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Relentless Desire

Page 24

by Jacqwin Hess

  Waking up…she remembered nothing for a long time, then flashes of memory came back to her, remembering the ruthless thrashing he gave her as he plowed her hallowed pussy, feeling his balls at long last lightly hit her pussy lips, and how good it felt. She couldn’t believe he did it and said he could, that it wouldn’t take much–and it didn’t. Those last couple of times they did it—it was glorious! The sex had been so intense it was life changing, frightening, wonderful, and needed! She secretly feared what it would do to her to let Sebastian have his way with her in its entirety—experience a little BDSM with him. The D/s part was just happening naturally, so would the bondage also happen as naturally? It had been so wonderful to trust him like that in the car, let him blindfold her and pleasure her; all of it sensational because of the anticipation of what he would do next. Now with the day dawning, she couldn’t help but wonder…now what? Would he want me anymore and be interested in having me, keeping me, and continuing? Where do we go from here?

  Why do we have to go anywhere? She guessed when he woke up that would be the test, if he threw her out and sent her home. Or if he got up himself and dressed, leaving her as he shouted and yelled at someone on the phone. The morning test suddenly arrived as he took a deep breath, turned his head, and opened his eyes. He looked at her, smiling, then reached over, smoothing back her hair from her face.

  Sebastian never saw a more beautiful sight than he did at that moment, opening his eyes and seeing her gorgeous face beside his. Amazing. He spoke without even thinking, unable to help himself. “Are you always this gorgeous when you wake? You’re breathtaking.”

  The only thing keeping her from smiling back was the sudden pain down between her legs and the sickness she felt, feeling awful. “Sebastian. I need—Oh.” She gasped out and looked up at him as he leaned over her and…smiled, rather smugly. “I’m in pain and you’re laying there smiling about it?”

  Sebastian came up on his hands and knees, groaning against her neck as he kissed her and then on the jaw. “Absolutely, knowing it’s because of me, that I was there and you’re feeling it still. I’m pleased with it, definitely. In fact, I love it that you’re hurting because of it, want you to always feel where I’ve been inside of you for days afterwards. It’s fucking beautiful.”

  Of course, he’d already knew she’d be hurting when she woke and was ready for it, rolling away from her, getting the pills from his side table and the glass of water for her. She took whatever it was he had given her, handing back the glass, and then dropping into the down pillow. She groaned as the aching worsened, curling up in a ball and feeling his tender caresses over her hair, then a gentle kiss. As pleased as he was, he cared for her and didn’t like her suffering too greatly. He wasn’t a monster.

  “Just breath, baby, it will pass in a moment. Just stay calm, don’t rush the blood to flow any faster in you and you’ll be okay. Just relax and I swear it won’t feel this bad again. It just takes some getting used to. It’s been a long time for you, that’s all.”

  Adriaunn had no choice but to do as he said, because she was really going to be sick right there if she didn’t. She just lay there, moving just enough to roll over and put her back to him, keeping him safe if she happened to get sick. Throwing up on someone rather killed the attraction real fast and she felt so nauseated for some reason. She loved his caring for her, not having had that in so long. If she wasn’t so exhausted, she probably would have turned into a watering-pot on him right then and there. However, she could only snuggle down in the luxurious blanket he pulled back over her and loved that he stayed with her until she fell back to sleep. It was in mere minutes before she blacked completely out.

  Sebastian huffed with a smile, glad the drugs worked, putting her out for the next several hours—not able to jump up, dress and rush back home. He just couldn’t stand the though of her leaving him—like she was going to. He just kept seeing the morning playing over and over in his head, imagining what she would do. ‘Thanks for the hot fuck, Darvaine. See you later!’ or something equally as horrid, if she tried pushing him away.

  I know her well enough to know she would attempt to shut down, make me hate her and let her go. No, I’ll not tolerate that and don’t want to even think about what I would have done if she pulled that shit. Fuck, I’m frightened sometimes by my own thoughts when it came to her, how I feel about her and my selfishness having no limits.. I really like her—need her. Drugging her ass being testament to just how bad I have it for her, wand her and just how much of a dick I am. God, I am such a bastard.

  He found her phone in her purse down in the foyer and dialed Switzer’s Gallery. Two rings later, “Tell me everything! How was it? Is he as good as I suspect and teach you a lot? Well, of course, he did. You needed it, and don’t sit there and beat yourself up about this, you and your damned conscience. And no, you’re not a slut or a whore, either–well, maybe a little one.” She cackled and then just continued hearing the sigh on the other end. “Just kidding. Now, no guilt for this! We all have our needs and…God understands. He built us for Christ sakes.” Victoria heard a little snicker and just continued. “Lucky bitch. You just have no idea; the girls all hate you now.

  “Now…yes, it was by far the craziest thing you’ve ever done, irresponsible and shocking–god, I can hear your brain right now, why you’ve not spoken yet, because I’m hitting the nail on the head and right! But…this has also been the most glorious, wild, and spontaneous, out of control thing you’ve ever done and it’s okay to admit that it feels fabulous! Feels good to be a little slut occasionally, doesn’t it?”

  And there it was! He knew she was going to get that in at some point! “Yeah.”

  And hearing a higher pitched moan in agreement, she continued. “I mean, seriously, doll, how long has it been? You’ve been divorced three years, here in New York for two years, and not bedded any of the dates you’ve had, or anyone. I think you owe yourself this one and…Sebastian Darvaine? How much hotter does it get than that? You just lived every woman’s fantasy here in New York City and abroad. As I said, every woman here last night was pissed to see you leave here with him; all of them imagining him in bed, naked, and fucking, and they hated that he obviously came here after…you. I told you, you wouldn’t regret it. So, don’t worry about coming in today. We’re slow, so you’re fine. Stay home and rest, I’m sure you need it,” she teased and “Adriaunn” gave a little giggle, but then she froze, realizing it was just a bit too deep…and after a second of sitting there in silence, “Sebastian.”

  “Tell you everything? What are we, teenagers?” he asked and then in his best female ghetto voice. “Oh my gawd, girl! He is huge, hung like a bull! Uh-hmm at least a good twelve inches! I swear it felt like a bat was beating into my vagina! It was fab-u-lous! I fucked myself on it all night long, reshaped my pussy on him we went at it so hard. I can’t even walk—we just kept going and going, couldn’t stop. I tell you, I am wiped out! He was a king!” He then stopped and had to laugh, having done a good job at his ghetto woman’s voice and then spoke normal. “She’s upstairs, asleep after I gave her some pain pills. She was beautiful and last night was…absolutely amazing. She’s amazing.”

  “Ah!” Victoria squeaked, slamming her hand down on her desk in anger at him, but secretly was laughing so hard at how ‘well’ he interpreted a African American woman’s voice. Embarrassment set it, and she then yelled back at Mr. Darvaine, “Pain pills? How do you know she’s not allergic to them?”

  “She’s not.”

  “Oh-medical records, of course.”

  He clicked his cheek against his teeth. “I just called to let you know she wouldn’t be in today and since it’s Thursday, to ask for her a day off tomorrow, too. It was incredible and I owe you my thanks.” But I still think you’re a fucking cunt and I don’t like you. I can smell your bullshit through the phone, being nice just to fish for info.

  “I was planning on it anyway.”

  “Oh?” Yeah right.

r husb-ex-husband called and—”

  “What? What did he want?”

  Victoria immediately heard his anger and seriousness, all humor gone. “He said he needed a signature on papers on a pension fund or…something like that. I told him I’d tell her.”

  “Is that all he said?” he asked and she hesitated. “What else, Vic?”

  “Nothing, ah…he just asked how she was, if she was seeing anyone, still single and…if anyone had been hanging around the place lately. He asked me to just keep my eyes open, being in a dangerous town and all. He said everyone hated her moving here and…her family wishes she’d move back home.”

  Victoria tapped her fingers on her desk nervously, waiting for him to say something, but he didn’t for a long time. She could hear a tapping on his end-the computer. “Sebastian?” Finally, he spoke after a long moment, reading something apparently and then speaking as he read.

  “Okay, that’s right. This guy was a fireman, but not for long, going to police academy and becoming a cop, making detective.”

  “Yeah. So?”

  “Phone’s ringing; I have to go-say nothing about him calling. I’ll deal with it.”

  “All right.”

  “And Victoria, just to let you know?...I think your fucking shit for what you did to Adriaunn on the night of her party, throwing your own over hers and inviting her guests to yours, sabotaging her party like you did. I’m extremely disappointed—fuck, I was actually furious about it. I showed up for it after all. Then it’s compounded when I get at the party you threw last night and I immediately could tell that you had Adri cook for it, decorate the place for it, using part of her shit, and took it all for yourself! Un-fucking-real. She came up with The Gallery party first and you couldn’t stand it. It was a shit thing for a so-called friend to do, who thinks she’s a gem and likes her so much–shitty even for a boss-acquaintance. Though, on the flip side of that, I thank you for doing it, because when I showed up for it, it let me have her all to myself and let us be alone. It was a much more enjoyable evening, and that dinner she cooked?...was out of this fucking world. At this moment, I owe you for it, because by my spending time with her alone that night? allowed for last night to happen, with her finally comfortable with me. You can relax about Adri, she doesn’t know it was your party in the neighborhood. I didn’t ever tell her and hurt her like that because she really does think highly of you and Stan, which made it all the more sickening having to listen to how great you are to her. Un-fucking-real! You mean something to her, important to her, and she’s a far better human being than those bitches you call friends, who would shit on you in a heartbeat to step ahead. Tell me, was Stan in on it?”


  “The psychotic, crazy jealousy bullshit with you and your gal pals better fucking stop. From here on out, you better treat her like fucking gold or I’ll ruin your ass; you can kiss New York good-bye and all your high-society cunt bitch friends with it. In the meantime, I’m going to think of some way you can make it up to her!” he told her and then snapped the cheap phone closed, tossing it onto the coffee table.

  Victoria was left in a state of shock, her chest pounding and cursing in her mind that he found out. Adri had said he wasn’t coming! She stared at the phone and sighed, still feeling her panging jealousy and deep envy of her. She secretly hoped he was actually a horrid bastard in real life and just used her for a fuck. Why her?! But even as she asked—she knew.

  Sebastian sighed, rolling his eyes. He felt good about informing her that he knew what she did and letting her sweat it now, until he was ready to deal with her. He looked down when his phone rang and picked it up, seeing that it was his investigator. He answered in a dark tone, “Grantham.”

  Phil Grantham sighed and then cleared his throat. “Mmm, so you know?”

  “Yes, I know. The ex is checking up on her, knew she’d been investigated and told Vic to keep an eye out for her. She claims she didn’t say anything to him. She’s here, upstairs, pleasantly passed out in my bed, finally. Anyway, I just read on the guy. Initial report said he was a fireman, but further reading shows that he’s a cop, a detective now.”

  “Yes, Mr. Super Detective.” Grantham replied, groaning as if it pained him to say it.

  “Super detective?”

  “Yeah, the hero of Minneapolis.”


  “Well, it’s just what I’m noticing and finding out. Usually if it’s too good to be true, then it usually is. This guy has a string of cold cases attached to his name, all because shit just disappeared from evidence, or was misleading information, mistakes or series of coincidences where the bodies were found, they’d go after it and suddenly the bodies were gone. It was as if shit was happening internally to lead the cops off and cause the case to go cold. Well, all eyes turned to detective Kempton; low and behold, he suddenly finding these missing girls all over the place. His cases are getting solved one after another, just one string of incredible luck, old cases broke—finding all the girls dead and in such a condition it was futile to even think of finding any evidence on the victims. I don’t know, I just don’t like it. I know when shit is trying to smell like a rose, that’s all. Something is up with the guy. He gives me the creeps and I just feel that something is off about the guy. I don’t like him. Miss Vale is way better off where she is and needs to just stay clear of the guy and avoid him if she can.

  “Don’t worry, I’ll be taking care of her here for now on. She’s not returning back. Keep checking things out on the guy if you want and see what else you come up with. Just be careful.”

  “Always.” Grantham replied, bringing his cigarette to his lips and taking a drag, then another thought occurred to him. “I wonder if he ever showed her any pictures or she ever saw the evidence of the crimes.”

  “No. Don’t even thing about it. No way in hell will I allow her to go through old crime scene photos to discern between what he showed her and what was in evidence. That is where your thoughts were headed, correct?”

  “Yes. Sorry. It just came to me, that’s all. It’s just sad to see these parents coming into the station day after day, trying to learn about what happened to their kid and someone in there knows, looking them in the eyes and lying to them, keeping it covered up. It was just a thought. Anyway, what were you saying?”

  “I was thinking detectives have friends in the FBI, friends made in the academy. And you used your own friend in the FBI for some of the fact gathering and it flagged her name. His friends saw and told him that his ex-wife had an investigator on her. Not a hard one to figure out.”

  “Said he needed her signatures on some pension papers or something?”

  “It’s bullshit.”

  “Possibly. I don’t know yet, but I heard Kempton and his wife arguing about it.”

  “His wife is a lawyer, she wouldn’t have left that undone, even if she’s a bad lawyer, but she was already with him and having his kid. She would have seen every ‘i’ dotted and ‘t’ crossed and left nothing to chance, especially when it came to his pension from the fire department or police. So I’m opting for choice number one, her name was flagged in Washington when you were working, or the Feds are keeping an eye on you–or me—”

  “Please, they’re always keeping an eye on you, Darvaine. You’re never out from under their scope.”

  “Yes, but this is too coincidental. No one knows who you were working for, that I requested the information on her–correct?” Sebastian asked and his response was immediate.

  “Absolutely not. And I know that no one knows I’m here or that I work for you on occasion. They know I was on retainer for your father once upon a time, but not you. I’m spread way out and investigate for a lot of people. So you’re in the clear on my end. The only way it could have happened is…if her name was flagged, which means Kempton keeps up on his wife or…if you’ve been seen with the girl. Have you contacted her or anything yet?”

  “I just told you she’s in my bed.”

nbsp; “Oh…yeah, right.” Grantham gave a light chuckle and shook his head, mentally seeing Sebastian roll his eyes at him. Sebastian Darvaine was a hard man to work for, being a man of extreme intelligence, usually figuring things out on his own all the time and having the ability to see things and catching others didn’t. Grantham was always having to stay two steps ahead of the man. Sometimes he wondered why Darvaine even had him on his payroll. It gets frustrating when he calls up and tosses idea after another at him, virtually doing his job for him without even being there. The man was a machine! “Well, I’m betting that’s what happened and they put two and two together.”

  “Probably. Plus the fact you looked detective Cal Kempton up and they were notified and now he’s calling her to check up on her. I would bet anything the Mrs. doesn’t know about it.”

  Grantham huffed. “The ball buster? Oh my god. I almost feel sorry for the guy. Almost. It’s really…rather stunning that he gave up Ad–Miss Vale over the bitch he’s married to now. She’s a looker, but that’s all she is. However, the man did strike me as wanting his cake and to eating it all, too, with a bit of frosting on the side. That’s also why I don’t like him. I just hate the negative vibe I get from him, just knowing something is up with that guy, something’s off. I can’t pinpoint it. I think he still sees her as his, still visits and sees her parents, all of them living in the same small town. I bet anything none of them know about how vicious he’d become at the end of the marriage. And rumor has it, he and his wife aren’t as blissfully happy as they once were, having marital problems, even with their third kid on the way.”


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