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Relentless Desire

Page 33

by Jacqwin Hess

  She saw him grin, glancing down at her as he leaned back against the wall of the elevator.

  “Nicki Minaj, huh? And another talent you seem to have, you can actually sing…and rap. So….would you mind terribly telling me which look that would be that would have you taking your panties off. I’m all about the look.” Sebastian asked and she smiled up at him, laughing, shaking her head.

  “Yeah. Later.” She then spun around with the bell ringing and the doors opening, feeling Sebastian take her hand and placing it on his arm. He lifted her hand, kissing her fingers and then escorted her out of the elevator into the restaurant that was in the high-rise their helicopter landed on.

  Dinner had been wonderful; the food oober-scrumptious, having to really battle her compulsion and demon. She fought to keep the monster inside of her down, keeping her contained and controlling herself, when she’d love nothing more than to let her moan and die in ecstasy over how yummy it all was—lick the fucking plate! She loved the restaurant, the luxurious interior, and décor. The ambiance was so romantic and the view of downtown Boston was spectacular. The only difficult part was the ballet. They arrived by limousine, getting out and going up the red carpet, where their picture was taken by several different media outlets. She actually felt sick, scared, and nervous. She kept a clutching grip on his hand or arm, just doing her best to stand up straight, keep her chin up and back straight. And for God sakes, don’t trip on these stilettos in front of everyone!

  She was never more glad to be inside of somewhere in all her life and so grateful that none of them required interviews, but they all asked for her name and he effortless managed to steer them from the topic, keeping her identity private. When she sat down, her head was rather spinning from it all, trying to figure out what he did and how…smartly he handled the reporters. Her thought came to an end as the lights went down and she found herself mesmerized by the beautiful dancing and music. She was unable to take her eyes off the stage and the dancers—feeling Sebastian’s eyes burning into her skin as he watched her enjoy the performance. It was so lovely and she knew he had gone just for her. She shivered at the feel of his touch, loving it when he reached up and slid his hand over hers that she had placed on his knee.

  When the ballet was over, he took her out dancing at the Royal Boston nightclub where he met some business associates and visited with them. He sat there, watching her dance and have a good time while they socialized—having asked her to let him watch her drop it and move like she had back on the island. “Why? But you said—”

  “Because it’s safe for you to do it here, they know me, and I know and trust them. You won’t have anyone come after you and hurt you. Several of the local men were eyeing you really hard and making plans they should have been. You’re free here and I like it, want to see it.”

  And she did, dropping in a squat, moving her hips in a slow circular motion as she came up and kept moving them so erotically—getting him good and hard. She had been joined by his business associates’ girlfriends (mistresses) and wives, but didn’t let that stop her, dropping it down and grunging it back up, getting totally into it. She just let herself go, being a damn good sexy dancer, knowing how to move that body of hers to perfection to the booming beat and tempo of the music. It wasn’t too long and she felt him there, turning in his arms and moaning in his mouth as he kissed her, feeling how hard he was for her after watching her. She knew the other women were watching, but she still didn’t care, didn’t know them and probably never would, thrusting her tongue out into his mouth, kissing him back, gyrating herself against him. He didn’t last long there, either, grabbing her and leaving.

  She had enough champagne to get her through the helicopter ride and the ride back to where the yacht was docked. She drank more once they were there and Sebastian began to run out of patience, kissing her once he got her the second they stepped into the yacht. He grabbed her up, setting her on top of the piano, lifting her bottom as he grabbed roughly at the sides of her panties, jerking them off and shoving the dress out of the way for his hot mouth. She gasped, dropping her empty glass and got a handful of his hair as he sucked hard on her clit. He fingered her open and ate painfully from her pussy. She was forced to drop and lay back, spreading her legs more for him, giving him what he wanted. “Oh god-Oh god, yes!”


  Adri opened her eyes as she heard the rapid succession of clicks coming from his camera and looked up from him where she laid out on the bed, having passed out for a second after her orgasm on the piano. He just removed his fingers from her pussy, giving her a nasty little grin when he moved his head out from the camera and then dropped his mouth back down on her pussy, delicately kissing around down between her legs.

  “Relax, Ads, I never got your face once, having just got a shot of your lips and close up of your beautiful tits and nipples. It’s on a completely separate SD card from the other shots we took earlier, so there is no way anyone could ever know it was you on here—though my security is like a fortress around me, no one will ever know these exist, except for me and you. Come on, Addie girl, let me do it and give me what I want, hot shot of that delectable, hot little hole of mine. Oh, fuck me…” He watched her seep wetness from his words, positioning the camera back, putting it on video and watching her weep for him—knowing just what to say to turn her on and always get her wet. “God, your little fuckhole is so beautiful, hot and skilled, knowing just how to work it. That’s it, my baby girl; let me take shots of my cunt—and fucking you.”

  It had to have been the champagne, laying back and moaning as she spread her legs further for him, reaching down to her pussy, touching herself and opening herself. “Yes.” She heard the rapid clicking, the zooming in and clicking, drawing her pussy in, opening herself deeply, hearing him panting harder and growling as he touched her, forcing her clit hood back and pushing up on the soft bundle just inside of her opening, getting it all—his tongue licking out to her pussy, him eating her pussy. She moaned as he filled her pussy with his cock, getting more shots in and coming fast inside of her. Then suddenly he was up by her head and had a fistful of her hair. She cried out and gasped when he jerked her head back and sank to his balls into her throat in a single thrust. He grew a little rough, holding her onto his dick and began fucking her mouth. He was finishing his climax off in her mouth, tasting their sex, drinking his heady blows, letting him get the close up of that, her red lips wrapped around his cock, throat budging thick with cock—and blowing his mind in the process when she arched back and allowed it.

  “ohmyfuckingod-ohmyfuckingod-ohmyfuckingod! Ah!” Sebastian was dying, shaking as he held her hard to him, the last of his come shooting out of him and into her beautiful esophagus. He withdrew, gripping and drawing his cock up and she kept licking and sucking at his sack, worshipping him and smiling, moaning in utter delight. She took his dick back into her mouth, shook her head and continued sucking for the longest time. She’s so fucking good, it’s unbelievable. I’m keeping her and making her my nasty little submissive and all that it entails. I’m bringing her to into my darkness…and change her, mold her into just what I need her to be and she’s going to love every second of it. She’s going to accept it and carry out every fantasy I’ve ever had. My own personal sweet little fuck-slave and sweet little goodie-holes to use up and do whatever the hell I want with them. One of these days, I’m going to whip my pretty little pussy red and make her like pain—though I’m almost ninety-nine percent sure she already does. Oh yeah, keep sucking it baby girl, keep loving it just like you’re doing. Fuck that feels so amazing!

  He was in a state of total shock, staying up on his knees as she kept right on sucking him. He lifted up the camera and looking, panning through the last shots—unbelieving how amazing the pictures were; getting her face just below her cheekbone. It was only a shot of his dick between those sweet lips, her throat and one breast that she was actually gripping hard enough that he
was sure she had to be hurting. Fuck she is so damn hot! She licked and sucked and went a little wild for a few seconds, and then dropped in exhaustion, rubbing her jaw with a soft moan. He straddled her, jerking her legs back up and wide, taking more shots of her crème filled pussy. “Stick your finger in it…”

  Adri did everything he told her to do. She let him have his pictures…and videos of her pussy on him, just doing all he asked and demanded and spun his ever-loving mind in the process. She thrash-fucked that massive hard dick again—smiling as he shouted and blew so hard for her, getting a few of her favorite shots as well.

  Oh…that was crazy. The stupid shit people do when they’re drunk.”

  “No kidding. You nearly break my dick when you do it like that, Baby Girl.” He caught his breath finally. “Come on and I’ll finish you at the house.”

  They never parted as they left the yacht, her dress thrown over his shoulder, his tux jacket over her body, kissing continually as they made their way into the house. He slid the glass door closed and took her straight to the bedroom. She dropped on the bed, watching him strip out of the rest of his clothes and then welcomed him as he came down on top of her. She moaned, running her hands all over his back and shoulder, then gasped when he impaled her in a single hard thrust, settling in deep, but he didn’t move right away and just lay there inside her body. He held himself hard, holding himself tightly inside of her and when he did move, it was slow…gentle…and easy, savoring the feel of her pussy enveloped about his cock, sweetly massaging their flesh together. He kissed her just as gently and slowly, taking in his breath as he took in hers, tasting each other with each breath and she stared up into his eyes as he made love to her. She had expected and was prepared for some more good hard rage-fucking, but this threw her completely off and wasn’t what she was ready for, not sure how to handle it.

  “Just lay there, don’t move, just let me ride you, do what I want, take what I need.”

  Sebastian was different like this, more in control, more wicked and more masterful, making her feel every single inch of him, every touch more burning, more sensitive, more pleasurable. Sebastian Darvaine was a true Master, knew how to use and draw on the anticipation to make it hurt, make her hurt, ache, and beg, then scream when he finally acted on whatever he had planned. Sebastian’s stamina and physical endurance proved to be out of this world, being made to totally eat her words that she spoke in the vault to him at The Gallery; having wondering if he’d be able to fuck her hard enough, fast enough, and long enough to please her.

  Well, he more than proved that he could and then some. He was able to hold out for an extraordinary amount of time when taking her like this, torturing and agonizingly slow. He knew when to speed things up, thrusting harder and faster at just the right time to build their sex up and then stop. He would ease back down and work it back into the cool endless rhythm, doing it over and over.

  He kept slow-fucking her, pressing through another hour and she finally pled for it to end, calling out ‘red’ then ‘yellow’ and pleading up at him. “Yellow, please Sebastian. Red,” she softly moaned and he immediately stopped, holding in just long enough as he suddenly, uncontrollably came. He then withdrew and drew her into his arms, clutching a handful of hair as he pressed a kiss to her lips. She slept for what felt like minutes, then was shocked to feel his fingers on her pussy—about to get mad over it—but she froze staring up at him as he held different things in his hands. Without asking her, he pushed a towel under her bottom, parted her folds and licked on a watery Popsicle. He then dropped it to her pussy. “Na-oh!” It was inside of her before she had a chance to stop him and she dropped back as he withdrew it from her. It felt so good, loving the cold burn cooling off her swollen pussy.

  “Trust me Ads and let me take care of you. I know what I’m doing; taking the swelling down. Just relax,” he said softly, parting her folds back out again and slipping the ice bar back into of her pussy, working it in and out. When he it was all melted, he picked up the jar of crème, medicine for her chaffed flesh and watched as she flinched her eyes close, feeling his fingers massaging the inside of her channel and thumbed over her pussy, letting him care for her. “Now, sleep, angel, and I’ll see you when you wake.”

  Adri woke and the camera had made it back in their bed from off the yacht. She sat up, slipping her hair behind her ear and began to go through all of the pictures he took of them. After a few minutes, she couldn’t believe how filthy it had gotten. She was stunned that she had allowed it to begin with, let alone let it get that…raunchy and nasty, staring in shock at the picture of Sebastian’s finger over her lips, covered in his come as she licked out to his finger. She immediately deleted it, then the next one and the next twenty after that, those pictures not what she wanted to be left of her and what she was remembered for—fuck, the come shots were practically on a cellular level! She let him keep the extreme close-ups, even the close up of her beautiful suck job and let him keep the shots of her in the bedroom. More shock came when seeing those shots she hadn’t even known he’d taken, but….she was on her stomach, her hair a wild mess about her and hiding her face. She went through the rest of them and cleared off the truly disgusting pics and then looked over as he slept, pulling the sheet off of him and taking her own pics, zooming in and a bead of white crème appeared over the slit of his cock—tonguing it. CLICK

  Chapter Seventeen

  Adri felt Sebastian inside of her with every step and breath she took, but not just physically and wasn’t sure how to process that. She felt so strange, truly changed since spending those six days with him. She liked Sebastian and was already missing him. However, she refused to be the one to make contact first and go all clingy skitzoid girlfriend on him. “Gosh, I’m not even out of the car yet and I’m already pining for him. Ridiculous. Pull it together, Vale,” she told herself as she slowly slid out of the car, nodded her thanks to TJ, and then began walking to The Gallery. When she opened the door, Victoria came to her feet from behind the desk, having been playing with the iPad.

  “Are you okay?!” she had asked and Adri just pressed a hand down over her sex, letting out a long breath and rolled her eyes. She just silently mouthed back in answer, ‘Oh my god’ and then she smiled and giggled into her hand. She was actually still in pain, but she wouldn’t let her know just how much it hurt, but it was fabulous and she’d do it all over again.

  “I’m fabulous. Sebastian Darvaine was everything…and far more than you said he’d be! It was so worth it and I owe you big time. Thank you-thank you-thank you! We had such a good time. It was…incredible and…amazing and I’m not talking about just the sex—which of course was out of this world!” she replied to her and then gasped as three of Victoria’s snotty-ass highfalutin friends stepped into view that had been in the adjourning room and had just overheard. It was lunch time and they had been using The Gallery’s bathroom before they left. They stepped into the room, looking her over—dressed in a pair of jeans, her glitzy stilettos, and one of his old Oxford sweatshirts he’d given her to wear. However, it was her comment, not her wardrobe, that they were interested in, clearly affronted by the fact that she’d been with Sebastian, absolutely not believing it. They had been at the party and had seen her leave with him.

  “THE Sebastian Darvaine?”

  “I told you Vic’s girl left with him last Wednesday.”

  “And…you’re just now back? From where?”

  “Yes,” Victoria answered for Juliet, lifting the iPad up and waving it. “And I’ve got the pictures to prove it. Sorry, doll, it kept dinging.” She handed the iPad to Adri and laughed out, flipping the cover open and turned it on, gasping as she saw the pictures that appeared on the screen. “He sent them all to you. So, where was that at?”

  “Well, he took me out on the yacht, which thank you again by the way for helping him and packing my things for me.” The bastard gave me something from the first go around that knocked me on my ass–but they didn’t need to hear that.

  “You are welcome, of course. So, tell us, what happened?! Where did the two of you go? Boston I know, the paper, but those pictures tell an awfully good story,” Victoria replied and Adri twisted her lips, brows lifted up in confusion at her.

  “You…really want to hear it?”

  “Absolutely,” All four of the women replied and Adriaunn huffed, flipping through them all first as she walked around and sat down behind her desk. She was making sure he hadn’t sent any of those inappropriate shots and so they walked around the desk and got behind her, looking at the pictures.

  “But…I signed an NDA.”

  “That’s about sexual detail and legal jargon,” Victoria explained and she thought a minute, then of course stupidly believed her and started spilling!

  “Well, the first night we went to his house, the townhouse in Manhattan. I love his house. It’s so big and gorgeous, elegantly styled and not over emasculated. It was nice. Then the next day he knew I was going to try and leave, to end it?...You know, thank him, enjoyed it and just come home. Well—”

  “Yeah, he had others plans,” Victoria replied as she rolled her eyes.

  “Big time. Thanks for packing me up and getting all my stuff for me. It turned out, as…you know, that he didn’t drive me home, but drove me down to the dock where he had his yacht–his yacht! My one weakness; boats and watercrafts. I love the water. Anyway, I so caved. Well, we leave on the damn thing, we had lunch and then went to old Greenwich for dinner, and then—”

  “Wai-Wait, in between lunch and dinner?”

  “Um…ah….we just talked. It was nice.”


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