Wired For Love
Page 13
“You’ve gone through a lot of trouble, Lukain. If you’d kept to yourself, I never would have bothered you.” Hunter hoped for a glimmer of the old Lukain he knew.
“You think sending your friend would scare me, Hunter? You forget I’m already a dead man.”
Ezra. He must mean Ezra since he was the only one Hunter had discussed the matter with.
“Ezra followed the trail you left. None of us knew you survived. Walk away from this insanity, Lukain.”
Lukain shook his head. “I have nothing to live for except vengeance. You’ll pay for how I suffered.”
For the man he once was, the friendship they’d once shared, Hunter attempted to reason. “Lukain, what happened to you was terrible. The war affected all of us. I have scars, I lost friends. But it’s time to walk away. Live a life with some measure of happiness.”
Lukain’s gaze narrowed as he withdrew his laser. “Easy for you to say. With another K9 by your side and a woman who cares for you.”
Hunter tried again. “You could meet the one, your special person.”
“Throw out your weapon, Hunter.” Lukain snorted. “Maybe I’ll believe you’re sincere.”
If he did, Hunter wouldn’t stand a chance. “Your vow, Lukain. Don’t harm the war mongrel.”
It was risky, but with the moment upon him, Hunter didn’t want to have to kill the last living member of his team.
Surprise glittered in Lukain’s blue eyes and his arm lowered slightly. “You’d take my word?”
“Yes.” They’d been soldiers. Men of honor following orders.
“Fine. Drop your weapon and I won’t kill the K9.”
Hunter let his laser clatter to the ground. He signaled Bogan to back off, almost shuddering in relief when the animal complied.
Lukain laughed, the chilling sound lacking any vestige of humor. “Fool. I won’t rest until you’re dead or I take away what you don’t deserve.”
Too late Hunter realized Lukain had the laser aimed to the far right of Hunter. Toward Bogan. Then beyond. Panic flared. No. Not possible. Heart thundering in his ears, Hunter turned slowly and saw her.
Narelle stood a few feet behind him, the laser he’d lent her in an ironclad grip, her eyes on Lukain. Hunter knew how it would all play out. Lukain was going to kill the woman he loved.
His heart clenched at the thought of losing her.
“Tell her to come out.”
Fury crackled as Lukain voiced the demand. Narelle held her position. He’d lost any realm of composure as he shot such ugly looks Hunter’s way she was amazed Hunter didn’t ignite into flames in front of her.
Lukain gestured with his weapon. “Now!”
Worried he’d fire without them having a chance, Narelle tensed, prepared to step from behind the cover. If she timed her move just right, she could—.
“Don’t you fucking move, Narelle.”
Hunter’s harsh rasp kept her in place with a bit of pique added. They’d discuss his manner of speaking to her during a less stressful time.
Lukain laughed, his amusement as twisted as the scars on his neck. “Never thought to see the day. Not only another K9, but another woman. One would have thought your wife soured you on relationships.”
Wife? Hunter was married?
Devastation tore through Narelle though she tried to mask her hurt as the revelation. Lukain glanced in her direction and smirked. “Oops. Guess he didn’t get around to sharing that.”
Narelle risked a look at Hunter. His body was hard and still as Lukain gloated.
“How do you expect to get away?” Hunter asked instead of responding to the taunts.
Lukain’s shrug was blasé. “In the beginning, I was going to kill you and run. Now you have Ezra involved and that fucker won’t stop once you put him on a scent. So, I guess this will be an accident. Jealous rage once she discovered you had a lot more women on the side.”
He swiveled the end of the laser in Narelle’s direction. “Come out where I can see you or I’ll make it painful for your lover to walk. Or I can kill him first.”
Narelle slid the tiniest bit forward, ignoring Hunter’s hissed warning. “What’s our incentive if you’re going to kill us anyway?”
“I don’t have to kill you.” His brows creased. “I really don’t care about you and who’s going to believe I’m still alive if you tell them. That’s one benefit of already being declared dead that will actually work in my favor for once.”
Because she had nothing else to go on, Narelle stepped out all the way and walked until she reached Hunter’s side.
“Drop the laser too please.” Lukain nodded at the weapon she held loosely at her side. “To prevent any heroics on your part.”
Keeping her gaze on him, Narelle squatted and placed the laser near Hunter’s. Her mind went through several potential scenarios yet none included her and Hunter getting away unharmed. She stood slowly.
“Thank you for your misplaced trust.” Lukain’s grin spread into a smile of pure evil.
Hunter faced the gleeful ex-soldier. He’d never get his weapon from the ground in time. “Lukain, for all the gods sake, don’t.”
The answer was written on Lukain’s face.
“Don’t,” Hunter whispered the ragged plea then Lukain fired.
Hunter moved faster than he thought possible, forcing his adjustments to give him the speed needed. Narelle’s scream tore through him. Already in motion to cover her with his own body, lasers blasted around him. Narelle dove to the side, and Hunter wanted to kiss her for having the sense to get out of the way while wanting to strangle her.
Lukain’s shot went wide, chipping the building behind them. Another laser blasted from somewhere overhead. Bogan barked in a frenzy, the sound nothing like he’d heard the war mongrel make before.
“Hunter.” Narelle choked out his name.
Hunter went after Lukain, Bogan hard on his heels to reach the one he perceived as the enemy.
Lukain fired over his shoulder, desperation in his every move as he sought to escape. It was time for this to end. Bogan drew closer to the target and Hunter didn’t have it in him to call the war mongrel off. If Bogan got the chance to pin Lukain, he wanted to pound his former friend in the face a few times for daring to threaten Narelle..
Bogan cornered Lukain where the street came to an end. The walled off area smelled of the weekly garbage which hadn’t been taken out from all the nearby stores.
“You have no where to go, Lukain.”
Bogan snarled, inching forward. Lukain looked too pleased. He held up a small device in his hand then threw it toward Hunter. The beeping timer warned the shock bomb was set. Hunter dove toward his left.
“Neither do you.”
“Bogan, bewachen!” He managed.
Bogan began a frenzy of barking as he leaped forward. The small bomb noted for the volume of damage it could do flew into the door of the building beside him. Hunter shielded his face before everything around him came tumbling down.
Chapter 18
“Come out, Hunter. Please. I think she needs to see you’re alive before she falls apart and I’m not good with a woman’s tears.”
Humor trickled through Ezra’s command, but Narelle couldn’t afford to laugh. Her heart slammed a demanding beat against her chest and her throat locked down on any words she could possibly say.
She waited as sweat formed on her forehead and suddenly a large form separated himself from the rubble. Dark hair tangled, clothes ripped but it was a living, breathing Hunter. Narelle choked back a cry then launched herself in his direction.
Hunter paused in his trek toward her and caught Narelle in her running leap. His arms clenched around her waist like a vise, the shudder going through his body felt by her. Footsteps came closer and Ezra spoke again. The words had no meaning because Narelle was too busy clinging to Hunter.
Hunter whispered words of thanks, shaking at how close he�
�d come to losing Narelle. She patted his black tee shirt, the glazed look in her eyes ripping him to shreds. He brushed his thumbs over her cheeks. “I’m fine. You?”
“I thought he killed you,” Narelle sniffed on a broken laugh as she wrapped herself tight about him. Safe. Alive. Nothing else mattered.
“It’s over now,” he whispered into her hair.
Narelle couldn’t speak past the lump forming in her throat. She managed to nod and squeezed her lids tight on tears burning to break free. Then the one problem Lukain brought up came back to her. Narelle leaned back from Hunter’s chest. “You have a wife?”
His eyes widened then crinkles formed in the corners. “The union was dissolved years ago. She couldn’t handle the changes in me from the war.”
“You need to call off the war mongrel.”
Narelle lifted the laser she’d retrieved and aimed in the direction of the rough voice. Warmth spread through Hunter as he turned, keeping a hand at her lower back. “Do I have you to thank?”
Ezra’s expression pinched tight. “I wish, but your K9 ruined my shot. Jumped on Lukain and went for his throat before the overhead roofing collapsed on you. You’re lucky it wasn’t the whole fucking building.”
Hunter adjusted Narelle in his hold, but kept her pinned to his side. “I appreciate all your help in this.”
A look passed through Ezra’s gaze then he waved off the thanks. “Don’t forget your promise.”
As if he could. A painful yelp had Narelle jerking away from him. Hunter flinched at the sight that met his gaze. Lukain was dead. Of that Hunter was certain. Past the rubble, past the havoc wreaked by the bomb, his limp body remained where Bogan had dragged it.
Afterwards, the war mongrel fell on his side, body twitching. Sparks flared from the optic center. Narelle raced over and dropped to her knees. “Hunter, quick. Bogan’s hurt.”
More than hurt. Lukain lay sprawled on the ground, blood and gore representing how brutal Bogan had been. At the cost of his own life. Killing a soldier went against protocol, and it was easy to discern he’d fried the primary biotronics in his brain. But he’d done it. The war mongrel had risked his life to save him and Narelle.
Swallowing past the thickness in his throat, Hunter squatted next to them. “Gott, biet rel.”
He smoothed a hand over Bogan’s heaving side and despite everything he’d done to avoid this, he was going to lose another animal he was synced to.
“Why, Bogan?” But Hunter knew the answer. Brown eyes glazed with pain stared at him and a wet tongue licked the back of Hunter’s hand.
Shit. Fucking rescue drive. Science couldn’t breed it out of an animal or train it into submission no matter how hard they tried.
Hunter blinked away moisture. “I’m going to lift him, Narelle.”
He wouldn’t leave Bogan behind. Narelle scooted back, then got to her feet. Hunter picked up Bogan and eased his weight over his shoulders until his four legs draped Hunter’s chest, front legs on the right and hind legs on the left.
Ezra stepped up to them, his icy blue stare toned down. “I’m sorry, man. I tried to stay close to The Zone in case Lukain returned.”
Hunter nodded and pushed down the pain. “Let’s go.”
Hunter’s bar bustled with activity. This wouldn’t be an uncommon occurrence, except it was closed as he’d instructed Ven and the bodies filling the space were government drones not paying customers out for a drink.
It had been simple enough to reach his old government contacts at the WIRED program and they’d sent a team to retrieve their possession immediately. That was how they referred to Bogan. A possession. Data transmissions had been shoved in Hunter’s face as proof of ownership and leaving him nothing to fight back with.
The sooner they left the sooner he could console Narelle, who failed miserably at appearing stoic. Shock was setting in, and her skin had lost its jeweled tones. He stroked a hand up her back, attempting to soothe. She wouldn’t go upstairs or lay down so Hunter kept her close wanting the officials to hurry up and leave. Unfortunately, the ass in charge wouldn’t stop talking.
“K9-15 was slated to be put down. Considering all the issues getting a handler to work with him, the scientists weren’t interested in a repeat after Donner’s death, but the stupid animal didn’t return for decommission like he was trained to do.”
Decommission. In other words, killed. Bogan had returned but for whatever reason contact hadn’t been made. Maybe he was smart enough to know what they planned and avoided it. Donner had been dragged into the new program and forced to complete dangerous covert missions. The K9 probably reasoned it out. Losing his handler would have been painful.
“Bogan worked well enough taking down Lukain. That made him an asset.” Hunter felt it worth mentioning but Godav, head man in charge and all around ass, smirked.
“The only reason you had success doing the trijl with number 15 is because he and K9-3 were bred from the same genetic combination.”
Hunter jerked, the words hitting him harder than any blow. Bogan and Riktor came from the same stock. No wonder both animals displayed the same undying spirit and loyalty.
Godav watched Bogan as the animal was placed on a hover board, quivering but still alive for the moment. “Anyway, you’ve shown us that he does have some use after all and we plan to see if we can duplicate it in future war mongrels.”
For their stupid spy program.
“You’re taking him back?” Hunter asked the obvious, though inside he tempered the urge to punch Godav in the face.
“The damage is severe, and I doubt he can be salvaged but it won’t hurt to try. His memory bank might be good for future study.”
Narelle gasped behind Hunter and locked her hands on the back of his shirt. Godav waved the drones in white lab coats forward and they left. With Bogan
Hunter pressed his lips tight, then nodded. “Right. Thanks for filling in the pieces.”
Jerk that he was, Godav smiled at Narelle before departing. It wasn’t easy but Hunter stayed until the ship carrying the best partner a soldier could have faded in the skyline.
Narelle pushed at his shoulder. Nothing masked the misery on her face. “Why Hunter? Why did you let them take Bogan?”
Hardening his heart, Hunter gave her the only answer he could. “I told you in the beginning, Narelle. He belongs to the government.”
Chapter 19
Gasping, Hunter fell atop Narelle, her legs limply dropping away from the tight clench about his waist. Using the last of his energy, he rolled to the side and tugged her close. “Stay.”
She moaned, entwining her arms about his neck. “Is that what this was about? I already agreed to stay, Hunter.”
The last few weeks, Narelle needed the comfort of sex and the reassuring familiarity of hanging at The Zone. Hunter for his part didn’t pressure her. Initially. After a week of watching and waiting, while sleeping on his couch, he’d finally cornered her and demanded she give them a chance.
“A chance at what?” She pretended confusion in order to watch him spear his fingers through his hair.
“Relationship, Narelle. A relationship with me. I love you, damn it.”
Her next teasing words stalled. “I know”
He’d proven it time and again with his actions and she believed him. Hunter had coddled her after the loss of Bogan then let her run a ridiculous tab in his bar which left her passed out at a table. No one had bothered her and she’d awakened to Hunter carrying her to his bed where he tucked her in. Alone.
Hunter propped up on one forearm and traced a pattern on her shoulder then trailed his finger down to her elbow. “Good. In answer to your other question, I’m making sure you don’t change your mind.”
Worry glinted from his dark gaze. Narelle was the cause of it. She hadn’t returned the words he’d said, but he hadn’t pushed. Instead it must have brewed in the back of his mind leaving him wondering if she really meant it when she’d
agreed not to take the first shuttle and leave.
Which she’d thought about in a moment of panic. She’d squashed the notion and it was time to let Hunter in on her own secret. Of sorts. Gliding a hand over his sweat dampened hair, Narelle said, “I love you too, Hunter.”
His mouth parted, but no words came out. Narelle waited until it went beyond normal.
“Hunter?” She pushed up on her hip.
“You love me?”
Did he have to appear stunned? Narelle groaned. “You scared me. Yes, I love you.”
For a moment he’d actually had her wondering if she should have kept the words to herself. The world flipped around and Narelle found herself on her back a looming Hunter braced above her. “You’re moving in, you’re never leaving. I’ll track you down if you try.”
Filled with joy at his possessive tone, Narelle laughed and brushed her hands over his shoulders. “It won’t hurt if you keep having sex with me like this to convince me to stay.”
He responded so fast she chuckled again. About to tease him more, she was interrupted by a ding from the old fashioned computer on his desk. Hunter was up and out of the bed before she could blink.
“Yes. Yes. When? Now?” Hunter glanced at her. “How bad is it?”
Narelle stood and snatched up her black leather pants and a deep leather corset in purple. Hunter had allowed her to retrieve her belongings and only fussed a little about her wardrobe. According to him, the leather drew more stares than he appreciated.
Hunter ended the call and bent to pull on his own pants. “We need to go downstairs. Ezra’s here.”
Narelle hadn’t gotten to really know Hunter’s shadowy friend. One glimpse from those frigid blue eyes and she’d wanted to avoid further contact. Downstairs in The Zone, Hunter activated sensors to turn the main overhead lights on only.
Leaning against the bar, her hand on the knife at her hip, Narelle waited while Hunter opened the door and let Ezra in. Behind him a hoverboard floated with a familiar tan and black animal.
“Bogan!” Narelle crossed the room, her hands rubbing the short furred coat, blinded by tears of happiness.