Book Read Free

Relentless Desire

Page 11

by Jacqwin Hess

  Chapter Six

  Breathtaking. Absolutely, undeniably breathtaking! She just couldn’t wrap her mind around it, going down the paved garden trails, down the side of the cliff that lead to the bottom of the falls. “Do you think anyone can see us or would walk up on us?”


  “No reason. Just wondering. It’s beautiful,” she replied, going up to the very ledge, leaning against the rocks, and sticking her hand out to the running water. She smiled, feeling him hooking his finger in her belt loop, hanging on to her in case she slipped.

  “Oookkaay, let’s get back over here on dry ground.”

  Adri looked back; he tugged on her belt loop and backed up, making her laugh at him. She stopped abruptly, feeling his finger tightening on her loop, stepping closer to him. He smells so good! He’s so fucking hot! So gorgeous! She looked down at his lips, moving closer. “Sebastian?”


  “Are you…ever going to kiss me? We’ve had dozens of opportunities; perfect moments and…you’ve never taken me up on it.”

  “No,” he replied and then sighed, shifting his weight, he put his hand on a rock, jumping back when he noticed the slime on the surface of it. He flung his hand out with disgust. “Shit. That’s gross.”

  Adri smiled behind her hand as he wiped himself clean on his jeans. “You’re ah…not outdoorsy, are you?”

  “I will play Polo and Croquet, yachting—but no, I don’t hike or go venturing off into the wild jungles,” he replied, glancing up and around him, making her laugh even more at him. He shook his head and then started jerking it about as a bug flew around him, slapping a sting on his neck.

  “The jungle?”

  “I’m telling you, something’s in there–I’ve heard it twice.”

  “Oh my god. Alleviate your fears, Mr. Darvaine; it’s only the neighbor’s cat. Very vicious, I’m sure, but I think we can take it if we work together.” She grasped the rock as he released her belt loop and walked away. She immediately went after him and grabbed his arm, stopping him. He turned back, but looked up over her. “You’re actually mad. I was only being a smartass–teasing.”

  “It’s not that.”

  “I can tell I pissed you off—”

  “No, it’s not anything you said.”

  “Then what?!”

  “It’s you!” he said almost hatefully, straightening up and looking away. He looked down, seeing her stricken face of pain, having hurt her feelings with his harsh tone and condemning words. She immediately ran and he reached for her, jerking her back around, tears began to fill her eyes. “Not like you think! I want you!” he shouted down at her. She blinked her eyes, looking confused. “It’s you, your smile, your laughter and…your face—body, so beautiful, sweet, and fucking adorable, like something out of a damn movie. I’ve never met anyone like you and never…had a woman like you around. At all. Ever. Kiss you? Do I want to kiss you? Yes, more than anything, but it won’t be enough. I’m trying to stay in control here and keep it…non-sexual, but you’re making it impossible! I want to fuck you and fuck you hard, here…and now. You—you stand here talking about going swimming at the fall—naked! It’s fucking killing me with the visual of that and knowing I’m not going to get to touch you—Can’t! I’m trying to be a gentleman here. If I kiss you, Adriaunn, there is no guarantee—”

  “I got it,” she replied, turning away and looking back into the pool of the falls. “You did ask me to go easy on you,” she replied, not sure to really believe him or not. He seemed more pissed about her teasing him than being ‘sexually’ aroused. Pa-lease! It sounded ridiculous to her, but she was going to leave it at that. It would allow things to be pleasant for the remainder of the trip and get them through the rest of the day and night, if he didn’t have yet another work emergency pop up.

  “Yes, I did.”

  “Well, you don’t have a condom—”

  “We don’t need a condom! I already know you’re clean.” He stated and looked away, pressing his lips together and let her just stare up at him, absorbing that bit of news. He more than knew she was clean.


  He took a deep breath, lowering his eyes and then looking back up at her. “I know you’ve been getting regular tests since you discovered your ex-husband was having an affair on you and…I…had you tested myself.” He shot a hand out to her arm to save her from falling into the creek behind her when she stepped back in shock. “Please don’t be angry. I can’t take the risk. I have all my records here for you, available anytime you want to see them. I’m clean too and…I’ve never fucked without a condom. Ever, but I still get check anyway. Just for peace of mind. The same as you. That’s part of why…I want you, why I’m attracted to you and need you. I know you’re safe, clean. You’re not some nasty whore who fucks every swinging dick you meet. You don’t fuck around at all. I don’t either, hardly having the time with running the company and all.” The kids! “When I do fuck, they’re strangers, hired. I don’t see their faces, they don’t see mine. They’re brought to me. I use them, pay them and send them on their way when I’m done with them. I’m an extremely private man when it comes to my sex life. I’m also an intelligent guy and I’d never fuck without one—until you, but only because I know you’re safe. I’m sorry.”

  “No ah…I understand. Got it. Um…I’m going to go walk the rest of the gulley and around to the beach, back up to the boathouse and check it out.”

  “All…right. Ah…FYI, we have a pool at the house if you want to swim.”

  “What? I didn’t see a pool.”

  “Indoor, on the other side of the house.”

  “That’s crazy. Why would you have a pool when you have…all this?!” She waved her arms about her and shook her head, looking up at him as he stepped forward.

  “Because this is nasty, that’s why. Count-me-out.” He jerked away, fanning his arm and slapping his jaw, then arm. “I have a call to make.” Another sting and he slapped it and huffed. “Shit,” he huffed. “I’m going back in.” All Sebastian could think was that she needed some time away to think and wrap her head around what he just admitted to her and to try not to be mad at him. He guessed he’ll find out soon enough.

  “Fine, I’ll see you in a bit. I’m very outdoorsy, I’ll be plenty safe!” Adri did as she said she was going to do, she fell completely in love with the beautiful boathouse. It was the same style as the Main house. She stepped inside and stared in shock at the most beautiful boat. It was one of those gorgeous old-style mahogany wood boats, held up by straps out of the water; her absolute favorite style of boat. Actually, her…dream boat! She walked around the boat and went into an office, sleeping area, and looked at pictures all along the wall. Seeing Sebastian out yachting, standing with four different guys, two of them were in several other pictures as well, a big blond and a big brown-headed guy, both very easy on the eyes. Jeez, between the three of them, it was ridiculous that so much beauty was in one picture. He looked way younger—college. She sighed as she spun away and started to leave, but then suddenly stopped. She looked up at the house and sighed. She should be angry, mortified and appalled at what he just told her, but…she could find it in her to be angry. If she had the means and money would she not have done the same thing? It was too dangerous of a world today and you don’t dare get with anyone, even for a second, if there were any doubt what so ever about their medical history. He was being smart, that’s all. Yes it was a gross breach of privacy to do that, but…she wasn’t surprised at all. It totally fit his personality, his aggressiveness and ‘dominant’ side to him. She huffed, shaking her head and walked on out, leaving; dying to be back with him. Why be here alone when I can be with him?!

  He had showered and was in the bathroom when she arrived, standing at the mirror, scratching, and looking the nasty bite marks over. She went to her bag and pulled out the calamine lotion and other medicine. Walking back to him, she pushed his hands away, squeezing out the cream, and putting it on his

  “You just go around carrying antihistamine medicine with you?”

  “I’m a preparer,” she informed him. His eyes flashed wide as he stared down at her. “No! Not apocalyptic! I just keep a little survival kit with me and all forms of medicines and other stuff on me.”

  “Other stuff?” he replied, squeezing the tube and getting a lot on his fingers.

  “I have two tiny bags that open into plastic life-vests, just…whatever could be used, little medical kits—Boy Scout type stuff, Swiss army knife and gadgets.”

  “No wonder you needed a suitcase.”

  “Yeah, but thank god I did,” she replied looking into his medicine cabinet and seeing nothing was there. She squatted down and lifted up his clean jeans, rubbing the ointment all down around his ankles where he kept rubbing his feet together, too. She came up, hearing him give an irritated sigh; her eyes remained downcast. “I’m sorry. I don’t know why they went after you like that. The creek wasn’t running very good and the water sat in the pools, which isn’t good–letting bugs and mosquitoes grow.”

  “It’s no big deal, but I’m keeping your ointment handy. You can have your nap or whatever. I have to check emails and stuff so I don’t get behind or miss anything.”

  “All right. And I’m still sorry about the bugs. I don’t wear any perfumes or anything, so maybe it had been your soap or cologne.”

  “Maybe—it was probably as you said, the creek being too low.” But soon, the creek was going to be running plumb ass full all the time and the entire woods was going to be mowed down, except for a few of the trees for shading! He was going to establish a huge pump system from the lake to the back of the property and keep the creek running full with water, twenty-four-seven, and then call in a landscape company to clear the property of all underbrush. He was eaten up with bug bites and huffed in irritation, Adri not having been bit once! “I’m fine, but…I think I’ll take that kiss after all.”

  “This isn’t a romantic place—” The second his lips touched hers and his mouth opened hers, it ceased to matter. Her brain blacked under with the intense plunge of his tongue, feel of him getting a fist full of her hair, his body pressed fully up against hers, the wall to her back, feeling him jerking her up with his other hand down squeezing her ass. Oh god, his body is huge, so hard and powerful, strong and delicious. She was immediately falling completely under his spell, thrusting her hips upward to his hips, arms wrapping around his neck, and mouth opening and licking hotly back to his tongue.

  The bed was under her, her jeans were off, and then she was screaming into his mouth as he shoved down into her panties and two fingers filled her pussy. He was relentless, jerking up her shirt, licking and biting her nipples. His fingers were pounding and beating, teasing and rubbing right at the hot spot just inside of her, sending her into the abyss fast. She gave another short scream at the feel of his mouth down between her legs. His hands shoved so roughly against her legs, keeping them lewdly spread, going wild as he sucked and ate her out. He stopped, giving a last little lick over and touch.

  “So fucking beautiful. Sa-weet divinity! You taste so fucking good. So good…” He ate a bit more and then stopped when she cried out in pain from the oversensitivity, shoving against his body. He pulled her legs together, jerked the cover over her, and then left her as she began to drift off to sleep.

  Adri woke to darkness and just lay there, pulling her mind together, reaching up and touching her lips, the other hand skimming down over her panty-clad pussy. She wasn’t sure if she’d dreamt it or if it had actually happened, though she was without her jeans, and her body felt so divine, strangely…relaxed, like she’d been drugged. What did he do to me? She stared up into the dark, hands over her mouth in shock, remembering now, the kiss, his fingers jabbing and working in and out of her pussy, rubbing so erratically over her pussy, so…expertly! “No Way…” He dropped down and used his mouth! Cal had only managed it maybe twice and didn’t like it, hurt her when he did it and she hated it—she cut off her thoughts, refusing to go there.

  She tilted her head back and saw it was actually dark out. Good lord, I’ve slept this whole time?! Of course, between the sleepless night I had and then…what Mr. Romeo Sexpert did to me—and that incredibly comfy bed, that’s sheer heaven—it wasn’t any wonder. Well, he’d warned her, kiss him and he’d not be able to stop, though…she knew for certain he didn’t go ‘all the way’ and just touched. God it was so amazing! She still felt so good and shivered at the thought of him making love to her, not stopping until he was filling her cunt hotly full of come and tightening her walls down to blind him right back in pleasure.

  She scoffed immediately at the very thought of her blinding anyone with pleasure like that, let alone a man of his experience. That sobered her real quick. She threw the blankets off her and reached for her jeans at the end of the bed where they lay folded, slipping into them and starting out the door as she zipped and buttoned them.

  Sebastian looked up from the stove where he had dinner when he saw her. “Hello. I was just about to come and wake you. Dinner’s about ready.”

  “I can’t believe I actually slept this long and you let me.”

  “Everything’s good. It actually let me keep up on work and so now we get to stay with no worries, but not tsunami style.” he lied. He actually had the chopper pick him up, went in for a couple of hours, got in a last minute meeting, and then came back. He had left her a note, but she never stirred and had remained sleeping, allowing him to get back to everything exactly as he left it. Crumpling and then tossing the note into the trash, he opened the fridge and pulled out what he needed to start dinner.

  “Ooh, man, that looks incredible,” Adri replied, coming up next to him and seeing he had made Fettuccini Alfredo with chicken.

  “It’s ready; get down the plates.” He nodded to the cabinets, grabbing out cheesy garlic bread from the oven, turning it off, grabbing the wine and pouring two glasses.

  Staying up on the second landing where the kitchen was, he walked out of the kitchen area and into the dining room that was off from the kitchen. She soon followed behind him with their plates and they sat down for dinner, neither one speaking at first. When they did start speaking, she went first.

  “So how are you feeling? Is the medicine working?”

  “Yes, I’m fine.”

  He also had his friend, Dr. Jaxson Vanmar show up at his office and he gave him an antihistamine shot, the damn bites were getting worse and worse, killing him. The asshole gave it to him while he laughed his ass off at him and loved it, asking if he was really that serious about the girl that he would go trekking in the woods after her?!

  “Shut up. Just give me the fucking shot.” And he did so, after swiping his tears of laughter out of his line of sight to his ass. He also got a cream prescription picked up for him while he’d been in town, using it instead of her generic brand.

  Adri smiled at him. “Well you don’t seem to be dancing, so that’s good.”

  “Yeah, I’ll live. I’m fine. So you slept well, huh?”

  “Um…ah….yeah, that bed is…sensational.”

  “The bed’s sensational?”

  “Yeah, nice and comfy. I love it!” She smiled behind her wine glass and then twirled her fork in her dish, getting another bite in, not telling him what he wanted to hear.

  “And you? What did you do while I lay in the sensational bed?”


  “And how was work today, dear? Productive?”

  “Um…Yes, actually it was, getting two meetings out of the way that had been slated for tomorrow.”

  After a few seconds of silence and staring at him, she swallowed her food, taking a drink and licking her lips. “You aren’t kidding. Tsunami. Wow, you poor man. You actually had meetings scheduled for Sunday? You can’t even get one day for yourself. It’s Saturday and you actually worked.”

  “Why? Fine, yes I worked. What’s wrong with that? It was for a good reason. It
let us stay here.”

  “Nothing. It’s just…that it’s such a shame. I mean, here you are in these gorgeous mountains and you can’t really enjoy any of it. Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad we get to stay, but I just think it’s sad, you know? There is so much beauty in the world and you know none of it–or experience it anyway, because you can’t let go of work. You hear about life’s joy, know about it, but never get to know it for yourself, and I don’t understand what you do it for; work yourself like that. You’re killing yourself and for what? For a metal buildings in Manhattan with your name on the side of them?”

  Eight actually, but who's counting, along with various buildings in Hong Kong, Europe and South America. She’d shit if she knew how huge my amassed wealth and power was. I’m no billionaire, but still. It’s only because I spend millions on my hobbies, designing cars, planes and anything else I can think of. However, I have a feeling, even if I did tell her, she wouldn’t totally get it or understand the awesomeness of my stature. Not to be smug, but I do live life out of the ordinary and do things way out of the ordinary. He suddenly had an image of one of his latest projects pop up in his mind, seeing the concept craft that had wings on the side and could fly and then land on water. Fucking awesome! He wondered if she would be afraid and so turned off by it, that she’d leave and would turn her back on him, never to look back. He immediately changed his answer from ‘Immense Power’. “No, for expensive hobbies, like cars and plane collections.”

  “I just think it’s hard on you. You’re constantly wound up and fighting—doing battle with someone and…”

  “Well, as they say, those who win the battle write history.”

  “Is that what it’s also about for you? To be remembered?”

  “I will definitely be remembered.”

  “Oh? In a good way or bad? For what?” She leaned in, unnoticing how he balled his hand on the table top and stared back down at her with that smug brow lifted. “Huh? As ‘The Killer’? Mr. Badass Businessman, take-down-any-man-who-gets-in-his-way or dares to draw his interest. Once he sets his sight on you, he’ll crush you. Well, you’ll not get me that way, Sebastian Darvaine. A name associated with intimidation, fear, crushing, and destroying. The problem with being the person who won the battle, is ninety-nine percent of the time, the win was achieved by using an insurmountable amount of evil. That’s what’s wrong with wars, fighting and conquering. You’re not revered or respected. Who the fuck wants to remember that? The human brain naturally repels unpleasant memories, shuts down, shuts out and forgets, only remembering the moment their brain sparked in excitement; when they were filled with joy, beauty, and happiness.”


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