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Hell and Damnation [Werewolves and Wizards of West End 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 11

by Jane Jamison

  “You can always visit them,” offered Martin. “Or bring them here for a visit.”

  “Really? Here?”

  “Sure.” Travis leaned over and gave her a quick kiss. “Give it a few months, though. You need time to settle into island life.”

  “Okay. Maybe for the holidays?”

  “Maybe,” said Martin. “There’s plenty of time to talk about it later. After we get you back in bed again.”

  Jealousy hit Rogan dead-on, surprising him in its intensity. Even while talking about sharing their mate, he’d never gotten jealous. But now, with the possibility of his changing into a wolf and remaining that way growing stronger, shouldn’t he be the one to ride next to her? Shouldn’t he be the one to get most of her attention? If he was resigned to live his life as a wolf, he’d never lie with her again, never feel her soft caresses. Instead, he’d have to leave them, giving them a better chance at happiness. If he stayed, their hearts would break whenever they saw him.

  His wolf howled deep inside, the sound plaintive. Pain struck him as the animal roared then began to claw its way to the surface. Pulling back on the reins, he brought his horse to a standstill, once more dropping behind the others. A sharp stab ripped into his abdomen, and he clutched the saddle horn to remain upright.

  “Rogan, are you all right?” Her blue eyes, worry clouding them, met his.

  “No.” Another slice of agony ripped into him. His wolf rose, demanding he take her as an animal, as a wolf would take its mate. Breathing became torturous, his mind beginning to slip into the thinking of an animal.

  “Rogan, man, hang in there. You can fight it.” Martin urged his horse closer to Rogan’s.

  I am fighting it, damn it.

  Yet he couldn’t say the words. The only way to stop the pain was to let the shift happen. But then, once he shifted, would he come back? He’d barely made it back after transforming for her. Another time or two and he’d be lost for good.

  “Fuck. We should’ve stayed at the house and run the next spell.” Travis touched Rogan’s arm.

  Rogan snarled, thrusting off his friend’s hand. He wouldn’t blame Travis. He, too, had thought about the next spell, but the need to be with her, to ride with her like any normal man would do, had been too strong an urge to resist. Travis couldn’t have prevented him from going with her.

  “This is all my fault.” Tears were in her voice. “I made you go riding. Shit. I’m so sorry, Rogan.”

  He ached to calm her, to tell her it wasn’t her guilt to bear, but the wolf inside him clawed its way to the front. The colors around him dimmed, going gray then filling with amber. The searing burn of the transition raced over his skin as fur replaced flesh. Bones broke, the cracking sound loud in his sensitive ears.

  Unable to hold on to the saddle horn, he fell off his horse. By the time he hit the ground, he’d landed on four feet. Anger raged through him. Anger at his wolf. Anger at himself for letting the beast inside him win.

  “No, Rogan, please.” But her pleas fell on predator ears.

  Travis and Martin closed in around her, protecting her.

  They’re protecting her from me.

  No pain had ever hurt worse than that thought. Snarling, he ran.

  * * * *

  “The spell’s going to work. I know it will.” Lilli lied. She didn’t know a damn thing. But she could hope. All four of them were hoping.

  After returning home from the ride, they’d put away their horses, including Rogan’s. She’d found it difficult to talk knowing Rogan was somewhere on the ranch, a werewolf who might not be able to change back into a man.

  Travis and Martin had done their best to comfort her, telling her he’d come back as Rogan, but she hadn’t been able to believe it until she’d seen him walking toward the house. She’d greeted him as though he were a soldier returning from fighting years in a distant war, but he’d pushed her away, demanding she leave him alone.

  Instead, she’d stayed with him as he, Travis, and Martin headed upstairs to the bedroom that served as Travis’s workshop. Rogan ignored her, even though she caught him glancing her way with a sad, yearning look. But no matter what he did, she’d stay by his side. She’d do the same for the other two men, but it was Rogan who needed her now.

  Travis ground several ingredients together using a large mortar and pestle, mumbling under his breath. She wasn’t sure what any of the items were, but what did it matter as long as they worked?

  “I think it’s ready,” said Travis as he scooped some of the black gunk out of the bowl and onto a plate.

  “Be sure, Travis. This might be our last shot.”

  Travis glared at Martin. “Don’t you think I know that?”

  “Easy, guys.” Rogan’s tone was calm, resigned. “I’m the one who has to eat that shit, not you.”

  “Sorry.” Travis shrugged. “I’m wound as tight as a drum.”

  “No problem,” added Martin.

  “Please.” She couldn’t wait a moment longer. “Can we do this? Now?”

  “Yeah.” Rogan stepped closer, taking the plate from Travis. “Anything that looks this bad has to work.”

  Travis smiled, but the smile never made it to his green eyes. “Then you’ll be cured in no time. When I say to eat it, then eat it.”

  “Right.” Rogan straightened his shoulders. “Whenever you’re ready.”

  She and Martin stayed back, not out of fear that it wouldn’t work, but somehow they sensed they should. It was up to Travis the wizard and Rogan the werewolf now. Being human right then made her feel more vulnerable than she’d ever felt.

  Travis began the chant, ancient words that meant nothing to her yet would mean the world to her if they worked. His voice grew stronger with each new line until, at last, he nodded at Rogan.

  Rogan used his fingers to eat the awful, foul-smelling concoction. Taking a big bite, he grimaced but still swallowed it. Travis continued to chant but nodded again, telling him to eat all of it.

  Lilli crossed her arms, hugging herself since she couldn’t hug Rogan. Every bite Rogan took was a step closer to his salvation. If the spell and the concoction worked.

  Once Rogan had finished eating, Travis repeated part of the incantation again. She studied Rogan’s face and knew before he’d finished that the spell was a failure. Travis, too, noticed, the hope draining from his expression.

  “What?” Martin waited for Rogan’s answer. “Did it work?”

  “No.” Rogan closed his eyes. A war raged in his shifting expression. “I still don’t have control. I can feel my wolf starting to rise, refusing to listen to me. I don’t know if I can stop it.”

  “Fuck.” Travis turned his back on Rogan, defeat etched in his face and in the slump of his shoulders.

  “Damn it, Rogan. I’m sorry.” Martin dropped his gaze to the floor.

  She couldn’t believe it. Were they giving up? “We’ll try again, right?” She had to touch him, to comfort herself as much as to comfort him. “Rogan, we’re going to beat this thing. Until then, you have to fight it.”

  “We’re fighting a battle we don’t know how to win. Why did this start? Did I do something wrong? Is it a hex? Is it a new werewolf disease? We don’t know shit.” Rogan wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her to him. “I’m sorry, but I don’t think we’re going to win.”

  She gave him a light punch on the arm. “Bullshit. You stop talking like that right now. We’re going to find a cure. We’re going to beat this, whatever it is.”

  His small smile was enough to tear her apart. “Yeah. We’ll keep trying, but it doesn’t look good. If Travis can’t fix it, then no one can.”

  “I’m not giving up,” added Travis as he turned back to this friend. “I’ll never give up.”

  “Maybe you should. Maybe all of you should.”

  She started to hit Rogan again for his traitorous thoughts, but he caught her arm. “You can’t give up. I sure as hell won’t.”

  “Girl, you might not have a choice. N
o. Stop.” He shook his head, denying her the right to speak again. “Listen to me. Once I change for good, I want you to promise me something.”

  She didn’t want to promise anything except to love him. “I promise to always love you. No matter what form you’re in.”

  A flash of pain came and went. “And I’ll always love you. But I want better for you. I want you to promise me you’ll stay here with Travis and Martin. I want you to live your life and have lots of kids. And I want you to try and forget I ever existed.”

  She looked to Travis and Martin and saw the same agony she felt on their faces. “I love them just like I love you. No more, no less. And I’m going to have a great life with them and with you. Kids and all. I promise you those things. But I won’t make a promise I can’t keep. I’ll never forget you because you’re going to be here, by my side, living our lives together. Do you understand me, Rogan? Don’t ever try to tell me anything different or I’ll punch you so hard you won’t be able to see straight.” By the time she’d finished speaking, her voice had begun to crack, her throat threatening to close up.

  “You’d better listen, man.” Martin opened the door. “I wouldn’t want to go up against her. Come on. We need a break.”

  “You three go on ahead. I need to keep searching.” Travis pivoted back to the table and the ingredients scattered over it.

  She took Travis’s other arm. “Maybe taking a break will clear your head.”

  “She’s right. You’re going with us.” Rogan grabbed his friend by the shoulder. “I want us to make love to our woman. Now. And in a damn bed this time.”

  “What about your wolf?” asked Travis.

  “I think I’m okay for now. Maybe my wolf wants me to have one last time with her, too.”

  “And maybe it’ll take over if you’re preoccupied,” suggested Martin. “I’m not sure we should risk it.”

  “I’ll risk it.” She’d risk anything for one more time with Rogan. “It’s my decision to make.”

  “No. Martin’s right. I was being selfish before, but I’m not going to put you in any danger. It’s my decision.”

  She met Rogan’s gaze. “Please. If not for yourself, do this for me.”

  He struggled to say no, but in the end, he gave in. “Fine, but if I feel it coming to the surface, I’m going to get the hell out of there.” He looked to Travis and Martin. “If I can’t, then I need to count on you two to stop me.”

  She’d never thought of herself as being sexy, but these men had changed that. Shooting him as alluring a look as she could, she strolled toward the door. Martin still held the door as she let her fingers glide across his chest.

  “Last door on the left, babe.”

  She arched an eyebrow as if to say, “Meet you there.”

  She never made it to the bed. Once again, Rogan lifted her off her feet. He strode down the hallway. Before Martin could pass him, he kicked open the door.

  “Damn it, man, you just knocked the damn door off its hinges.”

  Rogan threw her on top of the bed and began tearing off his clothes. Buttons flew and material shredded as he shed every stitch. “Strip, girl.”

  She scrambled toward the headboard. “Is that an order? I don’t take orders, you know.”

  “Do you deliver packages?” Martin went to the other side of the bed, undoing his shirt along the way. He whipped off his belt and sent it flying.

  “Yeah. But what’s that got to do with anything?”

  “Then deliver your package.” Martin’s attention dropped to her crotch.

  She laughed. “That’s a horrible joke.”

  “I liked it.” Rogan, magnificently nude, towered over her. His shoulders were broad, his chest iron covered in flesh, his waist tapering downward to the vee heading below. His purple-lined, curved cock beckoned. “Now deliver, girl.”

  If they wanted to play, she’d play along. “You’ll have to sign for it, sir.” Her gaze skimmed up and down his body. “With your tongue.”

  “A man’s got to do what a man’s got to do.” Martin shoved his jeans down and kicked off his boots.

  “Then do it.”

  Martin and Rogan fell on her like ravenous animals ready to claim their prey. With rips and tears, they rid her of her clothes in moments.

  “Where’s Travis?” She sucked in a breath as Rogan “signed” her package, his tongue slicking it way up then down the length of her pussy.

  “I’m here.”

  She craned her head around Martin who was on his knees next to her. Travis had remained by the door, the same sad expression he’d had in his workroom still there. “Please, Travis. For Rogan.”

  He hesitated then nodded, giving in. “Yeah. For Rogan.”

  Rogan growled, his body stretched out between her legs. “Right. Like he’s going to fuck you for my sake.” Chuckling, he twisted around and added, “Get in here. Now.”

  Travis tugged off his shirt. She lost sight of him as Martin took her by the chin and turned her head toward him. “Suck on me, babe.”

  She took him in as Travis came to her other side. “I’ll take some of that, too, darlin’. Right here.” He took her hand and wrapped it around his cock.

  Thoughts of Rogan and what might happen to him were shoved to the back. At least for a while. Instead, she concentrated on her men, the men she didn’t know well but somehow knew more than enough to love them.

  Rogan added two fingers to her pussy, pumping her as his tongue stroked her clit. Sucking, biting, he brought her high then dropped her low. She moaned, sending her frustration flowing over Martin’s thick, delicious cock. She stroked Travis’s cock, setting up a matching pace.

  Rogan devoured her, eating at her until her body was quivering. The rising flood of emotions meeting wild sensations pounded into her. Suddenly, the climax was on her. She turned Martin’s cock free and cried out as her release took control, wiping every thought away.

  Rogan lapped up her juices, pushing his face against her hard. His thumb punished her clit, making the climax even more incredibly unbearable. She cried out again as the rest of the climax shuddered through her.

  “Back at it, babe.” Martin guided his cock inside her mouth.

  Travis put his hand around hers as she took his cock. “Pump me, darlin’. Get me close, but then I’m going to need my cock in your pussy.”

  Rogan sat up and used the back of his hand to wipe her juices from his mouth. “Not before me. No fucking way.” He moved closer, getting onto his knees then taking her legs and lifting them high. His cock pressed at her pussy, declaring his intentions.

  She cried out again, her mouth still around Martin’s cock when Rogan slammed his cock inside her. His shaft splintered her resistance, shoving into her at full force and pushing her toward the headboard.

  “I’m not waiting for my turn as third.” Martin eased his cock away then slid his hands under her, urging her onto her side. He kissed the back of her neck then lay down behind her.

  She startled when his fingers found her dark hole but said nothing. Instead, she welcomed Travis’s cock into her mouth and sucked hard, releasing then sucking hard again. When Martin slipped his cock into her butthole, she was more than ready.

  Her body was alive, filled with her men, filled with a love she hadn’t known could exist. Every inch of her was theirs to command, theirs to possess, and she gave of herself freely. If this was the last time all four of them would be together, then she’d savor every moment, remember every touch, every sigh.

  Each of Rogan’s thrusts was accentuated by his soft grunts. His body worked, slamming into her with a precise rhythm. His cock went deeper each time, forcing pants from her to match his grunts. Sweat formed along his hairline, and for one uneasy moment, she searched his face, his eyes closed, and wondered if he might lose control. Was he concentrating hard to hold back his climax? Or to hold back his wolf? Yet she trusted him as much as she did the other men. Whatever happened, she knew Rogan wouldn’t hurt her.

n kissed her shoulder and held her hip, keeping her with him as he shoved his cock into her ass. Never taking it completely out, he pumped into her, his breath striking her skin.

  Rogan’s pace sped up, the determination locked into his expression. Her heart beat wildly, the surge inside her ratcheting up higher and higher.

  All at once, Rogan froze then stiffened. His eyes opened, amber flaring in a myriad of flecks. Growling, he thrust into her one last time. Again he stiffened then suddenly pulled out.

  “No. Don’t.” She reached out for him, but he fell away, catching his seed with the bedspread.

  “Can’t. Not until…” He moaned and stumbled away from the bed.

  Until it was safe. Until he was cured.

  Sadness threatened to overwhelm her, but it was swept away as Travis took Rogan’s place. Holding one of her legs against his waist, he smiled then plunged his cock inside her. She sucked in a hard breath then tightened her pussy muscles around his cock. Doing the same with her ass muscles, she heard Martin’s moan.

  Again and again, they plunged into her. As though acting like a tag team, first Martin would shove his cock into her, and then Travis would. She fought to catch her breath, but it was difficult. Perspiration slickened their bodies, the slapping sound echoing each of their thrusts. Heat fired her up, burning her climax to the end. Screaming, she turned it free and let the wave roll through her, taking her body for a wild ride.

  Travis and Martin released their orgasms, each with a shout of exultation. As the three of them came together, she was washed away in a tsunami of desire.

  “Rogan.” Sated, she still needed the three of them.

  The bed creaked as he rejoined them. She touched him, needing to feel him as close to her as the other two men were.

  Would this be their last time together? Her eyes clouded with tears, and she closed them, unwilling to let any of the men see her pain.

  * * * *

  Martin paced from one end of the workroom to the other. “How the hell could we be so fucking stupid?”

  “We fell asleep. You know how hard we’ve been working, burning the candle at both ends trying to keep the ranch running and help Rogan.” Travis stared at the open book of magic resting on the table.


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