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Black Jack

Page 4

by Mari Carr

  The crowd erupted into applause as Jack pressed his covered erection against her. The motion thrust the dildo deeper inside her and she cried out loudly.

  “That takes care of the virginity part,”

  Jack said, owning his character, playing him to perfection. Emma could almost imagine the women in the audience swooning at the thought of being ravished by the handsome pirate.

  As Jack mimicked the act of fucking her, the lighting changed to red, then blue, then green—flashing slowly at first before changing more rapidly. Jack timed his motions to imitate the speed set by the lighting effects, but Emma was too spellbound by the sensations pounding her body to appreciate his efforts. Regardless of the fact he wasn’t inside her, Jack was taking her, claiming her. Each press of his cock against her clit thrust the dildo against her G-spot, sending her spiraling further out of control.

  She was bound to a bed in front of a hundred people, yet the only thing in the world that mattered was Jack.

  She screamed as she came, his name on her lips. Even as he untied her and the house lights slowly rose, the audience on their feet cheering loudly, all she could see, all she could say, was…


  Chapter 3

  Black Jack opened his eyes and smiled. His little captive had put up quite a fight, but in the end he’d subdued her. The spunky innocent had surprised him. Under her demure clothing, a wanton lurked. After he’d taken her virginity, she’d wrapped her legs around his waist and given every bit as good as she’d gotten. Ordinarily, he would have let the woman rest, given her body time to heal, but Emma made him forget what it meant to be a gentleman. He’d taken her twice more in the night. Thrust himself into her warm, willing body, all the time wondering if he would ever get enough of her.

  She snuggled closer, her chestnut hair tickling his chest, her face pressed against his heart. The heart she was slowly but surely claiming. Jack wasn’t sure what it was about the woman in his arms, but he knew beyond a shadow of a doubt, she was meant for him. One night in her arms and her body had proven to him he’d never find a more valuable treasure.

  Emma sighed and he sensed she was rousing. Time to expand on her education. Jack grinned as he considered how much he wanted her plump, rosy lips wrapped around his cock. When she lifted her head, he pulled her close—anxious to taste her once more. They kissed for minutes, hours, days. As they parted, he gave her a sexy grin.

  “Ready for your next lesson in debauchery, my young innocent?”

  She laughed softly. “I think you took care of that ‘innocent’ part last night, Captain.”

  He shook his head. “Not quite. There’s still so much to learn, to explore.”

  “Show me,” she whispered and his cock completed the journey from half-mast to fully erect in a mere second.

  “I want you to put your lips around my cock and suck it.”

  She blushed prettily at his request, the sweet look prompting him to chuckle. As tough as she claimed to be, the idea that mere words could send blood to her cheeks pleased him.

  “You say such naughty things.”

  He shrugged. “The saying isn’t the naughty part. The doing is.” He pushed himself up until he was propped against the pillows. “Let me show you what I mean.”

  As he spoke, he gently pressed her head lower, until her lips were poised at the tip of his erection. She looked up at him for guidance and the image took his breath away. There was something very heady, very exciting about conquering a strong woman.

  “Open your mouth. Wrap your lips around the head.”

  She considered his words for a moment, then gave him a saucy wink and obeyed.

  He’d been pleasured by all manner of women in his life. He was a man with needs and he didn’t hesitate in taking what he wanted. However, the soft, tentative touch of Emma’s lips on his cock took his breath away. He knew she was awaiting instructions, but he couldn’t concentrate on anything except her delicate touch, her engaging caresses. She sucked on his cock like it was the sweetest candy.

  Jack leaned his head back and groaned. Grasping the root of his erection, he slowly stroked it as Emma’s movements became faster, her suction harder.

  A knock at the door of his cabin interrupted the beautiful silence of the morning, but Jack refused to give up the heaven of Emma’s mouth. He stroked his cock harder, more firmly.

  The knocking persisted. “Go away,” he demanded. He was so close to erupting. He’d make her swallow it all. Yet another mark, another way to make her his. Forever.

  The knocking grew louder.

  “Goddamn it! Go away.”

  “No! You open this door right now, Jack Carlysle. We need to talk!”

  Emma’s voice disrupted his dream, the fantasy slipping away. He paused in his motion—hand job wasn’t really cutting it—though he briefly considered finishing what the lady on the other side of the door had started, whether she realized it or not. Then he decided, fuck it.

  Rising, he threw on a pair of sweats, eschewing a shirt. He didn’t even bother to hide the evidence that his cock was standing straight up and poking against the thin material. Emma would give him shit for answering the door in such a state, but seeing as how his erection was her fault, she deserved it.

  She’d taken off last night right after the show. Walked out of the club still wearing her ripped-up costume. He’d called her cell a dozen times only to get her voicemail and he’d even driven by her apartment, but she never answered the door. Finally, he’d given up and gone home. Twice during the night, he’d woken up with a rock-hard cock and he’d had to jack off just to get enough relief so he could sleep.

  She knocked again, kicking the door for good measure. “Open the freaking door, Jack.”

  He unlocked it, pulling it open slowly.

  Emma shoved past him, her face the perfect mixture of pissed off and sorry. Only Emma could pull off such a look. She dropped her purse on the floor and crossed her arms.

  “Oh, so now you want to talk.” He wasn’t going to pretend he wasn’t angry as hell at her for leaving without a word. He’d been worried about her and she’d shut him down. “Forgive me, but it’s a bit early and I haven’t had any coffee. Maybe we could schedule a time later in the week.”

  She sucked in a deep breath, and he had no idea whether she was going to apologize or blast him. “I was wrong to leave like that last night.”

  He nodded. “You’re right. You were.”

  “But I needed time to think, Jack. You know I don’t like to walk into conversations without considering all the angles.”

  He rolled his eyes. Her tendency to overanalyze everything in life was the major bone of contention between them. Emma was a thinker, while he tended to fly by the seat of his pants. “Sometimes it’s okay to work your way around a problem by talking it out.”

  She sighed. “So I was right. We do have a problem.”

  He frowned and put his hands on his hips. “No, Emma, we don’t.”

  Her gaze drifted lower and she groaned. “Ugh. Can’t you tuck that thing somewhere so it’s not pointing at me like an accusing finger or something?”

  “The only thing it’s accusing you of is not finishing what we started.”

  “We didn’t start anything. We performed in a show. Now it’s over and I was hoping we could put the whole thing behind us. Carry on as normal.”

  Jack leaned against the door and studied her flushed face. At first he’d thought it was anger. Now, he wasn’t so sure. “No. Our normal changed yesterday.”

  She scowled. “Changed how?”

  He crooked his finger at her. “Come here.”


  He didn’t pause, didn’t accept her answer. “I said come here.”


  He resisted the urge to grin. Her responses were everything he’d ever expected from her and yet…

  “I’m going to count to five and—”

  She snorted. “What am I? A fucking three-year-old? Count
to a thousand. I don’t give a shit.”

  He was undaunted. Instead, he simply continued to speak. “I’m counting to five. If you aren’t standing directly in front of me by the time I’m finished, you’re going to discover up close and personal just how much our normal has changed. I gave you a taste of it last night. As I recall, you liked having your bare ass spanked.”

  She didn’t move as he breezed through one, two and three, but by four, he could see a wariness creep into her eyes.

  “Fine. In the interest of moving things along here…” She stomped over to him, her back erect, her posture proud, her face haughty. She was fucking gorgeous…and submissive. How had he missed it all these years?

  She stood arms akimbo. “I need to get to work soon. All I came here to say was—”

  He didn’t let her finish. Instead he pulled her against him tightly, kissing away the rest of her words.

  She didn’t resist. That was the first thing his overheated brain realized. She was actively participating, accepting his kiss without reservation. He wrapped his arms around her waist, pressing her firmly against him, letting her feel his hard cock against her stomach.

  When he released her lips, they stood silent for a long time, simply staring at each other.

  “This is bad.”

  He smiled. Leave it to Emma to sum everything up so succinctly…and wrongly. “No. It’s not.”

  “You annoy me with your heavy-handedness. I can’t stand your male macho bullshit. This will never work and when it fails, we’ll have thrown away a lifelong friendship.”

  “Lift your skirt.”

  She closed her eyes and he sensed she was praying for patience. “Jack—”

  “Humor me. Lift it.”

  She opened her eyes to study his face and then—miracle of miracles—she reached down and pulled her short skirt up. He caught the material in one hand as it cleared her hips, guiding it out of the way. Unlike last night, today she’d worn the mother of all panties—the granny variety.

  He laughed softly. “Did you think that would protect you?”

  She shrugged nonchalantly. “Figured it couldn’t hurt.”

  With the fingers of his free hand, he dipped beneath the cotton material and gathered some of the undeniable wetness there before pulling them out to show her. “You’re soaking wet.”


  “So I’d say you aren’t as turned off by my ‘macho bullshit’ as you like to think.”

  “Do you want me to lie? I won’t. I’m fucking horny as shit. You shoved a dildo inside me last night and it wasn’t—” She faltered.

  “Enough,” he finished.

  She bit her lip, hesitant to admit the truth. Then she gave in. “No. It wasn’t enough.”

  “It wasn’t for me either.”

  She took a moment to study his face and he wondered what she read there. “Really?”

  He was confused by her question.

  “I mean, what part wasn’t enough? I don’t do casual sex, Jack. And I don’t fuck friends. If you’re thinking this is going to be some sort of quick lay for shits and giggles, then I think—”

  “Don’t,” he said gruffly. “Don’t finish that sentence.”

  “We’re a mismatch. You know it and I know it. It’s the reason we’ve remained just friends all these years.”

  Jack twisted, pushing her against the door, trapping her between it and his body. She trembled slightly, but he knew it wasn’t fear driving that reaction. “We remained friends because you hid the truth. Kept a secret from me.”

  She blinked and frowned. “No I didn’t.”

  “Take off your shirt.”

  “Jesus Christ! If you give me one more order, I swear to God, I’ll kill you.”

  “Do it,” he prodded.

  “I’m not going to stand here and try to have a serious discussion with you while I’m topless.”

  He ran his hand down her side, along her rib cage. “Just your shirt.”

  She sighed. And then she reached down and pulled the shirt over her head in one quick swoop. Her bra was similar to the one she’d worn last night—a lacy delicacy that framed her generous breasts perfectly.

  He studied her at length, taking in the view. He was thrilled by her silent acceptance.

  Finally his gaze recaptured hers.

  “What secret?” she asked in a less-than-patient voice.

  Rather than respond, he reached up and cupped her breast. “You are so beautiful.”

  She narrowed her eyes as if expecting a trick. “That’s the secret?” She laughed. “Hell, Smacker, I’ve been drop-dead gorgeous since tenth grade. You just now noticing?”

  Her words were meant as a joke. Emma placed very little value on outward appearances. They’d spent hours one night discussing true beauty. There were very few topics the two of them—and Travis—hadn’t tackled over the years.

  “Your beauty isn’t the secret, though I heard the sarcasm in your tone. You may not have been serious, but you’re right. You are drop-dead gorgeous,” he repeated.

  She scoffed and dismissed his compliment. He tightened his grip on her breast to drive his point home. Whether she realized it or not, he was very serious. About her looks and what was about to happen.

  Reaching behind her, he unsnapped the hooks on her bra. Her hands flew up, holding the cups in place. “I thought you said just my shirt?”

  “I changed my mind.”

  “Tough shit.”

  “Move your hands, Em.”

  She shook her head. “I can’t.”


  She gave him a sad smile. “I can’t go where you’re trying to take me.”

  His friend was nothing if not observant and bright. She could read the writing on his wall as clear as day. “You might like it. Actually, I know you will.”

  She laughed quietly. “I should call you on the carpet for sounding like an arrogant ass, but I’m sort of afraid you’re right.”

  “I would never hurt you, Em. Never force you.”

  “Jack. You know me. Do I strike you as a woman who’ll take orders easily?”

  He considered her question seriously. “I hope you know I’m not fool enough to ever try to tell you what to do, how to live your life,” he paused before adding, “outside the bedroom.”

  “But you’d give me orders inside it?”

  “I think we’ve proven the last two days that you don’t mind taking those commands from me. Think about it, Em. You’re in charge at the club—day in and day out. Constantly calling the shots, making all the decisions. Wouldn’t it be nice to hang that up for a while? Let someone else do the thinking while you do all the feeling?”

  She didn’t answer his question right away. He could see the wheels in her brain whirling a million miles an hour.

  “Tell you what. Don’t answer that. Let’s try a little experiment.”

  “What sort of experiment?”

  “Take off the bra.”

  Emma hesitated and then dropped her hands, allowing the lace to follow the movement. The bra joined her shirt on the floor at their feet.

  “Now lift your skirt again and take off those ridiculous panties.”

  She narrowed her eyes in annoyance but he stood resolute, unwavering.

  “So this experiment requires me to be half-dressed?”

  He didn’t reply, simply gestured at her skirt, giving her a look that said he wouldn’t be denied.

  She reached for the hem of her skirt, muttering as she lifted it and dragged her panties off. “Can’t believe I’m freaking doing this. I’ve gone insane.”

  He repressed the grin her words provoked. “Kneel.”


  He raised his hand and gently brushed her cheek with the backs of his fingers. “It’s not a hard thing, Em. Just kneel in front of me.”

  She hesitated for a moment before going to her knees. Jack felt dizzy as he looked down at her upturned face, patiently awaiting his next order. Holy crap. Maybe t
here was something to be said for thinking things through. He’d gotten after Emma for years for her lack of spontaneity, but now he knew he was facing a fork in the road. One step in either direction and there’d be no going back.

  “What now, oh powerful one?” Emma’s voice was mocking and he laughed.

  “Now, I want you to give me a blowjob.”

  She snorted. “Yeah right.” She started to rise, but he pressed her down with a firm hand on her shoulder.


  His single word halted her and she stopped trying to stand. Instead she simply looked at him. He ran his fingers through her soft brown hair. “I’ve dreamed of your mouth on me, Em.”

  “We’re crossing a line.”

  She was warning him. He didn’t need to be warned. “I crossed it yesterday. The choice is yours. Join me on this side or stay over there.”

  She gave him a rueful grin. “Shit,” she said as she reached up to the waistband of his sweats. “Who are we fooling? I crossed it yesterday too.”

  She pulled his pants down and he stepped out of them. He stood patiently as she took her first long look at his cock. Then, without hesitation, she leaned forward and wrapped her lips around the head.

  “God,” he groaned, his hands flying to her hair, searching for something to cling to. When she made up her mind, she fucking made up her mind. She gripped the base of his cock firmly and within moments, she was taking him for the ride of a lifetime.

  He muttered a curse when the mushroom tip of his cock brushed the back of her throat. Emma never let up, never gave him time to catch his bearings. She gave a blowjob like she did everything else in life, attacking the task with a relentless passion. If he managed to win her heart and her trust, he could only imagine what kind of magic they would make in the bedroom. That thought, paired with a wicked swirl of her tongue stroking a sensitive spot just beneath the head of his dick, sent stars flying behind his eyes. He gritted his teeth, wishing he could make this moment last, but knowing he was shit out of luck.

  His balls filled just seconds before the inevitable ending and his grip in her hair tightened. “I’m gonna come, Em. Jesus.”

  Her assault continued and he gave himself up to the climax, his knees threatening to buckle under the power of it. She drank his come and continued to hold him in her mouth even after his turgid flesh softened.


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