. My core constricted, practically begging for him to thrust into me. “Beast…”

  “Is that something you want, little one? You want to be fucked like one of the castle whores?”

  Time froze as the words settled around us. I couldn’t tell which one of us stiffened first. I escaped from under his arm and turned to glare at him. “You had castle whores?”

  His grimace said it all. He wanted to take the words back, but it was too late. They were echoing in my head, loud and clear.
“That was a long time ago, Sky. Another lifetime.”

  “That’s how you fucked them, though? You fucked them rough and hard and you yanked their hair? Is that right? Jesus, Beast.”

  “I don’t fuck you like that, Sky. I make love to you. You have nothing to be angry about.”

  I pointed at him. “I felt you hard against me when you were talking about it. You want to fuck me like that. You want to reminisce about how you used to spend time with your castle whores? Who the hell are you? Castle whores?”

  “I was hard because you make me hard. If I want to fuck anyone, it is only you.”

  “Do you have women like that here? Whores you fuck? Do you think you’re going to have me and them, too?”

  “No!” The roar he let out shook the house, yet I refused to flinch. “I will never want anyone but you. What don’t you understand about mates?”

  “Any of it! I don’t understand any of it.” I marched over to the living room and dropped into one of the couches. I felt angry and hurt. And completely irrational. It didn’t make any sense for me to be acting like that. Yes, I knew it. I was jealous, though. I was jealous of a life he’d led so long before he’d met me that I hadn’t even been born yet. “I don’t understand anything about mates, Beast.”

  He knelt in front of me. “Now that I have found you, you are the only female I will ever desire. I would never touch another. I couldn’t. The thought of it makes me ill. I would not even be able to get hard for any other female. The idea of fucking you is what made me hard, not some faded memories from two hundred years ago. I’m sorry I said something that upset you.”

  “I’m sorry you said it, too.” I crossed my arms and sniffled as tears threatened to fall.

  “Please, Sky. Forgive me. We are mates. There will never be anyone else for either of us. I will never look at another female. You should never look at another man, not if you want him to remain living.”

  I rolled my eyes feeling incredibly, pitifully ridiculous, but I said it anyway. “This is only for the week, remember.”



  I was a complete moron for saying that to Sky. In my defense, I wasn’t used to being around females. I forgot that with females a dragon had to watch his tongue. Males either didn’t get upset when you said something you didn’t mean and went on to correct yourself, or we brawled, beat on each other, and then it was over. I cursed myself for being stupid enough to say something like that to her. She was nothing like a castle whore. I would never see her that way no matter how rough and dirty our lovemaking became. She would always be my queen. I wanted to roar a flaming, fiery inferno, though, for her sticking with the silly notion of us only lasting a week. Even though I knew it couldn’t be cut short, ever, it hurt to hear her say that.

  “It’s not just for a week. You’re lying to yourself if you really think that.”

  She frowned. “Beast… I have a life to get back to.”

  “A life that includes me, now.”

  “No. You’re…great. You’re a dragon, though, Beast. I live a normal life, in a normal world and that’s how I like it. I have to go back to it. This is fun and exciting; it has been the thrill of a lifetime for me and I promise you I will never forget it, but I can’t exist in your world. The boys can’t, either.”

  The tension in the room was high and hearing her use my being a dragon as an excuse to leave made me angry. I stood up and moved to the other side of the living room. “You can’t be with me because I’m a dragon?”

  She nodded. “Yes. I’m just a regular, everyday human. My boys are regular, everyday humans. You’re hundreds of years old. Thousands maybe. You live in the middle of a swamp. I’m just this woman who’s going to grow old and die in fifty or sixty years. You and I just don’t mesh. We come from different worlds. Literally.”

  “That’s bullshit. You’re not a regular human. You’re the mate of a warrior dragon. And we do mesh. Very well. We were meant for each other. What don’t you understand?”

  “And if I don’t want to be meant for you?” The words were so quiet that I could almost pretend that I’d imagined them. Almost. “What if I want to be a normal human and go back to the way things were? What if all of this is too much for me?”

  “I do not believe you. You are no coward.” My voice shook, anger threatening to throw me into an uncontrolled shift. “You would not run from this because you are frightened of it.”

  The tears that had been glistening in her eyes finally fell. She turned her head and wiped them away. “You don’t know that. You don’t know me.”

  The faraway sound of Cezar’s wings alerted me to his presence. I growled. “Cezar and the young males have arrived.”

  She jumped up and ran her shaking hands through her hair. “Maybe the boys and I should go…”

  I stilled, not able to process that she was really going to try and leave me. “You promised a week.”

  “It’ll just hurt more, Beast.”

  “I don’t care. I get a week.”

  She nodded. “Fine. A week.”

  “I am going to change your mind.” I grabbed her around the waist and pulled her into me for a punishing kiss. When I pulled away, I could hear the three males tromping up the dock. I growled against her lips and cupped her sex. “You are mine, Sky. You always were and you always will be.”

  She pulled away from me and I released her just before the knock at the door. She was flushed and I scented her sweet arousal. I didn’t understand why she chose to fight this so hard, but it would work out. I hoped. It had to.

  I opened the door and the young males rushed in, both of them wide-eyed and practically bouncing. Looking past them, at Cezar, I nodded a welcome to him. “I take it they liked the flight?”

  He grinned. “Yeah, I’d say.”

  “Sky! We flew here! Flew!” Casey threw his hands in the air and he looked nothing like the tormented male he had been.

  Even Nick, the older and more mature male, was giddy with excitement. “Legit. We flew. On the back of a dragon. A real dragon!”

  She gave them a sneaky look and grinned. “How do you think Beast brought me here after work?”

  Casey gasped and brushed his hair back from his face. Holding his forehead, he shook his head. “This is cray cray. What does Beast’s dragon look like? Cezar’s is bright green!”

  “With streaks of gold.” Nick tossed a look over at Cezar and smiled. “That’s the real show.”

  I felt a pang of jealousy. Nick belonged to me. He and Casey came with Sky and she was definitely mine. I wasn’t pleased that he was more impressed with Cezar than with me, but I would change that. “Are you ready to see your second dragon of the night?”

  Casey’s eyes went even wider. “Yes!”

  Nick nodded, too, looking even more thrilled. “That’d be sick!”

  Cezar tossed me a disbelieving look, but I ignored him. I could impress the young males, too. We all went outside and I kept my back to them while I stripped out of my boxers and then made a big show of running down the dock and leaping into the air.

  I shifted in midair and by the time I was descending towards the water, I had already extended my wings and was pumping, elevating my body up towards the darkening sky. I threw my head back, made sure I was clear of the trees, and let out a big breath of fire before diving back down towards the water.

  Nick and Casey were cheering at the end of the dock, but Sky was still on the patio, her arms crossed over her chest. She was pretending to be blasé and to anyone else, she may have looked the part. I knew better, though. Even as high up as I was, I could tell she was dazzled by me. Her body radiated desire. I scented it.

  Cezar must certainly have been able to scent her too if I could, and he was too fucking close. I breathed a rain of fire that he had to leap to his left to avoid. Roaring, I swooped down and grabbed Sky.

  She let out a startled shriek, but, like she’d been doing it her whole life, easily grabbed my neck and swung herself around so sh
e was riding the back of my neck. Letting out a wild laugh, she leaned back and I glanced over my shoulder to see her hair flying in the wind and her arms lifted. I could hear her heart racing and smell her. She was so aroused, I almost felt her dampness against my scales.

  I flew down and hovered above the lake letting Sky say goodnight to the males. We had somewhere else to be.

  She called to them. “Are they okay with you for another night, Cezar?”

  I growled at hearing her say his name, but her calming hand on my neck quieted me.

  “They’re great. We’re having a blast. We’re going to go learn more about the Call of Duty game together.”

  “It’s so awesome, Sky! Cezar makes us strap in with something he made so we could ride him. Safely.” Casey bounced on his feet and fist pumped the air. He was obviously almost too excited to handle what was happening.

  “Hey. If you fell off and broke your neck, your aunt wouldn’t like me very much, would she?”

  “Yeah, yeah, I get it.” Casey closed the gap between himself and Cezar and gestured excitedly at us in the air. “Let’s fly together.”

  After some encouraging from the young males, Sky and Cezar agreed and then we were all soaring through the night sky together. High enough that we wouldn’t be seen, but low enough that they could get an unobstructed view of Lafourche Parish. I allowed it until I could feel Sky wiggling on my back, eager to be alone with me.

  I signaled to Cezar that we were out of there and Sky called her goodbyes to her young nephews. When they shouted back that they loved her, too, I felt her heart skip a beat and then she hugged my neck tighter and sighed happily. How could she think leaving me would be better for her and them? No human male could give them what I could. No human male could have the young males shouting like toddlers into the night air as their dragons dove towards the earth. No human male could pleasure her until she screamed.

  Only I could do that. No one would worship her like I did.


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