Book Read Free

Whatever It Takes

Page 16

by Elizabeth Perry

  “Mmhmm. I see that this story has some heat.” She fans herself, making me giggle again.

  “Yeah. There was a lot of that. Anyhow, fast forward to him getting a scholarship. He went away to school, and I still had a year left of high school.” I swallow hard. “He cheated on me.”

  “Oh, shit.” She winces. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have dug.”

  “It’s ok. He cheated on me, more than once. And I was so young, and so in love, that it took me a really long time to believe it.”

  “And?” She looks up at me, biting her lip.

  “And then, well. I just had to see it for myself. And so, I did.” I swallow hard before flicking my eyes up to hers. “I literally saw it.”

  “Oh my god, Avery. I’m so sorry...”

  Me too.

  “We broke up after that. He tried once to track me down and apologize, but, I wasn’t trying to hear him. That was the last time that I saw him. Until the day that I met you.”

  “Until he came into the bar that you were working at.”

  “Yep. He ended up getting me fired, and then, my apartment was broken into, and I really didn’t have any other place to go so...”

  “You ended up here.”

  “He gave me a job.”

  “Oh, honey. He was always planning on giving you more than that.”

  “That he was. And he has.”

  Laci sighs, before shaking her head.

  “Ok. So, there’s a lot there...”

  “You can say that again.”

  She’s quiet for a moment, before glancing over to me. “Are you going to give him another chance?”

  “I’m trying.” I nod slowly, watching as Brock strikes out, and the rest of the guys take the field.

  “I’m really trying. It’s like, he has his mind set on us getting back together, and, he’s basically...”

  “Trying to steamroll you until you give in.” She finishes, before reaching down and squeezing my hand.


  She releases my hand, before leaning into me with her shoulder.

  “For what it’s worth, he’s a really good guy. I know he has the whole playboy reputation and all, but...he’s not like Brock or some of the other guys. There’s some good there. A lot of it, actually. And I can tell, that man loves you. Like, crazy madly is in love with you. I hope that you can make the right decision. For you and for your little guy.”

  “Me too.” I blow out my breath and turn my focus back to the game.

  I do hope that. But it’s so damn hard to try to think clearly about any of it.

  When I’m with Eric, he smothers me with attention and love. And then, there’s that damn body of’s like he can sense the moment that a second thought pops into my head, because suddenly he’s right there, causing my body to go weak from his touch and my mind to think of nothing else except how badly I want him...

  But when I’m alone?

  I can do nothing except think about how all of this is so, so wrong...and how not only am I setting myself up to get hurt?

  I’m also sacrificing my child’s heart.

  And if that gets broken?

  I could never forgive myself.

  “THIS WAY.” LACI TUGS me towards an exit, as a microphone is shoved in my face.

  “Avery, right? I see that you’re wearing Eric Wayne’s jersey. Are you and he together? Is this Eric’s love child? Can I get a comment?”

  “No comment.” Laci snarls up at him, before pulling me along.

  “Ignore them, and just keep saying no comment.” She shouts into my ear, as she tugs me along. I cling onto Jackson, tucking his face into my neck.

  “Avery, I want just a moment of your time.” The reporter shouts, following closely after us. “Can we put this on the record? You and Eric Wayne are together? Does this mean that he’s off the market?”

  “No comment.” I continue, as Jackson glances up at him.

  “You mean my daddy?”

  Well, fuck.

  After that, we’re swarmed even more.

  “The kid just called Waynsie daddy! You were right, Donna. It is his love child.”

  “She musta trapped him. Follow her!”

  “Trapped him?” I glance up at Laci who just shakes her head. “Ignore them. Just, c’mon.”

  We try to push our way through the crowd, but it’s absolutely no use.

  Suddenly, we’re completely cornered.

  Camera’s flash all around us, as a microphone is shoved into my face.

  “Tell me, Avery! How does it feel to be with Eric? Did you get pregnant on purpose? Is he your ticket to the good life? How does it feel?”

  Another microphone pushes in front of that one, as I look around in panic.

  “I, ah...”

  “Was that your plan? A rags to riches story? Housekeeper to Hollywood socialite? What have you got that’s going to keep a man like Eric around? Waynsie loves the women!”

  The words are bouncing off me, but I’m so damn overwhelmed right now, that I can’t even focus. Lights flash all around us, as the reporters move in even closer. I’m absolutely freaking out, and Jackson must sense it because suddenly, he bursts into tears.

  “No comment!” Laci screams, before letting go of me as her arms start to wave wildly. “Back up! Back the fuck up, please!”

  One person steps back enough to give us a path. We barrel forward, barely making our way through before finally breaking free.

  “Just keep moving,” Laci says, pulling me forward through the mass of people.

  Finally, we reach a door and Laci quickly swipes a key card, opening up the door just enough for us to squeeze through before slamming it shut.

  “Jesus,” I mutter, glancing back and seeing cameras still snapping through the glass window. “Is it always like this?”

  “Pretty much.” She mutters. “Especially now that the guys aren’t out and about partying as much. Now, the cameras hound the wives. It’s annoying, but you’ll get used to it.”

  “I doubt it.”

  “You will.” She raises an eyebrow at me before punching the button for the elevator. “If you’re going to be with Eric, this is part of the package.”

  “Is part of the package the media telling me that I could never keep him happy?”

  “Sometimes. They’re all just looking for a good story. Even if it’s not a true story, they’ll take anything. Recently, one of them tried to tell me that Jake had gotten someone else pregnant.” She rolls her eyes.

  “Now, I know that these guys can do bad things, but come on. I know my husband. He would never do that.”

  I frown, as we step onto the elevator.

  “See, that’s the problem. I totally know that Eric would do that.”

  She sighs, before punching in a code on the elevator.

  “You know that the old Eric would do that. But maybe the new one wouldn’t.”

  “Unfortunately, still the same guy.”

  Jackson sniffles against me so I squeeze him tighter.

  “People do change.” Laci murmurs, before reaching out and scratching Jacksons back.

  “Sometimes, they do.” I agree, before sighing. “And sometimes they just fool you into thinking that they do. It’s just hard to tell the difference.”

  Chapter 23


  “So, what. Like, now you’re taken? You’re all pussy whipped and stuff? This is ridiculous.” Brock pouts, crossing his arms across his chest and sitting down on the seat.

  “I’m trying to be taken, asshole. I’m working really hard at winning her back. So, yeah. That means that I’m not going out with you tonight.”

  “Great.” He throws his hands up, before shaking his head and glancing around.

  “Fine. Great. Fanfuckingtastic. Whose next then? Jake bit the dust, Waynsie’s always been my right-hand man and now, he’s done for. So? Who? Who's gonna be next?”

  “Easy, there big guy. You’re sounding like a crazy person.”

  “Well, I am feeling kinda crazy. I just want to go out, maybe hit a strip club or two, find a nice hottie to love tonight...and then, you know. Wake up tomorrow and repeat.”

  “Ok. I’ve heard way too much, and, well I’m pretty sure my unborn child is now scarred for life.” Laci groans, as she steps into the room, followed by the only woman in the world to make my heart literally stop and then race.

  “Pssh.” Brock rolls his eyes before standing. “Baby Brock isn’t scarred by any stretch. This kind of talk is music to his ears.”

  “See what I mean?” I hear Laci tell Avery, who smiles slightly before glancing over to me.

  “Brock...I swear to God, how many times do I have to tell you...” Jake growls, before reaching over and covering Laci’s stomach as if to shield the baby.

  “That you’re not naming your baby after me. Please. It’s a blessed name.”

  “He’s your friend,” Jake tells me with a pointed look. “I don’t even like him that much.”

  “He has feelings.” Brock quips back, before glancing around the room. “Ok, Ok. So, who's gonna hang with me tonight?”

  Silence. I can’t help but chuckle, making Brocks glare deepen. But then, his eyes land on Avery.

  “You.” He points his finger at her, as her mouth drops open. “Are you the reason that my best friend doesn’t want to hit the strip clubs anymore?”

  “Brock,” I growl, as Avery’s cheeks flush and she clamps her hands down over Jacksons ears.

  “Well? It’s an honest question.”

  “Don’t listen to him,” Laci mutters to Avery, who is busy glancing between the two of us with wide eyes.

  “Um.” She starts, but I quickly interject.

  “I don’t want to go to the clubs with you, ya stupid ass. I want to spend time with my family.” I wrap an arm around Avery before pulling her close to me.

  “Family? Good grief.” Brock mutters, before glancing around.

  “Ryan? You don’t have a family anymore. I nominate you to hang out with me tonight.”

  I hear Ryan’s growl, and, I already know where this is going to go. So, I quickly grab my bag before wrapping an arm around Avery and ushering her out of the locker room.

  “I missed you.” I murmur, planting a kiss on her cheek.

  She just smiles.

  “I’m sorry you had to witness that. It’s just Brock. He tends to make things awkward.” I tell her, as we climb onto the elevator.

  “Just a little bit.” She smiles tightly, as I reach over, smacking another kiss to her cheek.

  “You know what? I think that you need to keep this jersey on for later.” I wink at her, taking in just how damn sexy she looks in the tight little jersey that has my name and number all over it.

  “I think it’s my new favorite look on you.”

  “I have your number too,” Jackson tells him, leaning back and pointing down at his belly. “Right here, Daddy.”

  God, I fucking love hearing that one word leave his sweet little mouth.

  I reach down and smack a kiss to his cheeks, as he wraps his tiny arms around my neck.

  “I know, buddy. And I love that too. You look awesome.”

  “Super-duper cool, right?”

  “Yes. Most definitely.”

  The elevator pings and the door opens, and, suddenly, we’re swarmed.

  “Eric, great game. What is your relationship status with Avery? Who is the kid? Just need a minute...”

  “Stick close, baby and keep your head down.” I pull her towards me, keeping my other arm tight against Jackson as we trudge forward.

  “No comment.”

  I continue to push us hard through the crowd of reporters, that literally, will not move. They stand, trying to block our exit, camera’s snapping in our faces while microphones are shoved at us.

  Now hell, I’m totally used to this. The media has just become a part of my life.

  For the most part, I’ll give them what they want. Smile for the camera, wave my little hat around, whatever in the fuck they need.

  But right now?

  When I have the two most important people in my entire universe here with me?

  I just want to be left alone.

  And I want to firmly keep them away from the media scrutiny that is sure to come.

  “Back up.” I bark at Borgess, one of the prime reporters who I always stop and talk to. Except today, he’s showing me no mercy. He continues to step towards me, even as I stare him down.

  “Here, baby. Hold him tight.” I hand Jackson over to Avery, who clutches him tightly, before grabbing her arm and stepping in front of her, pulling her tightly against my back.

  “Waynsie. How did your girl get all those bruises? You angry man? That she trapped you? What gives?”

  “Oh, you have got to be fucking kidding me, Borgess. Really? I expect better from you. She was in a car accident. And nobody trapped me, so get the fuck out of my way.”

  “Waynsie. Come on, man. You always talk to us.”

  I barrel right through him, knocking him off to the side.

  “What the fuck, Waynsie? You just knocked me over!”

  “Told you to fucking move.” I snarl, before ushering us forward, through a set of doors that require a badge and slamming the door, nearly on the fucking guy.

  “Oh my god.” She stares up at me with wide eyes before glancing back towards the door. “Did that all just really happen?”

  “Yes. Reporters.” I roll my eyes, before pulling her close. I’m so sorry, Ave’s. I should have warned you...”

  “It’s ok. They actually already tried hounding me after the game.”

  “They did?” I can’t even hide my anger. Sometimes, I hate this job...

  “I’m so fucking sorry.”

  “It’s ok. I mean, it’s not your fault. I just didn’t expect it, that’s all.”

  “I’m still sorry. Were they nasty to you?”

  She doesn’t have to say a single thing. The way that she bites her lip and avoids my eyes is enough to tell me, that yes, in fact, they were complete and utter assholes.

  As if I need anything else working against me here.

  “HE’S FAST ASLEEP.” I set a glass of wine in front of Avery, who is leaned back in a lounge chair in front of the pool, before sinking down next to her and cracking open my beer.

  “Thank you.” She reaches for the wine, taking a long sip before sighing.

  “Today was a little crazy.”

  I simply nod slowly, because, hell? What can I even say about it?

  It was nuts. But to me, it’s pretty normal. It didn’t used to be quite so bad, back when we were a little more free to party it up. The cameras would get a few good shots of us out in the bars, and that had always been enough.

  But now, ever since Laci came and took over, and even since she’s resigned, things have changed.

  Our owner doesn’t tolerate the bullshit anymore, and even Brock has slowed his roll a bit. Which is great for us, but it’s not so great for the press. Now they swarm us, every damn chance that they get.

  “There’s already pictures online.” She tosses her phone over to me, and I grab it, before scrolling through the newsfeed.

  “Motherfuckers.” I frown as I read the captions, and stare at the pictures, of my private moments, completely blasted on social media and lord only knows where else.

  “How do they know so much about me? How do they even know that I’m supposed to be your housekeeper?”

  My mouth flattens as I scroll further down, seeing on particularly trashy article on how I am “slumming it with the help.”

  “Every bit of this is bullshit. You know that right? They make stuff up literally all the time. It’s all just to sell a story, Ave’s. Please don’t let it get to you.”

  “How can it not get to me? I’m not used to having a camera shoved in my face. I guess maybe I should start wearing make-up so that at least when they catch me bringing out the trash, I don’t look like it t

  “You’ll never be bringing out the trash, and furthermore? You don’t need to wear makeup. Ever. You look beautiful in all of these photos.”

  “I’m still the help. So...”

  “So then, you’re fired,” I smirk a little as her mouth flies open. “I mean, come on baby. I only hired you to get you here anyways. I didn’t even want you working for me, to begin with. It was all just a ploy to win you back.”

  She reaches up and smacks me on the arm.

  “You’re getting a little ahead of yourself there, aren’t you hot shot? Who said you had already won me over?”

  “You did.” I reach out, running my thumb along her plump lower lip. “This mouth right here said it all.”

  “Again, you caught me in a moment of weakness.”

  “You came to my game today and sat in the spouse’s box. You wore my number proudly on that fine ass little body, and you held my hand on the way out. Pretty sure that makes us official.”

  I waggle my eyebrows at her, and she rolls her eyes.

  “You kill me.”

  “Only if by loving you to death.”

  I fly into her chair, wrapping my arms tightly around her before sinking back, pulling her flush against me.

  “The press sucks. But don’t believe a damn thing that they say. Just a bunch of assholes with nothing better to do than makeup stories.”

  “Still. I really don’t like my sons photo flashed everywhere. I mean, I can handle these wretched people talking about me. But there was an entire article on my child. And I’m not going to have that.”

  “I understand, baby, I do. I totally get it. What can I do to fix this?” I pull her as close to me as I can get her, tightening my grip so that she can’t decide to jump up and bolt.

  “Obviously, nothing. This is all normal for you, and you seem used to it. I’m just not used to it. And if this is the norm of being with you? Eric...”

  “No.” I shake my head, before reaching under her bottom, lifting her up and pulling her onto my lap so that she is facing me.

  “Don’t, Ave’s. Please. Don’t let this get in the way of us. Because baby, I’m just getting started with you again.”


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