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Bonded to the Soldier Wolf

Page 12

by Meg Ripley

  Penny felt a tear spill onto her cheek. She let it fall, knowing there would be plenty of others behind it. “I have to tell you something.”

  “I don’t have much time.” Kayla brought up her other hand, and she and Penny intertwined their fingers. “I’ve used up most of my energy already.”

  “It’s okay. I’ve been rehearsing this for a long time, just in case I ever found a way to talk to you.” Tears streamed down her cheeks like a hot flood now. “I’m so sorry about what happened that night. I was driving, and it was all my fault. I would do anything to go back in time and change things so that I could have you with me again. I hope you can forgive me for what I’ve done.”

  “Forgive you?” Kayla pulled Penny forward and wrapped her arms around her. “There’s nothing to forgive. It wasn’t your fault. It was just an accident. There’s a reason I died that night. Maybe it was so I could be here to help you, or maybe it was something else, but either way, I’ve come to terms with it.”

  “I just miss you so much.” Penny buried her face in Kayla’s shoulder, wishing she could hold onto her forever.

  “I miss you, too, but I’m always here with you. You’ll see me again. Not in this form, but I’m around. Just watch for me.” Kayla pulled back, holding Penny at arm’s length. The azure flame around her was completely gone now, and she looked pale and drawn. “I’ve got to go, Penny. But please don’t blame yourself. Everything is all right now.”

  Penny nodded, lifting her hands to clear the tears from her eyes. When she opened them again, Kayla was gone. Only a swirling mist remained. Penny fell to her knees, bawling so hard, her stomach hurt. Warm arms wrapped around her, and she leaned back into Raul. He held her and let her cry.


  “I have to admit, this isn’t at all what I expected when we were called to work on a house in Beverly Hills,” Penny admitted as she and the rest of the LASS packed up their equipment. “I was envisioning something modern, with nothing but floor to ceiling windows and state-of-the-art technology.”

  “I’m glad it’s like this,” Ingrid said, carefully zipping up a bag and admiring a fireplace surround that they’d been told was hundreds of years old and imported from France. “It’s the perfect setting for one of those old whodunnit mysteries.”

  Wendy sneered at the photographs of all the celebrities and politicians who’d supposedly stayed there or rubbed elbows at parties. “Not exactly my cup of tea, personally.”

  “Not exactly active, either,” Dylan grumbled as he helped load the equipment onto a small cart. They’d needed so many monitors, cameras, and frequency detectors that they hadn’t been able to haul everything in with backpacks alone. Besides, this looked more professional.

  “Well?” Tammy Jones, the poor realtor who’d been trying to sell the place for months, came trotting into the room in her cream pantsuit. “Did you find anything?”

  Raul glanced at Penny. It’d been two months since the incident in the old zoo at Griffith Park. It’d completely drained her, both physically and emotionally. Raul had stayed by her side as much as possible, hoping the trauma hadn’t been too much for her. Even though she seemed all right now, he always watched her for any sign that she needed a break.

  Penny smiled at the realtor. “Actually, yes. It seems that there’s quite a bit of activity in the den and the kitchen.”

  “Shit.” Tammy wrung her hands together. “I was hoping you’d say the complete opposite. Despite how gorgeous this place is, I’m afraid it hasn’t been an easy sell, and I think it’s the ghosts. If you hadn’t found any signs of activity, I was going to add that to the listing. Is there any way you can get rid of it?”

  Penny bit her lower lip. “It’s more like them than it. And no, I can’t get rid of them for you. It’s not as though we’re talking about rats or roaches. These were people at some point. The best I can do is try to find a way to communicate with them and see if there’s any way we can help them pass on to the next life.”

  “Could you? Could you really do that?” Tammy’s eyes widened under her helmet of perfectly coiffed platinum hair.

  “Before you get out your checkbook, you have to understand that there’s absolutely no guarantee. All I can do is try.” Penny smiled, looking a little nervous.

  “That’s fine. That’s absolutely fine. You just tell me when you need to be here, and I’ll make sure to let you in. No, actually, I think I can get you a key and the passcode to the gate. I’m not sure I want to be here myself.”

  When they’d carried everything out to their vehicles and said goodbye to the other ghost hunters, Raul affectionately put an arm across the back of the seat and around Penny’s shoulders as they headed back to Force HQ. “I’m proud of you.”

  “Why’s that?”

  He glanced at her as they paused at the end of the driveway, her face illuminated by streetlights. “I know things haven’t exactly been easy on you lately, but I can see the sudden boost of interest in the paranormal has been good for you. You’ve turned your passion into a business.”

  “Not on purpose,” she corrected him. “It turns out a lot of people were just waiting for someone to come along and work on their ghost problems. I tell them they can donate whatever they’d like.”

  “And they do,” he reminded her, “generously. I know you needed some time to work through your grief with Kayla, but now you’re out almost every night.”

  “That’s not because of LASS and it’s growing popularity.”

  “No?” He maneuvered his truck through the sparse traffic of the early morning hours.

  “It’s you. You’ve been there for me, and I don’t want to miss out on a single moment with you. Even when you hardly knew me, you were there for me. You’re pretty incredible, Raul.” She aimed those gorgeous green eyes at him, flashing in the night.

  He felt that deep need stir inside him, the one he couldn’t seem to avoid even they were talking about something as bland as what to have for lunch. If he was around her, he needed her. “I have some pretty great inspiration.”

  They pulled into the garage of the large home that served as headquarters for the Force, where Penny had been staying with Raul. The equipment was safe in the truck for the moment as they slipped upstairs to their room.

  “I’m going to take a shower,” Penny said as she pulled off her shoes and set them in the closet. “Wanna join me?”

  “You always know how to make me an offer I can’t refuse.” Raul pulled her into his arms and kissed her hungrily, knowing without question that she was his. They couldn’t keep their arms and lips off each other as they moved through the bedroom, shedding shoes and shirts as they made their way to the bathroom. His hands roved over her body, taking in every curve and feeling his wolf howl his pleasure.

  Penny pulled back and smiled at him before turning on the massive shower head. He watched the tempting roundness of her backside as she bent to adjust the temperature and wondered just how long he’d be able to last.

  He stepped in after her and took the bottle of shampoo from her hands. “Let me.” He slowly massaged the lather into her damp hair, taking down the shower head to rinse it away. Raul dragged his tongue along the curve of her neck and shoulder before taking her loofah and bath gel from the shelf.

  “You don’t have to do that,” she said.

  “I want to.” Raul worked the soapy scrubber over her neck and shoulders, down her back, and over her ass. “Turn around.”

  “Raul!” she giggled.

  The way her wet hair clung to her body made Raul’s cock spring to attention. “I like to take care of you,” he murmured as he soaped up each breast and worked his way down to the juncture of her thighs. “You’re a strong woman, Penny, and you’re going to be the Alpha of your pack someday, but there are still a few things I can do for you.” He was on his knees now, relishing in the lather over her thighs.

  She touched his jaw, her emerald eyes soft as they roved over his face. “You do a lot for me, Raul. So much mo
re, I think, than I do for you.”

  “Not true. You’re the part of me I’ve been missing for so long, and I never thought I’d find you.” He began to softly caress the sensitive pearl between her legs with his mouth. “I’m so glad I did,” he added, flicking his tongue with a little more pressure. They’d spent their nights together for the last couple of months. At first, he simply held her, knowing she was hurting inside. But then she turned to him, needing him a different way that he was happy to oblige. Now, Raul felt as though he lived his days and nights just waiting for the next time he got to touch her, to kiss her, to hold her against his body and feel their wolves come to life inside them.

  “Oh, god.” She closed her eyes and pressed her hand to the shower wall. “Raul, you’re going to make me wake up the rest of the house.”

  That only drove him on further as he explored her, his thumbs skimming along the insides of her thighs. He could taste her excitement, and it was driving him wild. Just as she was on the brink, he kissed his way up the curve of her stomach, slowly bringing himself back to his feet as he thoroughly toured each of her full breasts with his tongue, spiraling in toward her nipple. He slid his arm around her lower back to support her, feeling her falling against him.

  Penny reached for him, her nails scraping against the muscles of his back as she propped her foot on the side of the tub and moved her back against the wall. She moaned as she guided his throbbing hardness inside, her grip letting him know that she wanted him just as badly as he wanted her.

  Raul closed his eyes as he buried his face in her neck. He really had been waiting for this woman all his life. She both completed and complemented him, keeping him in check when he went too far, yet driving him to be the person he was always meant to be. Raul wanted to take all her pain and heartache and make it disappear, because he could handle it as long as he knew she was there for him when it was all over.

  He opened his eyes in time to see her tip her head to the side, her eyes closed and her lashes on her cheeks, her mouth open in ultimate pleasure as the water splashed down on her. She was beautiful, not just in body, but in spirit. Her hips moved in perfect timing with his, an ancient dance that only two fated souls could do together. Raul smoothed his hands once again over those hips of hers, unable to get enough. A flood opened up inside him, one he wasn’t ready for but couldn’t stop. He pressed himself harder against her as he felt his girth increase and every cell in his body thrust in her direction. He crushed his mouth to hers as he gave the final push and emptied himself into her.

  But Penny’s nails dug into his hips and ass, keeping him pressed to her body. “I’m not done with you yet,” she whispered as she ground against him. Her nipples were hard against his chest despite the warmth of the water. “Knowing you get off on me really turns me on.”

  Raul was more than happy to oblige as her slick heat worked against him, her body tensing as she crested that wave and rode it down, her hands hard against him, demanding him, needing him. Penny’s groan of pleasure against his neck made him smile. “Me, too.”

  They woke up early the next morning, dressing in a rush before dashing down to the kitchen for a quick breakfast. Raul could barely choke down his bagel, washing it down with too much coffee.

  “Are you all right?” Penny asked from the other side of the bar as she sliced an avocado.

  “I think my wolf is playing jump rope in my stomach,” he replied. “I guess I’m a little nervous.”

  Penny came around the bar and ran a gentle hand down his cheek and up through his hair. “You’re cute.”


  “It’s cute seeing a big strong guy like you, one who fights all the world’s greatest assholes for a living, so nervous about meeting my family.” Those green eyes of hers sparkled up at him.

  “I can’t help it. I know how important you are to them, and I want them to be happy with your choice.” Raul knew that in some ways, he had a lot to offer as her mate, but when it came to facing her parents, he wasn’t sure it was enough.

  “You worry too much. You and I know we’re fated to be together. That’s enough. I also happen to know that as soon as they see how sweet and perfect and protective you are, they’ll be thrilled.”

  He didn’t bother trying to make small talk on the way to her parents’ place. Raul was busy rehearsing conversations in his mind, hoping he would say and do all the right things. Penny could tell him it was all going to be fine, but he knew how important this was. It would only create more tension in her life if her family didn’t accept him, an outsider from a small pack they’d probably never heard of. So much had gotten better for her lately, and he didn’t want to be the one to ruin it.

  “Mom? Dad? We’re here.” Penny led him through the front door and into the living room.

  Mr. and Mrs. Granger were seated on a large couch, but they rose as soon as the couple entered the room. Their gaze fell instantly to Raul.

  “This is Raul Castaneda,” Penny said, making the introductions. “Raul, these are my parents, Bonnie and Dan Granger.”

  His stomach clenched, but then he saw the looks in their eyes. They were just as nervous and hopeful as he was. Everyone in the room wanted the best for Penny, whatever that might be. Raul smiled and held out his hand. “It’s nice to meet you.”

  Dan smiled as he took Raul’s hand. “You, too. We’ve heard a lot about you.”

  As they moved through drinks in the living room and dinner in the dining room, Raul felt more and more at home. The Grangers were welcoming, polite, and accepting. Dan listened with interest as Raul told him of his time in the Army and his work with the SOS Force. Bonnie mostly only made small talk, but Raul caught a glimpse of a wink and a nod meant only for her daughter across the dinner table.

  “Well? What do you think?” Penny asked Raul later in the evening when the two of them stepped out the back door to have a moment alone.

  “Me? I’m more concerned about what they think. Your parents are great. They make me want to go home and see my family.” There was something about a comfortable family meal that made him crave that sense of connection.

  “You don’t have anything to worry about.” She took his hand in hers and led him to a wooden bench under the trees. “They definitely like you.”

  “That’s good, because I couldn’t stay away from you even if they didn’t.” He smiled as he kissed her. “I love you, Penny. You mean the world to me.”

  “I love you, too.” She looked up at him, her thumb grazing his cheek, but then she suddenly jerked her head to the side. “Do you see that?”

  Raul looked to the back edge of the groomed part of the lawn, just before it turned to woods. A brilliant blue ball of light floated steadily just in front of the trees. It bobbed twice in the air before it rocketed up into the sky and disappeared among the stars. “Kayla?” he asked quietly.

  “I think so. And I think she approved of you, too.” As she kissed him, all was right in the universe.



  Jude refilled his coffee mug and checked the time. Reid was supposed to call back soon, and this wasn’t the time to be a flake. Sure, his brother had faced some hard times after leaving the military, and every soldier who suddenly found himself without the brotherhood of the Army needed a bit of time to adapt. He’d known men who roamed the country without a plan for a full year, just trying to find something that called to them as much as the service did. Hell, he’d considered doing that himself when he’d been honorably discharged. Jude didn’t want to see that happen to Reid. He knew the Special Ops Shifter Force could be a great home for him, and he was eager to serve alongside his true blood brother.

  His cell vibrated against the counter. Jude picked it up, expecting to see Reid’s number, but it wasn’t. The top of the screen flashed an indicator to let Jude know this call was being imported from his old line, before he had a special Force phone created by Hudson Taylor of the D.C. unit. It wasn’t a number he recognized, but he answe
red anyway. If it was a telemarketer, then maybe he could have a little fun. “Yeah?”


  The skin along his spine rippled at the sound of her voice. No, that couldn’t be right. It’d been years since he’d heard from her, and she had no reason to call him. He cleared his throat. “Uh, yes?”

  “It’s Annie. Jordan’s sister?”

  “Hi.” He leaned his free hand on the counter, blinking. “It’s, um, been a long time.”

  “I know, and I’m really sorry to bother you. I wasn’t even sure if you were stateside right now.” Her voice was desperate.

  Jude’s mind instantly flashed back to one of the last times he’d been around Annie, when he’d come home on leave and visited his best friend, Jordan.

  Jude sat on the sofa in the big living room, quietly relieved to be back in civilization instead of sleeping in a sandy tent. It wouldn’t last long, and he’d be back overseas before he knew it, but he’d earned his break. Jordan, his best friend since grade school, seemed more than happy to host him. That is, until his little sister had walked in at midnight.

  “Annie!” Jordan shot up off the couch, his fists curled as he marched toward his sister. “I’ve been trying to get a hold of you for hours. Where have you been?”

  “My phone died, okay?” She was tiny compared to her older brother, all big eyes and waves of dark brown hair. She flashed a look around Jordan at Jude, and her jaw tightened. “I’m fine.”

  “Were you out with that Dakota guy again?”

  Annie tried to move past Jordan to the kitchen, but he wouldn’t let her. “What’s it to you?”

  “The guy’s an asshole, that’s what.”

  “Kind of like you’re being right now?” She slipped past him through the doorway and glanced once again at Jude. “Sorry to interrupt your visit. I just need to grab my jacket.”


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