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Relentless Desire

Page 4

by Jacqwin Hess

  He was disappointed, yet…still intrigued, since she actually meant what she said. She kept her arms dropped down in front of her, her hands wringing together down over her sex, nervously. She unconsciously twisted a foot out, shy and very self-conscious, frightened by her own desire. She didn’t believe he was serious, that he wanted her, truly wanted her, but no matter, he would have her, in time and vanish all doubts in her mind about his desire. “You may go. Leave the painting. I’ll think about it.”

  “No. You can write me a check for it or the painting goes back with me. I did a fabulous job on the demonstration and telling of the story—you nearly came on yourself and you said you’d be hard for months after purchasing the piece—”

  Your body and tight little fuckholes are what I’m interested in, Adriaunn. Fucking you, making them mine…and mine alone, for my express use–and making you mine, solely! He nearly shouted at her, but kept it to himself, sweeping up his glass off the table and finishing his scotch. “Damn it. Why do you think I asked for you specifically?” he asked her and she shot up straight, green eyes flashing wide in shock, not having known that. Ah damn! And he gave it up, seeing that wall rise up and her close down, afraid. “Don’t look at me that way. As I said, if I was out to rape you then I would have already done so. Don’t look so surprised. You were warned and told everything you needed to know about me before you left and agreed to come here.”

  “I’d like to leave now please. The check or the painting, which do I leave with?”

  He sighed and grabbed up the laptop that sat next to his chair, which she hadn’t even bothered to notice. She calmed down, realizing it had been sitting sideways, so no camera could have been recording. Of course, there was a huge gold-gilded framed mirror over the fireplace, so he could have been recording their session that way or…having others behind that wall watching. She sighed, trying to calm herself, thinking that now she was being paranoid—having read too many sex stories in her lifetime and seen things during her ‘research’ online for her books–and things her ex-husband, the cop, showed her. She wanted to be a historical romance writer, which those books had sex in them and she was told she wasn’t any good at sex, awful in fact, thus, why she was divorced. So, if she was to write about sex, then she needed to study about it—and what she learned over the years was that people were into some really weird shit, but she wasn’t one of them.

  “Text Victoria and see if the funds transferred.”

  Ah, of course, true wealth equals three-point-five-second banking transaction over the computer or even over the phone.

  She felt her phone buzz and lifted it up, reading Victoria’s text

  , so she must have been sitting at the desk with her computer on waiting to see if it happened or not.


  She looked back up at him, keeping her smile hidden and forcing herself to stay cold, closed-off and professional. “The funds are there, sir. She is pleased and hopes you are most satisfied with your purchase. Switzer thanks you for your business.”

  “I’m hardly fucking satisfied.”

  “You know, you’re a—”

  “Careful. The funds are sitting in the ‘pending’ section at the bank and the transaction can easily be stopped.”

  She spun around and froze, seeing the door that had been behind her was closed. She never even heard it close and she clutched her phone, getting Victoria’s number up, just in case. She slowly turned around and went rigid with him standing right behind her. His weight shifted with his hands in his pockets as he stared at her with a cocked brow. She had never heard him rise up and come at her, so it was unsettling to say the least. She took a step back, but refused to go any further and just stared back at him.

  “Now that we have that business concluded, I want to see the rest of the exhibit. As I said, this transaction is still pending; it can be canceled at any time.”

  “Oh my god—you’re f-ing serious,” Adriaunn stated as he stared down at her. Hell yeah he was serious! She was suddenly angry, stomping her feet as she threw her arms tighter over her body. “Look, I’m not like you people. I’m not all open and naughty! Oh F-word!” she exclaimed and huffed again. “You can’t be serious. I am not just going to up and flash my Hoo-Ha at you! I only spoke that naughty and said those bad words for the painting and to get the sell for Switzer’s–I need the commission! I’m not that way,” she whispered up at him, turning in a leg to press them tighter together, as if that would keep his hands off of her if he really wanted to force it and touch her anyway. She stood there feeling as if the man’s eyes were tearing her clothes from her. He didn’t budge, speak or anything–just kept staring darkly and seriously at her. “Look, there’s nothing to see. I promise.”

  “There is always…something to see.” And he was about to press further, but he saw it, the shift in her, that change and she just stood there staring at him, as if daring him to touch her. Now, Sebastian listened to the warning bells ringing in his head and gave a heavy sigh, backing a few steps away from her. She was gripping that phone so tight, like it was her lifeline.

  “Look, you’re ah…good-looking guy. It’s not you, but me and…I can’t do it! I don’t like it. I’m just refraining from being a whore. I’m not a whore. I don’t fuck around, not with men I don’t even know; especially not a total stranger!” she hissed and stood there staring at him. For fucks sakes, it’s not anything impressive—not having a Porn Stars pussy, but I am not going to risk being raped. Rich or not—hell, they’re definitely worse than the average man, seeing every person not of their class but as trash below them, there to be used.

  “Very well, go.”

  “First, go change that transaction from pending to absolute and don’t say you can’t. The filthy rich can do anything they want thanks to modern day technology and living in the time of two point five second banking,” she replied and he huffed. He glared at her for a second and then drew out his phone, punched around on it, stared at it, and waited…then hit a final button looking back up at her.

  My cheeky little bitch. One of these days, little girl, I’m going to have you, so help me god. He saw the confirmation and looked up. “It’s done.” Adri started texting like mad, asking Victoria if the funds went through or were they still ‘pending.’ She waiting a minute and then looked to see her answer.


  Adri: Nothing, be home in a little bit.

  He stepped closer, his lips centimeters from hers, breathing in her shallow breaths. “Relax, baby girl, I’m not going to hurt you. I promise. They know you’re here as does the driver. You’re completely safe with me. I would never harm you, Adriaunn. Not in a million years. I know of your innocence, that you don’t fuck around and…that’s why I wanted to meet you. You’re a good girl and the only one I know. I’ve never known any girls like you and…it was refreshing to see. I just wanted to meet you. I’m a man used to getting my way and not only are you my first good girl I’ve tried to get acquainted with, but you’re the first rejection I’ve had. I won’t lie. I don’t like it. I know what I want, when, how, and where I want it and was all ready to…” he took a deep breath not finishing the sentence, not having to. She knew what he wanted. “I wanted to see if you’re actually real and as good as you seemed; kind, sweet, and beautiful.”

  She shuttered at his words, the sound of his silky, sexy voice spoke softly to her. Again, his scent was overtaking her with his face so close, she could taste him on her tongue—so delicious.

  “Look, I’m not asking for sex. All I want, all I’ve ever wanted was for you to let me see that glorious, tight ass of yours. That’s why you’re here, what caught my eye in the first place and what had
me bringing you here.”

  What?! He has got to be kidding? However, she could tell by the smoldering look in his eyes that he was dead serious.


  She couldn’t move. She couldn't speak or run. She stiffened and gaped when he dropped onto his haunches, untying her jacket again and tossing it back open. He grabbed her hips in a rough hold when she tried stepping back. It was so hot and sexy, having him down before her like that, his aggression taking over him, taking over her. She felt her throat closing off as he ran his nose up the apex of her thighs, hearing him hiss ‘motherfucker.’ She felt herself tremble as his breath hit her sensitive folds, through the thin silk little short panties she was wearing.

  Through the silk of those shorts, he was able to see she had a beautiful clit and a clit ring on it. Well-well-well. God, she smelt so divine. “You can just smell the virgin in you; so clean and new. It has been a long time for you, hasn’t it?”

  She gasped as he shoved her around, wrapped her panties around his fingers and then pulled them down, jerking up her legs and getting them off, tossing them away. Pulling off her jacket, he tossed it on the desk in front of her. She rolled her eyes closed–her thumb still on her phone with Victoria’s number just under it–but that was the last thing on her mind. She felt his hand running up her spine, pressing her forward onto the desk and slipping his hand down her back, blatantly looking over her ass in all its naked glory. His hands ran down her thighs, back up, and she heard him give a soft growling moan as he gripped her sweet tight ass, lifting her leg off the floor. He came back forward and ran a hand over her left cheek, touched it, caressed over it, then stepped back and tilted his head.

  “Hot, tight, and oh-so-spank-able; how I’d love to see it red and burning! Reach back and touch it; grip it good and hold it tight, like you did at the painting.”

  She had to think for a second and then remembered, speaking about the pictures of the come on the girls derrières. She did as he asked, hesitantly setting her phone down and reaching back, gripping her bottom, looking back at him from over her shoulder. She lifted it up, holding it, pressing her ass together–which pulled her plump little pussy lips back for him.

  She shook and trembled, feeling his hot breath down on her sex, his fingers touched her folds and he growled in pleasure; pleased by what he saw. He liked her ass, her pussy, and she felt him take over as he gripped her bottom again.

  So, he’s an ass man apparently—

  “I’m not usually an ass-man; liking legs first, which you have an amazing pair and then pussy, loving yours already, but I have to say, your ass has completely captivated me. It’s divine, a good handful–a work of fucking art. Very nice.” He then slowly released her, rose to his feet and pulled her into the upright position, but couldn’t take his hands from her. He ran his hand over the thin silk corset-style shirt, feeling each ridge of her spine. Well, he had enough –for now. He reached over her, picked up her phone, and saw Vic’s number on the screen. He grinned at her naïveté. To think Victoria could or would do anything to help her and save her at this point, was proof of her ignorance and innocence. He tried to touch her again, but she jumped away and looked down for her panties. He bent over and grabbed them, feeling wetness upon his fingers from where she was gushing wet for him.

  “All right now, you got what you wanted and now we’re through here! You better not go any further, mister, and I mean it!”

  He chuckled down at her little display of aggressiveness. So cute. “I have no intentions of forcing you to anything; you’re dripping—gushing for me–your pussy a sweet cup of cream, just for me. I meant what I just said, I only wished to see you and explore a tiny bit and I can feel…and see how much you’re enjoying it. It won’t be today, but know… at some point in our lives, Adri, that I intend to fuck you, have you withering and screaming beneath me. You will know the glory of my dick, saturated in your sweet weepings. I most certainly have made up my mind about that and will give you pleasure and show you what your body is really capable of. I can feel that it’s been a long time for you, so small, tight and unused, requiring some work to get you stretched back out. You should give it what it so painfully craves, aches for, needs, and is begging for. It’s cruel really, to deny it and…to me, the pleasure of owning your pleasure.”

  “We can’t. Really I-I can’t!” She cried out into his mouth as he grasped a fist full of her hair from behind, jerking her head back and dropping his mouth on hers. She panted into his mouth, dying in ecstasy, tasting him and feeling him.

  His hands gripped her breast. He growled into her mouth at the feel of her large areolas and hard, taut nipples against his palm. His growling moan was met with her scream as she shot up on her tiptoes and his fingers dropped down to her pussy. He scooped his fingers up inside of her, instantly drenching his fingers and filling his large hand with her seeping wetness. Scooping deep, he pressed at her huge swollen g-spot, withdrawing his hand quickly; his fingertip lightly caressed her beautiful, large clit, feeling her convulse against him. He held tighter as he kissed her, snaring all thought and capability from her. She kissed him hungrily back, wanting him—all of him, stranger or not, but she couldn’t, she just…couldn’t allow it! For just a second she had given it up and lost her mind, her control, but then seized it back just as quick, dropping and jerking away.

  She stood panting with her back to him, his lips pressing to her temple as he reached for her jacket and single-handily set it on her shoulder.

  “See, I told you, angel; I always get what I want,” he whispered and kissed her head.

  Adri shoved him back, spinning away and grabbing her jacket as she ran for the door. She tried shoving it open, but it wouldn’t budge.

  Is she fucking kidding me?! She’s not going to let me have it? She’s gushing and wants it as bad as I do and she just about came all over me! Damnit! Uh! He forced himself to calm down and let her go; hating that he sounded like a teenage brat, even if it was in his head.

  He had gone back over to the chair he’d originally been seated in and picked up a remote, clicking a button on it. She heard the door click and then automatically slid open, jumping up out of the room into the massive foyer. She then got a hold of herself, spinning around and taking a deep breath as she smoothed her hair back from her face. “Thank you again for doing business with Switzer Gallery. Call us anytime you need…” She watched as he jerked at his pants, jerking down his fly, dropping in the seat, and slumping down. “…something,” she squeaked out, eyes wide as she watched him literally shove his pants down, his enormous dick springing up, erect, hard, huge, and beautiful. He smiled, grasping his cock, holding it up for her to get a good look at it, teasing her and beckoning her with it.

  “Come on! Come back here and suck on it, angel. It’s obvious that you want to.”

  She unconsciously stepped forward, tightly holding the door jam as she licked her lip, dying to taste it, devour, and suck it. She wanted to swallow that beautiful beast whole; it was so beautiful. His cock was so big, long, thick, rough and powerful-looking. Just like him. Her pussy flared at the thought of him fucking her, slamming his cock so hard and deep in her. She shook herself out of it and spoke from behind her fingers she had pressed to her lips, “You’re just too naughty. Good–Goodbye, sir.” She then actually curtsied without even thinking, spun away, and ran out of the house. A bright smile burst across her lips; she was filled with giddiness over the size and beauty of that thing. Fuck, his dick was gorgeous and that had been awesome and so naughty! He was so bad and she just knew that she couldn’t ever be with him, ever be so naughty like that, not enough to please the likes of him.

  Then she was gone.

  Chapter Two

  Sebastian stared at the space she had occupied and looked down to his fist. Slowly, he unclenched his drenched fingers and opened his hand, where a copious amount of her sweet wetness seeped down them. He loved that a little part of her was left behind, the best part of her, claimed and
taken by him. It was such a sweet gift; a delectable, hot, tangy gift that was just for him. Bringing his fingers to his mouth, he licked out to his pinky and tasted her, shocked by how clean and bitterly sweet it was–different. He instantly regretted not eating her wholly out, making her stay for at least that much and she had left without the agreed upon price to let him have some part of her.

  Hell, she wouldn’t have taken one penny from him. It was insulting to her just to think about it and would have hurt her feelings.

  He groaned in pleasure, pleased by it all as he continued to hold his cock, sighing and slumping down in the chair. He began glazing himself, dispensing her crème upon his dick. He loved it; he relaxed as he looked over and stared out the window. He continued to glaze himself with the large amount of wetness he had managed to collect from her as the pleasure built harder and tighter inside of him, coating himself well. He tightened his grip and jerked it as he ran his slick thumb over his huge, bulbous tip. He vowed that he would be her next lover; the one to stab into her sweet little cunt, to give it what it needed and begged for so badly. He panted harder at the memory of how unbelievably small and tight she’d been. She would require some pre-fucking stretching to dilate her back out before he could actually fuck her, without a doubt, or he could actually hurt her and that would ruin everything.

  He would also have her shouting out in glory when he jabbed his cock inside her sweet tiny virgin bud, spearing her good and blowing his load there. He would watch her love it, accepting, opening, and smiling for it! What a dream, to see her smiling in ecstasy beneath him. He grunted and jerked as his load blew out of him, jerking his ‘creamy ropes’ all over his belly and hands. He panted and whispered her name, sighing as he turned his head and looked down to the laptop. Oh, my pretty little angel, how I can’t wait to open you up. It was all so strange, never had it felt more right or had he felt more connected to a woman than when he first slipped his fingers into her pussy. Feeling how she gushed and creamed just for him and he knew in that instant that she was going to be his—that she already was.


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