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A Most Unusual Situation: A Traditional Version Georgian Romance (The Gravesmeres Book 1)

Page 15

by Alicia Quigley

  "Don't worry, darling, just relax. I'll do all the work," she promised. He groaned and fell passively back onto the bed. At least he could forget his torment for a few hours, he thought grimly, and gave himself up to Louisa's ministrations.

  At Gravesmere House, Allegra paced angrily up and down her boudoir, her dressing gown swirling around her. She had dismissed her maid, and now had plenty of solitude in which to worry. The drive home alone in the carriage had given her time to reflect on her folly, and she was determined that when Adam returned she would attempt to explain her actions to him. Perhaps she had over-reacted. Perhaps she should not have flirted in the garden. But she was still angry over his treatment of her. Had he not he laughed at her with the mistress he had promised to dismiss? She felt ashamed to have received him so happily into her bed, only to have him compare her to Louisa. She hid her flushed face in her hands. Perhaps Adam would have some explanation that could calm her, she thought. She wanted desperately to believe that the understanding she had thought existed between them was real.

  Allegra waited many long hours to hear Adam's footsteps in the hall, and she finally fell into a nervous and exhausted sleep near dawn. She slept only fitfully, and when finally she heard a sound in the next room she awakened with a start. She glanced at the curtained windows. It was full daylight, and her clock indicated it was near nine-o-clock. He had not been home all night. He had been with Louisa Manning, doubtless laughing at her distress. Allegra's fingers gripped the coverlet. All she had feared was true. Her husband didn't care enough for her to even speak to her of what had occurred. Louisa had his heart, and she possessed no more than his name. If that was all she had, then she would not allow him to see how he had hurt her. She would show Adam that she could live quite well without his affection.

  Allegra swept down to breakfast dressed very well indeed, her hair dressed high and a smile firmly in place. She found Adam sitting over an untouched plate of eggs. He eyed her angrily as she swept into the room.

  "Good morning, Your Grace," said Allegra crisply.

  He nodded at her, and continued to eat. His head was pounding from the brandy he had consumed the night before and he felt oddly uncomfortable about his night with Louisa, as though he had touched something unclean. Allegra gave him a look of disdain and seated herself. Her breakfast of fruit and toast was served to her, and the servants departed.

  Silence reigned. Emily entered, all unaware of the situation in the room. "Good morning, my children," she said. "Did you have a pleasant time at the ball last night?"

  Allegra and Adam glared at each other. Neither responded. Emily sighed. "Come now, Adam, do tell me what has occurred. Surely you two are not quarrelling again?"

  "I am not quarrelling, Mother," said Adam. "I have merely discovered that my wife prefers other gentlemen to myself. I made the mistake of attempting to stop her from sharing her favors, and she became angry with me. In the future she may do as she pleases."

  Allegra threw down her toast. "I? I have done nothing. It is you who gossip about me in the most despicable manner. I will not be treated so! I have rights as your wife, which should be respected."

  "Rights as my wife? What rights do you have, when you give your affections to any man who comes your way?" demanded Adam.

  "Just because you cannot be constant does not mean that I am cut of the same cloth," said Allegra. "You treat me as a mere plaything, to use as you please, and you go off and do not return all night!"

  "If I didn't return last night, it was only because I feared to find you in another man's arms. I did not think I could stand to see that one more time! Isn't twice enough for you?"

  "If you found me in another man's arms, perhaps it was because you find more pleasure with another woman than with me!" said Allegra. "I will not play second fiddle to Lady Manning!"

  "That again?" said Adam. "At least Lady Manning has the advantage over you of discretion!"

  "Discretion? You feel you and your...your mistress are discreet! I could scarcely be less discreet than you. You flaunt her in my face, and allow her to abuse me in public!"

  "You do more damage to your own reputation than anyone else could. I find you in Gresham's arms, and you whine to me of Lady Manning? At least I have never embraced her at a ball," responded Adam with cold fury. "And now, Allegra, I will no longer tolerate this aggravation. Mama, I am going out. This woman may be my wife, but I will no longer brook her inconstancies. I will be repairing to my hunting lodge for some time. Ask the servants to make arrangements." He turned on his heel and stormed out of the room.

  Emily stared after him, amazement on her face. "Allegra, what has happened? You two were so fond of one another at Gravesmere. Surely that hasn't changed?"

  "Your son has deceived me, Mama," she said. "He led me to believe he cared for me and he does not, not one whit. I am nothing to him but a brood mare, a place to plant his seed. I will not be insulted in this manner. I hope he never returns." Allegra marched from the room.

  Emily sank back into her chair, stunned. She knew she was unable to cope with these new developments by herself. She had tried so long to reconcile Allegra and Adam, and had believed she had succeeded. And now all seemed to be in ruins. She could make no sense of what they said, but she thought perhaps there was one that could. She repaired to the morning room and seated herself at her desk. She pulled paper and pen towards her and began to write.

  "Dear Caroline..." she began.

  Chapter 16

  An Indecent Proposal

  The Countess of Eskmaine entered her mother's sitting room to find the dowager duchess reclining on the couch, the curtains drawn and her smelling salts close at hand. "Goodness, Mother, whatever are you about?" asked Caroline, pulling a chair up next to the settee and sitting down. "I've just received this note from you, but I can't make heads or tails out of it. What has occurred to make you so incoherent?"

  Emily sat up and reached for her daughter's hand.

  "Oh, my dear, I don't know what can be done. It's all most distressing," she moaned.

  "What is most distressing? Really, Mama, I can't help you if you won't explain. I gather from your scribblings that Allegra and Adam have had another fight, but as that is too commonplace an occurrence to be taken note of, I can't imagine what you want of me."

  The Dowager clutched her smelling salts. "Oh Caroline, it isn't simply another fight. Adam swears he will go away and not return to live in the same house as Allegra, and she is so angry I fear she may do something foolish. I don't know what the problem is; neither will explain it to me. And I was so sure that all was well! At Gravesmere they were like lovebirds, spending all their days together, and I know Adam slept in her bed each night."

  Caroline shook her head. "Did they manage so well at Gravesmere? I'm surprised, but pleasantly so. It's good to know that there's some affection between them. Doubtless that's why they fought so bitterly this time. When one's affections are engaged, then one feels hurt much more deeply."

  Emily brightened. "That's very true, Caroline. Perhaps this is no more than one of their usual disagreements, but a fondness for one another had made them angrier." But then her face fell. "And yet, I cannot think this is naught but a minor problem. Adam is adamant that he will no longer share a house with her, for even another day, and Allegra swears he has deceived her and she doesn't care if he ever returns."

  "Goodness," said Caroline. "What fire-eaters. I doubt I have the energy any longer to indulge in such emotion. Did they say anything else that might inform you of the problem?"

  "They appear to each feel the other's affection is claimed by another," said Emily slowly. "Allegra, of course, is jealous of that dreadful Manning creature, and Adam seems to be upset about Lord Gresham. Why, I can't imagine, for he comes here no more often than any of her other admirers."

  Caroline laughed. "If Adam can think that Lord Gresham is a threat to him, then surely his affections are engaged. Only a man in love could suspect a hardened sophisticate like G
resham would be interested in such an innocent as Allegra. The man might be a scoundrel, but he dallies only with women who are up to snuff. This argues well for the future, Mama."

  "But Caroline, if they refuse to see one another, there will be no future," said Emily. "I can't be easy about this. I am sure it is much more than previous quarrels. You did not hear them at breakfast; such shouting and fury! It quite unnerved me."

  "At breakfast, yet," said Caroline, with a touch of amusement. "What a distressing time of day to be fighting."

  Emily sighed. "This is no time for levity, Caroline."

  "On the contrary, Mama, had Adam and Allegra each a bit more sense of humor, the situation might not be so dire." Caroline patted her mother's hand. "Come, don't fret. I'll do what I can to mend the situation. I doubt that all is beyond repair. Where is Adam? He hasn't already left, has he?"

  Emily shuddered. "Not yet, but I suspect he will be gone soon. He's in his study, sulking dreadfully. I haven't had the courage to approach him."

  "Well, then I must," said Caroline. "I will sacrifice myself on the altar of familial duty." She hugged her mother and stood up. "Don't worry, Mama. I'll untangle this coil for you, and hopefully all will be well."

  "Thank you, my dear," said the Dowager. "I'm grateful to you. To be honest, I simply cannot endure any more of their tantrums."

  Caroline laughed at that, and settled the Dowager back on the couch, arranging a shawl over her feet and sending a servant for some tea. Then she took herself off to Adam's study, where she found her brother seated at his desk, a dreadful scowl on his face and a bottle of brandy at his elbow. The elegance of the room's carpets and furnishings were somewhat at odds with the duke's disheveled appearance. His hair had somehow become disarranged, and his foaming lace cravat looked as though someone had been tugging at it fiercely. The room was littered about with paper and books. He looked up with a frown when Caroline entered.

  "Good morning, Adam," she said cheerfully. "How are you today?"

  Adam scowled. "What are you doing here, Caroline?"

  "How rude you are, Adam," she said calmly. "You should greet your sister with more affection, or at least better manners, I believe."

  Adam looked shamefaced. Just because his marriage was a shambles was no reason to be rude to his sister. "I'm happy to see you, Caroline. What business do you have here at Gravesmere House?"

  "I could say that I'm visiting merely for the pleasure of your company, but I daresay you wouldn't believe it. Nor would your company be at all pleasurable, if the states of your dress and this room are to be believed. Brandy after breakfast, Adam? Isn't that a bit unappetizing?"

  "Mother sent for you, didn't she?" Adam burst out. "She refuses to believe that Allegra and I simply cannot deal together as man and wife, that this ridiculous marriage was doomed from the outset. Believe me, Caro, you're wasting your time if you think you're going to reconcile me to that--" He paused, frowning.

  "That what?" asked Caroline. "What has Allegra done to set you off so? Really, Adam, you're acting like a child."

  Adam made an angry noise. "I'm not the child in this situation, Caroline. Allegra has behaved disgracefully. At Gravesmere I was led to believe that she was a young woman with a sense of the duty she owed her position, but last night I found her in the arms of not one, but two different men!"

  "You shock me," said Caroline comfortably. "What can have driven her to such desperate behavior?"

  "Nothing drove her to it but her own vicious spirit," said Adam heatedly.

  "Come, Adam, let's not be foolish. I would describe Allegra as heedless, and perhaps a bit too flirtatious at times, but certainly not vicious. Her actions would appear to be those of a woman who thought herself scorned. What did you do to provoke such behavior?"

  Adam was deeply affronted. He stood up and paced back and forth across the fine Aubusson carpet. "I've done nothing, I swear it. I asked her to dance with me, and she fled immediately to the arms of another man. I've been totally deceived in her. It appears that her attentions to me at Gravesmere were given out of boredom, when she had not her beaux to lavish attention upon her."

  Caroline watched him, an equal measure of fondness and contempt in her eyes. "And I have no doubt that you are now finding consolation in the arms of your charming friend, Lady Manning. You and Allegra have made a pretty hash of this matter. It would be your just desserts if I didn't attempt to reconcile you."

  Gravesmere glared at her. "Don't meddle where you aren't wanted, Caroline. I won't be here to be reconciled with Allegra. I plan to leave immediately for my hunting lodge, where I can find some peace and quiet."

  "A hunting lodge? In the middle of the Season? Adam, please try not to be more of a fool than you must. All the world already gossips about you endlessly. If you go tearing off to your hunting lodge, you will look more of an idiot than ever."

  Gravesmere grimaced. "Perhaps you're right. But I can't continue this life with Allegra. Mayhap I will remain in London this Season, but I plan to end this absurd marriage, if at all possible. At the least we shall be separated. I will not bind myself my whole life to someone like her."

  "You would free yourself of her in order to bind yourself to one such as Louisa Manning?" said Caroline contemptuously. "You're blind, brother."

  "I'm not so blind that I can't see that Allegra and I are totally unsuited to each other. It will be better for us both if we part."

  "How noble of you, Adam. Of course, dragging the family through an endless scandal would be a definite improvement over the current situation. Well, I will leave you to your morbid reflections. If you should happen to come to your senses, do let me know." Caroline swept out of the room, not knowing whether to be alarmed or amused. Her brother's histrionics were entertaining, but the situation was serious.

  In the morning room, Allegra sat nervously attempting to read a novel. She had started the first page several times without once remembering a word she had read. She flung it down petulantly and gazed out the window. A gray London sky met her eyes, and it matched the heaviness in her heart. The happy days she had spent at Gravesmere seemed a century away. Any warmth of feeling Adam might have had for her was now surely extinguished, leaving Lady Manning victorious. She could perceive no future for herself except one of misery.

  The door opened and a footman entered. "Lord Gresham, Your Grace," he announced.

  Tristan strode into the room, an expression of concern on his handsome face.

  Allegra looked up, startled. "My lord! You shouldn't have come here."

  Tristan smiled at her warmly and kissed her hand. "And why not, Your Grace? Despite your husband's unkind accusations, we have nothing to be ashamed of. I won't willingly give up your company when there is no reason for me to be deprived of it. I was concerned for your well-being, and nothing but seeing you myself could assure me that you are well."

  His air of ease was comforting, and Allegra managed a wan smile. "You're very kind, my lord. My health is excellent, thank you."

  "I'm reassured. Unfortunately, your cheeks are missing their customary bloom. I hope that Gravesmere has not been unkind to you."

  Allegra looked down. "My husband refuses to believe that there was nothing in what he saw last night, my lord. Your presence here would only annoy him further."

  "It angers me that he should think ill of you, Your Grace," said Tristan. "It's a poor sort of affection which is easily overset by something as small as last night's events."

  "Adam's affections are not engaged by me, as I am sure you are aware."

  Tristan looked at Allegra's downcast face and felt a surge of triumph. This was going to be a ridiculously easy seduction. Her pride was clearly hurt, her tender feelings for her husband shaken. At first he had feared that the Gravesmeres’ apparent rapprochement of last week would make his task more difficult, but now he could see that Adam's trampling on his wife's newly awakened affection simply made her ripe for the plucking. She should fall easily into his hands, a prospec
t he looked forward to eagerly.

  "Your Grace," he said, his voice gentle, with just the right hint of sympathy. "I would ease your pain if I could."

  Allegra made a conscious effort to gather herself together. "It's kind of you to be concerned for me, my lord, but I mustn't bore you with my problems. I doubt that my company is bringing you much pleasure today."

  "Any time I have with you is a pleasure," responded Tristan. "If I had my choice, I would never be out of your company."

  Allegra looked up, startled, and saw sincerity in his eyes. She caught her breath. That Tristan, a man she had never sought to attract, should be so eager to make her happy, and her own husband should not care for her, was the cruelest twist of fate. It was enough to drive a woman to distraction.

  "That's a kind thought, my lord, but not a practical one. You would be best served if you left me to my own difficulties and sought the company of others. If Adam continues on the path he has chosen, I'll doubtless be the topic of some very unpleasant gossip soon."

  Tristan took her hand and looked into her eyes. "Your Grace, I don't care what your husband or the world think of you. I know you to be an honorable woman, and no one can convince me otherwise."

  Allegra blinked back tears. "Lord Gresham, you should not speak to me so. I appreciate your kindness, but I must deal with Adam alone."

  "I wish I could do more to aid you." Tristan said. "If your position becomes impossible, I would gladly take you from here and protect you."

  Allegra's eyes widened with shock. "Lord Gresham! You cannot possibly mean what I think I am hearing. Are you suggesting that I leave Gravesmere and elope with you?"

  Tristan patted her hand. He doubted that Allegra was likely to flee with him unless her situation grew very much worse, but he was sure the suggestion would appeal to her romantic nature. And if she did take him up on his offer, he could easily imagine being amused by her for several months before their ways parted. "If Gravesmere cannot treat you with the respect you merit, he doesn't deserve you. If you like I will take you away from here and give you the sort of life you can enjoy."


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