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Chained_Brides of the Kindred

Page 16

by Evangeline Anderson

  “What? Are you sure?”

  “I was right beside her—I saw the whole thing first hand. But that isn’t all—the Sensorians actually gave them a standing ovation—imagine that!” Lady Ponce’beast was nearly seething with irritation and jealousy. “The master of the spa said that such a fine performance comes only with true emotion—is this friend of yours foolish enough to fall in love with her slave?”

  “Nola? In love with a slave?” Manda said blankly. “She’s the last person who would do that.”

  “Well is she the type to make her slave fall in love with her? You know, that ridiculous kind of mistress who’s always too kind and actually forms a personal relationship with a male who ought to mean nothing to her?”

  Manda coughed again and looked away for a moment. “Actually, Nola is also the last person I would think would engender love in a slave. It doesn’t sound like she’s acting herself at all.”

  “The master of the spa himself invited her and everyone else in our rondula back to a private reception at the Remembrance Pool for Pillow Fruit,” Lady Ponce’beast said bitterly. “Can you believe it?”

  Manda’s eyes lit up. “Pillow Fruit? I’m so jealous! Are you going to go get some?”

  Lady Ponce’beast crossed her arms over her breasts pensively. “I want to but I almost can’t bear it. If I have to see that little blonde head of hers bobbing around in the Remembrance Pool while her ridiculous slave—”

  “Wait a minute,” her friend interrupted. “Did you say blonde?”

  “Yes, she has blonde, curly hair which doesn't suit her at all. I can't imagine what she’s thinking. Oh, and she’s not nearly as thin as you described her either. In fact, she’s quite plump.” Lady Ponce’beast sniffed and patted her own ample hips. “And what are those strange oculars she wears on her face? You never mentioned she had problems with her eyes.”

  Manda Sha’rak frowned. “Nola Pope’nose is not blonde and she’s not plump. And as for oculars—I don’t know what you’re talking about. Her eyesight is very sharp—sometimes too sharp. Do you have an image?”

  “Of course.” Lady Ponce’beast held up her recording device and turned the screen toward the viewscreen so that her friend could see it. “Well?” she demanded.

  “Oh my…” Manda shook her head. “That’s not Nola Pope’nose. Not even close.”

  “Seriously?” Lady Ponce’beast demanded. “Oh my Goddess, Manda—I knew it. Somewhere down inside I just knew the little bitch was an imposter. I’m going to inform the master of the spa at once!”

  “No, wait.” Her friend shook her head. “Let me make some calls first. We have to find out what happened to the real Nola. Where can she be?”

  “I don’t know,” Lady Ponce’beast snapped. “But she’s not here. Don’t take too long, Manda. I can’t wait to expose this little fraud…whoever she is.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  “Lady Pope’nose, if you would walk this way…” The master of the spa led Maggie and the rest of the mistresses from the rondula out of the large banquet hall. The other ladies and their slaves formed an eager group behind them and Kor found it easy enough to take Maggie’s arm and hang back a little bit. Soon they were walking at the back of the small crowd instead of the front which was exactly what he wanted—a little privacy.

  “Maggie,” he said softly, speaking in a low voice for her ears only. “I think we should talk.”

  “Talk about what?” She gave him a quick, nervous glance. “About what just happened in the uh, banquet hall? Because I really think—”

  “No, not about that,” Kor said, although making her come and hearing her moan so sweetly just for him certainly had some bearing on what he wanted to say.

  “What do you want to talk about, then?” Maggie still sounded nervous.

  “About the future.” He took a deep breath. “I think we should stay together.”

  “What?” She stopped walking and turned to face him. “What do you mean? We are together.”

  “No, I mean after the spa.” Kor took her hand, entwining their fingers. “This uncharted world you’re going to—it doesn’t sound safe.”

  Maggie lifted her chin. “I’m not giving up Gaia—it’s a once in a lifetime opportunity to do research on an untouched world. I’ve already postponed it long enough.”

  “For which I’m very grateful,” Kor murmured. He brushed a stray curl away from her face. “Since you postponed it to rescue me.”

  “I didn’t actually mean to do that, you know.” She was blushing in that adorable way she had. Kor’s heart squeezed like a fist in his chest—Gods, what was it about this little female? Why was he so unwilling to be parted from her?

  “I know that,” he said softly. And I didn’t say you should give up your research trip. Just that I should come with you.”

  “You want to…to come with me?” Maggie bit her lip. “Why? I thought you just wanted to go off on your own.”

  “Well, I don’t,” Kor said. “Not anymore.” He sighed. “Look, blondie, I just…I don’t like the idea of you going off to some wild, dangerous planet with nobody to look after you.”

  She frowned. “I’m perfectly able to look after myself, thank you very much.”

  “Of course you are,” Kor said dryly. “As long as you don’t trip and fall headfirst into a pit or step into an active volcano by accident.”

  Her cheeks got even redder. “All right. I know I’m somewhat…uncoordinated when it comes to social situations. But when I’m out in the field, in my element and doing research I can be almost…well, not exactly graceful but not as clumsy either.”

  “I don’t give a damn if you’re clumsy,” Kor said roughly. “What I care about is keeping you safe.” Keeping you by me. But he didn’t say that out loud—no point scaring her off. “Look,” he said. “What if there are wild beasts or some other form of intelligent but hostile life? Who’s going to look out for you—those other two Kindred scientists you told me about?”

  “Ferna and Ratner have their own research to do,” Maggie said. “We can all look after ourselves.”

  “Not you,” he murmured. “Because I’ll be there for that—there to look after you.”

  She took a deep breath. “Look, Kor, is this because of what just, uh, happened during the…the Pleasuring?”

  Kor shifted uncomfortably. It was true he had felt something growing between them when he had touched her and made her come. But he couldn’t admit that to Maggie—hell, he could barely admit it to himself! It was stupid to want to stay with the little female, stupid to give up his chance to put an entire galaxy between himself and Yonnie Six as fast as he could. And yet, he couldn’t help himself—he simply couldn’t let Maggie go.

  He knew she was engaged but he felt a possessive range rise inside him the moment he thought of her with any other man—even her fiancé. Hell, especially her fiancé. Even though he had known her only a day, the dreams had been going on for weeks. And everything in Kor whispered mine when he looked at the curvy little female with her honey blonde curls and earnest blue eyes behind those thick oculars. She was his, damn it! And he’d be damned if he’d just go off and leave her now.

  “Kor?” Maggie murmured and he realized he hadn’t answered her question.

  “Is this because of the Pleasuring? Because of the way you came so sweetly for me when I touched you?” he said directly. “Partly, yes. But I also don’t want you to go into a dangerous situation alone. If you’re going to a wild, uncharted world I want to be there to protect you.”

  “Oh, Kor…” Her eyes were wide behind her thick lenses and he could smell the warm, feminine scent of her skin. Gods, he wanted her! He knew he couldn’t have her—not completely, not yet. But he was more than halfway to making her his forever if she would only say yes to him now.

  “Maggie,” he murmured. “Let me come with you. Let me protect you.”

  “You don’t have to do that,” she whispered. “You don’t have to come with me.”
r />   “But I want to.” Kor stroked her cheek. “You saved me, Maggie. You named me and claimed me. Even before I met you, you kept me sane when you appeared in my dreams. I will see you safely home—my honor demands it.”

  “So…you just want to come with me for the time I’m on Gaia? And after that we’ll go our separate ways?”

  Kor nodded although he had already decided there was no way he would separate from her. But Maggie didn’t need to know that now—she would find out after they spent some time together, Kor was confident of that. After all, look how far he had come in a single day. Give him six months of living with her, camping out under the alien stars of a new world, protecting and providing for her and she would see that he was a much better choice than that ridiculous fiancé of hers. All he needed was a little more time.

  “Well…” Maggie bit her lip in that innocently erotic way she had. “I don’t know, Kor. I’m not sure what Ferna and Ratner would say…”

  “They don’t have to say anything,” Kor said firmly. “I’m not there for them—I’m coming for you. To protect you. And don’t worry about food—I can provide for myself.”

  “Oh, that’s not a problem. The Kindred have these little food cubes—you can store around a million of them in next to no space at all. I just…” Maggie broke off again. “I just think…well, I’m not sure we should, you know, spend so much time together after we…after what we just did.”

  “We were only doing what we had to in order to get along here,” Kor murmured although in fact, making her come had been one of the most pleasurable moments of his life—one he hoped to repeat at some point in the future.

  “It can’t happen again,” she whispered.

  “It doesn’t have to,” Kor assured her, stroking her cheek. Not right away. Not until you’re ready. “I just want to be with you—to protect you. Come on, blondie—what do you say?”

  Maggie covered his hand with hers and a tentative little smile played around her lush lips. “Well, I guess—”

  “Mistress Pope’nose?” A sweaty, panting slave came running back along the corridor. “Oh, Mistress,” he exclaimed, skidding to a halt in front of Maggie. “The master of the spa is so upset! He’s about to carve the Pillow Fruit and you’re not there!”

  “We’re coming,” Kor growled. Could the idiot have worse timing? Maggie had been about to say yes to him—he was sure of it.

  “Yes, we’re coming right away.” Maggie pulled her hand away from Kor’s, quickly resuming her ‘mistress’ persona—which fit her, in his opinion, about as well as the ridiculous stilt-like heels she’d been forced to wear.

  “Let’s go, Mistress,” he murmured, glaring at the slave who had already turned to lead the way. “And we can talk about this more later,” he murmured to Maggie.

  She cast him a sidelong glance. “All right.”

  Say yes, he thought, still looking at her as they walked. You’re going to say yes, blondie. And once we spend a little time together you’ll never say no again—because you’ll be mine. Mine to cherish and protect and pleasure. Mine forever.

  Chapter Fifteen

  “This is delicious!” Maggie couldn’t get over the amazing flavor of the Pillow Fruit. The first thing that had surprised her was its size—it was actually as large as a king-sized pillow and had about the same shape—a plump rectangle. The master of the spa had it lying on a large stone pedestal that looked like something you would see a statue perched on in a museum and it was set up directly in front of the steps leading down into the Remembrance Pool.

  The second thing that surprised Maggie was that the Pillow Fruit seemed to have a crust—that is, its outer layer was light brown and flaky, exactly like a pastry made out of phyllo dough. And its resemblance to pastry didn’t end there. When the Master of the spa took up a special triangular silver knife and sliced carefully into the large fruit, it oozed pale yellow cream and bright pink jelly.

  “My lady,” he said courteously, handing Maggie the first slice and a strange, spork looking instrument to eat it with.

  Maggie took the plate and cut into the slice of Pillow Fruit. She was a little uncertain about it but one whiff of the delicious flaky crust and the creamy insides overcame her doubts. When she slipped the first bite into her mouth, she nearly moaned with delight. It tasted like her mother’s homemade pie crust, a Krispy Kreme raspberry filled donut, and the creamiest vanilla custard she’d ever eaten in her life. In short, it was pretty much the best thing Maggie had ever put in her mouth.

  “This is amazing,” she gushed to the Master of the spa. “And you say it’s a fruit?”

  “Indeed it is—it was once indigenous to Yonnie Five, our sister planet. Unfortunately it is almost extinct now, which renders it most difficult to find. Would you like another slice?”

  As a biologist, Maggie had a twinge of guilt over eating an endangered species. But the Pillow Fruit simply tasted too good to refuse. Besides, she wanted to share some with Kor—maybe they could walk around the far end of the pool and get a little privacy so the other mistresses didn’t think she was weird for feeding her “slave.”

  “Yes, thank you.” She held up her plate for more and the Master of the spa graciously cut her a rather large slice which oozed creamy custard and jelly all over her plate.

  “Enjoy, Lady Pope’nose. You’ve more than earned it,” he said gravely and gave her a strange, disjointed little bow.

  “Oh, uh…thank you.” Maggie blushed when she thought about how she and Kor had “earned” the treat. But she pushed the feelings of guilt firmly to one side. Like Kor had said, they were only doing what they had to in order to survive in this crazy place. And it was never going to happen again.

  Right, whispered a little voice in her head. Never again. But what about on Gaia? What about after a long day of field work when you’re tired and in need of a little extra attention and you just happen to have your own body guard slash gladiator slash sex god who’s so incredibly good at making you come he doesn’t even have to take your clothes off to do it? What about then?

  Maggie shoved the voice to the back of her mind. Kor only wanted to come with her to protect her. He felt like he owed her for rescuing him from the real Lady Popenose’s awful dungeon. Maggie, of course, didn’t think there was any debt to be repaid but she didn’t want to deny him when his code of honor demanded that he make sure she was safe.

  Also, what if he was right? What if Gaia was a dangerous place where she needed someone to watch out for her? Then she was sure she would be glad to have him near—even if it was only for six months. It was no big deal, really and she should stop trying to make it into one.

  Sure, snickered the little voice. No big deal. The way you felt when he touched you, the hot, dirty things he said he wanted to do to you. When he talked about tying you up and making you submit…doing things Donald would never dream of…things you secretly want…

  Maggie felt her cheeks getting hot and tried to think of something else. She shoved another, rather large bite of Pillow Fruit into her mouth and decided to examine the situation rationally.

  True, she had done some things with Kor she wasn’t exactly proud of. But should she really feel so guilty for what she had done? Donald was far away on Earth and he wasn’t always the nicest person to be around. He was single-mindedly focused on his work—to the point where he couldn’t take time off without becoming incredibly crabby. And he never gave Maggie any compliments or said she was beautiful or brushed the hair out of her eyes and called her blondie…

  “Hey, blondie,” Kor murmured in a low voice, shaking her out of her thoughts. “You might not want to eat anymore of that.”

  “Huh?” Maggie jumped. She’d been so deep in her own thoughts—the cycle of guilt and justification—that his deep voice startled her.

  “I said, that’s not what you think.” Kor nodded at the half eaten second slice of Pillow Fruit on her plate.

  “Why not?” Maggie whispered back. “What are you talking about?

  “Come here. I’ll tell you.” He took her elbow and steered her unobtrusively away from the crowd gathered around the Pillow Fruit, which now lay half decimated and oozing upon its stone pedestal. “This way,” Kor said softly and guided her around the side of the large pool.

  “All right,” Maggie murmured.

  The Remembrance Pool was about the size of an Olympic sized swimming pool back home, and edged in deep blue and green marble. The only thing Maggie could see that made it unique was the color of the water. It started out pale pink at the shallow end by the long stone steps. A little further on, the water became deeper and its color was a much darker pinkish red. Further still, in the deep end, it was blood red.

  This was the end of the pool they were walking around now and Maggie shivered as she looked down into the deep red depths. Jumping in here would be like swimming in an ocean of blood—not something she was anxious to experience. Especially since the white dress she was wearing was practically transparent when wet and she wasn't exactly the strongest swimmer.

  “So tell me,” she said to Kor, sporking up another succulent piece of the Pillow Fruit. “Why shouldn’t I eat this? Or did you just want some for yourself?” It’s okay—I don’t mind. I was going to offer you some anyway.” She held out the full spork but he just shook his head.

  “No thanks. I don’t care to eat something that could eat me back.”

  “What?” Maggie put down the spork without taking a bite. “What are you talking about? The Master of the spa said the Pillow Fruit was a plant that grew on Yonnie Five. A plant. As in organic, all natural, low carb. Do you know what it means to find a fruit that tastes like a Krispy Kreme donut? I could live on this stuff.”


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