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Sybil, Or, The Two Nations

Page 58

by Earl of Beaconsfield Benjamin Disraeli

  It was the night following the day after the return of Gerard toMowbray. Morley, who had lent to him and Sybil his cottage in the dale,was at the office of his newspaper, the Mowbray Phalanx, where he nowresided. He was alone in his room writing, occasionally rising fromhis seat and pacing the chamber, when some one knocked at his door.Receiving a permission to come in, there entered Hatton.

  "I fear I am disturbing an article," said the guest.

  "By no means: the day of labour is not at hand. I am very pleased to seeyou."

  "My quarters are not very inviting," continued Hatton. "It is remarkablewhat bad accommodation you find in these great trading towns. I shouldhave thought that the mercantile traveller had been a comfortableanimal--not to say a luxurious; but I find everything mean andthird-rate. The wine execrable. So I thought I would come and bestow mytediousness on you. 'Tis hardly fair."

  "You could not have pleased me better. I was, rather from distractionthan from exigency, throwing some thoughts on paper. But the voice ofyesterday still lingers in my ear."

  "What a spectacle!"

  "Yes; you see what a multitude presents who have recognised thepredominance of Moral Power," said Morley. "The spectacle was august;but the results to which such a public mind must lead are sublime."

  "It must have been deeply gratifying to our friend," said Hatton.

  "It will support him in his career," said Morley.

  "And console him in his prison," added Hatton.

  "You think that it will come to that?" said Morley inquiringly.

  "It has that aspect; but appearances change."

  "What should change them?"

  "Time and accident, which change everything."

  "Time will bring the York Assizes," said Morley musingly; "and as foraccident I confess the future seems to me dreary. What can happen forGerard?"

  "He might win his writ of right," said Hatton demurely, stretching outhis legs and leaning back in his chair. "That also may be tried at theYork Assizes."

  "His writ of right! I thought that was a feint--a mere affair of tacticsto keep the chance of the field."

  "I believe the field may be won," said Hatton very composedly.


  "Ay! the castle and manor of Mowbray and half the lordships round,to say nothing of this good town. The people are prepared to be hissubjects; he must give up equality and be content with being a popularsovereign."

  "You jest my friend."

  "Then I speak truth in jest; sometimes, you know, the case."

  "What mean you?" said Morley rising and approaching Hatton "for thoughI have often observed you like a biting phrase, you never speak idly.Tell me what you mean."

  "I mean," said Hatton, looking Morley earnestly in the face and speakingwith great gravity, "that the documents are in existence which provethe title of Walter Gerard to the proprietorship of this great district;that I know where the documents are to be found; and that it requiresnothing but a resolution equal to the occasion to secure them."

  "Should that be wanting?" said Morley.

  "I should think not," said Hatton. "It would belie our nature to believeso."

  "And where are these documents?"

  "In the muniment room of Mowbray castle."

  "Hah!" exclaimed Morley in a prolonged tone.

  "Kept closely by one who knows their value, for they are the title deedsnot of his right but of his confusion."

  "And how can we obtain them?"

  "By means more honest than those they were acquired by."

  "They are not obvious."

  "Two hundred thousand human beings yesterday acknowledged the supremacyof Gerard," said Hatton. "Suppose they had known that within the wallsof Mowbray Castle were contained the proofs that Walter Gerard was thelawful possessor of the lands on which they live; I say suppose that hadbeen the case. Do you think they would have contented themselves withsinging psalms? What would have become of moral power then? They wouldhave taken Mowbray Castle by storm; they would have sacked and guttedit; they would have appointed a chosen band to rifle the round tower;they would have taken care that every document in it, especially an ironchest painted blue and blazoned with the shield of Valence, should havebeen delivered to you, to me, to any one that Gerard appointed for theoffice. And what could be the remedy of the Earl de Mowbray? He couldscarcely bring an action against the hundred for the destruction of thecastle, which we would prove was not his own. And the most he coulddo would be to transport some poor wretches who had got drunk in hisplundered cellars and then set fire to his golden saloons."

  "You amaze me," said Morley, looking with an astonished expression onthe person who had just delivered himself of these suggestive detailswith the same coolness and arid accuracy that he would have entered intothe details of a pedigree.

  "'Tis a practical view of the case," remarked Mr Hatton.

  Morley paced the chamber disturbed; Hatton remained silent and watchedhim with a scrutinizing eye.

  "Are you certain of your facts?" at length said Morley abruptlystopping.

  "Quite so; Lord de Mowbray informed me of the circumstances himselfbefore I left London, and I came down here in consequence."

  "You know him?"

  "No one better."

  "And these documents--some of them I suppose," said Morley with acynical look, "were once in your own possession then?"

  "Possibly. Would they were now! But it is a great thing to know wherethey may be found."

  "Then they once were the property of Gerard?"

  "Hardly that. They were gained by my own pains, and often paid for withmy own purse. Claimed by no one, I parted with them to a person to whomthey were valuable. It is not merely to serve Gerard that I want themnow, though I would willingly serve him. I have need of some of thesepapers with respect to an ancient title, a claim to which by a personin whom I am interested they would substantiate. Now listen, good friendMorley; moral force is a fine thing especially in speculation, and so isa community of goods especially when a man has no property, but whenyou have lived as long as I have and have tasted of the world's delight,you'll comprehend the rapture of acquisition, and learn that it isgenerally secured by very coarse means. Come, I have a mind that youshould prosper. The public spirit is inflamed here; you are a leaderof the people. Let us have another meeting on the Moor, a preconcertedoutbreak; you can put your fingers in a trice on the men who will do ourwork. Mowbray Castle is in their possession we secure our object. Youshall have ten thousand pounds on the nail, and I will take you back toLondon with me besides and teach you what is fortune."

  "I understand you," said Morley. "You have a clear brain and a boldspirit; you have no scruples, which indeed are generally the creaturesof perplexity rather than of principle. You ought to succeed."

  "We ought to succeed you mean," said Hatton, "for I have long perceivedthat you only wanted opportunity to mount."

  "Yesterday was a great burst of feeling occasioned by a very peculiarcause," said Morley musingly; "but it must not mislead us. Thediscontent here is not deep. The people are still employed, though notfully. Wages have fallen, but they must drop more. THE PEOPLE are notripe for the movement you intimate. There are thousands who would rushto the rescue of the castle. Besides there is a priest here, one StLys, who exercises a most pernicious influence over the people. It willrequire immense efforts and great distress to root him out. No; it wouldfail."

  "Then we must wait awhile," said Hatton, "or devise some other means."

  "'Tis a very impracticable case," said Morley.

  "There is a combination for every case," said Hatton. "Ponder and itcomes. This seemed simple; but you think, you really think it would notanswer?"

  "At this moment, not; that is my conviction."

  "Well suppose instead of an insurrection we have a burglary. Can youassist me to the right hands here?"

  "Not I indeed!"

  "What is the use then of this influence over the people of which you andGerard are always talking? Af
ter yesterday I thought here you could doanything."

  "We have not hitherto had the advantage of your worldly knowledge; infuture we shall be wiser."

  "Well then," said Hatton, "we must now think of Gerard's defence. Heshall have the best counsel. I shall retain Kelly specially. I shallreturn to town to-morrow morning. You will keep me alive to the stateof feeling here, and if things get more mature drop me a line and I willcome down."

  "This conversation had better not be mentioned to Gerard."

  "That is obvious; it would only disturb him. I did not preface it by astipulation of confidence because that is idle. Of course you will keepthe secret; it is your interest; it is a great possession. I know verywell you will be most jealous of sharing it. I know it is as safe withyou as with myself."

  And with these words Hatton wished him a hearty farewell and withdrew.

  "He is right," thought Morley; "he knows human nature well. The secretis safe. I will not breathe it to Gerard. I will treasure it up. It isknowledge; it is power: great knowledge, great power. And what shall Ido with it? Time will teach me."



  Book 6 Chapter 1


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