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Luring Robin [Pleasure, Montana 7] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 2

by Melody Snow Monroe

“How about any kind of boots?”

  “I have my Gucci leather boots.”

  He pressed his lips together. “That’ll work traipsing around in the mud and slush.”

  “I’m not planning on traipsing. I’m here to help Bella.”

  “Bella sleeps a lot. While you’re in Montana, you’ll want to see what the place has to offer. We’re not just some hick town.”

  Don’t go there. “Maybe you two can show me around then.” I did not say that. How had that slipped out? She never was forward with men who were super sexy. Those kind always ignored her because she wasn’t model thin.

  Clay looked over at her and grinned. “We’d love to.”

  Matt, who’d said nothing the whole time, leaned forward. “Tell us what you like to do for fun in Miami.”

  Fun? What was that? She worked twelve hours a day. “I like to in-line skate, windsurf, and walk on the beach.”

  “Can’t do much of that here. What kind of job do you have?”

  She was pretty sure Bella had filled them in on what she did since she and Bella used to work together. “I do marketing for Matthew Williams Agency, which is a financial company.”

  “Sounds important.”

  She heard nothing but sincerity. “It pays the bills.” Talking about herself wasn’t high on her list. “Tell me about what you two do.”

  “I work for Clete Knight. We live on his ranch, and Clay and I run it for him.”

  “Mostly Matt runs it,” Clay said.

  The men she knew took credit when it was given. That was interesting. She turned her attention to the landscape. Even in south Florida there were miles and miles of emptiness. Hidden gems emerged if you looked hard enough.

  About an hour later, they drove through a small town. The cozy arrangement of the buildings gave her a sense of community. It was a little like South Beach in Miami, only without the glitz or the graffiti. Once they passed through the area, there wasn’t much to see but fences and what seemed like large ranches.

  When they turned down an unpaved road, the swinging sign above the entrance told her this was where Bella lived. She had to admit the huge home was nice even by Miami standards. “This is awesome.” Bella had told her that Clete used to own a string of coffee shops and was worth a mint.

  “We live about a half mile away in the back.”

  Clay parked as close as he could to the entrance, but even so, the path was covered in snow. Matt jumped out of the back and opened the door. The moment she stood, he shook his head and lifted her up with what seemed like no effort.

  “Whoa.” She held on tight to his arm. No man ever just picked her up.

  “Just thought walking in those shoes would be dangerous. If you want to fit in, you’ll have to put on something a bit more appropriate.”

  There was no censure in his voice. He was just stating a fact. It was one she happened to agree with.

  “I will.” Though she’d brought nothing that would allow her to romp around in this weather.

  He deposited her at the front door and opened it. He didn’t even knock.

  He walked in front of her. “Got your delivery!”

  Delivery? She took off his jacket and handed it to him. “Thank you.”

  Bella waddled out from the living room looking huge. “You’re finally here.” She opened her arms and continued walking toward her.

  “Oh my God, lady.” The two hugged. It was so good to see Bella again. “You’re glowing.”

  “It’s the hormones. Come on in, and let’s get you settled.” She looked toward the door. “Clay, can you put her stuff in the spare bedroom?”

  “You got it, mama.”

  “Ladies,” Matt said. “I need to go check on Storm Front.”

  The last thing she needed was to be snowed in. “When is it expected to come through?”

  Matt laughed, and the sound resonated deep in her belly.

  “Storm Front is my Arabian mare who’s about to give birth.”

  She was so out of her element. Heat raced up her face. “Sorry.”

  His smile came out kind. “Everyone makes that mistake.”

  She was sure that wasn’t true, but she appreciated his kindness.

  Clay exited the hallway. “She’s all set.”

  Matt motioned Clay. “Let’s go.”

  Clay’s jaw loosened. “We just got here.”

  “Let the ladies bond. We can come visit tomorrow.”

  That seemed to mollify him. “Robin, we’ll be seeing you.” His gaze ran from her head to her toe, but it was his smile that had her pulse racing.

  Clay nodded and followed Matt out.

  Bella gave her another hug. “Come sit down. Can I get you something to drink? I had Raven make a pitcher of sangria.”

  Music to her ears. “I’d love one, but I’m sorry you can’t join me.”

  “In no time I’ll be able to.”

  As she followed Bella into the living room, the beauty of the house stunned her. The wall at the end of the living room was all glass and overlooked a vast ranch bordered by the mountains. She could spot Bella’s touches. “I see your love of purple got woven in the design.”

  “Trust me it was a battle. I did love the New England look, and I still love the elegant paintings of bison and the western plains, but I wanted some glass artwork to remind me of Miami.”

  “I can see some place like this in Florida.”

  The front door opened, and a man with long, brown hair braided down his back came in. He stomped his feet on the mat to dislodge the snow. He looked up and smiled.

  “Hey, you arrived.” The large man came toward her. “I’m Raven.”

  He was the motorcycle designer. “Glad to meet you.”

  “Hon, would you get poor Bella, I mean Robin, a glass of sangria?”


  As soon as he was out of earshot, she turned to Bella. “Holy shit. He’s hot.”

  Bella grinned. “So are the other two. Clete’s out of town, but Hawk will be in sometime. He’s repairing motorcycles in the shop.”

  Raven returned and handed her a glass. “I’m going in to shower. Then I’ll get dinner ready.”

  She looked at Bella. “I can see why you wanted to stay in Montana.”

  “That and the great sex.” She chuckled and patted her stomach.

  Robin still couldn’t wrap her head around the idea of marrying three men, but it certainly had done wonders for her friend. “Is the doctor worried that you’re so late?”

  Bella looked down at the ground. “About that. I have a confession to make.”

  Chapter Two

  “What kind of confession?” Bella never kept any secrets from her.

  “This is a little hard to admit, but I’m not due for another two weeks.”

  That hardly was a confession. “I figured you couldn’t be accurate when you asked me to come.” Robin sipped her sangria then placed the fancy glass on the coffee table.

  “I wanted you to come so that you’d take a break.” Bella picked up her hands. “I’m worried about you, sweetie. You work too hard, have no men in your life, and don’t seem happy.”

  Her belly soured. All of that was true, but it sucked that the rest of the world seemed to notice. “Am I that transparent?”

  “Uh-huh. I think your life took a downturn after your mom passed.”

  “That’s true, but I like to think I’ve picked myself up pretty well.” She’d gotten a steal of a fabulous beach condo and now had earned a promotion.

  “You have in every way, but your love life. That’s why I’ve asked Matt and Clay to show you a good time.”

  A wave of depression slammed into her. This was just a setup? Clay at least had acted like he might have been interested in her for real. As for Matt, he might have seemed a bit put off by her attempt to look upscale, but he was considerate. Hell, how many men in Miami would lend a coat off his back to a stranger? “Here I thought they liked me.”

  Bella squeezed her hand. “Th
ey do. Trust me. You’re perfect for them.”

  The shit was getting a bit too deep. “That’s sweet, Bella, but come on. Look at me. I’m short and dumpy.”

  Bella’s mouth dropped open. “Are you kidding me? You’re hot.”

  “I’m overweight.”

  “Compared to those skinny Miami girls, maybe. But that’s what the men around here like. Trust me when I say half the town will be drooling over you. You’re beautiful both inside and out.”

  Hearing someone toss her those compliments felt good. “Thanks, but don’t forget, you were one of those skinny-ass Miami girls.”

  “I’ve changed. Before I got pregnant I gained fifteen pounds, which for me was a lot.”

  She didn’t want to get her hopes up. “Remember, I have to go back in two weeks.”

  “I know. While you’re here, I want you to have a good time.”

  “What if the baby comes?”

  “My mom promised to fly in.”

  The final piece of the deceit finally fell into place. “So you think that if I succumb to your little slice of heaven, I’ll move here?”

  Bella smiled, oh so sweetly. “One can only hope. Who knows? Maybe you’ll fall in love with two men.”

  She laughed. “I can’t even get one man to do that in Miami.” She closed her eyes for a second, imagining what it would be like to have four hands all over her body. Reality snuck in. “To be honest I make such a high salary that even the Miami gigolos are scared off. Just think how your cowboys would act if they knew the kind of money I make.”

  It looked like Bella had swallowed a smile. “Don’t judge all men by their looks.”

  * * * *

  When Robin awoke the next morning, she didn’t want to get out of bed. The cozy comforters made staying under the covers so inviting. However, remaining in bed all day wasn’t what she needed to do. Pots banged and voices sounded, which implied some, if not all, of the household was up and about.

  The moment she put her bare feet on the hardwood floor, she knew she needed to get some real clothes. The wooden floor froze her toasty toes. She had brought jeans, but her heeled boots weren’t particularly warm, and they certainly wouldn’t do if she needed to walk in the snow. Given she’d spent over four hundred dollars for them, she didn’t want them ruined by the inclement weather.

  Robin got out of bed and jumped up and down to keep warm while she rooted through her suitcase. “Christ, but it’s cold.”

  She always kept her house at eighty degrees. This felt closer to sixty-five. How had Bella adapted?

  As soon as she pulled on jeans and socks, she felt a bit better. A jog bra, long-sleeved shirt, and a pullover returned her to an almost normal human. She donned her boots and went out in search of some hot coffee.

  Bella, Raven, and who she guessed was Hawk were in the kitchen. Hawk’s appearance made her hands clench. Maybe it was the leather pants or the stern way he held his jaw, but he wasn’t one to mess with. Bella claimed he was the sappiest of the three.

  “Good morning.”

  They all turned. Bella smiled. “Morning.” She introduced her to Hawk.

  When he smiled, she could see why Bella fell for him. He was hot. Too bad he was taken.

  “What can I get you?” Raven asked.

  “How about some coffee for starters?”

  Someone knocked on the front door. A shout followed a second later. “Anyone home?”

  That sounded like Matt. What was he doing here? Did the men drop by all the time?

  “In here,” Bella called.

  Matt walked in carrying a bag and a cup of coffee and headed straight for her. “I got this for you.” He handed her the cup.

  Her fingers almost didn’t grasp it. Why was he giving her coffee? The aroma made her stomach sizzle in delight. “Is this what I think it is?”

  “One Cuban coffee. Bella said you were kind of addicted to it.”

  She lifted the lid and let the richness fill her senses. “Yes. Thank you.”

  She swore Matt’s cheeks reddened. “And here’s some flatbread. Had to go to the bakery to find it.”

  The kindness stunned her. “Again, thank you.” She looked from Matt to Bella. She knew her friend had orchestrated the whole thing, so she had to remember to keep things in perspective. Still, her heart warmed immediately to this man.

  “I thought if you weren’t busy, I’d take you boot shopping today.”

  She laughed. “I know you work for Clete. Is this part of your job description?”

  “No, ma’am. Just figured you’d be pretty miserable if you couldn’t leave the house. Being properly dressed is half the battle in Montana.”

  “Call me Robin, please.”

  “All right, Robin. What time can I pick you up?”

  She wasn’t stupid. Even if Bella had asked him to take her, she needed to go. “How about in an hour?” She needed time to finish her breakfast and clean up.

  “Works for me.” Matt nodded and headed back the way he came.

  As soon as the door shut, Bella smiled. “How do you like Pleasure so far?”

  That was a loaded question. “It’s quite amazing, especially with all the eye candy around here.”

  Hawk’s back was to her, but Raven smiled. “You want anything on that flatbread? I could put some fresh Parmesan cheese on it and sprinkle it with some special Knight spices.”

  “I feel like I’ve been transported to another planet. Yes, that sounds wonderful.”

  After she got ready, she and Bella caught up. Before she knew it, Matt was back.

  “Anyone ready for some shoe shopping?”

  She almost laughed. Men who looked like Matt Stegman didn’t seem like they’d be taking the time to help out a guest. Then again, Raven looked like he belonged in a gang and not someone who could create the most divine flatbread. Clearly she had a lot to learn about these Montana men.

  Robin held up her booted foot. “I hope these meet with your approval.” Her shoes didn’t have four-inch heels, but the boot was a bit too fancy for actually walking in the snow.

  He glanced to the ceiling. “Come on.”

  Robin hugged Bella good-bye. “Wish me luck.” Her coat was still on the living room sofa from yesterday. She dashed over to it and pulled it on.

  As soon as she came abreast of Matt, he looked over at her. “You sure you’re going to be warm enough?”

  “I’m wearing almost every layer I have.”

  “We have some major shopping to do.”

  “I got money.” Damn. Why did she have to say that? He’d think her comment was bragging. Way to go.

  Matt drove a beat-up truck. The bottom half was coated in brown frozen icicles. He opened her door, and she climbed in. Montana men seemed to have a lot better manners than the Florida boys.

  Without saying anything, he started up the engine, turned the heat dial to high and bumped on down the road. She was enjoying the scenery so much that they’d arrived in town too quickly.

  He pulled to a stop in front of the Pleasure Boot Boutique. The front window was a bit dusty, but most of the boots looked nice. She doubted she’d find anything that would make her feel attractive, but she had to stop worrying about looking good. This wasn’t Miami.

  An hour later, she left with a pair of snow boots that made her look dumpy and a cute pair of cowboy boots. She stored her good boots in the shoebox. To Matt, she probably looked like a fireplug.

  He nodded to her purchase. “I like the look.” He smiled for the first time.

  “You’re kidding, right?”

  “No.” At least he didn’t seem to mind that she was a shrimp. “Since we’re in town, I think we should take a peek at Nester’s Western Ware. They’ll have something warm you can wear.”

  Oh, goody. She could get a coat that would hang on her body and make her fatter. Suck it up. “Sure. That would be fine.”

  She did hate to be cold, so a good winter coat made sense. They walked four blocks to the store. In that time, he
r nose turned cold. She shivered, and Matt dragged an arm around her shoulders and pulled her close. “You’ll warm up once you get inside.”

  She wasn’t so sure. The store appeared quite upscale. That was a good sign. The only problem was that the coats weren’t really stylish or fitted. After trying on at least six jackets, she settled for something practical.

  After she paid, she thought he’d take her back to Bella’s and be happy about having fulfilled his obligation. “You want to catch a bite to eat at the Mountain View? I promise you won’t find better fare. Their head chef is amazing.”

  He seemed too excited for her to turn him down. “Sure.” After all, she did have to eat. Getting to look at Matt would be a bonus.

  Inside, the place was adorable and quaint. A cute waitress had come over and motioned they could sit where they wanted.

  Four of the tables were taken. Three rather sexy cowboys who were a bit loud occupied the middle table. “How about we sit near the back?”

  Matt skirted around the loud table and located one as far away from the front as possible. He held out her chair. A different waitress hurried over and couldn’t keep her eyes off Matt. Robin shouldn’t have cared, but in a way, he was hers, at least for the next two weeks.

  No sooner had they settled when three girls came in bringing with them another blast of cold air. One of the girls had long, blonde, straight hair to the middle of her back and had enough makeup to rival any Miamian. Her skinny jeans, cowboy boots and contoured jacket fit her thin body to a tee. She took off her jacket and slung it over her shoulder as if she wanted everyone to see her voluptuous boobs underneath her fitted sweater. One of the other two girls was by far the prettiest, but she had little makeup, a bulky coat and her dark, brown hair was pulled into a ponytail. In Miami she wouldn’t get noticed, but in here, she bet the men would get excited.

  The blonde with the slightly crooked nose strutted past the ogling men who were seated in the middle of the restaurant. She headed to the back, probably to use the restroom. Every head was focused on her. So much for Pleasure men liking a woman with a little meat on her body.

  When the blonde returned, one of the men whistled. The girl looked over and waved. Before the waitress even made it to their table, the pretty girl with the dark brown hair traveled to the back. All three men looked up, but resumed their conversation before she disappeared from view. What was up with that? So much for Pleasure being different. Some beliefs seemed to be universal.


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