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Page 2

by Bernette Forde

  As they got closer to Brett' house, he noticed his father staggering from the house and into the barn.

  “Oh gee, dad's drunk again. No need to snoop about in the barn now for that is will he stay for the remainder of the day. Let's go in the front door. Mum will be right there on the couch watching her TV shows.”

  Brett pulls out his camera and starts filming knowing full well what the outcome would be. Sure enough, there she was, sitting on the couch watching her reality shows.

  “Hi Mom, I am home and Jimmy's here with me. We caught some fish for dinner.”

  “Ok Brett. Hi Jimmy. You boys just put the fish in the kitchen. I'll clean it up later.”

  “Mom, we also found something in the water and was wondering if we can keep it here.”

  “What is it Brett?”

  “Oh, I am not sure mom. Just something we have seen floating in the river.”

  “If it is not fish Brett, then we don't want it here.”

  “We are not sure what it is mom, Its some kind of box, but it doesn't have any corners.”

  “Let me see what you have there!”

  Kathleen took the net out of Jimmy's hand and held the net up close to her eyes. She could see the brilliant shine it was emitting but something about the colour made her turn up her nose. She went into the kitchen with the boys and flipped it out onto the counter. She picked the squircle up in her hand and felt a small tremor, almost like an electrical shock causing her to drop it back on the counter.

  “Oh my, I don't like the feel of that.”

  “What happened mom? What did you feel?”

  “It gave me a little shock. You better get that thing out of the house!”

  “But mom, I want to keep it here so Jimmy and I can study it. To find out what it is made of.”

  “Absolutely not! You cannot bring every piece of junk into the house that you find.” Brett's mom snapped at him.

  But mom, I want to keep it. Jimmy and I agreed we'd take turns holding it. It's my turn first to give it a home. I promise, I'll keep it in my room and you wouldn't even know it's there. It's just a box mom, gosh.

  “Then let Jimmy hang on to it. You know where he lives, the two of you can study it over his house! I just don't want anything in the house if I don't know what it is.”

  “Alright mom, I kinda knew already what you'd say. Jimmy, you keep it at your house. I probably won't be able to study it like you anyway, being since your the scientist and all.”

  “Sorry I have to agree with you Brett, I think this thing has grown a little since we last seen it.” Jimmy tells them as he stares at it on the counter.

  “It's alive you mean?” Asks Brett's mom.

  “Something made it grow a bit. Maybe because you touched it.”

  “It's alive?” Brett asked.

  “I doubt it. It's kinda like a dried sponge that soaks up water, except, I don't know what this thing is soaking up to cause it to get bigger.”

  “Get it out of my house, NOW!” Brett's mom shouts at Jimmy.

  “Alright Mrs. Wright. I'll take it home and keep it there. No need for you to worry. Talk to you later Brett, I gotta go home now anyway.”

  Using his backpack, Jimmy pushed the squircle back into the net and flung the net over his shoulder. “Bye.”

  Turning off his camera, he said goodbye back to Jimmy. “Wish you better luck with your mom Jimmy!” he calls after him.

  When Jimmy arrived home and showed his mom what they found. She seemed mesmerized by the object. "Brett and I have named it 'Floater' because we found it floating in the river. Can I keep it here mom?"

  "It looks a bit like a melted ice cube." She observed.

  "Maybe mom, but I think it's growing and I'd like to study it for a few days."

  "Alright then, keep it in the barn and you can do your scientific experiments out there. I'll even ask your father to get a table out there for you. You can take your microscope too, if you wish."

  "Gee, thanks Mom."

  Jimmy ran out the house and straight into the barn. Resting the Floater down on the straw floor, he looked around for a home to keep it. There wasn't any particular safe place away from his father's sheep.

  He will have to put it up high, until he gets a table so the sheep don't trample it. Then he noticed a ledge just above where his father used to hang his saddles. 'Dad doesn't have horses any more, I'll just have to use that as a temporary home for it.' Thinks Jimmy.

  He picked up the Floater and scooped it out the net with his hand. Walking over to it new home, the Floater started to tremble in his hands. Jimmy looked down at it and seen it had started to turn to mush. It was all sticky and gooey in his hands.

  "What the hell?" he asked aloud.

  Rushing it over to its new home, he placed it on the shelf. Wiping his hands on his pant legs, Jimmy backed away from it while keeping his eyes glued to the Floater. He was feeling something pulling him back towards the Floater. Holding his stomach, trying his best to ignore the pulling sensation, he turned and ran out the barn.

  Dropping to the ground clutching his stomach. The pain was unbearable as he wretched up the chocolate covered raisins he had earlier. He was feeling so sick and didn't understand why. Getting up, wiping his mouth, he decides to give Brett a call and tell him what has happened.

  "Hi Brett, it's me. You won't believe what has happened. Can you come over real quick?"

  "Give me a few minutes. Just gotta take pa his dinner then I'll be there."

  "Ok, hurry as quick as you can. I'll meet you at the fence," said Jimmy, hanging up the phone.

  When Brett saw Jimmy at the fence with a scared look on his face, he bolted into a run to his friend.

  "Jimmy, what's wrong?"

  "Its the Floater. It made me sick. It started to quiver and shake and got all mushy and gooey. Slime stuck to my hand like glue." Jimmy gushed out in excitement.

  "Where is it now?"

  "In the barn. Mom said I could keep it at the farm, but only in the barn until I can find out what it is."

  "Ok, How you feel right now?"

  "The pain has gone away, but I was so scared because I didn't know what was happening. I feel better now that you're here."

  "Well, I sure hope, we can find out what it is through YouTube because I already uploaded the video to the site. There were about five views before I came over here. So hopefully someone might know."

  “What if our parents see it? Wouldn't we get in trouble.”

  “For what? Our parents already know we found the darn thing.”

  “I mean about using YouTube.” I know your mom would not like it and my mom don't like computers period.”

  “Oh, that's alright, I used a fake name. My mom will never know it's me. Come on, let's go look at that Floater now.' Brett said walking towards the barn.

  They walked into the barn, and Jimmy pointed out where he had put it. There, sitting on the shelf, was a perfectly brilliant shiny mauve Floater. The shine was so brilliant, it looked like a diamond glistening in the sun. But they both knew that was no diamond. While Brett was in awe, Jimmy was not liking it at all. He felt there was something evil lurking inside.

  “It's grown almost triple in size Jimmy! Brett said.

  “Yeah, I can see that and I don't like it. There is something evil about it.”

  “Where is all the mush and slim you were telling me about?”

  “I am just as baffled as you. I swear, it was there and I got so sick. I'd never touch that again as long as I live.”

  “Hmm, then how you are going to experiment on it without touching it?”

  “I don't know yet. I will figure a way. I do know I will not be keeping it out like that. I have an old fish tank I think I can keep it in there. Even put water in it.”

  “Phew, I am glad you said that. Thought you was going to ask me to take it back to my home, but you know what my mom said.”

  “I still want to check it out, but I am committed to being more careful is all.” Jim
my told him. “So don't you worry about that. Let's just get the fish tank and put it in there, okay.”


  They had just scooped up the Floater with a shovel when Jimmy heard his mom call him for dinner.

  “I must go now. I am starving. Come back in the morning and we will decide then what to do next.”

  “See you in the morning, then,” Brett says running off in the direction of his house.

  Once Jimmy was sitting at the table eating, he filled his mom in on what has happened. “He even uploaded the video to YouTube.”

  “Really? I don't think I like that Jimmy. We may have to visit over there and ask him to remove it.”

  “But why mom? No one watches a silly video like that. Besides, Brett is going to get in trouble if his mom finds out.”

  “Alright then, I won't visit over there, but tomorrow, you have got to tell him to remove it or he has got to ask her permission.”

  “I will mom, I promise.”

  Unbeknownst to Jimmy, later that night, his mom had searched the video out herself and watched it. She didn't want her son exposed to weirdo's out there. Surprisingly, she liked it. It represented exactly what it was ~ two young boys fishing and finding something weird. The only thing is she disapproved of was the owner of the video. He claimed to be a twenty-five year old male and she knew that was a lie. Jimmy has just got to convince Brett to let his mom and dad know.

  She noticed it had one hundred views. When she checked about thirty minutes later, it had another few hundred views. She will just have to keep checking through the night. Looks like this video is going viral.

  Chapter 2

  Andre Damaree

  Westmoreland, Pennsylvania

  Andrew was sitting at his desk late looking for a fresh story to report. He is a reporter for The Online Limit District News Agency in Arona, Westmoreland, Pennsylvania. They reported on the latest unexplained news as well as the weird and unusual news.

  They had a section for uncensored in-depth comments, pictures, and videos. People would send him links, pictures and sometimes calls about an incident, they felt he might be interested in.

  This wasn't unusual as The Online Limit District is known for their reporting style of strange or weird happenings around the country. From aliens visiting the planet, weird crimes, monsters in the attic or just about anything people would call the newspaper about. Andrew usually got the stories no other reporter at the paper wanted because of the fear it might be a hoax.

  Majority reporters mostly concentrated on lights in the sky reports, but not Andrew. He didn't mind checking out any story that came across his desk in the hopes that one day, he would hit the jackpot. Some of the stories he investigated usually took him to towns he never even heard of before.

  Andrew had been looking through all the weird and strange videos on YouTube that people post. This was a nightly ritual for him, always on the hunt for a new story.

  When he came across the story entitled 'Floater' it piqued his interest. Clicking play on the video, he watched as two young boys fished something out of the river in the Texas Hill County. At first, he was going to click on the next video but the unusual glint or shine emitting from the object caught his attention. He watched it about five times before deciding to pursue the story. This is a subject he would like to learn more about. Picking up his phone, he called his apprentice reporter, Tippy asking him to watch the video. It wasn't long before Tippy called him back and insisted he do a follow up on this.

  “Listen,” Tippy tells him. “There are a lot of people talking about this. Did you read the comments?”

  “No, I didn't even think to read those. Do people actually read the comments on YouTube?”

  “They sure do. That's one way to know if it is an interesting video. The other way is by the number of views. It's in my opinion, it will be a great story because whoever this is, posted it last night and they already have a couple thousand views. I would jump on this right away before another reporter finds it. Do an article tonight. If the story is a good one, that would make it breaking news and you'd be the first to report on it.”

  “Your right, I will read all the comments and write a story tonight and post it on the website. Are you able to find out where these boys live?”

  “I will try to find out what I can. I don't think you need them though, because the comments suggest others have found a Floater as well. I am sure other people might upload their video as well.”

  “OK, let me know what you find out. I will get on this right away. Talk to you later.”

  While Tippy was busy doing his research, Andrew read all the comments. Seems to him these two boys weren't the only ones to find a Floater. A lot of people worldwide has found one. People had posted from England, Africa, The Caribbean and loads of other countries. It's a worldwide phenomenon taking place and no one even realizes it. Andrew felt a knot in his stomach as he realized the significance this might mean. He knew exactly what he'd write in his report. He called Tippy and explaining to him his knowledge.

  “Listen, mate, this is worldwide. People have written a comment from countries I never even heard of.”

  “I know. I read what they are saying. That's why I told you it would make a good story. What have you written so far?”

  Andrew read out his report to him.

  'Strange objects have been turning up in bodies of water worldwide. It first came to light when two young boys found this thing in the Texas Hill County. Although they are the first to report the object, via YouTube, we have since learned there have been hundreds found worldwide. You can view this 'strange object' on YouTube, where we first came across this story. Since the online video, thousands of people have come forward reporting they also have found this weird object. Most people are referring to it as 'Floaters' because they seem to appear floating in bodies of water. Reports suggest oceans, streams, lakes, and rivers are amongst the open bodies of water where they have been found floating in. We even can reveal one has turned up in someone's house. We believe there are a lot more, probably not even reported yet. We will keep digging into this story and report daily, so stay tuned for our next Floaters saga.'

  “That sounds like it would generate interest.”

  “Good, that's what I will put through then.”

  “You can elaborate more later, after you get more information. I will keep in touch with you every time I get new info.”

  “OK, I am off to Washington. The newly elected President will be speaking and I don't want to miss it. You can call me and leave your information as a message. I will return your call when and if I can.”

  “Ok, but let me tell you this. I just read somewhere that the new President had found a Floater too. It has not been confirmed, so maybe you can find out more information about that while you're there.”

  “Great Idea. I will ask around. Thanks for the info. Bye.”

  Andrew packed his clothes for his trip. He had a new excitement brewing through his veins. It was the first time in the history of the United States a woman was elected to the most powerful job in the world. This is a historic moment for the country and celebrations have been ongoing for the past 3 months.

  He wasn't going to miss this event even though politics weren't his usual agenda. He decided right there and then not to ask around, but instead ask the president directly. He had nothing to lose by making a fool of himself. That is if she chooses him for a question.

  The next morning he was in James S. Brady Briefing Room in the West Wing of the White House waiting for the President's speech.

  The Press Secretary gave her usual daily speech to the news media. Then she introduced the President for her address to the nation. This will be her first speech and every reporter wanted to be a part of it.

  Excitement ran through his veins as he watched her walk into the room. She was flanked by Secret Service and White House Staff. Her predecessor was present to witness her first global speech. She will announce all her plans
for the future. Her main topic, however, was the global warning. Global warming was a very important issue for her and she felt it should be addressed, as people really don't realize or understand the severity of the situation. She knew there were important issues that need tackling while she was in office, but this is one of the subjects she refused to put on the back burner. It is an important issue for her.

  She walked up to the podium as the lights shone in her eyes and cameras flashed repeatedly. Reporters were jammed packed in the room. Some had arrived and checked in the night before to make sure they got a seat for this historic fifteen minute scheduled speech.

  “Good day members of the press and to my fellow Americans. First, I like to thank each and everyone who voted for me to hold this prestigious job.” After speaking about numerous subject she touched upon the global warming.

  Finally, in closing, I need to inform each and every person, that during my time in office, I will be diligently pursuing the dangerous issues facing our climate change. As you are all aware, over 190 countries have come together to adopt a most ambitious climate change agreement. We need to reduce global greenhouse gas emissions and each country is committed to putting forward targets and reporting their progress. Our goal is to pursue a clean and climate resilient growth atmosphere for our future generations. We aim to send a strong signal to the private sector that the global economy is moving towards clean energy while creating new jobs, and raising standards of living so as to lift millions out of poverty. I will now receive questions."

  The first to stand was a reporter from ZFB News. "Brad Cummings, ZKB News. Good day Mrs. President, thanks and congratulations on your win. What is your stance on the racial divide plaguing our country today?"

  “First of all, my reaction is not to overlook what's been going on. It might seem to some that my eyes are closed to what's happening, but let me assure you, my eyes are wide open. We have all been brought up in a mixed race and mixed cultural country. Our forefathers have afforded us the ability to live together in this great nation. I don't agree when I see a white person say to a black person to go back to the country they came from when in actually they come from this great country. People are people no matter where they originate and if I gave any attention to something other than what it is, then we as white people have no right being here either as it was us who took this country from the native Indians. If the blacks have to go back to Africa, then we whites should go back to England. I think it's great when we are able to create a country of people from all corners of the globe. I will be taking a stronger view on combating racial entities in this country and eradicate them. It is our responsibility as leaders to teach our people so they can teach their children not to hate a person for the colour of their skin. Therefore, going forward, I do not and will not separate our people into categories of black or white or Indian or other, but they will strictly be known as Americans! We are one race, the human race! So when I speak, it will be for the whole nation as one! Next question, please.”


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