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Chained by Choice [Marked 5] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove)

Page 12

by Jana Downs

  His mate removed his hand and then unbuckled his own belt. “So,” he continued. “Just think about it.”

  JP definitely would. In fact, he planned on replaying the sound of Billy saying “I love you” over and over again.

  They went up to his apartment and headed straight to the bedroom. JP stripped out of his clothing and crawled into his full sized bed and waited for Billy to join him.

  JP licked his lips. Despite his weird feelings as the change crept closer, his libido came wide awake at the close proximity of his mate to a bed. “Can we try something?”

  Billy nodded, tossing his clothes onto the nearby chair. “Sure. What would you suggest?”

  “Lay on your back?”

  Billy did so without hesitation.

  Something about the action made JP’s dick jerk. “Would you mind closing your eyes?”

  “You’re not going to hit me over the head or something?” Billy asked.

  JP chuckled. “No. It’s going to be fun. Promise.”

  Giving him a skeptical look, Billy slowly closed his eyes. “Just so you know, this is me indulging you.”

  “Hm, next time you can order me around the apartment, promise,” JP teased. In fact, he was going to have to insist on it.

  As soon as he was sure Billy’s eyes were closed JP snatched the bottle of scentless lotion from the bedside table. There was no way he could resist such a delectable offering. The primal nature of being a wolf didn’t lend him much control at the moment. Wolves couldn’t get diseases and they didn’t have any to give.

  Good enough for me.

  He wrapped his lotion-slicked hand around Billy’s prick. Billy’s eyes immediately shot open and a strangled cry issued from his throat. “What are you doing?” he gasped.

  “Having my way with you, Doctor Sexy,” JP teased. “Who knew seeing a guy go from fancy to furry was such a turn on?”

  Billy groaned. “JP…”

  “Just close your eyes and let me have this,” JP said. When the world was spinning out of control, it only made sense to find a way to relax.


  “What, Doctor Sexy?”

  Billy snorted and groaned at the same time, the noise garbled and strange. “I don’t think this is a good idea.”


  “Because I want you too much and you’re sick.”

  Oh yeah. God, I would hate that. “I want you to want me.” He wiggled his way out of his boxers to reveal his naked cock to the room. He squeezed more lotion onto his other hand and then on the hand behind him.

  Billy bit into his bottom lip. “What are you doing?”

  “You’re my mate, right?”

  “Yes,” Billy rumbled.

  “Then give me what I need,” JP said. He could get used to having a werewolf for a lover. All his boyfriends had been weirdos anyway. It only made sense that the one he kept was going to be a whole new level of insanity.

  Billy shut his eyes, determination written into the lines of his face. “Yes.”

  JP laughed. “Don’t look so happy about it.” He pushed two fingers into his eager passage, groaning at the stretch. Despite the fact that Billy and he had been going at it like rabbits, his body was still unused to the rapid stretching involved.

  Three fingers stretched his passage and he was too eager to wait for any more.

  He swung his leg over Billy’s hips and settled over top of him. He kept stroking his wolf boy as he moved him into position.

  “Damn you’re sexy,” JP murmured. “You know that?”

  Billy bit his lip so hard it bled. Apparently feel-good sex had to be concentrated on with extreme focus with his mate.

  “Relax, Sir. I want this to be good for you.”

  “It is too good already,” Billy rumbled. “You drive me crazy, mate.”

  JP didn’t answer. Instead, he sank onto his prick, throwing his head back as the pleasure swamped him. His thoughts scattered as he sank into the rhythm of two bodies meeting.

  The only sound that filled the air was their flesh meeting and their panting breaths, working in unison toward the precipice. JP felt powerful, loved, and strong despite his physical weakness. Maybe his nature was already taking hold.

  “Love you,” Billy murmured. “Love you a lot.”

  JP found the words to be an aphrodisiac. His pleasure shot from his cock to decorate his mate’s chest.

  Billy gave a low rumble of approval. “Good boy.” He reached up and grabbed JP’s hips, slamming up into him from below. The movement stretched JP’s orgasm on for long seconds, making him helpless to the pleasure washing through him.

  With a groan, Billy came, spending himself in JP’s milking depths. JP rolled off his lover, collapsing onto his formerly clean bedspread.

  He groaned. “I’m dead.”

  Billy chuckled, panting. “I know the feeling.” He carefully scooted off the bed and grabbed his dirty shirt off the chair to mop his chest. “I’ll have to do some laundry before our nap I see.” He paused. “Do you have any food in this house that isn’t takeout?”

  JP snorted. “Yeah. Twinkies.”

  Billy laughed. “That is not food. I’ll go down to the grocery and grab us some goodies after we take a nap,” He dropped to his knees and started grabbing his clothing from his suitcase.

  “Sounds good. I want something sweet. Fruit. Definitely fruit.”

  Billy headed out of the room, a small load of laundry in hand. “I’m going to have to get you some laundry detergent. What is this stuff?”

  JP’s lips twitched. “All organic. My mom sends it,” he called. He could’ve sworn he heard Billy making entirely ridiculous comments about his mother’s sanity.

  A few seconds later, Billy returned, sans laundry. His lover hopped into bed and drew him into his strong arms.

  “I know it’s out of season, but I really want strawberries.” If he was going to play the invalid, he was going to milk it.

  “Whatever you want, sweet.” They’d have to cuddle close if they wanted to both stay in the bed. The full sized bed was plenty big enough for JP, but the two of them made the bed seem extraordinarily small.

  “Hm, I must say, I am looking forward to the two of us moving things to my place and my California king bed.”

  JP chuckled. “I imagine so. We might as well throw this one out then.” He didn’t mind being this close to his mate though. He actually really liked that Billy would have to hold him the entire time they were snuggled here together.

  “We should have your parents down in a few weeks,” Billy murmured, tracing nonsensical patterns into his naked skin. “I don’t think they got to see near enough of you when you were there. They seemed very disappointed that you were leaving with me.”

  “They usually are. They would be happy if I just moved back in with them and never left again. We can have them visit a lot, though, if you actually want them to.” None of his boyfriends ever had wanted them around, thinking they were either too weird or not cool or whatever those other loser boys had thought about his nutty parents. It was just one more point in Billy’s favor.

  Billy nodded. “I’d like to get both our parents together sometime. They’re going to love you.”

  “And if they don’t?” JP was used to being judged for being a little bit of a nut himself. His rainbow hair and quirky personality led to more than one person deciding that he wasn’t worth nearly what he knew instinctively he was. However, it would be different if it was his mate’s parents who didn’t like him.

  Billy waved his hand in dismissal. “They’re going to love you. I promise. If they don’t, then I don’t think they deserve you. Mates come first, always, sweet.”

  JP settled into his arms. That made him feel better. The last thing he wanted to do was cause problems between them, but he also didn’t want to be abandoned after he finally wrapped his mind around the whole “mate” thing.

  He might not have been feeling very well due to his impending change, but he knew that
when everything was over, Billy would be right there by his side. Pack life would take some getting used to and he still had a lot to learn, but that was all right. It wasn’t every day that someone got to experience a whole other world within the world they’d always known of. Despite the anxiety of all the newness of his life, some things were just the same. JP still had to finish up school and then find a job, though he was fairly certain Billy would employ him at his practice after graduation.

  Now that he thought about it, life wasn’t so much as completely changed as it was somehow “more” than it was before. The future looked brighter than it had before Billy and he was looking forward to what would come next.

  A soft snore drew his attention back to his lover, and he nearly laughed at how quickly Billy had drifted into dreamland while holding him. He rested his cheek against the hard swell of Billy’s pectoral muscle and closed his eyes. Surrounded by the soft scent of his lover, he drifted gently and effortlessly into dreamland.




  Jana Downs lives in the beautiful mountains of Western North Carolina with three cats, one dog, several dozen fish, and a very understanding partner-in-crime who hates to read but makes exceptions for her stories.

  You can usually find her either watching bad reality TV, buying way too many books on Amazon, or dreaming up another man or two to occupy her time because life is good but several drop-dead gorgeous nonexistent men is just better.

  For all titles by Jana Downs, please visit

  Siren Publishing, Inc.




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