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Page 9

by Bernette Forde

  Adele and her grandmother checked out the bunker in its entirety and was in total amazement.

  “This place is amazing Nana! Don't you think?”

  “Yes. It's even better than the main house. I have never been in one before.”

  “It's huge Nana, I could live here forever.”

  “This is not the world's largest underground survival bunker, but it seems to be the most secure.”

  “How about the bunker under the White House?”

  “This is better equipped than the White House Bunker and the Queen of England's bunker is even worst!”

  “On Nana, you don't know that,” Adele accused her, snickering.

  “No, not really, but last I heard, it was a huge metal tube underground with dirt floors. Definitely, not fit for a queen, by no means.”

  “I think I heard about that Nan, it was built in the 50's or 60's and abandoned since then. Careful Nan, you are showing your age.”

  “Anyone is only as old as they feel. I may know stuff from that era, but I am probably healthier than you.”

  “Well Nana looks like in the next few months, we will both be eating Pre-packed foods.”


  “Oh Nan, you're so funny. Let's go find Aunt Pam and ask her about the food.”

  When they reached the communal area, they had seen new people with two boys who had arrived. Pamela saw that everyone was in the room and she started with the introductions.

  “Hi everyone, please have a seat and let me introduce you all.” Walking over to Tyrone, she said, “This is Tyrone Acona, one of my lab assistants. What I tell you today and if you have any confusions, you may ask him.” Walking over to Andrew, “This is Andrew Damaree, a reporter and he just arrived five minutes ago. With him is Randy and Samantha, Gordon and their son Jimmy. Also travelling with him is Hamilton Wright and his son Brett along with Tippy Robinson, who is Mr. Damaree's assistant.”

  Turning to her family, “My brother Mason, his wife Selena and their children, Adele, Rusty and Samantha. My brother is also an owner of this Island and he knows it probably better than I. Selena's parents, Clyde and Teresa Black are here with them. Now Bob is our caretaker and is responsible for the island. He lives on the island, at times with his family, especially in the summer. You will find them mostly in the main house you passed coming here, but they will be joining us underground shortly.”

  “Who sleeps where?” Teresa Black asked.

  “Ok, there are eight bedrooms here, in which five are double and the other three have two single beds. This room is the communal area and has ten bunk beds, as you can see. I would suggest the four couples have a private room. The kids can share a room or bunk right here if they wish. The rest of you can fight it out.”

  “And food,” asked Adele.

  “The kitchen has all modern appliances and well equipped. You will find an array of foods, canned and pre-package as well as airtight. There is a walk in freezer and it's stocked with vacuum sealed meats and vegetables. Your everyday staples and fresh foods have been stocked up today. Drinks, sodas, and juice are plentiful. You will not starve here.”

  “What about water?”

  “The water is pumped into underground tanks and it goes through a water purification system. So the water is quite safe, but we do have bottled water for drinking. You may cook at anytime you wish, just make sure the exhausts are put on first. The running water in the bathrooms is for bathing and flushing only because it comes from a well.”

  Standing up, Clyde asked the question everyone wanted to ask but didn't. “Why are we here and what is exactly going on?

  “Well, first let me tell you this, I am a marine biologist. I study large ocean animals or sea creatures if you prefer to call them that. However, my specialities are studying saltwater organisms or any organisms that live in the ocean. My sister-in-law here, Selena, found this Floater in her toilet and called me. Everyone here has been connected one way or another.

  Jimmy and Brett found the first reported Floater a few days ago. Without their video we all saw on YouTube, we'd never have known, yet, that they existed.”

  “Yes, and it was me who reported on it,” said Andrew.

  “Which made the video go viral, and brought the attention worldwide that these things are actually out there.”

  “I heard someone say they are dangerous, what exactly are they?” Asked Samantha.

  “I cannot say for sure what they are but I do have suspicions. The Floater I had seen, I slightly touched it and felt the tremble everyone said they felt. I removed my finger quickly and put it under the microscope. My finger was slightly bruised and twinkling.”


  Yes. Just like the night sky. I was able to scrape off remnants from my finger, and magnified it over a thousand times. I could see bacteria moving about, but I cannot identify what type because there is no documented cases. It's never been found before.

  “Aren't bacteria just a bug or germ?”

  “Generally, yes, but this bacteria isn't identifiable and it is giving off some kind of light.”

  “Exactly what do you mean by not identifiable? Come on Pam, just give it to us straight.” Mason told her.

  “Alright. It's not of this world. It's never been documented and when I tried to cut the Floater I couldn't. I did use a special knife at one time and cut through it, but, somehow it fused back together. Here, let me show you.”

  Pamela showed everyone in the room exactly how she had conducted her experiments and what her hypothesis was. She touched the Floater again and scraped off particles from her finger onto a glass slide and placed it under the microscope. She was able to capture images with scanning electron microscopy and magnifying it. Then sending the images to a big screen tv in the room. This allowed everyone to see the bacteria themselves.

  She then demonstrated how she cut the floater in half with her knife and they all watched in horror how it fused itself back into one whole piece.

  “Now I'd like you to watch Jimmy and Brett's video.”

  They all sat in silence as they watched the boys fish their Floater out with their net.

  “Now I have a second video from YouTube that was uploaded only a few hours ago.”

  Again, they watched the video in horror as a young girl from Ireland went into the water, picked up the Floater and came back with it attached to her hand. They could see how a young man had tried to help her get it off using a stick but failed.

  The video had apparently been dropped, but still filmed her as this thing enveloped her whole hand. It was nothing anyone could do for her as an ambulance came and took her away.

  “Finally, this last video was sent to me personally from my other assistant, Mary, just moments ago.”

  You could see her assistant standing there as if she was a reporter. “Pamela, you were right and I do apologize for not believing you. As you can see behind me, there are a lot of people in my neighbourhood who is in distress due to the Floater. Now, when I returned home, my neighbour came running to me for assistance. I will take you there now and show you her dilemma. Her husband is just here on the porch waiting for an ambulance.”

  Mary turned her cell phone towards the house and you could see a man sitting on the porch with a Floater attached to his neck and shoulder.

  His wife tells me her husband was swimming in the pool. You'd think it would be safe there huh? Lord only knows how that Floater got in the pool. I have since learned that loads of people are calling in about these Floaters. It's all over the state Pamela, and I sure wish I had listened to you. If you check online, then you'll see loads of reports. I'll try to come over to you, but I have to find my family members first. See you when I get there Pamela. Talk soon.

  With that, the screen went dead. Everyone is the room was silent with their own thoughts. Hamilton couldn't believe how he almost didn't come. Selena was thinking about how she thought this thing could be valuable. No one really knew the extent of the danger they all was

  It was Jimmy who broke the silence. “Excuse me miss, can you try and cut the Floater we brought with us?”

  “Why Jimmy? We are sure the same thing might happen.” Pamela informed him.

  “If my theory is correct, it just might not.”

  “What's your theory?”

  “I won't say until you try to cut it. You might laugh, but we might as well check to see if two Floaters do the same thing.”

  “Never mind our son, he is a scientist, wannabe,” Samantha said. “Please carry on with your own experiments.”

  Pamela looking at Jimmy with squinted eyes said, “Wait, he just might be correct. Bring your Floater over here and let's take a look.”

  Pamela took the Floater out of the fish tank the Gordon's had used to bring with them. Placing it on the cold counter, she took the Damascus knife and cut clean through the middle. Blood squirted out from the Floater then poured out onto the counter. Pamela jerked back and moved away from it.

  There was a slight scream in the room at the sight of blood. The Floater moved about the counter as it fused itself back together. Except for the few drops of blood that had squirted out, it all got sucked back inside.

  Andrew's cell phone broke the shocked atmosphere. With shaking hands, he spoke into his phone. “Hello.”

  “Hello, is that Andrew Damaree, the reporter?”

  “Yes, it is, how can I help you?”

  This is the office of the President of the United States. Please hold for the President.

  Placing his hand over the mouthpiece, he whispered to Tippy, “Its the President!” Looking out towards the rest of the people in the room, he walked towards the door, “I have to take this call, I'll be right back,” he said and left the room.

  Pamela walked over to Jimmy and asked him with confusion on her face, “What happened with that Floater and why was it bleeding?”

  Curling his finger in her face, he motioned for her come closer so he could whisper, “I think mine has already been stuck on someone. Look at the difference in size and shape. Your one looks like a small squircle still, like mine did when we first got it. But ours is bigger and lost its squircle shape.

  “Your right Jimmy. I think I better explore this a bit further.”

  “Miss, I don't think you should be doing your experiments down here.”


  “Did you ever see that movie, 'The Blob', the more it ate, the bigger it got.”

  “Gosh Jimmy, you're scaring people,” his father told him.

  “You have a very smart son there Randy, and I think he is right. I'd listen to him, though. I think I'll move my experiments out to the main house.” Not letting on that he had scared her. “Tyrone, can you get those blood samples and have them tested?”

  “Sure, what am I looking for?”

  “Do a D&A and look for shiny dust particles inside that blood.”

  “On it.”

  “What would you like the rest of us to do Pam?” Mason asked her.

  “Well, how about you guys sweep the island, just to be sure. Not the whole Island but within a mile radius. Then we must all get some sleep. It's been a long day.”

  “Sounds good to me.”

  Andrew walked back in and informed them that was the President on the phone.

  “Really? What is she saying?”

  “They have decided to call a state of emergency after her scientist gave their report”

  “That means we shouldn't go outside right?” Asked Mason.

  “It's a martial law that calls for everyone to stay inside. I think state of emergency just means being more observant or careful. We are aware now of what's going on. All we have to do is be careful and don't touch anything. There are no lakes or rivers on this Island or swimming pools. So all we have to do is be careful on the beach. I do plan on looking down there to make sure there are no Floaters around these parts.”

  “I agree, we still should look around. What else did the President say?”

  “She had her Floater analyzed and according to her scientists, yes, these things are dangerous. They are definitely not from this world.”

  “Well, where in the hell did they come from?” asked Mason, wonderingly.

  “Well, they seem to think its celestial.”

  “Celestial? Are you serious?”

  “That's what she said to me. Her scientists are looking into what it is, and she used that word. Now she asked me not to report that until after all her reports are back. I can report on the State of Emergency, though.”

  “You want me to set up the camera so you can do a report?” Asked Tippy.

  “Let's help the guys look over this Island first, then we will do a report.”

  Mason, Rusty, and Hamilton went in one direction while Randy, Tippy, and Andrew went in another direction. Clyde stayed in the communal area with the children and Selena, Teresa, Adele and Samantha went into the kitchen to rustle up some food. Pamela and Tyrone secured the Floaters up at the main house where they created a new makeshift laboratory.

  Bob arrived later with his family and they decided to stay in the main house. When Pam or Mason ordered them into the bunker is when they will come down there.

  “Ok Bob, you all can stay here for tonight, but under no circumstances is anyone going near the drawing room. That's our lab area for now.”

  “Absolutely no problem. No one will go near it. I'll see to it!”

  Later that night, after the kids were in bed, Selena talked to her husband.

  “Why didn't you tell me about this place?”

  “My father's will stipulated not to talk about it. If people found out we had a bunker, they'd all be lining up right now trying to get in. Besides, we have had it so long, I sometimes forget it even exists.”

  “Haven't you come here at any time to check on it?”

  Nope. Pamela takes care of everything here. She often visits and upgrades, whatever is needed. That has been fine by me, as I really had no time to come here and check on things. This is like her holiday place.

  “This place is beautiful and I wish I had known earlier. We could have spent our holiday time here too, on our own private Island.”

  “No, we couldn't, it is not our private island, but more like my sister and I.”

  “So what happens to it after this is all over?”

  “We go back to our life as before.”

  “But Mason, I could fix up that main house and we could come here in the summer for our holidays.”

  “Did you just hear what I said? We cannot make changes to the main house or use the place as a holiday home. Just forget about using it for anything other than my father intended.”

  “But now we all know about it, what happens later?”

  “Like I said, nothing. I own half this Island, and Pamela owns the other half. She will continue to come here I am sure and I will continue to stay out her way.”

  “What if you pass away?”

  “I inherited this place before I married so this is not communal property. Besides, there are stipulations in the will to protect it, so it will remain in the Smart name for generations to come. Rusty might one day inherit it and he too would have to abide by the will. Pamela might have children of her own. Who knows what the future holds for this place, I just know it will remain in our name.”

  “Seems like a waste to me, a beautiful island like this, sitting here doing nothing.”

  “It's doing something, like saving our lives and possibly the lives of generations to come. My father believed there would be numerous disasters, whether it be a war or natural. He wanted to preserve the Smart name.”

  “Ok Mason, I understand. Once we leave here, we won't have this discussion again.”


  Chapter 8

  The next morning everyone woke very early. It was such a beautiful day, they decided to go to the beach. Not for enjoyment, but more to look for any signs of these things plaguing their world. Pamela walked along t
he east side while the guys walked along the west side. The sun was shining and it was sixty-five degrees. It looked like the sky was touching the stretching sea, as Pamela stood, putting her hands over her eyes to block out the sun even though she had on her sunshades.

  Andrew had informed them last night about the state of emergency and no one is allowed near the water. She was very careful not to go near the water, but she wore her rain boots, as an extra precaution.

  The waves were not gentle as they crashed against her boots. Through the salt sea air and the sun, she could see the motion of the ocean. It was alive with the surf constantly slamming against the gray cliffs and rocks. The waves were no more gentle as they rolled up swiping along the sea shore.

  What a beautiful day, good for sunbathing, but she wasn't here to bask in the sun, for she knew underneath the ocean was millions of sea life swimming in search of food for survival, including little shards of bacteria or Floaters, as some people chose to adopt in calling them.

  This place is where she and Mason had spent a lot of their time as kids. If Pamela closed her eyes, she could still hear her father's voice calling them to come closer where he could keep and eye on them.

  She walked closer to the edge of the water in her quest to search. She whistles as she worked along the shore, using her foot to push seaweed and sea shells out of her path. She was looking for any shiny object that may have washed ashore. Grabbing a stick she found on the beach, she started to use it to push away the seaweed. Because she combed the beach for two hours and found absolutely nothing, she decided to go on the other side of the Island to see if Mason and Rusty had found anything.

  The Gordon's and the Wright's were in the bunker monitoring the camera's and watching their every move. All the others were busy doing something inside while Bob and his family along with Tyrone were in the main house.

  Tessa was bored because Brett and Jimmy won't let her play with them. The bunker wasn't locked down and everyone could come and go as they pleased. Tessa had been playing near the bunker door with her dolls. She had listened to all the rules and knew them by heart, even though they had been there less than twenty-four hours.


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