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Relentless Desire

Page 29

by Jacqwin Hess

  “Being your bitch?! Your bitch?!” he held her down against and started tickling her and had her kicking, shaking and screaming out, laughing so hard and then he threw his arms around her, flipped them over and stopped all laughing when kissing her, enjoying her for what he had left of this trip.

  Adriaunn loved it; Sebastian making love to her in a way that was never PG-13. He was just too sexy, too erotic and his body too powerful when he thrust and drove his cock in. Plus, combine that with his darker side; his lack of conscience about the nastier acts, having no problem in doing anything and everything, bringing it in on their time in bed, it made for one unbelievably magical moment. He applied all his skill and knowledge into bringing her to ecstasy. At the moment, their sex was rated R, but she knew Sebastian was dying to up the anti and fuck X-rated, but she’d never fuck Triple X, which to Adri meant screwing in a threesome or gangbangs. Of course, who really knew what was in Sebastian’s mind? What she saw as Triple X could just be R rated in his mind, since he’s done it so much and left nothing untried, making sex mundane for him. And so there she was, his new…flavor and needing to delve deeper, take it to that next level in his mind.

  That next morning, he yawned and looked over where she lay awake next to him, looking as if she’d been crying, but he didn’t point it out or say anything. She reached out to him, touching his lips and opening her mouth to speak; she hesitated and then told him, “I’ve never come before. I mean not how it’s been with you…ah…blacking out.”

  He rolled onto his side and, of course, gave a smug grin at her, holding her hand and kissing her palm. Yes, my darling angel, I know. It was quite obvious. “You mean, orgasm.”

  “Yeah. I mean I…came a little, small climaxes, where it was okay, but nothing…to make me scream and go crazy. I swear, I’m not just playing to your ego or—”

  He placed his fingers to her lips, silencing her and then he drew her to him, wrapping his arms around her, remembering her cries in the car as he fucked her, screaming out over what was happening, screaming at what was he doing to her. “I know, Adri. You fought it at the lake, stopping mid climax and again in the vault at The Gallery. But then I finally fought through your mental barrier when we were in the car out in front of The Gallery, felt it and knew it had been your first orgasm; seeing how you screamed and shook, fought it, trying to get away from it. That’s why I kept my fingers all down over you like I did; in you and trapped you onto me, forcing you to endure it, feel it, and take it.” God it had been so beautiful, fucking my pretty little bitch to her first orgasm. Man, if she only knew how much I had loved watching her and died inside of her as she came apart; so intense, hot and tight, gushing all over me. “I’ll never forget that moment, the stunned beautiful look on your face. It was the most beautiful thing, and it’s became my goal to give you hundreds more before I’m through with you, to watch and make you die on me time and time again. You’re so gorgeous, Adriaunn. And just so you know now, you can be sure to tell any other men who ask you out…that you’re no longer available….”

  He leaned over, taking her sweet gasp into his lungs.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Let it never be said that Sebastian Darvaine was a man that couldn’t deliver. Ohmigod, that man has pounded my pussy so viciously raw and I fucking love it! I LOVE having orgasms! Why–oh–why I ever fought them, cut myself off. Well, I know why–no, don’t think of that now. Ex husbands are just that, EX! He had spoken such stunning, erotic words over the phone and iPad to her, about what he was going to do to her. Well, he has yet to disappoint. He said he would see to it she enjoyed herself and the beautiful man fully delivered and then some! After last night, they couldn’t possibly spend another second having sex. It was Friday and it had started off great, Sebastian making breakfast for them, then he went and showered alone. He came out dressed all fancy again in tan slacks, white shirt, tweed blazer on and brown shoes, looking so gorgeous. However, he came up to her in the kitchen and kissed the top of her head, grabbed a bottle of water out of the fridge and then disappeared into the office.

  Adri sighed as she rolled over on the couch and stared up at the ceiling, again listening to Sebastian on the phone. It was beginning to rankle and she rolled her eyes, sitting up. Another sigh uncontrollably escaped her and she found herself getting up and stepping out onto the porch. She flinched when the door closed a bit harder than she meant, but she didn’t stop to look back inside and left down to the beach.

  That was where Sebastian found her, sitting on a huge old piece of driftwood. She had a leg bent up to her chest, her cheek resting on her knee and the other leg gently swinging back and forth. She was watching her toe circle in the sand and looked positively miserable.

  Ugh! How am I to tell him to take me back home without sounding like a bitch?! She gasped out as arms suddenly encircled her body and he sat down behind her, then held his phone up in front of her. She instantly tensed, but slowly began to relax as he held up his phone and she watched him hold his thumb to the screen in the upper right side. In a few seconds it went black and white dots made a circle on the screen, turning off.

  “I’m sorry.” He whispered against her temple, kissing her hair and repeated the words. “I’m…sorry. I’m the world’s suckiest date.”

  “Well, not in the whole world.”

  Sebastian smiled against her temple and lightly laughed. “You’re so generous. But, I am sorry. So, how about this,” he replied and turned his phone face down. He punched in a code on a tiny keypad on the back, holding his phone up as the back and front part of his phone separated. He worked his fingers around the exposed battery, digging in and carefully popped it out. “There. It’s yours for the rest of the day.”

  “The week, as long as we’re here.” She lifted her brow up at him when he gave a whiney sighed and flinched. He couldn’t give her that. “Fine. All day, then you can check back in periodically the rest of the time. Very periodically.”

  “Deal.” He replied and she jerked her shirt open and tucked the battery in her bra. “Hmm, what else do you have in there?”

  “Nothing! Ever. I never put things down in my bra. That’s so tacky,” she stated, rolling her eyes and then partially turned, looking back at him. He gave her a quick kiss on the lips and she then saw all the stuff setting off against some of the large boulders.

  “I thought we would try digging for clams and fishing, then…we’ll cook them over an open fire tonight. We’ll have dinner on the beach. Sounds good?”

  She couldn’t help but smile. She shrugged her shoulders up in excitement and slipped her arm on around his back as she turned on around to face him. “Yes! It sounds wonderful. It’s actually right up my ally. I love to fish. I suppose in all your research on me you sort of learned I’m ‘outdoorsy.’”

  “Yee-es. I did. So, come on and I’ll show you my own mad skills in the great outdoors, Miss Vale.”

  “Says you who is sitting here in your suit.”

  “Okay, tan slacks, white button up and…” she looked down at his shoes. “Million dollar loafers. All you’re lacking is a tie and the tan blazer is on the back of the chair back in your office at the house.”

  “You don’t think I can fish?” He asked and she just rolled her eyes, smiling and laughing at him. She was thinking of how he acted back at the lake house and he just knew she wouldn’t ever let him live that down. “I’ll show you.” He came to his feet, pulling her up with him and lifted a foot, grasping his five thousand dollar pair of A. Testoni Norvegese. He removed one, rolled up that pant leg and then removed the other shoe, rolling up that pant leg and then rolled his sleeves up. She just watched and smiled the whole time, shaking her head. “You’ll see. I’m going to catch the biggest damn fish in that ocean!” Now she screamed out laughing and he grabbed her up and threw her over his shoulder, spun and walked off towards the fishing gear and clam tubes.

  Adri screamed out in laughter, leaning back into Sebastian as they fought the fish she had successf
ully baited. Together they worked on bringing the fish in, him holding the pole with her as she worked the reel and backing up. She shouted out as it flew up out of the water, jerking and splashing, seeing a monster Striped Bass.

  “Holy shit!” Sebastian finally grabbed Adri around the waist, lifting her up and ran backward as she reeled. He tripped and both of them fell back and she kept reeling and finally landed the fish, cheering out and laughing.

  “You cheater!”

  “I did?”

  “You’re not suppose to run back and drag it on shore like that. You have to reel it in, all the way.”

  “You won’t bitch when you’re eating it tonight.”

  “No, probably not.” She puckered her lips and he kissed her real quick, then they both got up and he went to tie the fish off to keep it fresh. She of course watched to make sure he did it right and they didn’t loose it, or leave it swimming around with the stringer through him.

  They had a blast on the beach, finding shells and unique colored stones, then getting the clam tubes, trying that out. Apparently it was something his father and grandfather use to do and that was why he had the supplies for clamming there.

  Ah shit! Man! You gotta be freaking kidding me?! Sebastian mentally growled out in anger, tossing down his clam tube as he jerked his hand back to look at the second cut on his finger. “Ah–Screw this shit. This was suppose to be fun and…romantic! All I’ve accomplished is getting muddy and cutting my fingers. Sorry. We at least have fish.” He replied and looked back to where he thought she was still standing and watching him. He looked over and found her down the beach just as she jerked her hand out of the other tube he had brought and held up her clam.

  “I got another one!” She dropped it in her bucket and looked back down, grasping the tube and then jumped forward, thrusting the tube in the ground, twisting it and pushing it down. She used her legs, pulling it out of the sand and placed her hand up in the tube and jerked it out, holding yet another clam, beaming up at him. “I love it! It’s so easy! I’m having so much fun! These are going to be yummy! I can’t wait!”

  Sebastian went to her and picked up her pail, seeing it half full. Holy crap! Seriously?! He grabbed his tube and looked for the hourglass patterns in the sand, tried again for a clam, shoving the tube in the ground, pulling it up and the clam flew out of the bottom. He tried catching it, but jerked his hand back afraid of getting cut again and lost it. It dropped on the beach and disappeared—Adri jumped forward and shoved her tube into the sand. She pulled up and put her open hand against the tube and then quickly display the clam with a big smile. She looked adorable with mud in her curly damp hair and he threw his arm around her shoulder, jerking her to him, taking her lips. She tasted salty and sweet, like the beach and then threw her back over his arm, taking in her laughing scream. She jerked away and they watched the clam she lost fall and quickly disappear back in the sand, then he looked back down at her, still holding her back. “Oh well, we apparently have plenty.”

  “Good, because my hands are starting to cramp.” She replied and he stepped back, pulling off her gloves and started working her fingers between his and warming them back up.

  “You have to get after it and get dirty!” She told him and he just gave her a half grin, rolling his blue eyes. “But it’s okay. I think there’s plenty here for the both of us.” She rose up on her tiptoes and puckered her lips to him, smiling as he gave a teasing sneer down at her, just before dropping his lips to hers.

  “You’re covered in mud and sand.” He reached up and shagged at the top of her head, brushing out some of the sand she managed to get in her hair.

  “You’re not one of those spoiled sports are you?”

  “Ah…no.” He assured her, taking her clam tube from her and she bent over picking up the bucket. He couldn’t help himself running his hand down the crease of her bottom to her pussy and then smiled as she shot back up, spinning around on him.


  “Come on. There is no way you can do that and not expect me to touch you.” He stated and she squinted her eyes at him before turning and walking away. He fell in line with her, throwing his arm around her shoulder and kissing her on the cheek.

  “You’re hopeless.”

  Oh…you have no idea, baby girl. None at all. He didn’t verbally respond back to that and just smiled, taking them back to the house after she retrieved his shoes for him.

  That night Sebastian built a bonfire on the beach and they lay out on a plush blanket, dressed in their jeans and T-shirts, drinking the most expensive wine money could buy, she was sure. They dined on his fire-grilled fish and her clams. It was wonderful, just talking for hours and laughing. She was actually surprised by how funny he was, but he was so shy and not showing it very often—afraid to be himself as much as she was with him.

  She picked up the bottle of wine and looked at him as she began refilling her glass, spilling some—his hand flew out so fast she actually gasped. “Oh. Sorry. It’s really good. I like this Chateau Margox.”

  “Oh my god,” he mumbled and couldn’t let that one go. “It’s Chateau Margaux.”

  “Oh, sorry. Chateau Margo.”

  “Don’t worry; you’ll learn correct pronunciations in time—just don’t say them out loud in public yet. Trust me!”

  “Chateau Margoo.” She tried sounding French like him, but failed miserably and he smiled, laughing at her, clasping his hand over her mouth.

  “Ah! Oh my god, that’s even worse. Stop it!” he teased, yet didn’t, since it did sound awful. It was like being stabbed in the ears. She gave a huffing pout, turning away and sipping on the seventy-eight thousand-dollar wine. Why he grabbed that bottle he didn’t know, but he had known that it was going to be so good with what they were eating, he didn’t even think about it and grabbed it. And of course, she wasn’t educated enough about wines to have a real appreciation for it and think of the cost. He had some wines that reached up to two hundred thousand dollars, having bought it from auction. A couple bottles of wine he owned had been discovered in a shipwreck off the coast of Russia that had been on its way to an imperial family back in the mid-1800s. He had some Screaming Eagle, a few more bottles of Chateau Margaux from 1787 priced at about two hundred and twenty-eight thousand dollars. All those wines were in a special temperature controlled vault in a secret location.

  “Tell me, Sebastian Darvaine, what do you do, besides acquisitions and liquidation?”

  “Well, since you obviously haven’t researched me any; I buy up old property and refurbish it, if it can be and then sell it at a premium profit. I was in on the rebuilding of Harlem, on the south side. We put in some nice parks, cleaned up the neighborhood, and now it’s a great middle-class neighborhood. Now, I bought up some more buildings in SoHo, where Switzer’s is and I’m in the process of seeing those redone, some of the older Manhattan townhouses and other properties all over the country, but headquartered out of New York,” he explained. Actually, the refurbishing of old buildings was just a hobby. He didn’t go into what he really did, knowing eventually she’d get online and research him. It was only a matter of time and he knew she would meet her old buddy, the FBI agent, Mercer, who was possibly still watching them. Sebastian hoped the man had seen enough and had left, since he no longer saw the distant light off in the sea that marked the sign of a ship nearby.

  He didn’t want to tell her too much about him, not yet, because he had no doubt that she would go running in a panic. He was actually enjoying the simplicity of their conversation right now. At times, he just felt so drained by all the hardcore figures he dealt with on a daily basis, the scientific aspect as an engineer and the more complexities of running his own corporation. He got so tired with the stress of his job and what he did. He liked Adriaunn and kind of envied her, her naivety and lesser intelligent mind, which allowed her to miss things, and sometimes that would be great, but like with Victoria and the girls, it wasn’t. He had yet to decide what he was going to do abou
t that. “Now, tell me something that…wouldn’t be in an investigative report and that I wouldn’t know about you.”

  “Well, let’s see. Umm…I don’t know, ah…every other Tuesday, I go and get Mrs. Ella from the Senior Living Apartments and take her out to eat at her favorite restaurant, then Central Park where she met her husband and then take her for groceries or we stop by the nursing home to let her visit her sister. But I told you about her already, didn’t I? I really like her and going with her to the nursing home. While I’m there, I’ll play the piano for them and visit the others there. Those are my favorite trips. She is a crazy romantic like me, at least in our genre of media; books and movies,” she replied, rolling onto her back with her head on his stomach and feeling him run a hand up her jaw as he looked down at her.

  Oh god, it feels so good to be touched like that. It left an instant aching in her she dare not notice and think too deeply on. This can not get serious! He isn’t serious. He couldn’t possibly be. I can’t even speak and pronounce things correctly. Chateau Margo-what a fucking— She cut her thoughts off, remembering what he said about running herself down and thinking ugly of herself. No, I’m not an idiot. It’s just not my life and where I ever came from. Like he said, I’ll learn.

  “So you’re charitable.”

  “Eh, I wouldn’t go that far. Going with her gives me something to do and it…does feel good, seeing her and doing that for her.” She sat there for a second and thought some more. “I don’t really know. Um…I like to paint, oils, mainly landscapes. I ah…cook and bake, and very well.”

  “So I discovered—and still very impressed.”

  “Yes. I started taking all these classes in things that I wanted to do once I was rid of Cal and actually free do to what I wanted without permission or having to second guess myself on everything; painting, pottery, cooking classes. Ah…I made it to purple belt in Tae Kwon Do.”


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