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Relentless Desire

Page 8

by Jacqwin Hess

  Oh, fuck me she is adorable! She better say ‘Yes’ and agree to go or I’ll—

  “Or like you won’t pull something nefarious to make me go.”

  “Me? Do something nefarious?” he replied, only having said the word correctly. She rolled her eyes at him and looked away, taking a drink. “Stop it or I’ll do it again!”


  “No—ice cream or yogurt, baby steps. Sorry, I’m…not ready for the dinner or even lunch thing, or breakfast coffee and not now, today, while I’m all stinky and sweaty.”


  “Ah! Don’t say it,” she warned him, seeing a naughty smirk grow over his face. He was about to say something highly inappropriate, definitely sexual and it got her even more wet at what that could be, envisioning him joining her in that shower.

  “I was just going to say, after you shower. Go and I’ll wait for you and take you home myself, having yogurt on the way.”

  “Ugh! Fine!” She finally got up and took off to the locker room and showers, knowing he wasn’t going to give it up. She glanced back as he had two men approaching the treadmill she was on. They immediately jerked out the cord from the wall and had it removed—the safety button not having worked when he had hit it to make it go off. She heard him order full diagnostic on all of the machines.

  When she came out, Sebastian was still over by the treadmills, his suit jacket off and sleeves rolled up. He was by the last treadmill, checking it and making sure all the safety features worked on it. Two treadmills had apparently now been removed. He went from his knees to squatting after messing with something in the panel in front. Reconnecting a wire, he ran the machine again, pushing the emergency button. It immediately stopped, he had fixed it. He grabbed some electrical tape and wound it around the little connector, bit the tape off and pressed the tape on and around to secure the connection. Weird, he looked so manly and…it was so very sexy to watch him work. Get your eyes off of him, Adriaunn, and go finished putting yourself together!

  Sebastian looked up and his whole body flared hot at the sight of her. Blood instantly started to rush to his cock and fast, as he saw her standing at the other end of the gym before the windows in the lounge area. She was dressed in tight pair of jeans that hugged her ass and made it pop out beautifully. “Oh fuck me…” he unconsciously groaned aloud, unable to pull his eyes from her as she finished buttoning her short white button up shirt. She tugged on her dark tan leather belt that matched her tan leather boots. She straightened her back more, and he saw the curves of her breasts as she reached up and shook her fingers through her damp hair, shaking it out and then twisted it up. She grabbed up a large clawed clip and secured it in the back.

  “Okay, I think we’re done and it looks good,” the male employee replied and did the last test, jerking the magnetized piece off of the board as he watched the Treadmill come to an instant stop. His boss jerked out of his haze from looking the girl over and shot up to his feet, giving more instructions and saying that he’d be back later. He nodded at him in acknowledgement and then watched the girl, who had so thoroughly captured his attention, walk up and meet him, letting him take her bag from her. They started to walk out, but she suddenly went to the wall, grabbed and jerked down one of the posters, tore it all up, stomped on it and then walked out, leaving his boss to burst out laughing at her!

  “Bootilicious, man. It’s easy to see why he’s going after her. He wants that ass!”

  “Huh! Whatever! You men are so easily pleased,” Amanda huffed, walking off.

  Thank you God for awesome reliable employees! The car arrived just as they walked out, having gone after what he’d ordered for her. She had started to turn and grasp her bag handle to walk back on her own; however, she wasn’t getting away from him. He jerked the car door open and tossed the bag in. It was then that she saw the sweet treats on the seat and glanced back at him, uncertain and not wanting to assume. “Yes, they’re for you. I preordered. Now, get in.” He smiled as a smile split across her face. She gave a little squeal, looking back in and immediately getting in the car. He looked over to TJ and silently lipped ‘thank you’ and rolled his eyes, getting in. She was like a kid, down on her knees in front of it all, digging into the colorful bag from Dylan’s Candy Bar first, popping one of the candy’s in her mouth. She tensed, gripping the edge of the seat, her eyes closed and suddenly she gasped with little pants as the flavor burst in her mouth. However, there was something different about the way she was enjoying the raspberry filled truffle; looking like she was having a full-blown orgasm from it. She shook and tensed, kept holding tight and touched her lips in utter ecstasy, and completely lost in the sensation. Getting another piece out and both hands popping it into her mouth, her tongue licked out and around the strawberry, sucking on it and licking the juices.

  Holy shit! Is she going to fuck that thing or eat it?!

  She gave a sweet little moan, licking over those soft red lips, licking the last of the juice from them. She gave a light shrug, fighting to gain control over her senses. Her eyes just started to open and he immediately dropped his eyes to his watch. She wasn’t fooled though, and knew he’d seen and noticed it.

  “Oh. I’m sorry. I ah…have never indulged…and haven’t had anything like this in…forever; raspberry is my favorite and chocolate.” She grabbed the bag, pushed it aside, and blushed fiercely red with embarrassment, secretly pissed at herself. The demon that had burst out of her in full force, had totally taken over and was now laying back, purring and licking her fingers in utter delight. The fucking cunt, Adri hissed at herself mentally, but her naughty side just laughed at her. “Ooh I can’t believe you did this. I love Dylan’s Candy Bar, Mille-Feuille and Frozen Yogurt. YUM! It’s all too much and you’ll make me gain back everything I just ran off.”

  “Huh, I seriously doubt that. For one, you could stand to gain a pound or…five at least, and two…you ran like the devil himself was on your heels; having come to check on you twice actually and you were still going at it.”

  “Oh, well, thanks again,” she replied, sliding her butt into the seat and taking up the cup of yogurt. Having full control of her faculties now, she carefully and slowly scooped the spoon in and ate it—again, her favorite flavor. She lifted the spoon backward and licked into the curve, completely oblivious to the effect that it was having on Sebastian and how sexy it looked. “Isn’t it pretty?” she replied, looking at the rose design they put on the top of the yogurt. She wondered how they did that, even though part of it was now melted, enough of it was still together to see the pattern it had been. “Cool.”

  He just gave a half grin and started to reach for the Mille Feuille bag when his phone beeped. He pulled it out, cursed, and then answered it—which effectively ended their little car date. He hung up, making another call, giving more orders, setting up meetings, pulling numbers, and ordering more calls be made. He looked at her as they pulled up to The Gallery. She stiffened as he reached at her shirt by her breasts and slid it out of the way, allowing her to see a little droplet of pink on her breast. She didn’t move, not wanting it on her shirt, which would end up looking even worse. She couldn’t move before he came out of his seat and pressed his lips to her breast, licking up the sweet juice, sucking it off. He then moaned to himself, re-buttoning her shirt and sitting back. His blue eyes were smoldering and her throat tightened, her lips burned to taste his mouth, to kiss him, feel more of him on her breast and touch her.

  “Delectable. You can’t possibly expect it to fall there and not let me get it for you. That would have been too cruel to deny me the taste of your lovely flesh,” he teased. She grinned, not getting onto him. Progress. Nice! “I’d love to indulge more with you, but…I have to go. I’m sorry. That was a crisis call and I have to go back to the office.”

  “Oh yeah.” She popped up and put her lid back on her half-eaten yogurt. He had continued to watch her consume as he spoke on the phone; no doubt seeing her shiver and struggle with the blasting
, bursting sensations that surged across her brain with each bite. She gathered up the bags and set them in the middle to leave them for him. He reached in and divided it up, putting something from Mille Feuille in the Dylan bag and then he handed it to her. “Thanks again. This was wonderful. What did you get?” she had to ask and he smiled glancing to the Mille Feuille bag.

  “A sinfully wonderful tart—pear.”

  “Pear? Well that’s different. You don’t hear that one ordered very much.”

  “Well, get used to it if you’re going to know me. It’s my favorite. I love pears,” he informed her as a horrifically explicit erotic image suddenly flashed to him.

  “Hmm, I’ll have to keep that in mind. I can make a pretty mean tart myself, though I’ve never made pear before. Anyway, thanks again for all this. You didn’t have to do this or bring me back—”

  “It was my pleasure, Adri.”

  He checked his watch again and she came up off the seat, seeing he was in a hurry now and with the door opening, she immediately stepped out. She turned around and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. He suddenly grasped her wrist and leaned out a bit, nodding to his driver to get back in. He then looked back at her and ran his thumb over the palm of her hand.

  “Can I see you again? I didn’t mean for us to part and wanted…”

  “I know. Um…I don’t know. I’ll have to see.”

  “Well, this was your yogurt date, though it was short lived. So lunch next time.”

  “Yeah, I’ll have to see. Um…Things are getting busy here actually and you have your hands full. Call me. I’ll see you later. Thank you again. I hope it’s not too serious. Good-bye, Mr. Darvaine.” She then spun around and fled down an alley to the side door that lead to her apartment before he could correct her and tell her to call him Sebastian. She missed Victoria and one of her gal pals watching from the office window below.

  “Is that…?”

  “Yes. Yes it is. Sebastian Darvaine,” Victoria answered her friend, Debi.

  Adri’s mind was reeling. They weren’t anything to each other and she had to keep it that way. It was just too much and she’d get overwhelmed with him. She knew she would lose herself and her dark compulsions would take over. Damn it! He saw it. He actually saw it, if just for a second, but he saw and was gentleman enough to look away. This was nothing; he’s sweet to all the women. It’s his gym and he felt responsible, which…he sort of was and I can’t let myself think of him as anything more than a human I just happened to cross paths with. We’ve just met each other, not even acquaintances and I’m going to do my best to keep it that way. But as the thought came across her mind she knew it was a lie. He was serious about seeing her and he wasn’t going to be put off and secretly, she dared to let herself enjoy that.

  He was going to have her. He had to and quickly, because he was dying. Rogers and their stonewalling—pulling me away from her today. I’m going to annihilate the fuckers and get rid of them. Meldcorp is going to be nothing but letters in a college textbook when I’m through with them. I don’t have time for their shit. I’ve had enough. He thought angrily, getting out in front of his office building, slamming the door closed and going in to deal with them–end them! He actually had some free time for once…and tonight would have been perfect, until the phone call came and they ruined it! He was furious.

  She got flack the next day from the girls before going to lunch, wanting details and just shrugging it off as nothing. He saw her at the gym and he took her home in his car, having to leave for an emergency meeting. And the bags she was carrying? She just said it was stuff she had with her and left it at that, acting busy cataloging inventory—not getting invited to join them. Oh well, she wasn’t in the mood for their melodrama and jealousy anyway. She was going to see him again. She just knew it and her heart jumped at the thought and a sly grin grew across her lips in anticipation of that next time.

  The only communication she received from him was a text that next day, at six in the morning.

  Sebastian: Are you okay?! I feel so awful. I’m sorry for scaring you the way I did at the gym and for the equipment failure.

  Adri: Yes, I’ll be fine.

  Sebastian: Okay. Good. Off to work. I’ll ttyl

  And that was it.

  Chapter Five

  Sebastian stared out of the window of his office, looking, but not seeing anything as his mind went to the woman. He hated that he couldn’t be with her. He was always taken away because of work or some drama with his adult children. He had to stop. He knew, in order to have her, he had to back off and let the people he hired to manage his companies manage and do the jobs they were hired for. The entire reason he was at the gym was to check on things and do them himself—incidentally running into Adri there. He gave a quick sigh and rolled his eyes at the memory of her falling on the treadmill, her body flying up and crashing down on the track, then flying off onto the floor. He felt so stupid. He should have known better than to stand there, watching her and allowed her see him in front of her. He caused her to lose her footing and fall. He was totally to blame and he hoped she forgave him. She had really hurt herself.

  Adri was in the back and reached back, picking up the phone. “Switzer’s Gallery.”

  “How is my favorite beautiful face?”

  “Who is this?”

  Okay, that hurt. “That hurt, baby girl.”

  “Sebastian.” She barely whispered. She froze in her chair as she looked up from the catalog book in her hand to see if Victoria was around. “Freaks call here all the time. Sorry.”

  “Hmm, I bet. So, how are you?”

  “Good.” She replied, suppressing her excitement over his calling, figuring he was calling for date number two. It was Friday after all.


  “Oh,” she moaned sourly, still feeling a twinge of bruising here and there. “Yes.” She was excited to hear his voice, glad he had called and asked about her, since before he had only sent a text inquiring if she was okay after her fall.

  “Glad to hear it,” he replied. After a few seconds of silence, he spoke again. “Is it all right that I called?”

  “Yes, but just so you know, it’s not very nice to bring up a girl’s most embarrassing moment of her life! It wasn’t very gentlemanly.”

  “I think we’ve long established I’m no gentleman and you certainly wouldn’t think so if you knew all the bad things I want to do to you.”


  “But since that’s brought up, I meant to talk to you in the car on our way back and got sidetracked, but ah…if I asked you to scrape off the first time we met, the exhibition of the painting in my house and…how forward I was, could you do it? I…meant to apologize for it, beg you to forgive me. I didn’t request that brutal of a painting to be shown and…I’m not saying I’m actually a choir boy, not by any stretch of the imagination, but…I’m not some sick fuck either. I ah…fuck, I don’t know. I just wanted to apologize and tell you I was sorry if I insulted you or scared you. I just wanted to have Stan set us up to formally meet you and…feel you out.”

  “Feel me out? I think you did that quite thoroughly–and then some.”

  “Yeah, I’m a dick–was…a dick and screwed up, was misinformed about you, lead to believe you were more ah…open minded. I would have never behaved that way had I known otherwise.” He heard her chair stop squeaking and everything going suddenly quiet on her end, understanding what he was telling her—Stan set him up to fail with her. And just as he expected, Adri was either in shock or too much of a lady to bring it up. He suspected it was both. “Well, talk about a guy’s most embarrassing moment. I cringe thinking back on it.”

  “You should.” Adri egged him on, swiveling back and forth on the barstool again, cupping her heeled foot, loving that he was on the phone and apologizing for how they met. She’d have to start watching herself more carefully around Stan and hated that he presented her as that type of girl. She put her attention back to the man on the phon
e and smiled, thinking how cute he was, suffering from his embarrassment, wanting her forgiveness and get a second chance with her.

  “Oh you’re not giving it up are you?”

  “I’ll consider it.”

  “Well, that’s all I can ask for I suppose. Anyway, what are you doing?”

  “I was just putting some new stock in record—and no, I won’t describe them to you,” she quickly threw in and saw him smile in her mind. She listened to him laugh out at that and joined him, loving his laugh. She bet anything it rarely happened.

  “Ah…you’re no fun.”

  “No, I’m not,” she replied, more seriously than she had intended.

  “But you could be. You just won’t let yourself—the same as me. I’m thinking we’re too old to be miserable and spend another day being too afraid to enjoy life a little. I…have no one to enjoy or share anything fun with. Honestly, I really couldn’t tell you what fun is and what there is to do; past sex that is. What is fun to you, Adri? What is there to enjoy in life?”

  “I don’t know, Sebastian. It wouldn’t matter if you try something fun. Your phone keeps ringing and bringing you back into the hell that’s called work every second you’re out.”

  “Well, then I guess I’m damned and I’ll never get to have fun or know an enjoyable moment. Speaking of—I gotta go. I have my next appointment waiting,” he replied with deep melancholy. He sighed, sitting there for a few seconds. “I’m glad you’re feeling better. I’ll talk to you later.”

  “Sebastian!” Adri called out and he didn’t hang up. “I find…baby stores fun, children stores, shopping for my nieces; Toys Are Us, Pottery Barn Kids, Lego, Build-a-Bear, any kids’ store or crazy, unique, silly shops and antique stores.”

  “Don’t stop. Tell me. What else?”

  “Well, I’m a woman, so I naturally like ballet, plays, the symphony and opera, but mainly because I’m musical. I play the piano and cello. Okay to get by, but not great. Um…I hate country music, but like some pop and rap—anything I can dance to. I love to dance.”


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