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Butterflies in Honey (Growing Pains #3)

Page 12

by K. F. Breene

  The hotel was fabulous! They were in Boulder, Colorado, of all places, with plush furnishings, marble, glass, and brass everywhere. From the outside, the hotel looked like a boring, big, square block. The architecture wasn’t anything special, not giving the viewer high hopes.

  The inside, however, was very cool. The very middle was hollowed up to about the eleventh floor. From the glass elevator, which traveled up the side of the hallowed area, one could see the bar and surrounding tables, a lounge with a piano, a seating area, and the walkway into the restaurant, which was further into the building.

  Krista’s room was a business suite with a desk, a living room area with a TV, couch and chair, and a separate room with two queen beds and a bathroom. Being tired from traveling and staying up too late the night before telling Marcus all her woes, Krista headed straight for the bed.

  Before she could get there, however, she heard, “Helllloooooooo?” in a high, sing-song voice.

  “Hey,” she said as she dropped her stuff on the floor next to the bed without a book on it.

  Janice came out of the bathroom, her face newly made up and her hair sprayed into a sort of old lady, curled style. She was mid-fifties, stocky, sweet, and chatty. She dressed in vests and shirts of the same style as Mary Poppins’s carpet bag.

  “I left half the closet and drawers for you,” Janice said with a smile as she walked over and opened the drawers.

  “Oh, that’s okay. I’ll just keep my clothes in the suitcase.”

  “No, dear, that just won’t do. I have strict orders to make sure you hang your things.”

  “From whom?” Krista said indignantly. Sean had another think coming if he was getting his assistant to boss her around.

  “That handsome gentleman with that smile of his!”

  Marcus. She should have known.

  Krista sighed loudly, just to let Janice know that she was put out, and started hanging her stuff. Janice paused a second to make sure it was being done properly, and then walked back to the bathroom, muttering something about her daughter and women her age. Krista didn’t need to listen too closely to know the general gist. You hear one mother, you’ve heard them all.

  After Krista hung up her crap, to the peeping eyes of Janice who apparently needed to make sure it was done properly, she blessedly laid down and closed her eyes for a second.

  “Krista, honey, you need to get up now. Time to get ready.”

  On what planet did Janice think Krista actually needed three hours to get ready? Really?

  Trying not to be angry, Krista opened her bleary eyes and pointedly looked at the clock. The large red letters said 2:30. What seemed like one second was two-and-a-half hours.

  “Crap!” Krista jumped up.

  “Language,” Janice said with a tsk.

  “Janice, this is dire. You have to help me get ready. Please?!”

  Janice put her hands on her hips and scowled. “Okay, hurry up and shower.”

  Krista thanked her profusely, nearly promised the woman her first born, and high-tailed it to the shower. Five minutes and a quick scrub later, she was back in the room, grabbing a thong and a bra. She turned to the suit she’d left out, and saw that it had been switched out. Then she realized there were voices in the outer room.

  All sound stopped. She froze, they froze—it was like a house full of people realizing there was a burglar in the other room. Each party listened for the other’s movement.

  Finally Marcus broke the silence. “Geegee?” He entered a second later.

  “Marcus! A little privacy please?”

  Marcus just laughed. “No need for the pillow shield, doll. Not interested. Now hurry up, I’m missing things. Put on the suit I picked out for you. Honestly, thank God for me, cause you have no taste.”

  “Marcus, get out! I need to get ready.”

  “I know. Hurry!”

  Giving up on modesty, and being that Krista at least had on her undies, she jumped into the suit and dashed to the bathroom for hasty hair and makeup.

  “I was wrong,” Marcus yelled, “you do have taste. That bra and panty set is chic!”


  Marcus left a frantic Krista for the outer room where a calm receptionist and a nervous Sean were waiting.

  “She’ll be ready in a jiff,” Marcus said as he sat into the couch and immediately lounged.

  Sean looked over his notes. “Marcus, you’ll go down with her. Introduce her around. Help her network. I’ll follow with Janice. I want to keep distance between Krista and myself.”

  “Are you sure that’s wise?” Marcus asked.

  “There’ll be a lot of rumors about her and me. I don’t want to emphasize that by constantly being seen with her. Plus, when she has a chance to assess the situation on her own, she’ll choose the best path to the goal line. If I’m there she’ll just wait for me to lead.”

  Marcus leaned forward with an incredulous expression. “Is the young stud admitting that he doesn’t know the best way to accomplish his giant list of achievements?”

  “I know the best way—point it out to Krista and let her do all the hard work so I can walk in and collect the prize!” Sean grinned.

  Marcus started laughing. “I’m going to tell her you said that.”

  “I would tell her myself but she’d probably slug me.”

  It was then that Krista walked out in a form fitting skirt suit that was classy, professional, and feminine.

  “Sean? Shouldn’t you be downstairs?” Krista asked in a panic.

  He smiled slowly and his eyes drifted down her body. “You look great.”

  Krista’s face flushed as Marcus said, “All my doing. C’mon Geegee, we have people to meet.”

  Krista groaned. “I hate people. I’m not a people person.”


  Sean’s eyes followed her out with a look that could melt metal. It fried every thought in her head, which was why, halfway to the meeting room, she finally remembered her lack of tights.

  “Crap! I have to go back.”

  “Why?” Marcus said, grabbing her arm to keep her walking.

  “I forgot tights.”

  He glanced down. “It is too hot for tights, and you are too young for nylons, Geegee. You look good. You have nice, tan legs. Bare legs are best.”

  “I’ll stand out, Marcus.”

  “Geegee, you are a young, hot female. You are already going to stand out. And let me remind you, I am a hot, black, gay male in middle America. I’ve got you beat.”

  “I noticed you didn’t mention young…” Krista said with a snort.

  “Shut up. Being a bitch doesn’t become you.”

  Krista laughed as they rounded a corner and were immediately thrust into a group of mill-and-flocking professionals on their way into a large banquet room. Krista’s legs started tingling. “Oh my God. Who are all these people?” Krista said as her legs would no longer carry her forward.

  “C’mon.” He plucked at her arm.

  Krista hesitantly followed him, her fake smile probably looking like a grimace.

  “Geegee, I have some great tidbits for you about your boys’ club, but if you don’t play the beautiful, egocentric upstart right now, I won’t tell you.”

  Krista’s hands started to sweat. Not only were there a ton of people, but they were all older, experienced-looking men. Worse, they looked at her like an insignificant chick with a nice pair of legs. Obviously many of them didn’t think administrative personnel were people. It was like being transported back in time to the 1950’s.

  “I think Doritos’s is calling my name,” Krista muttered. There were a million companies where women occupied some of the top positions. There was no reason she had to fight to be accepted in some backwoods empire that wasn’t progressing because the people that ran it were too happy with yesteryear.

  But first, she had to get through the weekend. She’d make it through the weekend, bare the smirks and slights and sexist behavior, then leave Sean to his empire.
r />   Krista allowed Marcus to lead her around, trying for an “I’m harmless” smile, and politely regarded everyone they came in contact with. It was then that Krista realized just how seriously backward the company was. She knew she was the only female manager—she didn’t know that Marcus was the only male administrative person. Not only that, but all the younger admin’s were pretty. Young, dumb, and pretty. The older gals were frumpy, probably underpaid, and not taken all that seriously.

  Krista’s regard for the company plummeted even further. No wonder the guys in her office had a problem with her. Women in general weren’t taken seriously among the upper tier. Which meant Sean was in relatively the same boat. He’d promoted the woman. Everyone must think he was a schmuck!

  Or sleeping with her…

  Krista became increasingly angry, but also withdrawn, as they made their way to their region’s table to join the other managers who were already there. She sat next to Bob because she didn’t have much choice if she wanted to see, and Marcus sat next to her.

  “I didn’t think you ate chips,” Marcus said idly, looking out at all the tables.


  Marcus spared her a glance. “Yeah—Dorito’s. I didn’t think you ate chips.”

  “Oh. No, I don’t. Not usually. I’d rather eat chocolate if I’m going to splurge.”


  “Oh, it’s just…” Krista lowered her voice. “Apparently Dorito’s is hiring. It would be a lateral move, but the pay is better. Kate talked to someone there and mentioned my name.”

  Marcus was awestruck. “I thought you were getting along with Sean okay?”

  Krista shrugged. “It’s fine, and if that was the only problem, I wouldn’t bother poking my head up, but…”

  Marcus glanced next to Krista at Bob, then tilted his head once and looked away. “Read ya loud and clear, sista.”

  “I’d appreciate it if you didn’t mention it to Sean. He’d take it the wrong way.”

  “He’ll take it even worse if you hand in your notice.”

  “I know. But he has to see…”

  “He does,” Marcus said sadly. He couldn’t elaborate anymore because Janice and Sean showed up, taking the two remaining seats.

  Sean looked keyed up and in his element. His charisma was booming and his eyes were bright. Krista knew him too well, though. There was a tightness around his eyes that said he would rather be anywhere but in that room. She absolutely agreed with him.

  Krista sighed, got out her laptop, and prepared to take notes. She was the only one at the table to do so. Everyone else had notepad and paper, including Janice, who apparently did short hand. Krista then glanced around at the tables around them. Then behind them.

  She was the only one in the entire freaking banquet hall full of professionals that had a laptop! The admins had pens and the managers had bored expressions and fat guts.

  “Am I allowed to have this?” she whispered across the table to Sean.

  He glanced around, saw what she had, and was hard pressed to keep that boyish grin from his face. He shrugged. “You’re the only one prepared I guess.”

  “But am I allowed?”

  Someone walked on stage. Sean nodded then turned his seat around.

  The tables were circles, chairs all the way around. This meant that two people had their back to the presenter. Not well thought out.

  “Only secretaries take notes,” Bob whispered in a snide tone.

  “Only European’s forgo deodorant, stinky,” Krista retorted.

  Marcus started choking with laughter and Sean turned back around to give Krista a look that said, “Behave.”

  The presenter started talking about leadership. He gave some good tips on getting reluctant employees to follow their boss’s lead. Sean turned back around to make sure Krista was taking notes. She scowled at him. She didn’t need the stupid buttheads around her thinking she was Sean’s secretary as well as his sex buddy. There were only so many incorrect rumors she needed about her.

  Krista could type like the wind, and she was an excellent note taker, so she got everything of importance. She hadn’t been out of school long enough for the sponge that was her brain to dry up and crack. Still, just in case she missed something, Janice was doing her short hand. Granted, Janice wouldn’t catch what was important and what was fodder, so her notes would be tedious and time consuming, but between the two of them, Sean would get everything.

  They were given a ten minute break. The lights came back up and Marcus was out of his chair and off. He tried to grab Krista’s hand and yank her with him, but she cleverly slipped out of his grasp.

  “You’re going to get eaten alive here, girlie,” Bob said loudly. Dean snorted, sharing the sentiment, Donald and Georgie pretended not to hear.

  “We’ll see, Bob.”

  “Mark my words. Eaten alive. And you won’t like it.”

  Apparently that was his try at sexual harassment. “Really, Bob? What do you know about it? I bet the manual your wife gave you is still unread.”

  Georgie looked up in surprise as Krista looked away smoothly. When a girl spends her drinking youth in a bar, sexual harassment wasn’t a scary thing. Krista was an old pro at cutting down guys that thought they could get one over on her because he had a penis. And a guy Bob’s age? Oh please.

  She did need to get with Marcus though. She needed to hit Bob with something that stung. Or disabled.

  Ten minutes closer to the end of the weekend—when Krista could go home—everyone came back to the table and the next segment started. This time it was about positive attitudes.

  Did she need help with that? Yes, she did. Did she want it? Nope. She decided half-assed notes would suffice.

  After that was done, and everyone was nearly asleep, they were released. Dinner would be in the hotel restaurant, so Krista wanted to head to her room, properly get ready with time to dilly-dally, and come back down with bullet-proof confidence. She might want to get the hell out of this company, and would as soon as the weekend was over, but until then, she’d be damned if she’d prove stupid Bob right!

  “Geegee, I need a wingman tonight,” Marcus declared as he escorted her back to her room. “It looks better when I have someone with me for introductions. After tonight, I’ll leave you to your sand.”

  “My sand?”

  “To stick your head in. Please keep up with the conversation, darling. Anyway, wear that classic black number to dinner. Keep it sophisticated. Tomorrow you should break out the slinky stuff. You have to show you’re good at your job before you reveal the ladies.”

  “Marcus, I don’t need your fashion advice. And I don’t refer to my boobs as ladies, so you shouldn’t, either.”

  “Prude. Kisses.”

  And he was off again, leaving Krista peacefully to herself to get ready.


  Sean was just out of the shower when Marcus walked in. He put on his slacks and went out into the living room area to air dry the rest of him.

  “Your worst nightmare has come true,” Marcus said, stopping at the arched doorway leading into the bedroom.

  “That I’ll end up like my father?” Sean asked with a laugh as he sat down on the couch and flicked on the TV.

  “No. But when you figure it out, give Kate a call and ask about Krista’s choices after this weekend. I promised I wouldn’t say anything.”

  Sean sat up, joking forgotten. “Krista’s choices?”

  “I promised I wouldn’t say anything.” Marcus disappeared into the bedroom.

  “Then why would Kate?” Sean asked in a panic.

  “Because she wants to stick it to you.”

  Sean wasted no time, not affronted in the least that Marcus stripped in front of him before walking into the bathroom. Seeing other men naked in his bedroom didn’t take precedence to the horror he was feeling right then.

  “This is Kate speaking.” She sounded extremely polite and helpful. Good customer service skills.

ate,” Sean stated, getting control of himself.

  “Oh, hi Sean. What’s up?”

  “Krista seems a little out of sorts today. I have a feeling she might be looking elsewhere for employment based on a couple of her comments. I was wondering if you knew anything?”

  “Why don’t you ask her?”

  “Usually employees don’t tell their bosses about new career ventures until it’s too late.” He should know.

  “Or maybe you want a chance to come up with a manipulation technique to get her to stay?”

  “Exactly, yes. So she is thinking of leaving?” Sean could barely control the alarm in his voice.

  “Sean, there is no way you’ll understand this, because you are a single white male in his prime, and life is easy for people like you. Krista is a young female at the bottom of the shit heap that is this company. She is doing great in her position, but everyone with a high pay grade still talks shit. You have done nothing to help her. Now she is at that weekend thing, where she doesn’t fit in, and a bunch more assholes will talk shit about her. Tell me—if you were her, would you want to stay?”

  “But I thought she didn’t quit?”

  “It isn’t quitting when you get a job with more pay, Sean. With people that will respect you. With more career advancement opportunities. No, that isn’t quitting. That is a wise business decision.”

  “Where is she thinking of going?”

  “You think I am going to tell you so you can call them up and ruin her prospects?”

  “Kate, I am your boss,” Sean said sternly, “Please remember that I have the ability to fire you, and don’t tolerate back talk.”

  “Yes, Mr. McAdams, you sure do have the ability to fire me. And if I wasn’t performing my job to your standards, I would expect that recourse. However, telling you about Miss Field’s private life doesn’t fall under my job description.”


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