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Relentless Desire

Page 36

by Jacqwin Hess

“Exactly. Dan, let him up,” Sebastian ordered and he listened to the rustling as Dan let the man go. Kale got up off his desk, dropping into his chair and then picked the phone back up. “So, here’s how it will play out and end. You are going to do that surgery, Dr. Kale, and you’re going to do it to perfection, with no damage whatsoever happening to Adri’s friend, Miss Ella; I believe that is who this is for. It would hurt Adri greatly should anything happen to her and thus…hurt me, so you better think twice about accidentally fucking up. So, to ensure nothing goes wrong, I’m going to have Dr. Ambers assist you in the surgery. The best thing for you is to just forget this ever happened, do the surgery for a fair price and bill…the insurance and Miss Ella properly. Now, you should really just be happy that you still have a career. And always remember, I can destroy you in many other ways too and I will do it without one fucking hesitation. Are-we-clear?”

  “Yes. I’ll do the surgery. I’ll schedule it now.”

  “Good. Dan!” He waited for Dan to get the phone back and then gave him orders. “Stay on the line, but get the money and Adri, and get her the fuck out of there. Now.”

  “Gotcha.” Dan swept up a hand through the bag, grabbed Adri up and threw her over his shoulder and smiled as she laughed out—then screeched as Kale yanked her hair and kissed her. Dan growled out, turning and punching the bastard in the mouth. “Fucker!”

  “Ah-Blach! You icky worm! I hate you now and I had really liked you before! Shame on you–you horrid man!” Adri shouted, stammering she was so upset. She grabbed up a handful of erasers out of a new box he had setting on his desk and she threw them at him, bouncing them off his head. as Dan walked out of his office with her, still trumped over his shoulder. And then she got so excited at being saved. “Whoo Hoo! Ella gets her surgery and I don’t have to suck a disgusting cock!” She burst out laughing again and Dan’s walk faltered, but he managed to stay on his feet, taking her completely out of the building and to the car, tossing in the bag and then setting her down, putting her in the car. Once he got in the driver’s seat, he looked back and handed her the phone. She took it and stared at it for a long moment, then put it to her ear. “Hello?” Adri replied, listening as he sat there a moment and then she heard him take a deep sighing breath before he softly spoke.

  “Would you really have sucked his cock? Is that what he wanted?”

  “Well that’s part of ‘doing-it’ and I didn’t know what else to do.”

  “What do you mean you didn’t know what to do? You could have come to me. Did you honestly not think of coming to me and let me handle it?!”

  “Well I was too stunned. I didn’t think and my brain just…went blank. I just saw Ella dying! And how would you have handled it—suck his cock for me?” The words were out before she could take them back, listening to the squeak of his chair. She could just see him sitting forward with his arms lifting up to his desk, running his hand over his tie and staring in shock at her. She couldn’t help her secret anger, her resentment at how long it’s been since she last heard from him just came out. “I didn’t mean that…like…that, because of—”

  “Stop talking.”

  “Okay.” She shut up and they both sat there quiet for a second, then he sighed and spoke.

  “So…what were you thinking? You honestly thought you’d blow him once and he’d be happy with that and let it end there? I’ve been blown by you and trust me, once wouldn’t be near enough. You didn’t even think of coming to me, did you?”

  “No. I was too…embarrassed and…it wasn’t your problem to solve, but I’m so glad…that you were there and…got me out of there–sent him in for me.”

  “Well, it’s over now.”

  “Yeah, but…I’m still…just in shock. He was so nice before and I had really liked him. I can’t believe it just happened. It really happened. I just went in hoping, you know, just to give him a little, maybe, this once, I didn’t know. I couldn’t not go back in there to him and try to reason with him and help Miss Ella, not when we were this close. She’ll die without that surgery and she has grandbabies galore right now, and I didn’t really need the money you gave me. What better way to spend it than saving her and letting her grandkids have her around more. She’ll get another fifteen or twenty more years out of her life, see them grow and marry. What was…one little cock job?” she replied and she heard him straining on the other line, the phone shaking. He was furious.

  Sebastian was shaking he was gripping the phone so hard; he kept his eyes squeezed tight and took long calming breaths to cool his fury! He wasn’t mad at her for what she slipped and said, about him sucking Kale off, but he was mad at the whole situation and what almost happened. He was enraged just thinking about her doing a little ‘cock job’ on anyone else and he knew he’d have to one day hurt Kale and make him pay, in some way. “If she has all this family, why aren’t they taking care of her?”

  “Because! She doesn’t want to be a burden to them, and they live down in Maryland—no, I think it’s North Carolina now. That’s too far for her to go. They have their arms full with their kids and living their own lives. She couldn’t stand it if she went down there and all they did was worry and treat her like an invalid. I know exactly how she feels and I’ll do the same thing when I’m old, not able to pawn myself onto Kerrie’s kids, my nieces, Gina and Mary. Miss Ella likes the retirement facility, staying close to where she met her husband, who is dead now, and it’s not so bad there. She has friends and her sister lives here too and she gets to see her. I get it.”

  “You’re too good, Ads. Tell me, did he hurt you? Did he…touch you?”


  “Ah!” Dan shouted back at her, having overheard his question and he jerked back snatching the phone from her. “He had her down with a tit in a fist when I barged in there after her. Then, after all that you said and threatened him with, he still grabbed her and forced a kiss her as I was walking out with her. I punched the bastard in the mouth and we’re now on our way to her bank to deposit the money. Here she is again.”

  Ass! Adri mouth to him and huffed, putting the phone to her ear. “He didn’t hurt-hurt me. I’m fine! Don’t you do anything to him, Sebastian and I mean it. He’s…He isn’t the only man to succumb to his lust and go a little crazy from it. In fact, I just recently met another guy who was sex crazed, though…it hadn’t really lasted long and he didn’t want me again—”

  “Hadn’t lasted? What do you mean?”

  Adri turned more in the car and pressed the phone tighter to her ear. “I mean, it’s been well over a week since we had anything to do with each other, then a stupid trip to see him with the pear cake to apologize and make some kind of contact and that’s been five days ago and in all that time…not a word typed or simple note—nothing! We fought the last time we spoke and there hadn’t been any communication since on his part. I had such a wonderful time with him, but clearly, he’s done with me, even if he is a workaholic. He’s slept, gone to bed and woke up, had lunch, he has had alone time, you-he could have sent a little text-anything! I mean, a whole week is a long time after all that happened and if someone really…wants to speak to another person, having anything at all to do with them, then they will-Period! What’s a girl to think? She even has a new awesome iPad that doesn’t ever get used for what it was suppose to be used for. Of course, I get it and understand if he’s not interested anymore. I’m not really either. He owes me nothing and I didn’t want nothing more out of it in the beginning anyway. All I can offer you is friendship, but…nothing more. Thanks for the save, Sebastian. I better let you go—”

  “Adri, wait,” Sebastian called back out, gripping the phone and leaning forward, almost in desperation, not wanting to hang up from her and let her go. He couldn’t help the feeling that the cables that were attached to them were beginning to snap one by one and he was loosing her. He hoped he didn’t screw up by not calling her, which had been on purpose. He gave a heavy sultry sigh, looked to the clock on the computer, and instantl
y spun the numbers and time in his head. “Actually, it’s been eight days…eight hours, thirty-eight minutes, and twenty-one seconds, since I last held your body and it was wonderful to see you at the office. I had loved it and now, to hear your beautiful voice again.” God how I’ve missed her. She has no idea. I’ve ached for her daily and wish she had been at my houses with me during all this chaos at work. But I couldn’t call and bring her to me. I would have hurt her, taken her too hard in my rage and anger with the company and that…would have had me losing her. I couldn’t even call her, couldn’t dare, I would have broke and sent for her. Like I will now.

  Adri licked and bit her lips, her body bursting in heat just by the sound of his sultry, deep, sexy voice that had her body instantly heating up. She felt her nipples hardening and that sharp electric shock bursting through her body, ending down at her pussy, which ached to be fucked all over again. Oh god this is miserable! But she refused to beg him and ask to see him, even after that awesome countdown to the second on how long they’ve been apart and last spoke—but it had gotten too intense, too quick and she felt the best thing was to back off and slow down, for her sanity’s sake. Maybe it had been the same for him—

  “But, worse than that, not being able to call you and hear you, it’s been nine days…ten hours, forty-seven minutes and eighteen seconds…since I’ve last had my cock in you. It’s been hard for me too, believe me and I haven’t blown you off and thrown you away after using you. I lay awake thinking of the last time I was inside that sweet beautiful body of yours, the last time I felt your fingernails clawing down my back, my ass, moving beneath me as you came for me, died for me, on me…with me. I’ve missed you. I have and…I am sorry that we fought like that over the phone and I said what I did. You’re the least bitchiest person on the planet I know. That had been bad-wrong and I’m sorry I said that, called you a bitch. I was sorry the second I hung up, because you are absolutely anything but!” I treated her like shit these past two weeks, cutting her off and, here it turns out, she’s actually a fucking saint! Fuck, what am I doing with a girl like this? It’s so wrong of me, but I can’t help it, can’t stop and stay away. I’ve made myself suffer worse by keeping her at a distance, thinking to punish her like that. She’s too good for me, but I can’t help it and I want her, feel her still stirring in my blood, and want more of her.

  Adriaunn Vale is like a fucking drug I’m being denied–denying myself, like an asshole–it’s making me crazy and angry to be denied what I so desperately wanted. I know this; Adri just isn’t some girl to fuck and discard for another day. What I did was wrong and if I am going to make Adri my submissive, I’m going to have to take all of her. I’m not satisfied with just her body, but I want her whole self; her very soul under my domination…and to do that, I’m going to have to surrender my own to her and let her dominate/conquer over my own heart and soul first—fuck, she already has and I know it. I’m so fucking conquered that I just want to exist for her. Everything else pales in comparison to having her in my life. ‘Friends? Fuck yeah, that sounds like the most beautiful word in the world as long as it keeps her in my life, if…I fucked this up too bad. “See me tonight.”

  “I…I don’t think so, Sebastian.”

  Sebastian froze, stunned when he heard those words. “What? So now you’re going to punish me?”

  “Punish you? Is that what you were doing?...punishing me?” Again, she could hear him grip the phone tighter and take a deep controlled breath. “That’s all right. I deserved it. You were so awesome and…good to me, gave me the time of my life and I did what I did, called you like that. So, that’s why I haven’t called you back either and just…let it go, waiting for you to make the next move or…not. I can get the hint.”

  “Listen, god you make this so hard. I’m not good to you Adri–wasn’t good to you and I deserve no praise, in any way, shape, or form. I’m a mindless workaholic with a temper, and a bad one; it gets the best of me, too often. I meant what I said when you came to see me at the office. The only pain I ever want to cause you is in longing, for me and the pleasure I give you. Are you not feeling it now? Because I feel it for you to the point it’s suffocating me. I’m fucking dying here and I have been for the eight days that I’ve been without you.”

  “Yeah…I know. Tell me about it, though it’s only been four days.”

  Sebastian rolled his eyes, feeling some tiny relief, but she hadn’t given him what he wanted yet and he was so desperate to have it. “Do you?! You really believe me, understand and feel the same? And it’s been eight days—I don’t count the visit with the pear cake, which was…decadent, by the way.”

  “Oh, glad you liked it.”

  “I did.” He replied and when they sat in silence for a few seconds, he spoke again. “The weekend I spent with you has been constantly on my mind. You’re here with me at work every day, with me when I’m up in my private home in the towers, distracting me from the work I should be getting prepared for the next day. When I’m in my bed, still with me when I should be sleeping. I’m a bastard. A true son-of-a-bitch, but…I’m hoping you can help change all that, teach me to be a better person and show me a better way to live—give me something worth living for, and if you don’t…want to and can’t do it, I’ll understand, too. However, I’m asking at least for your friendship. If nothing else…at least that. I do want you still. I’ve never stopped wanting you—just had to put my head back into work and get this acquisition finished–business.”

  “I got it, that also being why I haven’t called, not wanting to bother you again at work, hearing all about it on the news and in the papers. I want to see you again, I do, but…I think we need to slow down this time and…not go so far. I’ll…go for friends,” she replied, then saw Dan grunt and roll his eyes at the same time Sebastian gave a heavy breath, straining it in his throat, not having wanted to hear that.

  “No man wants to just be friends with the girl he’s already sleeping with!” Dan hissed back at her.

  “What are you, his left nut?!” Adri shouted at him and then got back on the phone to Sebastian. “He’s sure a fan, Darvaine. How did that come about? How did you end up on his phone and delegating over everything at Dr. Kale’s office?”

  “The check you had, you took it to my bank—”

  “Your bank?! You have a bank?! Oh my god. Sebastian….no…”

  “Relax, Adri, I just sit on the board, that’s all,” he lied through his teeth, immediately seeing she was going to be scared away. “They called me, checking to see if it was legit. He is head of security for the bank and they sent him with you to make sure you made it safely to wherever you’d been headed. And yes, followed you in on my orders. Thank god!” he replied, the hint in his tone that she should be the one thanking god—and him—and appreciating it.

  Oh god, seriously?! He owns a fucking bank?! Well, of course he would. Don’t all Gazillionaires have their own bank?! “Yes, a huge Thank God for you…and for your left nut,” Adri grumbled. Dan glaring back at her in the rearview mirror and Sebastian snickered, enjoying that.

  “Don’t tell him I’m laughing. He’s amazing and I’m lucky to have him,” he replied, truly believing and feeling that way with the man having stopped several scams and a few near robberies. “See, you can be funny, too,” he replied and heard her moan in the positive back. “But…how you honestly thought to walk out with a bag full of money and then get in a cab that would have locked you in and taken you to an undisclosed location, shot and killed your ass, taking it.”

  “Yes, I know, and I was stupid for taking the car the bank offered, too, employees not always trustworthy—not talking about you Dan, just speaking in general about people. You were awesome today and I really am very glad that you had come in and all, then saved me.”

  “That’s what he pays me for, ma`am. I got to punch a face today, so it worked out well.”

  “You’re a good left nut. I like you,” Adri replied giving him a wink and smiled, just before she got bac
k on the phone to Sebastian. She took pity on Sebastian, because she knew he didn’t have any true friends he could unequivocally trust. “So, we’re friends. I’ll be your friend, you poor bastard. God knows you probably don’t have any real ones, only users or business acquaintances. Just remember, friendship takes work and communication, too!”

  “Yes, I’m aware and fully willing. I won’t leave you in the lurch again. I promise, unless something freakishly urgent comes up and I can’t help it. I don’t mean to. My business is crazy and I always just fly off at a moment’s notice.”

  “No excuses. Ugh, you’re already failing. No one is EVER so busy they can’t type few words in a text. ‘Flew to china. Incognito for a few weeks. No communi-kay. Bye’ and that’s all there is to it. You did that once, so I know you know how. I’ve been around you enough to know you sleep holding that phone and the laptop, for crying out loud.”

  “I know-you’re right. You’re right,” he said more devoutly and she was right.

  “I am right and I forgive you.”

  “So we’re friends. Good,” Sebastian replied and sighed, trying to ignore the uncertainty that kept niggling in his chest.

  “Yeah. Well, we’re here now, at the bank. Gotta go. Next move is yours, Darvaine.”

  “I thought this was a pretty big move myself.”

  “Cop-out. Fine. Text me and I’ll meet you for lunch. And I suppose we’ll still fuck too. Bye.” She turned the phone off, handing it back to Dan and then took his hand as he helped her out and went in to deposit the money into her account.

  When she got back to The Gallery, she set the iPad out hearing it ding. She sat down, setting it up and turned it on Where Sebastian’s face appeared on Skyped. He looked serious and so she took her smile down.

  “I decided to start this friendship thing off right. First, let me start by saying thank you for the pear cake, it was…in-credible and I wish it had been bigger,” Sebastian replied and then sighed. “The reason I’ve not contacted you for the past…eight days, eight hours, thirty-eight minutes and twenty-one seconds…was because you were right, it did get intense between us and fast; too intense, too fast and…too serious and I wanted you too much. I found myself losing control for the first time…in a very long time and I don’t-didn’t like it. I felt bad that you had to show up at the office, but…I’m extremely glad you did. You’re always welcomed there, just make sure you call ahead of time first, that’s all I ask. I can have you come when I’m free and actually spend time with you alone. I can’t deny that you affect me in ways…that I wasn’t prepared for or expecting and I’m sorry for hurting you. Cutting you off after that shouting match we had was awful of me and…I’m sorry. I find I’m apologizing all the time to you for something.” He took a deep breath and felt a huge weight lifted off of him at having said it, not only to her, but to himself. “I loved being with you and I’m not talking about just physically, though…fuck, that had been utterly spectacular and I’m…extremely relieved to have heard that last little comment a bit ago, that ‘we still…fuck.’ You made my day. I have missed you and not just in my bed. I liked having you around and I’m really looking forward to next time. Anyway, that’s all I have to say. I just wanted to get that out. Bye, Ads. See you soon.”


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