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Page 22

by Valerie Kramboviti

  "This is the kitchen, Wandmaster John," she protested, "You shouldn't be here!"

  "Where else can a starving Wandmaster get something to eat around here?" asked John with a pleading look on his face. Shortly after that, he left the kitchen with a huge chunk of bread in one hand and cheese in the other. That would keep him going till the real food came out, he thought.

  Gill and Marny appeared in the central doorway with their heads close together and Gill appeared to be listening amusedly to Marny as she related something to him. John could guess what it was. He was convinced when Gill patted him on the back and said,

  "Full marks for originality, Wandmaster. The story of the Wandmaster caught without his underwear will circulate for years to come!" Marny giggled, went red and excused herself, leaving the two young men together in the lobby. John made a rueful face and replied,

  "It will teach me to lock my door in future."

  ‘What, and spoil all the fun? I hear Macey went rushing down to the kitchen and downed a glass of cooking sherry in one, and as for my sister, well, it's a good thing she grew up with two big brothers.'

  "She didn't even knock!" defended John.

  "Marny said the door was open!"

  "That wasn't my fault. Macey left it open when she barged in!"

  "Macey said you told her to come in." insisted Gill, grinning broadly at John's attempts to clear his name.

  "Well, yes, but I was preoccupied!" protested John again.

  "Really? With what, I wonder?" John opened his mouth to speak, but realized that Gill was teasing and decided to drop out of the contest. With a laugh he gave in graciously and gave Gill a friendly punch, saying "You won't let this get out will you?"

  "No, of course not. Marny's already done that!"

  "Oh wonderful," sighed John, "The evening's festivities will be something to look forward to now with everyone sniggering and pointing."

  "Oh come on, forget it. It could have happened to anyone." Laughed Gill,

  "Yes, but it happened to me."

  "Well that's because you're the Wandmaster. I expect you've been singled out by fate for special treatment and all that!"

  "Gill!" warned John, "Let it rest, will you?"

  "Come on," he replied, let's go across to the hall and see what's happening there." John was pleased to feel Gill's arm flop across his shoulders in friendship, and was happy to be guided out the front door, into the garden and down the path toward the meeting hall. Gill was very relaxed at home and John was enjoying his stay at Kinguard up to now, even though he had lost face a little after the events of the morning.

  Evening came after a day of relaxation. Lunch was served on the verandah with the whole family in attendance, and John had to go through more jibes, from Menoneth this time. Westroth did not join in, but kept his eyes lowered and did not smile. He ate hurriedly and left the table with a mumbled word about having a lot to do, and Menoneth watched his younger son with concern as he departed the scene. He caught John's eye on him and opened his mouth to say something, but changed his mind and reached for a slice of bread, which he munched thoughtfully. Marny followed the exchanges perceptively, and asked,

  "What's the matter with Wes these days? Has he fallen out with Jazlyn or something?"

  "That's none of your affair, little miss," rebuked Menoneth. "Your brother is not quite himself lately, that's all."

  "Then who is he?" retorted Marny, with sharp wit and a twinkle in her eye. No one answered her, and the truth was that her question, though posed in jest, required a very serious answer that none could supply, especially, Wes himself in all probability. His brief transformation into a lo had caused changes to his personality, the extent of which were impossible to assess. The conversation at the table died down and Marny looked thoughtful and puzzled but pursued the subject no further.

  The time for the celebrations arrived. The hall was very festive, and hung with flowers and vines, and there was a raised platform at the end where some musicians were setting up chairs and practicing on their instruments. Juniper was very much in evidence, shouting instructions in an authoritative voice, which had helpers scurrying around all over the hall applying the finishing touches. By the time John and the others arrived, the music was playing and there was a warm glow in the room as evening set in and candlelight took over from the subdued daylight of the dark crystal sky outside.

  The first couples were dancing and John soon picked out Jazlyn and her friends, suitably informal with coloured shirts but wearing the leather of guardian attire as usual. Her hair, which John had never seen except braided into a plait hanging down behind her, was loose and cascaded down her back in long black tresses. He was staring in admiration when she turned and saw him, and she smiled in the knowledge that she had made an impression, but she made no move to approach him, and it was left to John to take the initiative. Making the first move with girls had never been a strong point with John, and he hesitated, but not knowing what else to do, and being by now alone as Gill and the other men had formed a group near the buffet table admiring the food displayed thereon, John walked over to the gaggle of girls surrounding Jazlyn and said,

  "Good evening, ladies, you are all looking very attractive this evening."

  "So are you, Wandmaster," replied Maylene, "But I hear you look even better without your clothes on!"

  All the girls laughed heartily, and John could do nothing more than be the butt of yet more comments. The story was getting stale and he was beginning to find it difficult to keep the smile on his face and the impatience out of his voice, so he decided not to respond at all, and just held Maylene in a sidelong look steadily until she dropped her eyes. Jazlyn took his arm and made to steer him onto the dance floor, but when John resisted, pleading ignorance of any kind of dancing, she warned him very succinctly saying,

  "Well, I intend to dance my legs off tonight, and I'm sure I can find plenty of volunteers to help if you refuse." With a groan, John gave in and was soon stepping out of time to the music heavily and gracelessly. She was a good teacher though, and John found that he was beginning to enjoy himself and actually learn the steps after a couple of turns around the hall. When Jet suddenly appeared at their side and cut in, John was, however, grateful for the excuse to leave the floor and headed for the food and the other guardians. With a plate piled high, he settled down in a chair to watch the dancing and to eat, and had to admit the food was very good. There were all sorts of pies and fancy things with eggs, chunky bread and various cheeses, salads and creamy sauces with crunchy bread to dip into them, and for after, an assortment of cakes and fruit, all washed down with a kind of mixed punch containing juice and something potent. All in all, the food, the music, the dancing, the atmosphere and the change of environment put John into very good spirits, along with everyone else there. When he had eaten his fill, he put the plate down and was about to go find Jazlyn for another lesson, when he saw her dancing with Wes. She was holding herself stiffly and had lost the smile on her face, keeping her eyes lowered and away from the intense gaze that her partner had fixed on her face. It seemed to John that Wes was holding her just a little too tightly and that she was attempting to pull away, but was being prevented. Blood rushed to his face and he hurried forward to the couple, who were dancing mechanically to a rustic melody, and asked to cut in. Wes looked at him coldly and carried on holding Jazlyn, around the waist and by the wrist, though he stopped dancing, and addressed John ironically.

  "Yes, I suppose you need the lessons, and Jazlyn is an excellent teacher. She has taught me many things in the past, though dancing wasn't one of them – still, the basic moves are the same," and he pulled her close suggestively.

  John's fist clenched and he wanted to take a swing at Wes, but Jazlyn had pulled her hand free of Wes's grip and stepped between them.

  "Let it go, John,"she ordered. "He's goading you into a fight." John knew she was right and allowed his arm to relax. She grabbed his hands, turning her back on Wes and whirled him off, hol
ding him tightly and leaning close to him to whisper in his ear, "Don't let anything spoil this evening. Please?"

  It would be untrue to say that John forgot the exchange with Wes, who was now nowhere to be seen, but he put it out of his mind as best he could and was soon laughing at Jazlyn's teasing as she persisted in her dance tuition. Marny was leaning against the buffet table watching with a wistful expression, and Jazlyn leaned towards John and whispered in his ear,

  "If you haven't noticed yet, Wandmaster, you have collected an admirer." John glanced in the direction of her nod and caught Marny's eye which was hastily switched elsewhere but not before the telltale blush had bloomed in her cheeks.

  "Do you think you've had enough lessons to make a young girl's evening?" asked Jazlyn.

  "I'd rather dance with you, but if you think you can't keep up with me, then I suppose I can spread my talents a bit wider afield," replied John, tongue-in-cheek.

  "Don't think I'm done for, but I haven't eaten a thing yet and if I don't get to the table soon there'll be nothing left, so let me fill up and I will be back in style to give you further tuition when I've downed a plateful or two."

  "Ok, I suppose I can spare you for a while, but eat fast, will you?" Again Jazlyn laughed and the sound of her voice fell easily on John's ear, making him smile contentedly, and before letting her go, he squeezed her to him and breathed the scent of her hair.

  As the music changed to the next melody, John made his way over to Marny, whose feet shifted uneasily as she pretended to be nonchalant, and looked theatrically across the hall in the pretense of searching for someone.

  "Miss Marny," said John softly, "Would you do me the honour of dancing with me?" and he swept her a low bow. With a giggle and a return curtsey, Marny placed herself in his waiting arms and the two set off around the hall. John was still learning and it was with great glee that Marny took charge of his instruction, and John had to smile as the young girl purposely danced him as close as possible to groups of her peers and slid them sideways looks to make sure they were all watching enviously as she danced with the Wandmaster. This was something she would make a lot of capital out of with her friends the next time they all got together, and John played along, in truth enjoying the banter and the dancing with Marny.

  After a couple of dances, however, John felt a tactical withdrawal was necessary, and pleaded thirst as he left her close to a gaggle of girls around her own age, who were standing with their heads together and their eyes firmly fixed on them.

  "Thanks for the lesson, Marny," grinned John, "but I'm not as young as you and need a rest."

  "Any time," smiled Marny, and released his hand to turn to her friends in triumph, obviously pleased at the effect John had had on them. Jazlyn was nowhere to be seen, and John decided to take himself out of circulation for a while in case Marny fixed him up for a dance with all her friends and he sought the sanctuary of the cool evening air outside on the wooden porch.

  The night was clear and there were twinkling lights above, which John accepted as stars, though in this crystal realm he didn't know which heaven he was roofed by, and he could almost imagine he was back home in his own world. Night noises could be heard as he stood leaning against the wooden pergola outside the long low hall where the festivities were taking place. He shifted his feet and leaned his shoulder more comfortably against the post, crossed his arms and sighed, taking in the peaceful surroundings. His mind often flitted back to his life before the arrival of the crystals but it seemed to him that he was aware of it in the same way he remembered events connected with old childhood photographs; with affection but from a distance separated by a wall of time.

  The wand in its wallet across his chest, an ever-present companion, called for his attention, and without a second thought, he reached for it and removed it, holding it in his hand. It glowed and seemed to hum as though sound and colour were just continuations of each other and there was no real distinction between them. He allowed his eyes to close and he drifted off into a place where there was nothing but peace and warmth, and he felt a sensation of correctness as though things couldn't have been any other way but the way they were now.

  A scene appeared before him and he peered into it with interest as he recognized elements from his past which jarred his memory, and he found himself looking around a room which once had been his bedroom – still was he supposed, in some far off ‘real world'. He saw his body lying in his bed, as he had seen himself as he glanced back over his shoulder before returning to the Realm, except that now, all around his bed burned candles, and the crystals from the wooden chest had been placed on his body at different points, reflecting the candlelight in glimmers around the room. He saw a figure standing at the foot of his bed watching his sleeping form, and knew this man was responsible for the placing of the crystals and for the candles. He didn't recognize his general shape, and when the form turned round and looked into his face, John saw the unknown, broad, craggy features of a middle-aged man and in his mind, a voice whispered

  "Honour to the Wandmaster. Luis Estervan, at your service."

  "Honour," replied John mentally. The craggy head bowed and turned away, back to the vigil over John's recumbent form.

  John had no idea who Luis Estervan was, but he was sure the man was a friend and ally, and that his ministering to John's sleeping form was beneficial. He wondered where he came from and how he had got into the house, but though there were no answers forthcoming, he felt relieved that he was no longer alone in his other life and that someone was beside him. William Stone's voice whispered a hushed, "The keeper watches," somewhere in John's consciousness and he found himself nodding in acknowledgement.

  He had not passed through the crystal wall, but only looked through it at the scene, as though he were dreaming, and he was still very much in the dark crystal realm.

  The sound of the festivities grew momentarily louder and then softer again as the door to the hall opened and closed and someone came out. John took a deep breath and turned to see Jazlyn standing at his side looking into his face. He smiled warmly at her.

  "Stargazing?" she asked,

  "No, just thinking," he replied.

  "About me?" she teased, fluttering her eyelashes in exaggerated bashfulness.

  "No, actually. For once I wasn't" he laughed, and traced the line of her cheek with his fingers before tilting her face up and planting a tender kiss on her lips. "But I am now," he

  breathed into her hair as he pulled her close to him. "Can't we go somewhere?" he asked. Jazlyn smiled, picked up his arm and draped it around her shoulder, taking a step down off the porch and tugging him after her.

  "Yes, we can," she replied, and together they slipped away into the darkness.

  Westroth had been drinking heavily, and was sitting in a corner of the hall in shadow trying to drown his bitterness. It was all the more obvious here in Kinguard that Jazlyn had switched her affections to the Wandmaster and that he, Westroth, was just a past entanglement. He would have to accept it, however hard, and he winced as he remembered that he would have to witness its progress every day in his capacity as ‘bodyguard' to the mighty John Stone. Marny, having become very popular as a dance partner with curious young men wanting more information after her appearance on the dance-floor with the Wandmaster had tired and was looking for something less strenuous, but equally interesting to do.

  "What's up Wes?" she asked as she spotted her brother in the corner and approached him. He looked up at her from his chair blearily, and gave a half-hearted smile. "Have you seen the Wandmaster or Jazlyn anywhere?" she continued, indiscreetly and then realized her mistake as the expression on her brother's face turned into a sneer and he answered,

  "I'm not a chaperone."

  "But aren't you supposed to be the personal protector of the Wandmaster and all that? At least, that's what Gill told me."

  "I'm off duty. Now scram and let me get drunk, little sister. As you can see, I'm in no mood for company." Marny stood her ground an
d studied her brother.

  "Are Jazlyn and the Wandmaster… you know…. sort of…. together then?" she braved.

  "It would seem so, wouldn't it?" retorted Wes, and took another swig of his drink before rising to his feet and placing his hand on his sister's shoulder.

  "Leave it alone, sis," he pleaded. "This is hard for me, ok?" Marny nodded, and watched with concern as Westroth made his unsteady way across the hall and out into the night.

  Chapter 18

  All Hell

  Not five minutes after Westroth's departure, the festive climate in the hall changed abruptly as a shriek drowned out the music, causing all dancing and talk to stop and the musicians to cease their music-making and allow their instruments to drop to their sides. All eyes turned to the source of the sound, and there, in the center of the hall stood Melindra swaying from side to side, her head back, as though in a trance, an eerie high-pitched cry issuing from her throat.


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