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Relentless Desire

Page 13

by Jacqwin Hess

  “Yes, I like it nasty. Yes, I like it rough. Yes, I want it hard and filthy, but…I will never hurt you, Adriaunn, go beyond what you can handle and desire and I will never leave you unsatisfied. You will always know pleasure; unequivocally and never regret trusting me and giving me control and power over you. Letting me dominate over you will turn out to be the best decision you’ve ever made.”

  He leaned over, gently pushing the robe out of the way, and trailing a finger around her large nipple until he had it hard and peak. “Lovely. You are fucking beautiful, a precious gift I’m going to love unwrapping, very…carefully. Gentle and slow at first to prime your body, get it fitted to mine, and then teach you how to feel my kind of pleasure. Teach you to give me my kind of pleasure and what I like.”

  “And if I can’t? What if I’m no good at this and it doesn’t work. What if everything Cal said is true and you can’t make us fit–that I’m really not any good and I can’t?”

  “Then you can’t, end of story–sort of, since you’re a sweet girl, Adriaunn, and I intend to have you in my life regardless of any sexual relationship with you or not.” Sebastian smiled as his thoughts continued, but he didn’t speak them out loud, knowing she couldn’t handle all of him at his absolute worst. If we fit–we fit, but we’ll never know if you can’t even spread your legs for me like I just wanted you to do, and let me touch that hot…little fuckhole of yours. He boldly thought and she gasped out, staring at him and wondering if he was serious, that he’d want to stay friends if they didn’t work out sexually. That’s right, darling, you’re in my life for good now. Told you, filthy and nasty to the extreme. When I have you, baby girl, it’s mine; my hot…little…sweet dickhole, your fuckhole becoming my dickhole and then used, brute-fucked, and made into my crèmehole; loaded, filled, seeping and gushing with my come, and I’ll not accept it any other way. Ooh, she would expire on the spot if she just knew what went through my head just now. What always goes through my head where she’s concerned.

  “So the answer to your question, Adri, is yes, to all of it. If you agree to it, I’ll show you more, give you more than you’d ever thought possible in your life,” he lastly replied about it, leaving that last part vague on purpose, meaning far more than what her mind was thinking (that he only meant in pleasuring her and sex). He was looking further and more, enhancing her life all the way around—in bed and out of it when pleasuring her beyond his bed, like he was now by bringing her to the Lake House.

  That was something he noticed right off—Adriaunn didn’t stare at his clothes, his watch, or car, salivating over the things around her. The only reaction she had was to the sight of the property, gasping in utter joy at the cliffs just outside his bedroom, the falls, the woods, and the beach. She didn’t even gawk down at the car, mouth agape—all her attention on him as she stared down at him and smiled so beautifully at the sight of him and never said anything about the car once she had made it down to him.

  She had liked his travel bag, but minus that greedy, lustful gleam in her eyes.

  He picked up the wine glasses and the bottle, rising up and going into the kitchen to let her think on what he just told her. He may…have lost her, but better to have it end now and not even letting it start if she couldn’t handle it and didn’t like it–him. He was who he was, which was a Dom, new to living the lifestyle, practicing and living BDSM, but he could never give it up now. The Dom in him was too much a part of who he was as a man….and BDSM allowed him to enjoy the other side of his dominance.


  “Yes, but…not so much a room as in a place where I have them taken and do my thing. They don’t see me. They’re blindfolded and tied when they are brought to me. I do what I want with them, according to the agreement, the contract we make.”


  “You have to have a contract. Some women like the whip, some don’t. Some like…hot wax and others don’t. There are soft limits—what’s allowed—and then you have a list of hard limits—things that aren’t allowed. They fill out the forms, I look it over and pick the most ‘willing’ girl and have her picked up, taken to an undisclosed locale and we do our thing and then they leave, not removing the blindfold until given permission.”

  “Do you…pay for it?” she whispered and he crooked a grin at how she spoke, like it was such a very dirty thing.

  “Yes. Sometimes.”

  “But why? You’re so gorgeous—”

  “Blindfolded. They don’t know me. I don’t know them past a number,” he repeated and she pressed her lips into a little ‘O’ as she put her scattered thoughts back together. She stared down and started thinking about everything he just said.

  The phone rang and he came down after it—returning to business as usual, but he swept a gentle hand over her cheek first and touched over her lips as he answered the phone. “Darvaine.” They sat there looking at each other as he listened to the person on the other line. “No, I’m not in the city, so I’ll send you my fax number. Send it to me here and I’ll deal with it and then be back tomorrow to see what we’ve got with it. He’s a wiry old fucker, but it won’t matter in the end. He can put up all the junctions he wants, none of it will matter. I’m taking the company and that’s all there is to say about it, he should have ran the company right in the first place. He’s a fuck-up and with that, there are too many jobs to be lost. The profit is too great if ran correctly and in the right hands. I’ve already gone over where all the cuts are to be made and what will be done to it once we’ve acquired it. So, send me those figures and I’ll work them over.” He looked back down at her and lifted the phone. “Go to bed whenever you like. The remote is right there. This is going to take up the rest of the night. I’m sorry,” he told her and then winked before he walked away and left upstairs to his bedroom and office where his briefcase and computers were.

  Adri just stared after him, rather put off at how easily he put her off like that, leaving. It was his business, his corporation, and she felt that he could put things on hold for a little while, but then again, maybe not. She didn’t want to come across as needy. She just sighed, sitting up and grabbing the TV remote, turning it on, but only watching it for a few minutes; too perturbed still. She decided just to go back to the bed. Then she remembered the indoor pool. Looking around, she knew there was only one place for it to be, going through the kitchen, seeing the stairs that went down. He had cut her swim in the lake off, making her get out and shower, so now she decided to check the pool out.

  It turned out to be really nice, a dream pool room that was ostentatious and over the top luxurious. She loved how the ceiling overhead was glass, staring up at the stars as she floated on her back. Man, she could really get used to this, but then she hated the fact that she was there…alone and she’d been alone for most of their ‘date.’

  He’d watched her from the end of the hall that had a window overlooking the pool while talking on the phone and wished he could join her, but knew damn good and well that he didn’t dare. He rubbed and gripped his cock the whole time, slowly masturbating and coming from her naked beauty down below. Fuck she is a sight to behold down there like that—a hot, sweet offering just waiting for me to take, but I want more than just a one-time fuck off of her.

  He finally ended work sometime after midnight, going to bed and was almost asleep when he heard his door creak open. He watched Adri go to his dresser, drop the robe, and slip into one of his shirts—whispering ‘oh my god’ as she ran her hand over the soft, luxurious material. He watched her turn and wait for a moment, looking at him and then walking to the bed.

  “Sebastian?” she whispered.

  “Yes. Is everything all right?”

  “May I sleep here, with you? I…don’t like being that far away or by the main stairs,” she whispered and he smiled in the dark, hearing her admit she was afraid to sleep alone, coming to him. He reached over and lifted the blanket; she wasted no time getting into bed, snuggling in. She lay on her back, ho
lding the blanket up over her chest and then a minute or so later, she scooted her body over, getting closer and leaning toward him, placing her head against his shoulder. “Thank you, Sebastian. This was a nice trip. I had a good time. See you in the morning.” She popped a quick kiss on his jaw and laid back down, not letting the rest of her body touch his—not able to handle it.

  “It was my pleasure, Adri, and I enjoyed it, too. Now you’ll sleep good tonight.”

  “Yeah. Really good.” She couldn’t wait until morning came and they’d wake up together and return back. “Don’t leave me here. Take me with you; wake me, no matter what the hour is. Don’t go back without me.”

  “I promise,” he whispered back as he stayed awake until he felt her finally drift off to sleep. He took advantage of it, rolling his eyes closed as he pulled her against him, slipping his arm under her head and holding her to him, savoring the feel of her soft body, her warmth and beauty pressed against his body—having been so long…years and years…since he’s held a woman in his arms.

  The next morning, Sebastian didn’t know how long he lay there, having woken and watched her sleep for a good while and then opened his arms as she rolled from her stomach onto her side. He didn’t move as she settled against his body, so soft and sweet. He carefully closed his arms back around her and relaxed back down, but was unable to go back to sleep. He thought about life, this trip, Adri in his arms. He began kissing her arm, gently touching her arm, loving her gorgeous skin, loving the hint of tan tone to it, so beautiful. Adri’s words from last night about being so consumed by his work played in his head, and she was right. He was going to enjoy their morning together and remained laying there in bed with her just like that, staring out of the window as he held her.

  Yeah, the property and view…was beautiful and it was a shame he never noticed it and appreciated it before now.

  She was also right about the lake, the land, and the house—it was truly amazing, beautiful, a gift, and one he never appreciated. There was much he never appreciated and had always taken for granted and knew it was time to be grateful for what he had—but he wasn’t stopping until he had Adri and she was his, physically under his domination, power, and his to take care of. Poor baby girl needed someone, too, and there wasn’t another female in all his acquaintances that deserved it more—who would love and appreciate it more.

  When it was time to wake up, Adri never in a million years thought to wake as she did. She woke to the feeling of his soft, full lips pressing against her temple and light fingers caressing up and down her arm. She heard the soft whisper of her name—Ads…wake up, beautiful. He had his other arm tucked under her head and was holding her body against his. She couldn’t help but to snuggle back against him, loving the warmth from his body and the strength that cocooned her, reaching up and clasping her fingers with his before she drifted back out.

  The second time he went to get her up, he was successful, pulling her up and taking her into the bathroom with him. She brushed her teeth the second he got her in there and then she surprised him by opening the shower doors and stepping in with him. Mmm, it feels good. The shower began to revive and wake her up, feeling his hands rub over her hair as he smoothed it away from her face—smiling down at her.


  “You. You’re hard to wake up, Miss Vale.”

  “You…have no…idea. Very. It takes me a good hour or more to get around. I’m sorry–however, you don’t need to worry about me today. I know you have to get back.”

  “Actually, not right away. We’re fine. I’m going to leave and let you finish while I get dressed.” He pecked a quick kiss on her cheek and then stepped out, closing the door behind him.

  Adri pressed her hands together, hiding her smile as she watched where he’d disappeared to and then shook her head, getting back under the running water. It was so strange, to have this casual connection, definite attraction, and burning desire, but refraining from really touching and having sex anyway. Suddenly, the abhorred thought intruded in her mind that maybe she was…yucky, tasted awful and she was no good. Bad. He used his mouth for only a second and hadn’t touched her since. He knew she was a for-sure deal, but wouldn’t mess around again or go for it anyway. Then his blatant words returned to her head and she knew she heard him speak, telling her how good it was. ‘So fucking beautiful–tasty. Fucking fantastic. So good…’ He even dropped his mouth back on her and kept going until she cried out and pushed him away.

  So, Sebastian was actually being the good guy, respecting the fact that she had started out with good intentions, keeping it friendly. He broke for a moment, with her pushing him and everything, it was no wonder he hadn’t just taken what they both wanted–even though she told him plutonic, BFF, and all that shit!

  So, she wanted him and would have given in–did give in–but…Sebastian didn’t do it because he knew she would regret it afterward, and it would have ruined everything because he really was interested in getting to know her….

  “Hello,” Adri said to the housekeeper as she arrived at the bottom of the stairs, seeing she was leaving now. A woman had been called in last night and this morning. The woman had looked her over like she was filth, pissed and jealous, leaving without even saying hello back. WOW. What a C-word! She looked from the door and then seeing Sebastian she didn’t give another thought to the woman and went on into the kitchen where Sebastian was reading the paper and looking so amazingly gorgeous. She’d be pissed and jealous too.

  Adri had put on her best black dress and heels for the trip back, loving him in his gorgeous sexy black suit and being turned on real bad from it. God, he was so sexy and perfect. She was irritated because she couldn’t put the moves on him; Sebastian wouldn’t touch her. She wanted to sleep with him, but he was all Mr. Control or…Mr. turned-off–not interested-now.

  Once she got her plate, she hopped up on the bar and ate it while sitting on the counter. When she was done, she set her empty plate aside as he came up to the island to pour more coffee, his eyes stayed glued to the paper he carried. She bit her bottom lip, holding herself up on the countertop, lifting up her feet to his side, kicking his hips, and began drawing him backward. He was letting her, of course, and she smiled when he finally dropped back against the counter between her legs, continuing to read the morning finance section, and holding his coffee in the other hand.

  She loved being that way with him, slipping her arms on around his chest and laying her head on his large, hard, muscular back. It was then that she looked across the living room into the large mirror and gasped in shock at the beautiful image it made—looking every bit like a real couple—a very beautiful couple. She couldn’t take her eyes off of them, watching him set his cup down next to her on the bar as he kept reading and slid his hand up her arm, holding her arms to his chest.

  Oh god, please…don’t let me have ruined everything…

  Sebastian cricked his neck and suddenly stilled as he saw the same thing she did in the mirror—loving the sight of her behind him like that—looking at her in the mirror. She’s so cute - beautiful. They were beautiful together, another long lost pleasure since his divorce, or more accurately, a few months after their wedding. Christy had never been one for affection and last night and this morning had been so wonderful. The feel of a woman’s arms around him… It was so nice!

  “It’s like I’m having an out of body experience or…I’m looking in on someone else,” she whispered, feeling him slip his hand over hers more, then lift it up to his lips, kissing her fingers, licking them before he gently bit one.

  “How about now?”

  “Real. Very real,” she whispered and then she looked away, picking up her coffee, taking a sip, and setting it down. “So, Mr. Darvaine, what time do you need to be back at work?”

  “I need to be back into the city by no later than one. Therefore, we need to go. We slept the morning away and I had planned on us spending it on my boat in town. Kingston.”

  “Yeah, I do,
too. I have to go check on Ella and see if she needs anything.”


  “Mrs. Ella Pierson. I met her at one of the book conventions. She’s old and can’t get out much or around easily, so I stop by her place and check on her. I bring her some groceries, take her to visit her sister in the nursing home, or just to the park. I need to buy groceries and do laundry—”

  “What park?” he asked, remaining back against the counter between her legs, trapping her there and glanced back over his shoulder, seeing her rinsing her plate and coffee cup. “Not Central? By yourself?”

  She immediately knew where this was going. “Yes, by ourselves, in broad daylight along with a million other people. We’re perfectly safe,” she replied, setting the plate aside.

  He gave a simple ‘humph’ as he tossed the paper onto the island and started to rise up, but she threw her legs around him and tightened her arms.

  “Sebastian, thank you again for bringing me here. I had a nice time.” She kissed the back of his neck, hearing him give a soft moan and then released him, but he didn’t walk away and just turned, reaching up and grasping her face.

  “So did I and I look forward to date number one–or two,” he stated, bouncing his brows and smiling, hoping he’d get lucky next time and it would be a ‘full on sex’ date. He pulled her down from the bar and then both went upstairs, gathering their belongings—

  Chapter Seven

  Back in New York. That next weekend

  Adri had texted Sebastian about a party she was having this weekend at The Gallery, but that had been days ago and he hadn’t responded. In fact, she hadn’t heard from him at all. Well, it’s party day and it’s turned into a total bust and embarrassingly so.

  Adri: Sebastian? Are you there?

  Adri bit her lip, staring down at the screen, and began pacing the apartment.

  Sebastian: I’m here. What’s wrong?


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