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Flame Thrower

Page 14

by Alice Wade

  “Ryan...” She wasn’t allowed to finish. He picked her up and carried her from the study door and through a private passageway into his bedroom, where he gently laid her on the massive four poster bed. The room was elaborately decorated with masculine furniture and bold colors that ranged from deep reds to midnight blues. Tillian didn’t notice it though; all she could focus on was Ryan looming over her as she sank into the feathered mattress.

  “Tillian, you’ve stolen my heart completely. I don’t care about your past and I only care about your future, which I hope is with me.” He kissed her deeply while she accepted what was about to happen. He didn’t want her to panic or feel any shame for what he was about to do with her.

  After some time and much petting, he had enough and had her stand next to the bed. He thoroughly enjoyed the look she held as she stood there, for she was slightly dazed and had eyes glazed with lust. By now, she wanted this as much as he did, but he could still see a little apprehension in her eyes. Seeing her mostly to the point where he wanted her, he wasn’t going to wait another minute for her to change her mind.

  “I’m in love with you, Tillian,” he said, while he quickly untied her corset, which thankfully laced up the front. Once the tie was removed with a dramatic pull of the string, he began to peel her from the device, exposing her body to his starving eyes. She was every bit as perfect as last night and it was erotic undressing the woman you were about to devour.

  Tillian trembled badly from both anticipation and nervousness. She couldn’t watch his face while he undressed her, it was too much. Instead, she closed her eyes and felt his loving hands peel the fabric from her body layer by layer. Eventually, she felt the last and final tug of the corset and the entire dress slid to the floor in a heap.

  Tillian cracked her eyes and found him looking at her, staring was a better word and the hunger in his eyes unmistakable. Before she could react to this scrutiny, he picked her up, detangling her from the heap at her feet and placed her on the bed. Subconsciously she tried to hide her body with her hands, and brought them up to at least cover her breasts.

  “Please, stop. You have nothing to hide from me,” Ryan whispered while he admired the woman before him. Ryan took her hands and pulled them above her head again, stretching her out long and tight and forcing her to suck in a breath.

  “You’re beautiful Princess,” Ryan moaned before his mouth captured one of her erect nipples in his mouth, while he continued to hold her hands in place.

  Rolling his tongue over the flesh was incredible. He marveled at the fact that her skin tasted every bit as delicious as last night. Tonight, there was a slight honey flavor from the oils she’d used earlier but, other than that, she was just as intoxicating. He lightly bit the flesh, receiving a squeal from her which only urged him on.

  Tonight was about showing her how to be loved properly. With exquisite care, he suckled her breast, showing her that touching could be sweet, not violent, and received another moan in response. He wanted to check she was doing all right and broke his attention to look up into her face. He thought he’d die of happiness when he saw her flushed cheeks. She was biting her lower lip trying to keep from moaning and there was something so innocent in that it sent a flash of need through his blood. She felt the pause, cracking an eye to look at him. He couldn’t resist the smile that split his face. “Is this all right?” he inquired smugly, knowing full well that she was enjoying it based on her reactions, but he asked anyway.

  “Yes,” she sighed.

  For a moment, there was apprehension in her answer. He knew she still felt conflicted and wanted to burn that from her mind. “I love you,” he added. The conflict he read a moment before faded. “I only wanted to ensure you were enjoying yourself.” His words had a profound effect. The fact he asked obviously meant a great deal for her eyes rimmed with moisture that snaked down her cheek.

  Using his free hand, he stroked the tears away while he lovingly watched her. “My goal is not to make you cry—ever. Would you like me to stop?” It was a tender question filled with concern. When she shook her head he inched his face closer to her skin and exhaled in relief. He wasn’t sure what he would do if she said ‘yes’. He wanted her very badly right now and if he couldn’t complete this he would go mad.

  Tillian was lost to his attentions and found it interesting. Now that the drugs were not present, she allowed herself to feel what he was doing to her body and accept that she enjoyed it. She felt no shame in this at all. Should she? She had no point of reference to fall back on other than her ordeal. It confused her but regardless, she enjoyed it. A lot. Would she enjoy this as much if she had not been shown a different path upon being made a woman? Those thoughts still battled in her mind each and every time he kissed her sensitive body.

  “Last chance,” he mumbled before kissing the sensitive swell of her breast. “Do you want me to stop?”

  “No, I don’t. I’m just overwhelmed,” she said quietly. “It’s a little uncomfortable for me, but it is not because of anything you are doing.”

  “What is so frightening? I would like to understand so I can remove those fears.” His face lifted so he could look at her with glazed eyes. He was lost to his own desires.

  “You’re already helping me not be so afraid. The rest will just take time.” His lips were busy again at her breast and she moaned. “Please, just give me time. I’ll work through this. It’s not you or anything you are doing; it’s just that I struggle with accepting this as something good.”

  He shifted in order to cradle her face and looked upon her with loving affection. “Trust me, it is,” he replied softly and he wiped another tear from her face.

  “I know, but,” she paused, “my fears are my fears.”

  Ryan touched her lips softly with his while he kept eye contact with her. “I love you, Tillian. If anything I do tonight hurts you, I want you to stop me. If you are uncomfortable, again, stop me. I do not wish to hurt you in any way. I want to teach you what it means to be loved and how to be loved, agreed?” When she nodded, he kissed her soundly with unrestrained emotion, his tongue forced into her mouth and rubbed with hers.

  She felt his rumbling moan when she got brave and used her own her tongue to toy with his in a very erotic fashion. That moan gave her the courage to continue. She had the power to give him pleasure as well, which wasn’t something she had experienced before. Her abusers had only taken their enjoyment and this idea she could give it was new. Ryan put her first and, when she realized she could affect him as well, it was empowering.

  The longer she stretched out on the bed, the more Tillian began to relax under his attentions. Up to this point, Ryan focused on her and was being very attentive and gentle, wanting her to be a puddle of desire before he claimed her. He waited for the right signal and measured each response to be sure. Whenever she engaged back, his touch became more urgent and insistent, and leading them both towards the ultimate moment of bliss.

  Fear of that moment lingered in her mind, but his lips fought against it with each caress. A warm feeling spread, starting from her lower stomach that extended through her body. It was like a shock, jolting her when he touched and kissed her. Wherever his mouth landed, she felt on fire and moaned loudly. With each little nip or lick along the way, she felt her insides melt, forcing away the fears that brewed in her mind. He teased her slowly and her body knew it. It knew what she wanted even if her mind had not made a decision yet.

  “You still doing all right?” he asked very softly between kisses.

  “Mmm, very.”

  “Good, because I’m enjoying this very much,” he replied and devoured more of her neck in his mouth. He traveled up towards her ear again. This action sent a wave of tremors through her body and caused his body to swell against his breeches. He refused to break contact to undress and suffered because of it.

  Ryan applied feather light touches along her ribs, starting just under armpit and tickled ever so lightly down the ladder of her ribs to her navel
where he caressed her taut stomach. From there he kept moving higher, passing through the valley of her breasts until he traced her collar bone and neck. Farther up to her mouth, where he followed the succulent outline of her perfectly half parted lips. He was transfixed by her perfection.

  Tillian writhed at this point and panted hard. A light sweat caused her skin to shine and the area between her legs throbbed painfully. She had never wanted anything this badly before, but suddenly, she wanted Ryan with almost no trace of fear anywhere.

  As his hand traced back down her torso, goosebumps appeared and he stopped just above her dripping core, coming to rest of the flat muscle just below her belly button. During his attentions, Tillian had shifted her body so one of her legs was pivoted to the side, leaving the apex of her thighs open, filling his nose with the scent of her arousal. She unconsciously moved her hips, begging for him to touch her.

  Ryan watched the sight of her hips slowly gyrating and released an audible groan. “You are incredible, Tillian. Utterly magical and very special to me.” When he looked into her glazed eyes, he hesitated no more and slid his hand over her pubic hair, careful not to disturb the bundle of nerves.

  Using two fingers, he pressed into her body, shuddering at just how wet she was. Without much more fanfare he provided attention similar to how he touched her last night. He wanted her to cement that touching her here was meant to be filled with tenderness and love. He tickled and rubbed every ounce of her skin before he stroked those trigger spots he had memorized to ensure she felt every sensation.

  Ryan felt Tillian push against his hand for more, driving her hips and timing her movements with his rhythm. He watched in utter fascination as she let go and felt the power of what a little tenderness could do, and just what a man who loved the woman he was with could show. The sounds of her moans announced she was climbing higher and higher towards her release and he thrust his fingers at a near frantic pace waiting for her shatter.

  He wanted this, badly and switched position, using his thumb to slide gentle circles over her clit, which pulsated with need. The moment he touched her there, Tillian screamed his name and she ground faster against his hand. That motion encouraged him and Ryan, of course, complied with a rumbling growl.

  “Let go for me, love. Be free,” he whispered almost inaudibly. He was barely able to control his voice for he found it hard not to roll her over and sheath himself in her depths. He wanted her to shatter first, wanted her in a state of ecstasy before he did.

  She stood in the middle of her own fire storm and barely heard him. His voice urged her body to comply. Tillian rolled her face away and felt the fire burn hotter within her body, causing her toes to curl when the pressure built for a roaring blaze. She used anything within reach to grip and pull while he teased her body hotter, to the point she felt as if she’d be burned.

  “Look at me, Tillian. I want to watch you fly. Look at me, sweetheart,” he urged.

  Her gaze met his warm stare and she smiled when she saw his eyes were glossy with his lust. Those little gold flecks in his irises were glowing as if he held an inner flame. She focused on the love and found herself falling into their depths, falling fast towards her release. This alone pushed her over and she screamed his name violently while arching her back. The motion pulled the sheets off the mattress when a very powerful orgasm ripped her entire mind and body apart.

  Ryan didn’t relent, he knew she had more to give so he pushed her again. While her body shook and twitched, he stroked her clit and drove her over on the heels of her first orgasm and she fell into a second mind-numbing climax all over again.

  He had never seen such incredible beauty and shivered while he watched Tillian caught in a state of utter bliss. He brought her there and vowed he’d do this every time he had the chance. Ryan slowly stopped and waited for her to claw her way back, seeing little signs that she recovered. Even the way she breathed through this moment was turning him on, and he felt a flicker of his magic seep out, causing the room’s temperature to increase a few degrees. He forced the magic into the hearth so he could focus on her without causing any harm. She looked radiantly ravaged. Utterly satisfied. Happy.

  “Tillian.” Her name came out as a tortured sound. “Do you want to wait longer? Remember, if you want me to stop, please just ask.” She numbly nodded and brushed her hair away from her sweat streaked face. She watched him roll off the bed and begin undressing, tossing his clothes in a heap where her dress lay.

  This was it. This was the moment she had dreaded, but now that it was here, she felt more excited than anything. Tillian sucked in a gulp of air when he turned around without a shirt. This was the first time she’d seen his smooth but very firm chest and she liked it. The sight of Ryan’s body was enough to stoke the fires within her once more, generating a tingling sensation between her legs. When his breeches dropped off his hips, she moaned, for his member was firm and hard, ridged with his obvious arousal.

  “Ryan.” She needed a moment to find her courage for it suddenly seemed to falter. “I’m...” She couldn’t finish because he captured her mouth in a kiss after he’d rejoined her on the bed. Ryan rolled so he now covered her naked body, pressing closer so their heated flesh touched.

  When he felt her against him, his magic surged forth once more and threatened to break free. The sensation of her body against his unhindered by clothing challenged his control. The fire in the hearth roared bright when he unloaded that magic there and kissed Tillian again with a new passion. He needed her like he’d never needed anyone before and found that his entire body trembled from the effort to remain in control.

  She reached down and stroked his length in her tiny hand, caressing from base to tip in sensual touches. Ryan shuddered and buried his head in her neck and cried out from the explosion that rolled through his body. More of his magic leaked out causing the fire to flash and the room got hotter by a few more degrees. Damn! he thought, she is going to push me over the edge!

  When he recovered from the initial shock of her touching him, he whispered in her ear, “Please let me show you how you should be loved for the rest of your life, my sweet Tillian. Let me love you as you asked of me last night.”

  “Make me yours, Ryan,” she moaned. Tillian opened her legs and he settled his larger body between in the valley of her thighs.

  He tried to go slow so he didn’t just plunge into her without any care for her well being. This was about her.

  Ryan shifted slightly to rub his body along her opening, coating them in her release before he pressed into her depths slowly. When she wasn’t showing any signs she wanted him to stop, he reached down and lifted her off the bed by gripping her firm butt cheeks so he could enter her with little discomfort. By doing so, he needed to kneel up higher and as he did, he pushed more of himself into her depths and thought he would die right then and there. She felt so tight, so hot and so unbelievably good.

  He trembled, shaking with the experience of feeling her sheathe him. The fire exploded again when he felt a surge of his magic. She didn’t appear to notice though. He barely knew what he was doing either and the forcing of his magic into the hearth was second nature. “Sweet Tillian, you feel so good,” he moaned for he obviously enjoyed this and didn’t move.

  Tillian watched him with heavily lidded and shiny eyes. It captivated her how enthralled he was at being joined with her. Ryan purposefully held her like this without moving and the sight of their bodies joined was erotic. She tried enticing him by wiggling her hips and he still wouldn’t comply. Her frustration mounted because all she wanted at this moment was for him to take her. She needed him to make love to her and he wasn’t moving.

  “Ryan,” she moaned and he looked down at her in worry. The look on his face caused her to laugh and she rotated her hips to urge him to do something, anything other than just sit there in rapture.

  “Still all right?” he panted while he looked at her face. It was etched with pleasure and he felt a moment of satisfaction he’d done t
hat her.

  “Oh yes, but I need you to move.”

  Upon hearing those words Ryan pulled out and thrust deeply, pressing on the spots he remembered from last night that drove her higher. Tillian responded with a loud explosive sound when he once more buried to his base in her body. Again and again Ryan thrust into her going faster with each sound she made. Never had a woman driven him to feel this way before. The way her body hugged him, pulled him back into her depths, was frankly intoxicating. Again and again he pushed her higher, all the while trying to hold back his magic that tickled his senses. It split his concentration to both channel his love to her and his magic elsewhere. He felt his time approach and he knew he would explode soon if he didn’t slow down.

  Tillian couldn’t help but compare this to her only other sexual experiences. She couldn’t help it. How could she ever have feared this moment with Ryan? Ryan was overly careful and loving; Ryan who seemed to know what made her feel so utterly good; Ryan who stoked her inner fire to new heights.

  The others were not this kind, only caring about their needs rather than hers. This experience was not like that. This moment was tender and Ryan made love to her with great care. She decided she liked this-very much. What made it all so very different was the love she registered in his eyes that burned away the fear and pain and, for the first time, she enjoyed this without guilt.

  Ryan kept a steady rhythm that built in power and ferocity with each driving thrust. At some point, he changed positions and had one of her legs over his shoulder in order to lean down and kiss the divine woman moaning beneath him. His tongue played over her lips, dueling with her and plunging into her mouth.

  He matched her sounds when he felt her body tremble and growled when he realized just how close she was. He changed his angle and dragged across her clit, wanting to feel her release before he lost his ability to remain in control. His moment approached and that increased his attention. “Princess, let go,” he said through tightly clenched teeth.


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