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Reflections of You

Page 26

by Yumoyori Wilson

  The guys coughed and choked while I blushed in embarrassment. "Mom!"

  "Hoot Hoot!" Alice cheered, fluttering her wings.

  "YOU TELL HER MOMMY. I want five weddings and cake. There has to be cake!"

  You settle down. I will not have five weddings AND look who’s talking Miss ‘I'm all smitten for a certain bald eagle familiar!’ Don't think I didn't hear those noises las-OW!

  Alice poked my head with her beak. "Mom! Alice hit me," I whined.

  My mom rolled her eyes. "Work out your differences, but Alice no head hitting."

  We both frowned. "Meanie," I mumbled.

  "She's like Switzerland," Alice commented.

  I nodded in agreement. Always neutral in everything, jeez. Alice flew to sit on Kage's shoulder as I smiled at Mother, both of us sharing a look before we giggled.

  "Oh, Jewel's back, and she brought company. It's good I bought enough ingredients for two cheesecakes.”

  I turned my head to see Logan's mom enter the hall. Logan smiled walking over to his mom. "Hey, Mom."

  She beamed at him, giving him a tight hug. "Welcome back, my son. How's school life? You made some friends I see."

  "Ya. They're annoying," Logan replied.

  "Hey!" The other guys complained.

  Logan grinned. "Annoying, but not bad. They're learning the art of sharing."

  I blushed when he looked back at me with a wide grin. I huffed. "Let's make food, I'm hungry," I announced, trying to brush off his comment.

  Mom patted me on the shoulder "You should go rest, we can start making some food for all of you."

  "I can help with the cheesecake," Kage offered.

  "I guess I'll help too. He'll eat it all otherwise," Brax pointed out.

  "I would not," Kage argued.

  "Says the guy who made us cupcakes which were gone by the time we all gathered in the living room." Maximus sighed dramatically.

  "That's because you guys took too long," Kage retorted.

  "Uh huh," Brax and Maximus said together.

  Nixon walked back over to where I was, putting his chin on my shoulder. "I'm gonna nap with Jewel."

  "Oh no you’re not. Your ass is not napping," Logan countered, walking over to us and grabbing Nixon's arm, dragging him slowly towards the living room. "We have yard work to do."

  "My hands are too sacred and delicate for such labor. Help," Nixon called out, sounding exhausted.

  "Poor guy." Maximus shook his head, he and Kage following Logan's mom to the kitchen.

  Mother smiled. "See, they're all so lovely. Let me go show Logan and your other boyfriend where the tool shed is. We moved it when we redecorated the backyard." She clapped her hands.

  I watched her walk down the hall, following where Logan and Nixon, leaving me speechless with Brax, who had a wide grin on his face. "Your mom is adorable."

  "You're just happy she's all accepting of whatever this is," I said, waving my hands between us for emphasis.

  Brax walked over to me, placing his large hands on my hips. I looked up to meet his gaze.

  "Whatever this is?" he repeated as a question.

  "Yes," I replied fighting to not get lost in his gorgeous eyes that looked darker than they had moments before. "This," I whispered, going on my tiptoes to kiss him. His lips met mine halfway, colliding with one another. We kissed nice and slow, both of us smiling when we pulled away to stare into one another's eyes.

  "I like this," Brax admitted.

  I giggled. "Me too.” We kissed again, my arms wrapping around his waist and pulling him close. We stepped back when we heard a clicking noise, turning our heads to see Kage with his camera.

  "I'll save that for the 'Year One at Brighten Magic Academy' album," he vowed, casually walking back to the kitchen like he didn't see us making out.

  Brax glanced at me and I gave him a curious look. "Not gonna randomly chase after your brother and force him to delete it?"

  He laughed. "Why would I? I want ten copies of that picture and have a shirt made that says 'I'm Third' on it with the picture below it as evidence."

  "What?! No shirts," I whined as his hand slid into mine.

  "Lots of shirts. We'll each get one with our number on the back like a football team. At least then we can knock out anyone who thinks they can steal ya." He gave me a wink and pulled me forward to go to the kitchen.

  "As long as I get one of each," I mumbled, my face flushed with his direct approach.

  "Of course, Precious. One shirt for each of us," Brax confirmed with a grin.

  I smiled, but the tiny spot in my heart wished Zane was also here to enjoy this.

  Maybe he didn't want this after all...

  "I can't believe we're attending this right now." I took one last look in the mirror before glancing back at Logan who had just finished ironing his shirt.

  He turned back to give me a playful grin, but his eyes were busy appreciating my female form in a whole new set of clothes: a bright red bodysuit top that had thin spaghetti straps. It tied in the front under my breasts in a knotted twist and gold rhinestones decorated the trim.

  I wore black jean shorts that were embroidered with rose patterns on the front pockets and a mixture of red, gold and turquoise studded jewels on the butt pockets. I made sure my jeans would ensure the safety of my ass, not wanting to pull a Katherina at this party.

  My black jean jacket was short sleeved with a gold zipper in the front and little pockets perfect for holding my red matte liquid lipstick. My hair was loose and I was going to complete the outfit with red heels that I could dance in for hours without breaking my ankle.

  "You look hot." He walked over to me. I bit my lip, my eyes more focused on his six-pack than anything else. Shit, Logan's been working out.

  Logan laughed when he reached me, pulling me into his arms. "From that look on your face, you like what you see,” he whispered, before kissing my neck. I moaned quietly, closing my eyes and lifting my head, hoping he would continue.

  "I always like what I see, just nicer when you don't have a shirt on," I whispered, my hands running up his back. He groaned, nibbling at the base of my neck, before sucking hard, his hands grabbing my hips and pulling me to press against his groin.

  I fought the moan that tried to escape. My eyes fluttered closed as Logan's lips continued to leave love bites along my feverish flesh. I should have been worried about the fact we were going out, but I didn't want him to stop and would wear those marks with pride. The sexual tension between us had been growing ever since our first kiss, and it was getting harder for me not to take things further.

  I'd tried to ignore my emotions and needs, but I'd been masturbating a lot more and it wasn't satisfying me. I wanted to take this relationship to the next level, yet I didn't have the courage to ask. How do you say in an unselfish, not needy way that you’re tired of masturbating and wanna fuck?

  He pulled away and kissed me while I wrapped my arms around his neck. "You never answered my first question." My lips brushed against his as I spoke.

  "You mean as to why we're attending this huge 'we survived midterms' dance Solarity is hosting?” His husky voice was tempting me to kiss him again.

  "Yes, that," I whispered, tugging on his lower lip with my teeth. He moaned, kissing me again for another thirty seconds before he broke the kiss to answer.

  "Because Maximus heard after the exam that Zane is attending and Braxton doesn't want him going without one of us. Plus, we haven't gone to a party together in a while and I like dancing with you,” he admitted.

  "You like grinding with me which isn’t really a form of dance, and Maximus is worried about Zane. Hmm... I wish we could stay here." I whispered the last part, blushing slightly.

  Logan pressed his forehead to mine. "Why?" I knew from the tone of his whispered voice he wanted me to tell him, to reveal how badly I wanted alone time with him and to do more intimate things than kisses and love bites.

  "I..." I began but was cut off by a knock on the door.

  The door opened slightly, Nixon's head popping through the space and his black eyes landed on us. He did a top-to-bottom scan of us before he spoke. "Sorry to interrupt, but we're gonna be late if you guys don't finish in five minutes. The driver’s going to be here soon."

  "Okay. We'll be downstairs in four," Logan confirmed. Nixon nodded with a small smile; his eyes lingered on me for five seconds before he pulled back and closed the door quietly behind him.

  "Guess I'll have to wait for your answer till we get back." Logan gave me a sad smile and I sighed.

  "I don't wanna go," I mumbled, hugging him.

  He kissed my shoulder, pressing his lips to my left shoulder tattoo. "Me neither, but let's have fun. We deserve a break and I want you to have a good time with the others."

  We pulled back and I lifted my hand to feel the softness of his gold strands. "Thank you for being so accepting of the others. I love that I can try this out...but you're okay with it so far?" I questioned quietly.

  "I'm fine with the others. I don't say anything, but I see how happy you are with each of them and it gives me a sense of relief to know there are four other guys watching over you, especially since I'm not in all your classes. At least one of us is with you at all times, not like I don't trust your strength. Just helps me not worry too much about you,” he confessed.

  "What are we going to do about Zane?”

  "Do you want him to be a part of this?" Logan questioned.

  "I...don't know? I just...I feel like we're strangers now. I guess when you first gave me the approval I categorized him as a part of us..." I trailed off, trying to figure out the word.

  Logan smiled. "A harem?"

  "That's not the word." I countered, thinking there was a more technical term for it. Poly...Poly...hmm. I can't remember.

  "Polyamorous relationship, but harem sounds cooler." He grinned.

  "Fine, a harem...Jewel's harem. That sounds...interesting," I concluded, feeling a little giddy at the term.

  Logan laughed. "Your expression! Let me guess, you're super excited about this."

  "Don't make fun of me." I pinched his side and he groaned.

  "Don't be so mean. I'm not wearing a shirt."

  "A shirt wouldn't make any difference, now get that shirt on because we have one minute to get downstairs," I huffed. Logan sighed but did what I asked while I quickly rechecked my reflection in the mirror.

  I pulled my lipstick out to apply it when we got downstairs, knowing there was a chance I would kiss Logan or one of the others by the time we left for the party.


  I looked back at Logan who was fixing the sleeves of his gold dress shirt. "We'll try and fix what's going on with Zane. If not...we’ll just have to let go," Logan warned.

  I slowly nodded, biting my lip. My heart didn't want to let Zane go, thinking we'd work something out once we got the opportunity to know each other like I had the others, but at this point, we were still strangers and if things continued as they had been, we would always be just that.

  "Okay," I replied reluctantly.

  "Logan! Jewel! Ride is here!" Brax called out.

  "Coming!" I shouted back.

  Logan held out his hand and I placed mine in his. "Let's have lots of fun. Make sure you get a chance to chill with the others."

  I lifted an eyebrow at him."Why would you want me to have more time with the others?" I was curious about what he was plotting.

  He gave me a mischievous grin. "Because you're all mine afterward,” he whispered in my ear. "And no one will interrupt us. I promise."

  I shivered and bit my lip, all too aware of how my stomach flipped with anticipation. I smiled at him and squeezed his hand. "I'd like that." He blushed at my words but squeezed my hand back as we left my room to head downstairs.

  Tonight may be the night.

  "Kage, there you are!" I shouted over the music. Kage raised an eyebrow, sipping on his beer as he leaned against the less crowded area of the open bar. The party had been epic. No, epic didn't even begin to define how lit this party was.

  Whoever hosted this event had gone all out; it was in a two-story event hall with everything you could ask for. From rows of different food, an open bar with an impressive alcohol selection, and the oversized chocolate fountain, I was superbly impressed. The DJ was also well known on the internet for his megamixes and tonight did not disappoint.

  I'd been able to spend time with everyone but Kage, having a food test with Maximus, drinking wars with Brax and Nixon, and my share of dirty dancing with Logan which only made me really horny. Might be the alcohol too.

  Since the boys were chilling in the lounge, playing some card game that involved the loser drinking a shot, I decided to go find Kage. During the search, I saw many of the guys from school, but I had to continue reminding myself I was Jewel and not Jinn. Definitely a struggle I didn't think I'd go through.

  Kage's aqua green eyes were leaning more towards a turquoise tonight, but the moment they landed on me, they brightened and his expression softened.

  "Hey, Jewel,” he spoke softly and I smiled when he opened his arms up for a hug.

  I walked into his embrace, squeezing him tight before I pulled back. "Why are you here by yourself?"

  His arm remained hooked around my waist as he took a sip of his beer. "Was watching." His eyes darted to the right of the room. I followed his gaze, noticing Zane and his new group of friends laughing and clinking their beers in a toast. I frowned, looking back at Kage who was doing his best to hide his hurt expression as he took another sip of beer.

  "Have you tried talking to him, Kage?" I questioned, not liking how depressed he looked. I slid my arm around his waist, pressing myself into his side to help him realize he wasn't alone.

  He gave me a smile. "I've tried approaching him three times and he's avoided me each time."

  I bit my lip, feeling a little tingle of anger at Zane's behavior. He was acting like a kid in my opinion and what disappointed me more was that he was pushing away his own family. Blood was much thicker than fleeting friendships. Maybe he'll have to figure that out the hard way.

  "Kage, I think we should stop trying to help him," I suggested.

  "But..." Kage looked back at Zane and his group of friends before turning to stare at me. "I can't just abandon him."

  "Even though he abandoned you?" I questioned.

  "I...I get what you're saying,” he confessed. I didn't want him abandoning Zane, but as the saying goes: you can force a horse to the water, but you can't make them drink. Zane was an adult. It was a shame that he abandoned his brothers who postponed their plans for his own feeling of security, but he needed to realize the consequences of those actions.

  "He needs to understand you guys won't always come after him anymore. Maybe when he slowly comes to terms with that and begins to miss both of you, he'll come around. We just have to do our part and let him be," I advised.

  Kage finished his beer before nodding. "I think that would be the best,” he confessed quietly. He still looked a little hurt but he had a bit of resolve twinkling in his eyes as they scanned me slowly.

  "Did I mention you’re smoking hot by the way?" he questioned.

  I laughed. "You said that in the car. I think the beer is getting to you."

  "Well, it's my third one, so probably,” he replied with a grin. Then his eyes lowered to my lips. I loved how his eyes showed just how much of an effect my appearance had on him. If it weren’t so crowded, I would have kissed him right then and there.

  He must have understood my expression, because he leaned in to whisper in my ear. "Want to go somewhere quiet, just us?"

  I slowly nodded when he leaned back. He grinned; his hand slipped into mine and we began walking towards what looked to be a hall with smaller rooms and washrooms off of it. As we made our way down there, my eyes spotted Zane's group and his green eyes noticed my gaze. Our eyes locked for three seconds before I forced myself to glance away, looking at the graphic design
on the back of Kage's white shirt instead.

  We moved to the hallway that had little rooms that reminded me of the last house party we were in. My instincts told me to look over my shoulder and when I did, I noticed Zane wasn't far behind wearing a guarded expression. Hmm. Why is Zane following?

  We moved into a room and Kage closed the door, putting a spell on it. I looked around at the small space, which reminded me more of a washroom than a bedroom. I grinned at the tiny bed that was more suited for sitting than it was for any interesting activities a couple might do.

  "What's with this room and why does it look like a cheap love motel?" I questioned, taking a step forward to be at the edge of the tiny bed. Kage grinned.

  "The rooms are made smaller like closets so at parties like these, they can have more of them cause you know people love to enjoy some alone time." He winked, taking a step and sitting beside me.

  "Why did you put a magic circle on the door?" I inquired with a grin.

  "I don't want us to be interrupted." He turned to stare into my eyes before his gaze lowered to my lips.

  "Interesting," I whispered as he leaned forward. I closed my eyes, waiting for Kage's lips to meet mine. When they did, they were so soft and kissed me with purpose as his hand brushed my cheek and slid into my hair.

  For my first kiss with Kage, it was the perfect balance of sweet and gentle, just like his personality. I knew under his usual appearance and behavior was a far darker side that I'd only seen when he was upset or aroused, which made me curious when he'd show me more of that side.

  We slowly parted and I opened my eyes to stare into his blue-green ones. Smiling, we both began to laugh quietly. I didn't know what was funny but it was nice to get a moment with Kage that didn’t include studying or partner sessions in familiar class.

  "Hmm, what should we do now then?" I questioned.

  He grinned, pulling out his phone. "This could totally be lame, but I kinda took a bunch of pictures of each of us with you at some point in the semester and wanted to get them developed in larger prints. you want to see?" His cheeks grew red as he spoke.

  I grinned excitingly, practically bouncing in my seat. "Sounds like a date," I declared. He looked relieved and smiled so brightly it melted my heart.


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