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Specky Magee and the Best of Oz

Page 11

by Felice Arena

  Just as Specky was shovelling the last pancake into his mouth and telling his mum and his grandpa about the scene at Dublin airport, his phone beeped. It was a text from Tiger Girl. It read:

  Welcome back, Speck! They just posted your second

  Test online. Awesome game. But don’t get a big head

  now – not a good look! Especially with those pixie

  ears of yours.

  I’ll call you later when you’ve settled back in. TG x

  Specky smiled. Trust Tiger Girl to bring me back down to earth, he thought.

  Specky shoved his phone back into his pocket.

  ‘Go one, get a move on,’ said Specky’s mum. ‘I can tell that you’re dying to see your friends. You can go through the rest later.’

  Specky jumped up and practically ran to Robbo’s house. Just as he rounded the corner, a car pulled up at the curb and beeped. He turned back to see Christina hopping out.

  ‘Welcome home,’ she squealed, running over to hug him excitedly.

  ‘Um, thanks,’ grinned Specky, confused and a bit nervous. ‘What are you doing here?’

  ‘We just stopped at your house and your mum told us you were here. Hey, this is for you …’

  Christina handed Specky a parcel. Inside the wrapping was a new Sherrin.

  ‘It’s a welcome-home gift,’ said Christina, smiling. ‘I didn’t want you to forget what a real football looked like. And, as promised, here’s this as well …’ She handed him the piece of paper covered with AFL autographs.

  ‘Woah, this is amazing,’ said Specky, overwhelmed. ‘Um, is your dad okay, just sitting there?’ Specky waved at Mr Perry in the car.

  ‘Yeah, he’s fine …’ shrugged Christina. ‘So … I’ve really missed you, Speck, and well …’

  ‘Woo-hoo! It’s the Speckster!’

  Specky swung around to see Robbo, Danny and Gobba rushing towards him. Before he knew it, they had all jumped on him, tumbling into a pile on the lawn.

  ‘Get off me!’ Specky laughed.

  ‘Speck’s back!’ cried Danny.

  ‘You superstar!’ yelled Robbo.

  ‘And what a joyous occasion this is turning out to be, folks …’ announced Gobba, in his best Denis Cometti voice. ‘The great Magee is back. Back where he belongs … back in Oz, back in Melbourne, back with his mates. But what’s this? Has our champion of champions shown up with his lady, the one he calls …’

  ‘Shut up!’ everyone snapped in unison.

  ‘Fine,’ said Gobba. ‘Just adding a little colour.’

  ‘What about Manchester?’ said Danny, sounding impatient. ‘What have you decided? Are you going to try out with them next year or what? You’ve got to decide by next Monday and you promised you’d tell us first.’

  ‘Look, I dunno, Danny … It’s complicated. I haven’t completely made up my mind.’

  ‘Sheesh, Speck,’ Danny sighed. ‘You’re worse than Gary Ablett. He took an entire year to tell anyone if he was going to play for the Suns or not. It amazes me that –’

  Robbo cupped his hand over Danny’s mouth. ‘Give it a rest, Castellino,’ he said.

  ‘Hey, sweetie! I’ll be back in about half an hour. Just going to get the paper, okay?’ Mr Perry called out from the car.

  ‘Okay, Dad!’ said Christina.

  ‘So, what’s with the footy?’ asked Robbo, grabbing it out of Specky’s hands.

  ‘I got it for him,’ said Christina, proudly. ‘He’s probably forgotten how to kick it, though,’ she joked. ‘Now that he’s a big Gaelic football star.’

  ‘Well, let’s find out,’ said Robbo.

  They crossed the street to the park opposite Robbo’s house. ‘All right … you two at this end,’ said Robbo to Specky and Christina. ‘Castellino, Gob and me at the other end. And, Christina, go gentle on him – you know how sensitive these celebs can be.’

  Specky and his friends booted the Sherrin back and forth. Taking marks and punting the footy back to his friends, Specky finally felt that he was truly home. And he realised that he was happy, very happy.

  He handled and speared the footy as if it were an extension of himself. It was as natural as breathing. In some ways, Specky thought, I like this as much as kicking goals in front of a crowd of thousands. This is what it’s all about. This just feels right … And in that moment, he knew that he could never ever give that feeling up – not for all the money or fame in the world. He knew exactly what he was going to tell Manchester United.

  ‘And Danny kicks a rainmaker, folks,’ cried Gobba. ‘The ball floats high, high, high above Magee and Perry …’

  ‘It’s mine!’ Christina cried as they both went for the ball. Specky laughed as Christina jumped on his back, going for the mark.

  ‘You reckon?’ grinned Specky.

  The footy dropped firmly into Specky hands and the two stumbled and fell to the ground, with Christina landing on top of Specky.

  ‘Nice mark, Magee,’ Christina said.

  ‘Yeah, well they don’t call me Specky for nothing,’ Specky replied, as they untangled themselves and sat up.

  ‘So did you think about what I told you to think about … you know, about us?’ Christina asked as Specky handed her the ball. She kicked it to Robbo and turned back to Specky, reaching out to take his hand.

  Specky didn’t know what to say. Christina was gorgeous, she loved footy and her dad was connected with football stars and TV stars … She was the perfect girlfriend. So why didn’t it feel right?

  ‘So … you and me … What do you say, Speck? You know I deserve an answer.’

  ‘I’m sorry, Christina,’ Specky said, suddenly. ‘I’ll catch you guys, later!’ he called out to his friends.

  ‘Specky! Where are you going?’ Christina cried out after him.

  But Specky didn’t answer. He sprinted as fast as his legs could take him. He knew what he had to do. It was all so clear to him as he charged down the leafy Camberwell streets. Finally, he paused to catch his breath and banged on the front door of a white house.

  Tiger Girl answered the door. ‘Speck! Welcome home! Why are you all out of breath?’

  ‘There’s something I gotta tell you,’ he said.

  ‘What? What’s up?’ asked Tiger Girl, looking concerned.

  ‘Um … I just want to let you know that I like you,’ said Specky. ‘I really, really like you and I’m sorry if I’ve strung you along for the past couple of months. That wasn’t fair on you or Christina, but … um, I think, if you want … we should, you know … seriously go out with each other … That’s if you want.’

  Tiger Girl smiled. ‘But what about Christina?’ she asked softly.

  ‘It just doesn’t feel right,’ Specky said. ‘You and me … um … we feel right.’

  Before he could say another thing Tiger Girl stepped forward and gave him a big hug.

  As Specky hugged her he sensed that a new, amazing chapter in his life was just beginning. He didn’t know what challenges or rewards it would bring, but he did know one thing for certain – the new footy season was just around the corner and he would definitely be playing Aussie Rules …


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  Penguin Books is part of the Penguin Random House group of companies whose addresses can be found at

  First published by Penguin Group (Australia), 2011

  This digital edition published by Penguin Random House Australia Pty Ltd, 2016

  Text copyright © Red Wolf Entertainment Pty Ltd and Gamel Sports Media Pty Ltd,2011

  The moral right of the authors has been asserted.

  All rights reserved. Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise), wi
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  Photographs by John Tsiavis

  ISBN: 978-1-74-253197-7




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