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Seasons of the Heart

Page 4

by Susette Williams

  Wade stared at her. “Ha, that was just the beginning.”


  “Yeah, oh. When I tried to hold her seat out for her, she grabbed a spray can that was dangling from her purse and pointed it at me.”

  Katie’s eyes widened. “What was in the can?”

  “Pepper spray. What did she think I was going to do to her? We were in a public place." Wade sighed. "She even sat clinging to the handle of my truck door all the way there to begin with.”

  “Oh, Wade. I’m sorry.” Katie covered her mouth with her hand. She never would have suspected Sasha would have acted like that. She did ask Katie if Wade was okay, but surely she couldn’t have been that paranoid if she agreed to go out with him.

  “Do you know how uncomfortable it is eating with someone pointing a potentially lethal weapon at you?" Wade chuckled. "The waiter offered to bring some pepper for our salad. I told him it was okay. My date brought her own.”

  Katie laughed.

  “I thought she’d laugh, too. Not so much as a crack in her pursed lips. Then, if that wasn’t enough, when we went to the show she slipped and nearly fell and some poor fool actually tried to catch her.”

  “What’s so bad about that? Sounds like he was being nice.” Tucking a leg underneath her, she relaxed as Wade continued.

  “Well, he thought he was being nice. Poor guy.”

  “What happened?” Katie asked in horror.

  “She threw him.”

  “Threw him?” Her eyes widened. “What do you mean, she threw him?”

  “Just what I said." Wade shook his head. He raised his arms over his shoulder. "She grabbed him by the arm and hurled the old guy on the floor.” His arms completed the imaginary throw.

  Katie gasped. “You’ve got to be kidding.”

  “Luckily I grabbed her wrist before she had a chance to spray him.”

  “Oh, no,” Katie screamed. They both laughed. Grabbing her sides in pain, she tried to regain her composure. “I’m so sorry. I promise, I’ll never fix you up on another date again.”

  “Scout’s honor?”

  “Scout’s honor,” Katie promised and made an attempt at crossing her heart.

  Wade reached for the phone when it rang. “Just a minute,” he told Katie before answering.

  “Hello.” There was a brief pause, then Wade continued, ‘Well, hi. How are you?”

  Katie sat and listened as Wade continued his conversation in a friendly tone. “It’s been so long. I’ve missed you, too.”

  That had her mind whirling. Katie wondered who he was talking to. It didn't sound like Wade was talking with a man.

  “I’d like that. It’s a date then,” Wade said before hanging up the phone.

  A date? Katie frowned. “Who was that?”

  After replacing the phone in its cradle, he looked at her. “Hm? Oh, an old colleague of mine. Doctor Redmond is going to be in town this weekend and we’re going to get together.”

  Chapter Five

  On Friday, when Katie was driving back to the clinic after delivering antibiotics for a horse, she stopped and retrieved her Anatomy book. Wade had promised to help her study for next week’s test. She didn’t know what she’d do without his assistance.

  As she entered the clinic, she noticed the cynical look on the receptionist’s face. Alice nodded towards the back where Wade’s office and the examination rooms were.

  “What?” Katie mouthed quietly, then her attention was drawn to feminine laughter ringing out merrily from Wade’s office. She was ready to go see who it was when a beautiful brunette with curly brown hair emerged. Her sleek black dress clung to her well-defined curves. The bodice dipped gently in the front to reveal more than a modest cleavage. Long, tan legs lead to a pair of delicate-looking feet in high heel sandals.

  As Katie’s eyes drifted upward, she noted Wade’s arm casually draped around the woman’s waist. Her stomach knotted, especially when she realized Wade was dressed in a black suit. It was a bit much to wear to tutor her. Anatomy may be on his mind, but studying for Katie’s test obviously wasn’t.

  “Katie, I want you to meet a friend of mine. Katie Morgan, meet Laura Redmond.”

  Katie pasted a smile on her face and began to extend her hand to shake then withdrew it a moment. “Doctor Redmond?”

  “Yes.” Baby blue eyes sparkled as she redirected her attention to her colleague. “Wade, dear, have you been talking about me?” Laura asked, then gave a flirtatious giggle.

  Katie cringed.

  Wade smiled at Laura. “Nothing bad, I promise.”

  Yeah, Katie thought, but I sure have a few things I’d like to say about you and I don’t even know you…like do you think you could have found a shorter dress? I hope you don’t have to bend over tonight. You might give some poor guy a heart attack.

  Clearing her throat, she tried to get Wade’s attention, which was being absorbed by the brunette bombshell on his arm. “I thought we were supposed to study tonight?”

  “I’m sorry. I forgot.” Wade looked apologetic and so did Laura.

  “Wade, if you need to study I can always help you,” Laura suggested.

  “I don’t need to study, Katie does.” He frowned.

  “Why would you need to study?” Katie asked Wade, not sure what she was missing.

  Laura took the liberty of answering for Wade, “I thought, perhaps, Wade was going to brush up on his Anatomy, for the course he’s going to teach at the college.

  “Now I’m the one who’s embarrassed." Laura directed her attention toward Katie. "Surely you can find someone your own age to help you study. Doctor McAlester is a very busy man.” Laura leaned into Wade and rested two manicured hands on his shoulder as she gazed into his eyes.

  Katie bit back a retort as she fumed silently. “It’s all right Wade. It’s not often you get a chance to see old friends. I’ll find someone else to study with.”

  “Are you sure?” Wade asked. If it weren’t for their reservation and the fact that Katie was in jeans, he would have invited her to go along with them.

  Katie nodded. “Go ahead.”

  “Come on, Wade. We should go. We’re going to be late for our dinner reservations.” Laura arched an eyebrow when she addressed Katie, “You have a good time, dear. I know we will.”

  After they left Katie let out a scream.

  “Charming woman, isn’t she?” Alice asked halfheartedly, then smiled before she turned her attention back to her computer.

  “About as charming as a snake,” Katie mumbled.

  ♥ ♥ ♥

  It took three phone calls for Katie to track down Tony’s phone number. He’d asked for hers before in their Anatomy class, but she told him she was seldom home, in order to put him off. Not that she would have seriously considered going out with him even if she weren’t so busy.

  Sitting next to him in class afforded her the opportunity to see the results of his test scores. Since Tony was acing the class, he was the likely choice for a study partner. It was a relief to find him available. Even if he was a little more available than she wanted. Absently, she admitted he had good looks and was very smart, but he knew it. Unlike Wade, who never appeared to be stuck on himself. His smile and charm were more natural. It warmed her heart thinking about him. Only he wasn’t available—he was with Laura.

  A light breeze sent leaves dancing around in circles as they scattered across the lightly browning grass. Katie hugged her books closer to her chest as she hurried to their appointed meeting spot. She passed others who were also taking advantage of the cool fall day to study outside in a peaceful setting.

  When she found the large old oak tree, she scooted leaves out of her way and sat down. She almost wished she would have brought a blanket to sit on, but it might have encouraged Tony to sit closer. That’s why she preferred they meet at the library or a park. Campus was just as good of a suggestion. There was no way she would consider studying at her place. She trusted Wade, but she didn’t trust other men so re

  The minutes ticked by until a glance at her watch attested to the fact that Tony was half an hour late. Maybe he wasn’t going to show after all. Katie started to gather her notes.

  “Where are you going?” A deep male voice boomed.

  Katie looked up. “Hey, you’re finally here. I thought maybe you weren’t coming.”

  “I went to the lecture today. Man was she something, beauty and brains all rolled up into one.” Tony plumped down in the grass and began to thumb through his book..

  He’s doing you a favor, Katie reminded herself, trying to hide her irritation. He hadn’t even offered an apology for being late. “Who gave the lecture?”

  Tony stopped a moment, a far-a-way look in his eyes. “She’s a microbiologist. Dr. Laura Cappici.”

  “Cappici? Don’t you mean, Redmond?” Katie fumed. That woman just got in town yesterday and sure seemed to be making her rounds.

  “Oh, yeah.” Tony laughed. “Cappici is my last name. She’s to die for and oh, so funny.”

  “She’s a real joke,” Katie muttered.


  “I said I found her to be very entertaining.” Just hysterical, Katie thought as she smiled sweetly.

  “You’ve met her?” Tony was awe struck.

  She would have liked to say it was her pleasure, but she didn’t want to lie. “She’s an old friend of my boss.”

  “Do you think you could introduce me to her?” Tony begged.

  “Ah, I don’t know. She’s leaving tomorrow I believe. Maybe next time she comes in.” Silently she hoped that wouldn’t be for a long time.

  ♥ ♥ ♥

  When Wade walked into church, he couldn’t erase his sour mood. He had tried to call Katie Saturday afternoon and she hadn’t answered her phone. Then when he showed up at her house this morning she was gone. She said it was okay for him to go ahead and take Laura out Friday. Maybe she was upset that he broke his promise? He didn’t know how it slipped his mind.

  A gentle touch on his arm caught his attention. Wade smiled in pleasant surprise as he greeted Katie. “Hi. Where were you this morning?”

  “I had to go to the store and grab a new pair of nylons. I couldn’t believe I put a run in my last pair.” Katie sighed and looked around. “Where’s your friend?”

  “She left late last night.”

  “Oh, I thought maybe she’d come to church with you today.”

  Wade laughed.

  Katie scrunched her brows in concern. “What? She wouldn’t come to church with you?”

  “Not likely. She’s pretty set against it. Maybe you’ll be able to help persuade her,” he suggested.

  “Me?” Katie said, pointing to herself. “How am I suppose to help persuade her? We don’t know each other and she doesn’t live anywhere near here.”

  Wade placed his hand in the middle of her back and ushered her to a vacant pew. “She’s considering moving here. Laura’s been offered a position at the college.”

  The organist began playing. She was thankful it interrupted any further chance of continuing their discussion. The thought of that woman living in the same town unsettled her. Katie couldn’t concentrate on the service. Why would Laura consider moving here? Did she have more than a passing interest in Wade? Remembering her possessive gestures around Wade, she didn’t doubt Laura might consider moving to their town for more than just an interest in employment.

  At the end of the service, the organist resumed playing. Wade leaned over to whisper in Katie’s ear. “Would you like to go out for lunch?”

  “Sure,” Katie readily agreed. It would give her a chance to talk to him without people bumping into them as they scurried by to find a seat or music playing.

  Wade followed Katie in his truck to the diner. Before she had a chance to put her keys in her purse, he opened her car door for her and extended his hand.

  “Thank you.” Katie took the hand he offered. Wade continued to hold it until they entered the restaurant. After they were seated and the waitress had taken their order, she decided it was a good time to ask him about his friend. “You said something earlier about Laura not being interested in attending church.”

  “Mm. She’s not a Christian. I’ve tried talking to her on more than one occasion, but she refuses to believe.” Wade shook his head in disappointment.

  “In 2 Corinthians it says to not be unequally yoked with an unbeliever. Sometimes choosing a lifelong mate can be difficult, but we can’t yoke ourselves with someone who doesn’t believe in God.” Katie folded her hands in front of her.

  Wade’s eyes glistened with amusement. “Sort of an expert are you? What kind of wife should I be looking for?”

  Katie frowned. “I’m not an expert. But I think you should find a wife who shares some of the same interests you do.”

  “Like animals?”

  “Of course,” Katie said. “Animals are a big part of your life and your job.”

  “So, someone like you would work?” Wade sat back while the waitress put his plate filled with mashed potatoes, green beans, and meat loaf in front of him. He watched as Katie frowned when their server put a plate of country-fried steak, mashed potatoes, and green beans in front of her. “Is everything all right?”

  Katie nodded. “Yes.”

  When the waitress left the table he continued. “What else?”

  “What else, what?” Katie’s eyes grew wide.

  “What else should I look for in a wife?”

  “Well… she should be a Christian,” Katie stammered.

  “You’re a Christian,” Wade pointed out.

  “Well, yes. You love children. Your wife would have to love children, too.”

  “That’s a good point,” Wade admitted. “How many children do you want?”

  “Want when? You mean when I get married?” Katie asked and Wade nodded. “I don’t know. I haven’t really thought about it. Maybe three or possibly even four.”

  Wade smiled. “Looks like we’re on a roll.”

  Katie blushed. Unconsciously she stirred her potatoes with her fork, not daring to look at Wade. What else should he look for in a wife? She wondered, then she remembered the Proverbs wife. “Works with her hands. She needs to be able to do things.”

  Pointing his fork towards her. “You’re right. Did I ever tell you how much I enjoy working with you? And it was so thoughtful of you to make cupcakes for the girls at the children’s home. You never cease to amaze me.”

  Stabbing a piece of meat, Katie shoved it in her mouth. It would teach her to keep her big mouth closed. Opens her arms to the poor and extends her hand to the needy. Okay, so that fit her, but it had to fit a lot of women. Was Wade trying to point out the fact that she wasn’t married yet either?

  “You look a bit flushed. Are you feeling okay?” Wade put his fork down and reached across the table to feel Katie’s forehead.

  Instinctively she pulled away. “Ah, no. I’m not feeling very well right now. If you don’t mind, how about we call it a day?”

  “Sure. If you’re not feeling well.” Wade laid his napkin aside and stood.

  Katie leapt out of her chair. “No. You go ahead and sit. Finish your meal. I’ll be okay. I can make it home by myself. There’s no need for you to miss your dinner.”


  “No.” Katie held her hand up in protest, grabbed her purse, and darted for the door.

  Chapter Six

  Katie hustled into her Anatomy class Monday afternoon, dodging between the other students who were either rushing to find their seats or were huddled together in conversation. Class was due to begin in less than two minutes, but since she was running late herself, she didn't bother to find out what all the chatter was about. She plopped down into her usual seat next to Tony, opened her book to where Professor Kostner had left off, dug through her purse for a pencil, and retrieved her notebook from her backpack.

  Tony leaned over to murmur next to her ear. “Are you ready for the test?”

sp; “As ready as I’ll ever be.” Katie sighed. She would have been more prepared if Wade had helped her study. He always made learning fun. Maybe the enjoyment didn’t come from what she was learning, but rather joking around with him. He always set her at ease.

  Smiling to herself, she remembered her last study date with Wade.

  Date? That word set her heart to racing. It wasn’t that she had time to date, but if she did… would she make a suitable partner for Wade? Everything he'd said at dinner made her think. He did say several things about her were the things he’d look for in a wife.

  But she was his employee. There was no way he would ever be interested in her. After all, he was a doctor with so much going for him. What could he see in her? She was still a kid in school. Nothing at all like the accomplished Dr. Laura Redmond.

  Katie shook her head as if it would clear her jumbled thoughts. Get real, she chastised herself, you’re just imagining he might be interested in you because you’re crazy about him.

  She had no sooner thought that than she heard the sound of his voice as it filtered into her dream world. She looked up to meet a pair of stormy blue eyes fixed on her.

  Her heart jumped and her pencil flew out of her hand, landing on the floor in front of her. Tony reached down to retrieve it for her at the same time she tried to recover it, and they bumped heads.

  “Ow,” Tony yelped as he rubbed his head before handing back her pencil. “Here you go, sorry.”

  “Thanks,” Katie whispered.

  “As I was saying before we were interrupted by the comedy club,” Wade began to repeat himself, “My name’s Dr. Wade McAlester and I’ll be filling in until Professor Kostner returns. I know you were supposed to have a test today, but I thought we’d take the time to review. I’m rescheduling the test for Wednesday.”

  Several students sighed in relief. Tony nudged Katie gently in the side. “Man, I was all ready for this test.”

  Katie nodded. Tony might be ready, but she wasn’t. She especially wasn’t ready to find Wade teaching her class. Faintly, she remembered Laura commenting that he would be teaching a class at the college. Did it have to be her class?


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