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Wired For Love

Page 5

by Michelle Howard

  Narelle gasped as her back smacked into his chest then she trembled. The position aligned her directly in front of him where he’d have complete access to her exposed body. His hand slid down the front of her torso and dove back between her legs from this new angle.

  This time a series of curses bubbled up on a low mutter. Her head fell back against Hunter’s shoulder. What he was doing felt amazing. Her thighs quivered and Narelle couldn’t fight the rhythmic clenching as she worked against his hand. She looped her arms behind her about his neck, fingers thrusting into the wild strands of Hunter’s hair. “Oh, yes.”

  “Come for me,” he coaxed. “Come for me and let me see you in all your glory.”

  Wet slicked between her thighs. Short, hard pumps. Fast, smooth glides. Narelle gasped head thrashing on his shoulder as she fought to hold out longer. More. She wanted more before it ended.

  “Hunter.” She didn’t care that his name came out on a whimper.

  “Let it go, baby. There’s plenty more for you.”

  Narelle tried to fight the power of his pull, but his fingers pierced her knuckle deep, stroking a place so far inside, she didn’t know it existed. Using his thumb, he gently plucked the swollen knot that throbbed. Narelle was lost. She almost bucked off of him as her body betrayed her.

  The climax lasted an eternity. Through it all Hunter’s hand never stopped, his big body following as she collapsed forward on all four. Trembling, Narelle barely noticed Hunter turning her over as he eased down on top of her.

  “With me,” he growled. “I want you with me this time.”

  Smooth and easy, he slid into her ready channel. Inside she pulsed and stretched from his width, but accepted the intrusion. Another shudder rolled over Narelle and she arched up chest to chest, hands clinging to the broad shoulders spread above her, while she tried to catch her breath.

  Her heart pattered off beat. The seamless ease with which he wrung an orgasm from her was frightening. Her knees clamped about his sides, toes curled into the sheets.

  Intense brown eyes filled with arrogance and victory, pinned her to the bed. Frozen, bound by more than the physical, Narelle struggled. No, no. This wasn’t how it was supposed to be. Emotions caused problems, made things messy.

  Bombarded with the fear caused by her reaction, she shook her head back and forth. Hunter lowered his face to her throat, his muffled groan hard to miss. “I’ve waited for this.”

  Gentle swipes from his tongue, the press of firm lips at the pulse pounding out of sync then he braced up on his forearms, moved—and tore apart any illusions Narelle had of this staying simple. Using nothing, but the sheer grace of his body, Hunter changed this from two people just having sex. It became deeper, ties seeking to bind her in a way she wouldn’t want to escape.

  Instinctively, Narelle knew it was deliberate on his part and a spurt of anger tugged at her senses. Feelings she refused to look at were ruthlessly shoved down in order to focus on her anger.

  How dare he? How dare he force her to feel more than she this...this bet warranted?

  Hair fell across Hunter’s brow as he grunted with each punch of his hips. Sweat glinted on his jaw as he kept his head down driving into her body. Waves of pleasure dragged at her without mercy.

  “Tonight, we don’t hide,” he muttered. “You’re mine. All mine. Every bit of you.”

  “Why?” The helpless cry broke free. Dismay battled with ecstasy. She pounded a fist on his shoulder.

  Slowly, he eased out until only the thick crown of him remained. He licked his lips, but never took his gaze from her face. “Because you want to shut me out and if all I get is tonight, you’re going to let me in this once.”

  When he slammed forward giving her every inch of him, Narelle was dragged into the intimate circle he created where only the two of them existed.

  With every stroke, he rocked her body back and forth on the linen. Narelle whimpered as his thrust grew erratic, hitting her in the same spot repeatedly. Her vision darkened as her breath grew ragged. Back bowed, she clenched her fingers on his shoulders as the world around her erupted in a haze of colors.

  “Yes! Fuck, yes!”

  Breath hot against her shoulder he collapsed right after. Sweat cooled on their bodies, moisture clinging to the crease between her breasts. Narelle panted, unable to stop running her hands up Hunter’s damp back. Damn him! Sex had never been this explosive before and with a man she knew good and well wasn’t right for her. Or maybe he was perfect for her.

  Narelle expelled her breath on a sigh, her quivering thighs loosening their fierce grip on Hunter. Her heart continued to thunder in her chest as his softening length slid free. A whisper soft kiss landed on her cheek as he shifted his weight and slid to the side of her on the bed, his arms clasped tight about her waist. Narelle flowed with the movement, ending on her side facing him. It required more energy than she could spare to resist.

  The tender look in his eyes did strange things to her and Narelle wanted to run and hide. Hunter must have sensed or read her mind because his hands held firm and his brows lowered, the relaxed look on his face fading. “Don’t.”

  Narelle considered a sniping response, but one look at the eager light in his gaze dared her. With a sniff, she rolled her eyes and flipped over, giving him her back.

  His muted chuckle as he cuddled close caused a reluctant smile to tilt her lips. Another kiss landed on the curve of her shoulder, the wet dip of his tongue teasing in its wake.

  “All trouble and worth it,” he murmured huskily.

  Chapter 6

  Narelle woke in slow increments. The first thing she noticed was the heavy weight over her waist. A muscled forearm clamped possessively over her. At her back, warm heat created a cozy nest among the twisted blankets. More cozy than she should feel with this man. She wanted to doze back off and snuggle into the warm weight behind her.

  That would only make leaving harder.

  Easing away slightly, Narelle had one thought at the forefront of her mind. Get up and get out. All before Hunter woke and decided to talk about...their night. Or whatever this was. Every touch tonight, every smile in her direction sliced through her heart.

  Another slide and Hunter’s arm fell to the covers, granting her freedom. As she rose and stood beside the massive bed, Narelle’s gaze was drawn back to the man sprawled over most of it. A beautiful network of scars on the far right of his back marred the muscles. Her fingers had traced the lines of some, but the way he tensed at the touch warned her away from probing.

  Similar meshwork marks from knee to mid-calf ruined his right leg. With his leg bent it was hard to miss. It didn’t matter though. Hunter’s body appealed to her scars and all. Now that she knew what he looked like beneath the dark clothes he favored, it would be difficult to resist him in the future.

  Temptation called, and Narelle moved the sheet slightly, stopping after baring his lower half to her view.

  Military fit as she once heard a friend say about a former lover. Hunter retained a muscled, sleek frame. Toned and tight, she’d reaped the benefit of his powerful thrusts, the slap of those hard thighs. And his chest. Narelle knew her gaze had grown dreamy as she reminisced about stroking every inch over a chest he’d pressed against her like a leaden weight, keeping her immobile as he rutted into her sex.

  Round butt cheeks as hard as they appeared twitched as if he sensed her stare. No denying he had a great body. Nibbling her bottom lip, she stepped away. If she didn’t force herself to move, she’d never leave. Her gaze searched for where they’d thrown her clothes.

  Across the room, curled in a ball, but head up Bogan snuffled and his tail gave one wag. He must have snuck up after they’d fallen asleep. Vigorous bouts of sex tended to tire anyone out. She glanced back at Hunter’s sleeping form.

  Emotions held her locked in place. She inhaled sharply, mad at herself for her inability to compartmentalize this. Unfortunately, the breath she took only filled her lungs with the smell of the man himself. Dar
k, masculine and the hint of some woodsy scent. She took another whiff against her better judgment and reevaluated. If danger had a smell that lingered in the air as well.

  Walk away her inner voice warned. Before her heart engaged further. Narelle gathered her clothes and dressed, her gaze constantly going to Hunter as if drawn by a magnetic force. Curses fell silently off her tongue as she ripped her eyes away from the impressive sight of his body there for the taking if she wanted a second round.

  A mirthless grin curled her lips. More like the fifth round. She stuffed her feet into her boots, feeling the twinges in her sensitive parts attesting to a night well spent with a man who knew his way around a woman’s body. She’d have some light bruising and tender parts tomorrow.

  And just like that her mind delved back into flashes of having sex with Hunter. The way he’d pressed into her welcoming body, the powerful thrust of his hips as he’d leaned over her, his breath warm on her face. Then he’d lined up his face next to hers and whispered every dirty thought he’d ever had about her in her ear.

  Putting into words the things he’d thought about stirred Narelle in ways she hadn’t imagined. His seductive voice lent another layer to the passion igniting between them and she’d had one explosive climax after another.


  Hunter woke when an elbow jabbed his rib followed by a knee which grazed his dick. He bit off a curse and managed not to move as Narelle shifted. He held his breath awaiting what she’d do next. Only a brief pause and the sheets fell about his hips to his upper thighs. Hunter’s erection sprung to life in anticipation of a robust repeat session of earlier.

  The covers slipped more baring him completely. He grinned. Maybe Narelle planned to wake him in an unexpected way. He listened. Able to discern the rustle of clothing, he stiffened. Wait! Would she really try to sneak out without saying anything to him?

  Hunter stayed still until he definitely heard the sounds of her now shod feet. Light scuffles as she made her way to the stairs leading to the lower level were the last straw. He rolled to the side and opened his eyes, interrupting her stealthy escape. “Narelle.”

  Hands on the railing, she spun with a gasp. “I thought you were asleep.”

  Obviously. “I woke as you tried to slip out.”

  She dropped her hand, planted both on her hips and notched up her determined chin. He wished he didn’t find the pose enchanting. “I was leaving. My end of the bargain was met.”

  Insulted, Hunter sat up, tossing the sheets to the side and out of his way. This had been far from a casual fuck. “Without saying goodbye?”

  What happened between them was more than a bargain. Naked, Hunter met her glare for glare. He smirked when her gaze dipped to his straining erection. Hunger flashed across her features. Now that he’d had a taste, he wanted more as well.

  Narelle’s gaze shifted lower as she took in the uneven map of twisted red lines from his right knee to lower calf. It took everything not to hide them. The scars came as a result of emergency repair surgery on his adjustments. They worked well enough, but if he strained the biotronics past their endurance the circuitry misfired thus part of the reason for his discharge from the service. His last mission may have helped end the war against the Vargos but the price had been high.

  When Narelle finally lifted her defiant gaze, Hunter realized she wouldn’t change her mind about leaving. She stomped down their stairs in clear dismissal.

  At her refusal to give in, his jaw tightened and frustration flickered. Hunter chased after her, bare feet pounding on each step. “What are you playing at, Narelle?”

  “I’m not playing,” she returned once she reached the bottom.

  Control slipped and Hunter fisted his hands as they both drew to a halt in his living area. “You know this isn’t over between us.”

  She spun on her heels glaring. “On the contrary, Hunter. This was never meant to be more than an interlude.”

  She wanted to play it this way? Pretend the heat which exploded between them every time they crossed paths didn’t exist? “What do you think is going to happen next, Narelle? That you’ll walk out the door and I just forget about you?”

  For a minute the bravado weakened. The tough girl façade faded. Tension eased slightly in hopes they could talk it out but then she shored up her defenses. The gentle woman he knew existed inside vanished.

  “Hunter, let this go. I’m not the one for you.”

  Hunter restrained the urge to punch a hole in the wall. She was exactly the one for him. Trouble was, Hunter didn’t know how to convince her of the fact. He bit back a snarl of fury as she crossed toward the door and hesitated, hand on the knob. Something like regret flashed over her features. “I hope everything works out with the war mongrel.”

  Narelle slipped through the opening of the door and closed it behind her before Hunter could respond. Defeat lashed at his senses and the bitter taste of loss filled his mouth. He muttered all the way back to his bedroom, kicking at his clothes on the floor and ignoring the lingering scent of their lovemaking from the tumbled sheets.

  Bogan trotted over and nosed at Hunter’s leg. He scratched the furry head as he thought. Determination blazed in the stormy depths of her gray eyes. With a sigh, Hunter gave up for now and decided there was no need in chasing her. She’d be back in his bar again. He had to believe that and the next time, he planned to be prepared. Narelle was his and now that he’d had a taste, he wasn’t letting her go.

  In the meantime, Hunter took a quick shower unable to focus with the scent of her on every inch of his skin. Afterwards, he settled at the cramp desk shoved in the corner. The click clack of Bogan’s nails followed. He booted up the old computer with its top of the line interior workings. To any who sought to rob him, the would be criminals would overlook this out of date tech, never knowing what he had housed on it.

  Hunter keyed in his password and paused briefly as he thought about what he was about to do. One more step, one more door to his past opened. This could only bring back bad memories. Bogan groaned and nudged against Hunter in order to rest his muzzle on his thigh. Hunter scratched the animal behind the ear.

  “All in or nothing.” With that announcement, he keyed in a site he had avoided over the last few years having no need to maintain contact with the information or the people. But niggling concern played at the back of his mind and Hunter refused to let the puzzle sit unanswered. He glanced at the tan and black war mongrel. “I need to find out how you ended up here and how to get you back.”

  Mysteries never sat well with him.

  Chapter 7

  Narelle hated the desire urging her to return to Hunter as she strode down the silent street. His determined glance as she’d basically run away affected her more than she wanted to admit. But Narelle couldn’t lower her guard and let him in. She knew her weaknesses. Without much effort he’d have her love whether he wanted it or not.

  If she wasn’t careful there was more than physical pain at stake. It was her heart. A heart in need of avoiding the experience if Hunter didn’t feel the same way.

  A broken heart was a distraction she didn’t need. As she hurried from the entrance of The Zone her thighs twinged. Zaps of discomfort reminding Narelle of the passion which had flared during the night with Hunter. She’d imagined sex with him on numerous occasions, but reality far exceeded anything she’d dreamed.

  At least she’d gotten him to agree to take on the dog. Or what had he called it? Her brows creased in deep thought. War mongrel. That’s right. One of the many things which tied to his secretive military past. Though not so secretive since he’d shared quite a bit with her today.

  Narelle walked a good way beyond The Zone, debating if she wanted to take her shuttle and seek out a new bounty assignment or return to the temp housing unit she’d reserved for her stay. Might be better to leave in the morning when she wasn’t half sex drunk from the orgasms Hunter gave her. Her body clenched in remembrance and she missed a step.

  To her left a
voice called out, “Did you just leave The Zone?”

  Stiffening, Narelle’s pace slowed as a solitary figure separated himself from the shadows. His position partially blocked the path. “Who wants to know?”

  The dark-haired man dressed in common leathers from head to toe tipped his head to the side and smiled. “Asking for a friend.”

  While the smile increased his face from attractive to downright handsome, the blank look in his eyes said something all too different. There was death in the icy blue stare setting off all sorts of warnings.

  Narelle fingered the knife strapped to her thigh and moved forward, taking a wide berth around him. “Can’t help you.”

  Much to her dismay, he skip-jogged to catch up with her. “Well at least tell me if you know Hunter Gils. I’m hoping to catch up with him. We knew each other in the past.”

  Narelle shot him a look from the side of her eyes he couldn’t mistake and withdrew her knife. Still striding down the street at a pace which required him to keep up or get lost, she said, “Can’t help you with that either.”

  If she wasn’t mistaken, the next sound he made was a low, dark growl. Before Narelle could react, he grabbed her by the elbow, yanked her to a stop and spun her around to face him fully. She flowed with the abrupt motion, sliding the grip of the knife into her palm and slashing out at his mid-section.

  He called her an unsavory name as his hand fell away and Narelle chuckled as she crouched and they circled one another. “Not the first time someone’s said that about me.”

  Not responding to her jibe, he launched a flurry of kicks and punches in her direction. Narelle blocked each and backed up, victory singing in her blood as she cut his forearm and blood spattered to the ground. Another curse. Much more intense than the last.

  “You’re exactly the type Hunter would go for.” It almost sounded like approval in his voice. “He has an eye for strong women. Females with a little fight in them.”

  Narelle didn’t like hearing herself compared to Hunter’s type. She ducked, avoiding a fist to the face, but he struck again so fast she couldn’t avoid it. This time the hit landed on her side, sending the breath out of her on a woosh despite her effort to contort away.


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