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Luring Robin [Pleasure, Montana 7] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 4

by Melody Snow Monroe

  “Honey, they were only trying to save you the embarrassment for when they got to the Mountain View.”

  “The dance is there?”

  “It’s the only place we have to dance. Everyone goes there.”

  No wonder she’d be too dressed up. “Okay.”

  She pulled out her new boots Matt helped her buy, tossed on her jeans and a low-cut top on the bed.

  Bella held up a finger. “Let me get something. Be right back.”

  While she waited for her friend, she undressed and tugged on the jeans. Bella returned with a simple white, stretchy top. “This will be perfect for you. You’ll fit right in.”

  She wasn’t sure she wanted to fit right in. She wanted to stand out, but she decided it was best if she listened to Bella this time. After she finished dressing, she picked out new earrings to go with the outfit. Bella followed her into the bathroom.

  “Maybe you want to lighten the makeup.”

  As soon as she saw her reflection, she realized that the overblown eye shadow didn’t work with her more casual attire. “Shit.”

  She took five minutes to wash her face and get off all the makeup. “I can’t go out without any makeup.”

  Bella picked up the makeup kit. “I’ll do it. You can’t look until I’m finished.” Only after her friend applied some eyeliner, blush and lipstick did Bella announce she was done. “Turn around.”

  She didn’t recognize herself. “It looks like I just got up.” She twisted around and checked out her butt in the mirror. “My ass looks big.”

  “Nonsense. You’re beautiful. Besides men like big asses.” She patted her on the rear and laughed. “It’s going to get hot at the Mountain View. You might want to put your hair in a ponytail.”

  If she ever wore her hair like that at work, everyone would stare. “Seriously?” She wore it up only when she in-line skated or windsurfed.

  “Yes.” Bella handed her a hair tie.

  She pulled her hair back and had to admit it fit the outfit. “There.”

  Her friend smiled. “Go get ’em, honey.”

  She prayed that once they got to the dance and saw that she didn’t know how to line dance, they didn’t dump her for someone else. Oh well. She’d come to Montana to be with Bella, not find the perfect mate. Or two.

  Bella followed her out. As soon as she cleared the corner, the men stopped talking and checked her out. A broad smile captured both Clay’s face, as well as Hawk’s.

  Clay whistled. “Now that’s what I’m talking about.” He moved closer, gently rotated her around. “You look hot.”

  His exuberance sounded sincere.

  Matt shoved his hands in his pocket but said nothing.

  Bella came over to her and held out her jacket. “Don’t forget your coat.”

  Clay intercepted and helped her slip it on. “Ready?”

  Not really, but she couldn’t back down. What if the rest of the girls were made up?

  Stop it. Just enjoy yourself.

  “Let’s go.”

  Clay slipped a hand around her waist. Before they reached the car, Matt barged in between them and slung an arm around each of their shoulders, acting as if she and Clay were too close. She almost laughed at his protectiveness.

  Since Clay drove, once again Matt was relegated to the back seat. She’d have to ask to sit in the back on the way home to make it fair to Matt.

  When they arrived in town, the streets were packed. “Is it always like this on a Friday night?”

  Clay looked over at her. “Usually. I’ll drop you and Matt off and find a parking place.”

  That was nice of him. “Thanks.”

  “You might want to leave your coat here. It gets real hot inside.”

  Since the entrance was but a few feet away, she could brave the cold for the short distance. Matt jumped out first and opened the door. When they got inside, it was clear the men were telling the truth. It was hot inside.

  There were a few tables plastered along the wall. In the middle of the bar was a big dance floor with a live band playing country music from a corner stage.

  So much for being able to salsa with Clay. Matt leaned over her shoulder. “Want to give it a try?”

  She turned around and almost ran into his lips. He straightened.

  “If you’re good at leading.”

  “I am.”

  He took hold of her hand, and they maneuvered their way to the dance floor. A quick glance at the crowd made her happy she’d changed. Very few of the women were made up, but the men sure seemed happy with the ladies in their arms. There were three sets of couples in which two men danced with one woman.

  Matt picked up her hand and placed his palm on her back. “Just relax and get into the flow of the music. It’s mostly one or two long steps followed by a short step. You’ll pick up the rhythm in no time.”

  Matt’s strong lead made it easy to follow. Since the dance floor was so crowded, there wasn’t much room to take big steps. If she messed up, he’d patiently smile, explain again about the timing, and go again. By the time the song ended, she’d gotten the hang of country dancing. Out of the corner of her eye, she spotted Clay standing on a chair aiming a camera at her. She smiled and waved, but she secretly wished he’d put the dang thing away.

  As soon as the dance ended, the band announced they were taking a break and canned music poured out. Clay went up to the bar. Less than a minute later, some Cuban music blared.

  Grinning, Clay strolled over to her. “You wanna dance?”

  She eyed him. “Do you really know how to salsa?”

  “No, but I thought you could show me.”

  Everyone was either standing around or at the bar getting a refresher. “Okay.”

  Before she had a chance to explain the correct posture for salsa dancing, he straightened his back, lifted her arm with his, and pulled her close. Without notice, he strode to the right, stopped, and went the other way.

  She laughed. “You’ve never done the salsa before, have you?”

  “No, but I look good, don’t I?” He winked and took off again.

  When he dipped her, she had no fear that he’d drop her. His firm grip sent her body tingling. He pulled her up and leaned over until his mouth was inches from hers. Their eyes locked. He tugged on her back and kissed her quick before straightening. The surprise of the kiss almost made her reel. She never thought someone as good-looking and cool as Clay would kiss her in front of the whole town. Wow.

  A few of the clientele clapped. Only then did she realize the few couples that had been on the dance floor had disappeared, leaving them to act like fools. Who cared? She’d be back in Miami in twelve days. Let them gossip.

  She cleared her throat. “Let me show you the first few steps.” Starting with her left foot, she stepped forward one step, rocked back on her right then stepped back with her left. “Now we pause for one beat. We repeat with the right.”

  “Let me try it.” After two tries he’d mastered the basic step. “I like it better when the woman wraps her leg around the man and he pulls her tight against his chest.”

  “That’s like lesson one hundred.”

  The song ended. “Darn. Maybe you can show me at home.”

  She tapped his chest. “We’ll see.”

  A tall gentleman, about the same age as Matt and Clay came over. “I see you’re new in town. Care to dance?” He glanced up at Clay.

  She was about to accept when Clay pulled her close. “She’s taken, Henry.”

  Henry saluted and ambled off probably in search of another partner.

  She was about to ask him what would have been the harm in her dancing with another man when more country music came on.

  “This I can dance to.” His strong chest pressed against her.

  She guessed that answered her question. He wanted her for himself. The ego boost was really nice.

  Just as he moved her to the beat, Matt cut in. “May I?” He handed Clay his camera.

  She wasn’t sure
what the glance was between brothers, but if she had to guess, it looked as if Matt didn’t think the kiss or the chest plastering was appropriate.

  “Sure. Thanks for the dance.”

  For the next few dances, she stayed with Matt while Clay took pictures even though two different men tried to cut in.

  When the band came back on, she was about to drop. “Can I rest a bit?”

  “Sure. What can I get you to drink?”

  “Right now, I could use water.”

  Matt disappeared, and Clay found her. “Want to see the pictures I took?”

  She wasn’t sure why he wanted to photograph her. The lack of makeup would surely show up every flaw in her face. “Sure.”

  “I set the image to black and white, which is my favorite mode.” He clicked through the photos.

  “These are amazing.” Sure they were of her, but he’d captured her at all the right moments.”

  “A good subject always helps.”

  She was speechless.

  “I want to do right by you. Stop by the house tomorrow and I’ll photograph you with a proper backdrop.”

  “You have a studio set up in your house?”

  “Yup. How about at two? I’ve got to take care of some business in the morning.”

  Perhaps because it was hot in the room, or maybe it was because she was standing in front of such a sexy guy, but the image of her posing naked flashed in front of her. “Okay. What should I wear?”

  “As little as possible.”

  Chapter Four

  By the time Robin got home, her body ached. Not only had she danced until her feet hurt, but between Clay cutting in on Matt and Matt cutting in on Clay, she’d laughed hard, too. They loved to compete, and tonight she seemed to be the prize.

  However, when Clay dropped her off, both walked her to the door. They waited to make sure she got in okay and then left. While Clay didn’t reiterate his offer of the photo shoot, she was definitely going to take him up on it. Even if all she got was a head shot, she was sure the photo would look better than the one on the company website.

  Bella was in bed when she walked in. Only Raven was up. “You have a good time?”

  “Yes. Clay and Matt are dolls.”

  Raven’s mouth twisted up. “Don’t let them hear you call them that. Ranchers like to keep more up a macho image.”

  She laughed. “I’ll have to keep that in mind. How’s Bella?”

  “Tired, but she’s fine.”

  “Good. I’m going to shower and hit the hay.”

  As she undressed and got ready to wash off the sweat, she relived some of the best moments. For sure, Clay’s kiss was the highlight as was the fact that neither of them would let any other man dance with her. She’d never met two men who were so possessive. It was a trait she liked. Their attention made her feel special. Then there were the amazing photographs that captured her joy. Clay was a pure genius with a camera.

  She stepped in the shower and stood there, letting the warm water wash over her. Both of the men had commented on how good she looked. Trying to examine her body objectively, she ran her hand over her flat stomach. To her, it was her best feature. Her tits, however, were way too big. They didn’t sag, but their sheer size made her look fat. Then there was her ass. No doubt she had too much junk in her trunk. Some men claimed they loved a girl with some substance, but it just made finding pants that fit nearly impossible.

  After she poured the liquid soap onto the palm, she closed her eyes and let herself imagine it was Clay’s or Matt’s hand on her. After she washed her belly, somehow her fingers slipped down to her pussy. Since she loved to windsurf and swim, she always got her pussy waxed. Not that these two would ever see her naked, but she figured neither men had seen a woman without hair between her thighs.

  She dipped her finger into her opening to help relieve the tension that had built inside her from rubbing up against the men all night. With her other hand she massaged her breasts. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to have each man suck on her tits? Her groan jerked her out of her reverie.

  She quickly washed her hair in the now-cool water. Yikes. How long has she been in the shower? When she checked her fingers, they had pruned. Okay, that wasn’t good.

  It took some effort to dry off and pull on her pajamas. Her mind raced, but her body was pooped. No sooner had she dropped into bed than a knock sounded on her door. She cracked open an eye and noted it was past nine in the morning.

  “Yes?” Her voice cracked from lack of moisture.

  “Breakfast is ready if you want some.” It was Bella delivering the message.

  Bella and her men had probably been up for a few hours. “Be right out.”

  She jumped out of bed, trying to ignore the cold floor. She threw on her jeans, the first long-sleeved shirt she could find, some socks, and her cowboy boots. She had to admit, they were very comfortable.

  The smell of coffee reached her as she neared the kitchen. She wouldn’t be able to have a coherent conversation until she’d had a few cups.

  Bella brought over a plate of eggs, some bacon, a bagel with cream cheese, and a few pieces of fruit.

  “I can’t eat all this.” Well, she could, but she shouldn’t.


  She couldn’t refuse that request now could she? The meal hit the spot. She hadn’t realized how famished she was. It must have been all that dancing.

  “Tell me everything about the dance.” She leaned over. “Don’t leave anything out.”

  From the way Bella’s eyes glistened, she wouldn’t stop until Robin had divulged every detail. She started with how Clay had dropped her off at the front door while he parked.

  “And then they brought me home.”

  “Did they kiss you good-night?”

  Robin’s mouth opened. “I haven’t been quizzed like this since I was sixteen.”

  Bella’s mouth firmed. “Did they?”

  “No. Matt is too protective. Every time Clay got too forward, Matt would step in between us.”

  Bella laughed then grabbed her stomach. “The baby just kicked. That, by the way, is so like Matt. He thinks he’s fifty-two, even though he’s only thirty-two.”

  She could see that. Matt was definitely more serious than Clay.

  “By the way, Clay wants to do a photo shoot of me.”

  Bella sucked in a breath. “That’s fantastic. Everyone keeps asking him to take family photos, but he says no. He only does a few people, and most of them are famous.”

  That made her feel special. “He said to come over at two.”

  “What are you going to wear?”

  That question had been going through her mind all night. “He said to wear a little as possible.”

  Both burst out laughing. Bella clasped her hand. “I have just the thing.”

  * * * *

  By the time two rolled around, Robin had changed her outfit at least ten times.

  Bella waddled in. “Aren’t you due over at Clay’s soon?”

  “Yes.” She ran her hands down her shirt. “How do I look?” She’d put on minimal makeup. The men seemed to like the fresh look rather than the Miami glitz style she was so used to.

  “Perfect. Did you put on that new purple bra and panty set that you brought?”

  She probably shouldn’t have shown Bella her sexy attire, but she loved sharing with her friend. “Yes.”

  “Okay then. Have a good time.”

  She supposed she could have asked one of the men to drive her the half mile, but in a way, she wanted to feel the cold on her face. It made her more alive. “I’m ready. Wish me luck.”

  She exited through the back to cut short the trip to the men’s house. Someone seemed to have plowed a path between the two houses. Wasn’t that nice. The sun shone unobstructed and warmed her face. By the time she reached the home, she’d unwrapped her scarf and unzipped her jacket partway. If the wind didn’t blow, the day could almost be considered balmy.

  Clay answered her knock and g
rinned. “I wasn’t sure you’d come.”

  She was only half an hour late. “You thought I’d change my mind?”

  “Yeah.” He ushered her in. “Can I get you some coffee?”

  She was plenty warm. “How about a glass of wine?” It might take the edge off her nerves.

  “Coming up.”

  “Where’s Matt?”

  From the kitchen he called out, “He’s in town taking care of some business.”

  That meant they’d be alone. Part of her was thrilled, but the other part was a bit apprehensive. Clay seemed the type that if she said she was willing to have sex with him, he wouldn’t turn her down. She’d been celibate for close to a year, though it wasn’t by choice. Her job took up too much time to date. That, and the fact no one had asked her out.

  Clay came out with her wine and handed her a glass. “Follow me!”

  She did enjoy the way he was always cheerful as if he loved life. His relaxed attitude was something she admired. If only she could be that way.

  He led her down the hall and into a large room. A stand holding a roll of blue paper that adorned the back wall not only reached the floor, but extended about ten more feet. A slew of lights sat off to the side.

  Clay pulled up a stool and patted the chair. “Hop on up.”

  She sipped her wine and set the glass on a side table. “I guess I don’t need the coat.”

  He held out his hand. “I’ll take that.”

  So far, he was being very professional, which she appreciated, but somehow when he was near, her nerves escalated.

  He placed one light in front, one to the right, and one to the left of the stool. When he turned them on, the heat warmed her. He stepped back and picked up his camera. “I’m going to do some light tests. You can relax while I make sure the metering is good.”

  She had no idea what that entailed, but she looked around the room. On the wall behind him was a row of Trent photos. She expected to see some pictures of other models, but the subject was the same throughout.

  He edged closer. When he brushed the hair from her face and placed the errant strands behind her ear, tingles streaked down her body. This was not good. His mere touch shouldn’t set off such need. Her damned pussy even reacted.


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