Persephone Rising: A Cyberpunk LitRPG (The Persephone Saga Book 2)
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I'd put her on this line of investigation secretly for a reason. If she was briefing the whole team now, I trusted there was a good explanation for it.
"You found something?" I asked.
Ismene gestured and a cellular diagram appeared. "Data. We did a bit of this in Olympus, encoding information directly into the genome. It was useful in cases of genetic engineering to have someone's whole profile written there."
Medicine had never been my thing.
"You found something interesting in hers?" I asked.
"There was too much of it," Inanna said.
"Way too much," Ismene added. "It wasn't a genetic record and most of it didn't make any sense. But then in one section there was something of a test that could generate a cipher key. Like a security thing. It required solving a genetic engineering problem and once that was done I was able to decrypt part of the data."
That was a lot to take in.
"So what did you find?" I asked.
"Well, first let me tell you about the puzzle. It kind of involves you. You know how much burning so hot wrecked you last time. The puzzle was kind of an update to your liver, so you can better filter some of the toxins created," Ismene said.
That sounded like it totally involved me.
"So it's something that could help me?"
"We've confirmed it to be safe. No hidden side-effects or anything nasty, so far as we can tell. It's clever work," Inanna said.
That didn't make me feel any better about it. I hadn't even met Aphrodite before, why did she have data helpful to my upgrades lurking around in her cells? Obviously she'd had it placed there, but that meant access to some formidable medical facilities and expertise.
"So next time I could burn like I did, but safely?" I asked.
"Not full on. But I think a dialed-down version, yes. And it would mean a formidable boost to your reaction times and strength for a short time," Ismene said.
I did like the sound of that.
"What about the rest of it?" I asked.
"It was a data file," Ismene said.
The holographic display flickered and changed to a depiction of a powerfully built man.
"This is Tiberion Reed, more commonly known as the Wolf Baron. Once a researcher at Roma, he has left the company and gone independent. According to the data files he's set up a lab and is starting to expand distribution of combat-enhancing drugs," Ismene said.
I leaned forward. That was interesting.
"Why would she tell us about him?"
Ismene said, "Don't know, but he's the sort of guy we'd have an interest in. The drugs he is selling are bad stuff. It's called Fury, and gives you a real edge in a fight, but with long-term consequences. Increased aggression, a shorter life span, and even a single dose creates a powerful addiction."
This guy was seeking to flood the streets with a drug that would give people incredible power and make them crave more. I could see how that would end.
Diva said, "I've heard of this guy. An old crew of mine has been using this stuff. They speak well of it. You're saying it is actually fucking them up?"
Inanna nodded. "Fatally so, eventually. The more they take it, the stronger and faster they are going to keep getting, but eventually the mind will completely snap and they'll lose all control. After that, their systems will burn themselves out."
Diva narrowed her eyes. "I like that crew. There a fix?"
"I can try," Ismene said, and then more quietly, "But I'm not hopeful. That's probably why Roma isn't using this stuff. They didn't like the side-effects, and this guy took the formula and ran."
Tiberian Reed had seen an opportunity to set up his own little Kingdom and took it, no matter how many people died in the process.
Sparks looked up from his tablet. "Just because someone is trying to sell you a horse, it don't mean we have to buy it. Pretty clear this Aphrodite lady is trying to get us to do something about this fella, but we sure that’s a ride we want to take?"
The question hung heavy in the air.
I didn't trust Aphrodite at all, and I wished that I could. Whatever else she was, there was clearly something Olympian about her and I was lonely for my people.
"I'm a vote for yes," Hammer said. "I don't care where a monster comes from. If we can smash them, we do it."
"I don't like anyone messing with my own team, but you know what I'm going to say. We're independents, is anyone going to pay us for this?" Diva asked.
I thought the genetic upgrade was probably payment before the fact. Not that it went towards the team, but it was obviously something of an offering.
"We've maybe got something on that," Ismene said. "The Baron stores his cash in a Network account. Keeps it locked up in some giant coliseum—I guess it's kind of a thing."
"I do love robbing me some banks," Billy said, from where he leaned against a wall.
"There is also his drug lab. Supplies, high end production equipment. Trust me, even if we don't find a buyer, me and Inanna can find a way to make that sort of thing profitable," Ismene said.
So there were a few different ways we could get paid.
"I'm for it," I said.
"Me too, as long as we aren't doing it for free," Diva said.
"Abstain," Inanna said. That might as well have been a no. She didn't approve.
Sparks said, "I'm against it. Crawl into bed with a snake you're going to get bitten."
"For it," Masque said.
That effectively carried it. Everyone nodded their heads. Not everyone might agree, but when we committed we did so as a team.
"Inanna. I want you to get some sleep, you look bushed. Ismene, see what you can do for an antidote. Billy, look into that Network cash. Do we have any idea where the lab might be?" I asked.
"Nothing specific," Ismene said. "Although the file indicates that he is working out of the scrapyards. There is some kind of fight club there."
A fight club in reality and a coliseum in the Network. This guy found a theme and stuck with it.
"How armed do you want us?" Diva asked.
"The guy worked for Roma, even if he was a lab technician. I'm sure he's prepared for a fight and we can't assume an element of surprise," I said.
"I do love breaking out all the guns," Diva said.
"Do you want the upgrade the data file contained?" Inanna asked.
"You're the professional. What do you think?"
Inanna might be unwilling to shed any secrets, but I thought if I asked her to give a professional opinion she would be honest.
"It isn't some sort of trap. But you should be careful of anything that makes killing easier," Inanna said. That was fair advice and I nodded.
"Do it," I said.
Inanna disappeared for a few moments and returned with an injector which she pressed against my throat. Unarmored parts of my body were kind of few and far between.
"You might have a little bit of dizziness and feel some abdominal pain when I move some things around," Ismene said.
"You've got a lousy way of putting things," I said.
"I'm cute and I'm charming," Ismene said, with a pout.
"Seconded," Sparks said. Of course he did.
"With the retrovirus as a template, it will go a lot faster," Inanna said, before giving a wide yawn. "Stay safe. If you need backup give me a call and I'll drag myself out of bed."
I didn't think it would come to that. I was awake to Aphrodite's game and you always baited the hook before sinking in the point.
The scrapyards were on the edges of town. The corporate wars had left a lot of debris and it had to go somewhere. Much of it was repurposed, but as technology advanced a lot of it just wound up getting tossed. There were treasures in the muck, if one was bold enough to go looking.
There were whole shanty towns built into the cliffs of discarded trash. I saw a family living out of the shell of a discarded heavy tank, and a makeshift market that looked to have sprung up in the rusted shell of an air carrier.
We'd brought two vehicles with us. Hammer drove one, our heavy assault vehicle, while Masque drove a flatbed truck. If we did decide to loot a drug lab, we needed to carry off what we found.
We didn't have any real leads as to where that might be. Fortunately, they were on the lookout for people exactly like us. Heavily armed independents were either there to fight in the arena, or to buy Fury. We didn't have to find them, they found us.
We were directed to the valley of guns, a large stretch between the piles of junk where ruined anti-aircraft cannons were located. There was a distinct shift in the demeanor of those here. Further back we'd seen people just living their lives, here we spotted four fist-fights in as many minutes.
There was a crowd around a massive cage. We got out to watch.
Two burly men were stripped to the waist and fighting with their bare hands. They were fast, faster than normal.
"Looking to buy or looking to fight?" said a weasely-looking man approaching our trucks. "Discount, if you fight."
I looked him over and then at the surroundings. I still didn't see anything that looked like a possible lab.
"What about a discount, if we're buying bulk?" I asked.
"Come on," said the man, motioning us to follow. He twitched as he began to lead us away from the arena.
We quickly got back into the vehicles. "Go ahead and follow," I said to Hammer.
It wasn't far, perhaps half a mile through the stacks of junk.
"I'll fetch someone," said the man, slipping into the ruins of an old portable housing unit. I wasn't interested in that. There were a lot of armed men in the vicinity, particularly in front of a structure I recognized as a portable hablab. Designed to protect contagions from getting out, one of those would still have all the resources needed to manufacture advanced chemicals.
"Boss, I think we've got a problem," Hammer said.
I noticed it too. The guards casually wandering around were less casually shifting positions to better cover our vehicle.
"You think you're strong enough to help get that lab onto the other truck" I asked.
Hammer eyed it critically, "With the winch we can do that. Won't be easy, if we're under fire."
"Sparks, on the main gun. Diva, you're with me," I said, opening the door and slipping out. Diva followed.
These toughs were confident in their numbers. I didn't see any body armor, but the guns were plentiful.
A woman came out of the building. She was in battle armor and had a combat rifle slung over her back.
"Persephone. I had to come and see for myself," the woman said.
"You seem to have the advantage of me," I said.
"I do. You can call me Valkyrie. You're planning to rob someone blind, you shouldn't go streaming your plans all over the Network," Valkyrie said.
I wasn't terribly fond of that bit of my Always On streaming. It really would be nice to have the advantage of surprise sometimes.
"You work for him, then. You realize you're selling poison?" I asked.
"Hard world out there. Sometimes you don't know if you're going to survive the day. Worth it to even out the odds. You've been there. You know that," Valkyrie said.
I knew what she meant. I had been there and she wasn't wrong. You would pay that price sometimes.
"I do. Still have a problem with it," I said.
Guns were pointed at us. A lot of guns.
"We're not looking for a fight. You get back in that truck and you drive away, and this doesn't have to happen," Valkyrie said.
I liked her. Despite seeming to have the upper hand she just wanted the fight to go away. It didn't mean it would.
I dialed up the penetration on the Silversmith and with my Olympian reflexes drew faster than she could react. I put the round in her arm. It should break the bone and keep her out of the fight—and she'd walk away from it. The world needed more people like her.
Everyone else opened fire a moment later. Sparks with the gun on top of the truck, and the thugs surrounding us on all sides. I dove behind a rusting vehicle and Diva joined me.
With the numbers they had I wasn't trying to win the gun battle, my goal was to keep them off Hammer. The massive cyborg was climbing out of the truck and moving to the biolab.
Sparks was laying down a nonstop stream of suppression fire which kept most from getting too bold. Still, whenever I caught sight of someone angling for position I'd fire off a shot. Without them wearing armor I was able to use the weapon on its lowest penetration setting. The Silversmith made use of a rechargeable energy coil, and on this setting I could fire an awful lot before a charge cycle was needed.
"Hit the turret," I heard Valkyrie yell as she ran back inside the building.
From the roof a Pharosan beam weapon fired and managed contact with the turret for several seconds. It was enough to leave the metal glowing red hot. Through the glare I couldn't see the shooter, but I fired a spray of shots in a pattern that ought to have at least made contact with someone. The beam weapon stopped.
I hoped Sparks was okay. With the turret silenced the thugs could be bold again. I took a round in the shoulder trying to pick one off and though my armor stopped the bullet, it left my hand numb.
Sparks flew off Hammer as a round hit him in a metal arm. The lab was attached to a winch that was slowly dragging it up onto the bed of the truck. Too slowly.
I had to buy him some more time.
Then I doubled over with waves of intense agony in my abdomen. I began to vomit, my insides releasing all at once.
"Ismene! Not now!" I raged inside my mind. It had to be her. A little pain, right.
"Sorry! This shouldn't take very long," Ismene answered.
I was in the middle of a raging gun battle. I didn't have very long.
"Fuck," Diva said. She grunted as she flung me over her shoulder and carried me back to the truck, gunfire following her. At least I was a serviceable shield, my back taking another bullet.
Sparks was there and dragging me into the cab.
"My girl go understating things a bit?" Sparks asked.
"Seems that way," Diva said, firing off a burst.
I just groaned. What was she doing inside of me?
I couldn't see the battle from this angle, flopped face-down on the seat of the cab. I heard Diva barking orders in the distance.
The truck started to move and I was hit with another wave of intense nausea that had me heaving all over again. Then in an instant it had passed.
"Situation?" I asked, groggily sitting up.
"Diva and Hammer are on the other truck," Sparks said from behind the wheel. "Guess she took one in the leg, but she's fine and they're moving."
The Silversmith was on the seat beside me. Good, Diva hadn't forgotten my gun. I peered outside. Behind us I saw the occasional flash as more gunfire was exchanged. Ahead of us there was a makeshift roadblock, and one man in heavy body armor operating an autocannon. He was barking orders to a few other guards who were flinging up wooden barricades.
I upped the penetration on the Silversmith to maximum and put a round through the skull of the commander.
Those barricades weren't a threat, but the firepower would have been.
"Run through the others," I told Sparks. We hit the thugs and barricades with a force that sent blood and splinters flying. Then we were out of the scrapyards and leaving them behind us.
I looked behind and the gunfire seemed to be dying off.
"We're clear over here," Masque said over the Comm and sounding a little breathless.
We made it back to the base in one piece. Diva was limping and pale, the round she'd taken her in the leg nicked the artery and they'd been slow to get a medpatch on it. Even when the worst of the damage could be patched, it took time for the body to replenish lost blood.
I peeked inside the captured lab. Bodies of dead technicians were sprawled everywhere.
"Didn't have time to make them clear out?" I asked.
"Gave t
hem the option. They didn't take it," Hammer said.
Okay then. I still wasn't thrilled about it, but what option did we have.
"We've got a problem," Ismene said.
"Am I going to vomit up my insides again?"
"What? No, I'm done and you're all reconfigured. It's Billy, he's run into some problem in the Network," Ismene said.
I wasn't too shocked. If they saw us coming for the lab, they would know he was coming for their digital funds. He had the same problem of being perpetually on air as I did. Unfortunately, that meant they'd see me coming to his rescue as well.
"I know. I've got it figured out. You just need to get in there and make a spectacle of yourself," Ismene said.
I didn't know what she had planned, but I trusted her judgment. If she wanted me to make some noise—I could make some noise.
"Get it unloaded and have Sparks make sure our defenses are up and active. If they want to make trouble, see we're ready. I'm needed in the Network," I said.
Hammer nodded.
I made my way to our war room. We'd set apart a few tables for the others and a chair for me, if we should need extended time. It wasn't ideal, but it worked. Billy was already there in his exo-suit attached to sensors. I strapped myself down and dove in.
I figured Ismene would find me a good entry point. She delivered.
When I materialized it was in the middle of an arena. The seats on all sides were filled with people. I doubted that many were live, but it was still a powerful effect.
"Thought I might get a second shot, if I waited around," said a voice from high in the royal box. A woman stepped forward. Armored in scale mail and with a massive two-handed sword against her back, she looked incredibly kickass.
"Valkyrie?" I asked. I couldn't think of who else might be expecting me.
"Got it in one. Thanks for just shooting me in the arm. I'm going to do my best to kill you now a whole lot of times," Valkyrie said.
That seemed fair.
Massive steel gates surrounding the arena eased open and lions prowled out.