Mountain Man's Baby
Page 14
Finally, probably after what could have only been a lifetime, I opened my eyes and for the first time, I was truly awake. I saw that my hands were still bound to the bed but my legs were not and they were covered in sticky dried cum. Someone had taken the time to wash the rest of me, however, as my face, chest, and hair all seemed quite clean and maintained.
“Hey, you’re finally awake,” Brandon greeted. I looked over to the foot of the bed and I saw him there, munching down on some kind of meat on a stick. He probably went out hunting with Chris again.
“H-how long was I out?” I just had to know. It could have been days, weeks or maybe just a few hours.
Brandon shrugged, bit on his meal and then answered. “Almost three days. We’ve had a lot of fun fucking you and baby you were having fun too.”
“I know,” I smiled slyly and wiggled my naked body for him. “I feel so exhausted and sore.”
He laughed and then leaned forward and let me take a bite out of his meal. It was rabbit meat. “I’ve never seen a slut fuck as much as you did. You’ve got a real talent for this, you know. Have you ever considered being a model or a porn star?”
That was honestly really funny but I did like how modest he was in telling me that. I shook my head at him. “Nope, it never crossed my mind.”
“You should consider it,” he told me as he scooted up to lie by my side. He was naked and I could see his cock starting to get stiff and ready once more. I wondered if he was going to fuck me again. “You’ve got a talent for this. Your pussy is so tight, you can deepthroat even when it makes you all teary eyed and you love it rough.”
“How does that make me qualified?” I asked. “Aren’t porn stars supposed to be like super hot with gigantic tits?”
“Everyone knows those are fake and guys don’t really watch porn to look at a girl’s face. We watch porn to see a girl be a total fuck slut and baby you are one heck of a slut. I could dine on you all day and all night.”
If he said that without the blatant sexual references I would have considered that romantic. Still, Brandon was still my kind of guy. Both of them were. They were the strong, masculine men who took what they wanted.
“Thank you,” I told him. “When are you guys going to untie me?”
Brandon chuckled and he then reached forward and undid the knots keeping my hands tied to the bedpost. I quickly rubbed my wrists and stretched my limbs as I sat up. For the first time since they laid me down, I felt the aching spots on my body and it felt like a sudden rush of pain washing over me. It was like I suddenly got hit by a truck or something.
“Oh f-fuck, my body really hurts,” I exclaimed as I rubbed my lower back and rested up on a pillow. “I really need to go to the bathroom, by the way, and eat something.”
Brandon chuckled then patted my tits as he said, “Go ahead. I got some extra rabbit meat already cooked and prepped in the kitchen.”
The door swung open just as I got up off the bed and in came Chris. He was naked, his cock loosely dangling between his legs, and he was drying his hair with one of the lodge towels.
“Oh, you’re up,” he exclaimed. “How are you feeling?”
It was nice to see them genuinely concerned about my well-being. It showed they cared. Well, they did care but that wouldn’t stop them from getting a rock-hard boner every time they saw my naked body in the room. I loved it. It meant they were still attracted to me even after using me like that.
“Pretty good, a little sore,” I answered. I stretched around a bit, kicked my feet and then asked for his towel. He tossed it to me and I covered myself – I felt a little foolish doing it – and then posed real quick, with a big smile on my face. “How do I look?”
Brandon clapped and Chris simply said, “You look like a really hot wife ready to bang her husband and his friends.”
“Funny you should say that,” I told him as I walked past him and to the door. “Brandon and I were talking about how I could be a porn star one day.”
“I’d pay to see her fuck,” Brandon admitted to Chris. “However, I’d do even more to get another taste of her.”
Chris nodded and then looked at me like I was some kind of meal on a plate. “Yeah, I know what you mean. I’m already thinking of a hundred new ways of pounding this bitch and making her moan. Her voice is so damn slutty, man, it just drives me wild.”
“I’m right here guys,” I tried to sound as dry and sarcastic as possible. “You know I can hear you guys talking about me.”
They both laughed. Brandon then raised a hand and said “Go do what you need, freshen up and everything. I got some news for us but it can wait until you’re feeling all clean and refreshed.”
“Can’t you just blurt it out?” I asked. Whatever it was he had to say it was probably a little more complex than what could be discussed in a minute or two but I still wanted to know what the heck it was about so I wouldn’t spend my time in the bathroom just wondering over the mystery.
Chris didn’t seem to know what it was about either. He just looked at me with a blank face and then shrugged when I gestured for him to spill the beans out for me. He then pointed to Brandon and said “Yeah, dude, just spit out. What is it?”
Brandon grinned and then he looked at Chris and then at me before he gave just a short teaser of what was yet to come. “I know how to get back home.”
Those words sounded so odd to me. I did want to go home, I did want to see my friends again but at the same time I just wanted to continue living in this paradise that we made here. I was happy here, with just Brandon and Chris, and I wasn’t sure if I was ready to let this utopia vanish the moment we got back into the real world.
Chapter Eleven
I sat there on the living room couch, naked save for the towel wrapped around my head to keep my hair dry. Brandon sat on the other recliner while Chris was on the carpet floor. I was trying my best to think about the situation we were in and how we could get home but their massive cocks were distracting me.
“Wait, how far away are we?” Chris asked Brandon.
Brandon looked at us both and answered “I got up to one of the high peaks of the hills a day ago, chasing down this really big deer I thought we could eat. The damn skittish thing got away though. Well, anyway, I was up there and while I was scouting around I noticed we were a little higher than usual. I looked over and I saw smoke and I figured that’s the camp site.”
“You figured?” I asked.
He looked at me and nodded. “Yeah, I’m pretty sure because it didn’t look like a forest fire. The smoke was nice and white, like the kind of fire you’d get when using the right logs and fuel you can buy from the camping supply shop.”
“Well, how far is it?” Chris asked.
“About a day or two from here, if we walk,” Brandon replied. “I also spotted the creek that swelled during the storm. I think we can follow that and it’ll lead us up back to the camp direction too.”
I was a little worried about that. “You say it’ll be a whole day or two to get there? That’s risky. We might not make it out there. We lost all our bags and even our better clothes just getting to this damn lodge.”
Chris looked at me and smiled slyly before he stated “Baby, you don’t seem so excited to go back. You like it here with me and my homeboy?”
My cheeks flushed red. “I-I do.”
Both men howled in glee. Brandon even clapped his hands and Chris started to stroke his cock. I was already getting turned on just by seeing how he was so riled up by my words. I saw his quickly their cocks got stiff and ready for more action. When I reached down between my legs I quickly realized I too was in heat… I was so wet and so warm that I could smell the sex in the air.
“Shut up,” I said flatly and with a big smile cracking on my face. “You guys are idiots.”
“Hot idiots,” Chris corrected and we all laughed.
Brandon then raised a hand and we all tuned in to what he had to say. “If we’re going to go, we have to go now. We have to pack
what resources we can like a canister of fuel so we can build a fire during the night. We need to bring some dry wood logs and we need to cut all the curtains and blankets so we can make clothes, bags, and something to keep us warm in the woods.”
“Shit,” I exclaimed. “This sounds so fucking complicated.”
Chris pointed at me and said “See? She’s really intent on just staying here until we fuck her over and over.”
I rolled my eyes and laughed. “That’s not a bad idea.”
That got both men to pause, look at each other and think things through. I saw Brandon frown and then they kind of made these weird hand gestures. It was ridiculous – I was right there and they were still trying to keep something from me.
“Spit it out boys,” I called them out. “You can stop hand gesturing and whispering.”
Brandon then looked at me and smiled. “We were wondering if you’d like to live with us once we get back to the real world.”
I raised an eyebrow in suspicion. “Huh? Wouldn’t that be a nightmare to deal with? I’m not even from around here. We live like six hours away from here.”
“That’s fine,” Chris answered. “You’re from Springfield, right? We go there all the time. We could just move there and you can move in with us.”
“Aren’t you making such a hasty decision?” I asked. I bit down on my lip when I realized I sounded like I was starting to nag them about this. Just minutes ago I wanted us to just stay here in the woods but now I was back-pedaling on moving in with them in the city.
Brandon shook his head, “Well, we were planning on moving anyway since we’re opening up a new auto shop downtown. I got some grease boys who know their way around trucks and cars and with the money we saved we can get a nice business going.”
“What would I do?” I continued to pester.
Chris walked over and made me kiss his stiff cock. It tasted so delicious in the morning. He then looked down at me and said “You can work as our manager. During the day you’ll be in charge of all the transactions and paperwork and during the night you’ll be working me and Brandon.”
That got me smiling. I liked the sound of his proposal. “I like that. I can have some fun and I get to see you boys all the time.”
“Sounds like we got a plan,” Chris then concluded. “However, that’s all when we get home. Our main concern now is to get out of this damn forest alive and well.”
Hearing those words felt like getting stabbed in the gut. Sure, there was a promising new life waiting for us when we get out but there wasn’t even a guarantee that we’d survive the trek. Chris and Brandon were in the Marines so I felt a little surer of our chances but even then it was slim. It was still a day or two back to the camp site and we only knew the general direction so we might still end up stumbling on the wrong path.
“She’s worried,” Brandon pointed out and I looked up to see him pointing at me. “Don’t worry baby, we’re going to make sure we all get out of this.”
“Let’s not waste time then,” Chris said as he clapped his hands loudly and woke us all up. I snapped awake and felt a rush of energy course through my veins and, at least for a moment, felt like we could do this.
I got up, took off the towel, and began looking for curtains and other stuff we could use. “All right then, what do we need?”
“Cut down all the blankets, bed sheets, pillow cases, and curtains,” Brandon told me. “We’ll use those to make some clothes and bags so we can pack in food and the medical supplies still available here. I’ll empty some of the bottles in the kitchen and fill them with fuel so we can build a fire easily at night.”
Chris nodded and he too got up and ready. “I’ll pick out some survival necessities like scissors, a knife and the hunting tools we need to catch rabbits or whatever. I’ll also make sure to pack in some water in a bottle or two.”
This all sounded like a plan coming together. If I ever make it out of these woods I am going to fuck these two until they’re too tired to keep going or until I just pass out again. I owed them my life and my own sexual awakening. Spreading my legs for them was the least I could do to thank them.
I was excited. I was nervous. I was scared shitless but I felt a strange comfort knowing I had these two with me as we’d go into the woods. This lodge had become some kind of strange haven for me – it was where I lost my virginity and where I discovered I could love two men at the same time – and now it was time to go. It gave me an odd, cold feeling in my gut but I didn’t worry. I knew that if we made it we’d be off to somewhere even more exciting.
“We can do this, right?” I just had to get that off my chest.
“How about we make a deal?” Brandon then proposed. He looked at me, at Chris and then back at me. “We won’t fuck you in the woods. We won’t fuck you at all until we safely get us all back to civilization.”
Chris’ jaw dropped. “What? That’s ridiculous.”
I laughed and then shook my tits in their direction. “You sure you want to give these up?”
“I’m not giving them up,” Brandon clarified. “I’m just saying we don’t waste our energy having sex when we can use it to get out of here.”
“I’m still going to masturbate and spill my cum all over her face before I go to bed at night,” Chris stated like it was a fact and nothing else could change it.
“Well, I’ll make sure to drink it up,” I replied and both men chuckled in glee. I smiled too and we all turned to get to work. It was time to leave.
Chapter Twelve
It was just a little past noon when we headed off. I was able to craft a makeshift backpack using the old lodge items and fabrics. I used it to hold in the fruits and dried meat the boys caught the day before. We all made clean clothes from the bathrobes, curtains and bed sheets. Chris and Brandon had a bag each as well. Both of them were also carrying makeshift knives, a bow and a quiver of arrows for hunting.
When we started out we liked to chit-chat, probably to get our minds off the fact that we were trekking into unknown territory and away from the comfort of the old lodge. However, after the third hour of wandering aimlessly, hoping we’d find the creek that could guide us to the camp site, we started to fall into an uncomfortable silence.
In my head, I could only think of the movie “The Blair Witch Project.” I kept on thinking how the characters in that movie were trying so hard to find the evil witch in the woods until they got lost. They kept on arguing with each other until the witch did come and they all died gruesome deaths. It’s not as good as it was on the first viewing but it is an iconic film for a reason and I just couldn’t get those horrors out of my head. Just like in that movie I was a lone girl trapped in the woods with two guys and we had no real idea where we were or how to get out.
“Fuck!” I finally let out a scream of frustration when we passed yet another small creek. It wasn’t the creek we were looking for. This one was a little too small and it twisted in the wrong direction. “Where the fuck is it?”
Brandon tossed his bag down and slumped against a tree. “I don’t fucking know. We’ve been on the right path since we left so it must be here somewhere.”
“How do you know?” I snapped back. “All you know is to fuck me with your big ass dick but that’s it.”
Chris shook his head and tried to suppress his laughter. “Man, she really got you with that one.”
I glared at Chris. “What about you? Do you have any better ideas or are you just spitballing bullshit here as well?”
He shook his head and then pointed to the sun. “Brandon’s right – we’ve been going in the right direction. The creek was about fifteen miles away from the lodge. If we were on flat ground we would have found it by now but we’re in the woods, in the mountain ranges, so I don’t think we’re going to get to it for another hour or so. We just have to keep going.”
“It’s almost sundown,” I reasoned. “We’ll need to find it fast or we’ll get lost in the dark.”
“This isn’t a good
place to camp,” Brandon told me. “We’ll be open here to snakes and other crazy animal shit. We need to get closer to the creek so we can find a nice clearing. Maybe if we make a fire there the patrol scouts will see us.”
That didn’t sound like a bad idea. I didn’t really want to stand around and argue with them either so any plan was better than none.
We took a moment to drink some water and I ate one of the last bits of fruit we had in the bag. The only remaining food items were dried meat. I didn’t really feel like eating something that might make me puke on the road.
Fortunately, Chris was proven right. Only after forty minutes or so of trudging our way through the forest we eventually found the creek. It was the exact same one that I almost fell into during that stupid storm the other night.
This is where we made camp. I made a wide clearing of rocks so that the campfire wouldn’t accidentally burn the trees and grass and as soon as I was done Brandon got to building us a fire. Chris went out foraging and hunting and I took the rest of the time to refill our water bottles.
It wasn’t until another hour, when the sky was dark and littered with stars when we got around to actually talking to each other again. Chris managed to hunt us two rabbits and found a small horde of berries to eat. It wasn’t much and I was still hungry after dining but at least I wasn’t going to go to bed with an empty stomach.
It was after eating that I crawled under a tree and tried to warm myself with some of the blankets I took from the lodge. Even with it covering me I could still feel the evening wind bite and the grass underneath was itchy. I felt horrible and I kind of missed the comfort of our lodge.
“Having trouble sleeping?” Chris asked when he scooted over to sit by my side.
I nodded. I looked over and saw Brandon huddled between a log and a boulder. He looked just as cold as I was.
Chris wrapped an arm around me and cuddled me in. It felt so warm to have him hold me so close. He didn’t even say a word. He didn’t try to kiss me or feel my tits or whatever. He just held me and it was the sweetest gesture I’ve had from either of these two since we first met.