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Lost in the Moment (A Savioe Family Novel)

Page 4

by Ginny Atkinson

  I cleared my throat as I leaned against Grace. “I was in the locker room after school….”

  Jess interrupted me. “Hold on. I’m going to call Beau and put him on speaker, so we don’t have to repeat anything and get it wrong. Marie can I use your phone? Mine is almost out of minutes.”

  I nodded in agreement, as she dialed his number. My gaze flitted back to Marie. She stood against the truck sans bags with her arms across her chest chewing on her bottom lip. She had a pert little nose that looked like a miniature version of her brothers’. Her eyebrows were perfectly arched over those enchanting topaz eyes. Since Jess was quickly updating Beau, I thought this might be a good time to have a friendly conversation.

  I walked over and leaned against the truck door beside her. Her pulse beat a steady rapid pattern at the base of her throat. She let out a small gasp and darted her eyes to me before shyly ducking her head. I hid my amusement and cocked my head to the side to get a better look at her. So she’s a bit on the bashful side. I thought as I rubbed my chin before I decided to have a bit of fun. I leaned close to her and asked softly. “So you’re the little sister huh? How old are you, pet?”

  She kept her gaze downcast and let out a snort. “Only sister actually. I’m sixteen.”

  I slyly grinned at her reticence and leaned a little closer to her. “I bet that’s a bit of a hassle.”

  Her breath faltered before she swallowed hard. “You have no idea.” She peeked up at me pushing her hair behind her ear.

  The lingering scent of her shampoo drifted in my direction. I’d recognize that sweet scent anywhere. Primroses. I leaned back abruptly, my eyes widened in discomfort as memories of my father assaulted me. Regent’s Park in the spring laughing with him as we played cricket. Long arduous walks to church every Sunday passing by the rows filled with the bright yellow blooms. My inner torment must have shown on my face. She gently touched my arm with her long slender fingers barely brushing against my skin. Her brows were drawn together in worry. That honeyed voice of hers laced with so much concern it set my teeth on edge asked, “Are you alright? You look a little pale.”

  I roughly jerked my arm away from her, took a step back and clipped out. “Yes. I’m fine. Just want to hurry up and discuss this matter. So I can go home and get some sleep.”

  I heard Jess snort behind me. “I’m serious, Beau. Drez is right here. If you don’t believe me, fine. I’ll put you on speaker like I initially intended to do in the first place.” She held the mobile out after pressing a button. “There. You’re on speaker.”

  “Drez?” Beau said hesitantly.

  “Yeah, I’m here.” I moved over to Grace and leaned against her.

  “Why are you hanging around… that girl?” He slowly whispered.

  “I saw your truck at the mall and thought you would be here. Trust me I would not have stopped if I had known it would be them. But that’s beside the point. I needed to tell you that after school today, I overheard Bus and the starters talking about Roxy in the locker room. That wanker’s intentions are to get her in that bloody book by the end of the week. He still plans on keeping up the purity points by buggering…. Well I can’t say with the ladies here but I’m sure you get my meaning.”

  I heard his swift intake of breath. “Damn bastard. I wouldn’t put it past him to take what he wanted. Shit, we need to get everyone together and plan how to deal with this. We have to make sure that she stays safe. The hour for lunch just won’t cut it.”

  Marie rolled her eyes. “Plus Luke won’t have his full attention on the topic at lunch. So what do you suggest, frère?”

  “Drop Jess off and head home. Drez take me off speaker. I can’t stand it.” I pressed the button and held the mobile to my ear. “Follow Marie here after she drops off that girl. She’s probably going to have to put gas in the truck. Make sure she puts the 93 in and have her top off your tank as well. Tell her to use my card in the glove box. Once you both are here I’ll get my brothers and we can plan out what we will do.”

  I groaned inwardly. If I headed to his house and discussed all of this, it would be too late when I got back into town to head to Joe’s. The standing agreement with him was if I stay there, I have to be in the door by eight. So that means I’ll be sleeping in Grace if I go along with this and not eating today. But I will have a full tank in Grace. “Okay. See you then.” I hung up and handed Marie her mobile.

  She placed it in her pocket, sighed and started to walk around to the driver’s side. I grabbed her elbow when she passed me. The soft skin of her elbow tingled against my fingertips. I cleared my throat. “Beau asked for you use his card in the glove box to put petrol in the truck and in Grace.”

  She slipped her arm out of my grasp and gently rubbed her elbow. “Alright. Jus’ follow me ta da station den.”


  She dropped Jess off in a derelict mobile home park that sat next to the railroad tracks a half mile from the high school. A large gunmetal grey late seventies model Bronco sat in the driveway next to a red Cavalier. Jess waved goodbye to me as I followed Marie back on to the main road. I glanced down at the gages and winced when I noticed that I was sitting a hair above an eighth of a tank.

  She stopped at a small petrol station at the far end of town. From the looks of it, it appeared to be one of the remaining ones in the area, which not only had ethanol free petrol but also did not require you to prepay before pumping. She pulled up to the pump and shut off the engine. I crept Grace up behind her and climbed out.

  She quickly put the nozzle in the truck and started filling it up. “Just fill her up. Beau’s footing this bill so go all out and put the high octane in her.” She leaned against the vehicle and brushed a lock of curly hair away from her face.

  I stood there with the nozzle in my hand transfixed by the sight of the setting sun casting a golden glow on her honey colored hair. The rays brought out the streaks of blonde and red giving it more dimension. It accentuated the soft ringlets that tumbled down the middle of her back. I shook my head and started filling up Grace. I kept my head downcast as I thought about how fucked up this day has been.

  The pump shut off and I placed the nozzle back in its receptacle. I glanced up at the total. Shit, almost sixty dollars. I am glad I’m not paying for that this week. I ran my hand through my hair and looked up at the store. Marie was at the register smiling at the clerk as she paid for the fuel. She waved at the clerk and walked out carrying two soda bottles.

  “Here,” she handed me a bottle then headed over to the truck pulling her mobile out of her pocket. “Crap! We need to hurry.” She jumped in the truck and started it.

  I slid behind the steering wheel as she peeled out of the lot. My eyebrows shot up in amusement. Beau would have a heart attack if he saw her do that. I started Grace up and followed her. The road quickly went from a four lane down to two. She made a quick right completely overlooking the use of the turn signal. Who the hell taught her to drive?

  She sped by an old greenhouse and made yet another signal less turn. The truck bounced over the shoulder of the road as she overcorrected. Beau has to do something about this; she could really hurt someone if not herself. We pulled into a driveway moments later. A six-foot rock wall with a giant security gate encompassed the property. She rolled down the window of the truck and punched in a code on the keypad. The wrought iron gates swung open allowing us to pull through.

  Somehow, it didn’t surprise me that they had money. Beau always seemed to have cash on him at all times. Apparently so did Marie if she could drop who knows how much at the mall. I shook my head and followed her though the gates. The three-story house slowly came into view as we made our way up the graveled driveway. A black BMW was parked out in front of the house. Marie pulled around to the side of the house next to a garage.

  Inside the garage were a dark maroon van and the black Harley. She parked the truck next to the van and got out. She looked back at me and smiled before grabbing her bags. Beau ran down the steps to the
right of the bike. “Bout time you got here. Did you put the 93 in her?”

  She rolled her eyes at him. “Yes, Beau. I’m not an idiot. Now move so I can go put my things up. Has dinner been served yet?” She shouted back to him.

  “No mom’s been holding it just for you. Oh and Drez hope you’re hungry. Mom insists on feeding anything that comes into the house. So if you’ve already ate. Make some room because she will feed you again.” Beau walked over and shook my hand in greeting. “After we eat, we’ll discuss what to do. Here I’ll show you where to wash up and then take you to meet my parents.”



  I placed my bags on my bed before I glanced at the mirror. My nose twitched in disgust as I noticed my hair poofed out in its curliness. I grabbed my brush on the vanity and quickly tried to tame the mass. Gawd that just made it worse. I groaned grabbing a hair tie hanging off the vanity mirror and quickly pulled my hair back in its signature bun. I set the brush down sighing. Maybe I should just cut it all off.

  A soft knock sounded on my door. I walked over, opened it slightly and peered around it. My mother stood there waiting for me to invite her in. I opened the door all the way and stepped aside so she could walk past me. “Hey, Momma.” I said as I walked over to my bed and sat down beside my bags.

  She stood at the foot of my bed and looked at the multitude of bags. “So what all did you get?”

  I smiled big, pushed the bags beside me to make room for her to sit down. She took a seat as I started pulling the boxes out of the bags. I opened the largest box and showed her the glossy patent leather knee high boots with a three-inch heal and silver buckles going up the front. “These were on clearance. Normally priced at eighty-five, I got them for twenty.”

  “Twenty! That’s a steal.”

  The next box I opened contained a pair of dark red strappy sandals with a two-inch heel. I took a breath and opened the last box with a pair of grey suede stilettos. “The red ones were thirty and the grey ones fifty. I also got some clothes.” I opened another bag and showed her the two black skirts Jess talked me into getting. Both were the same length as the pleated uniform skirt but more flowing. I also pulled out a bright emerald green silk dress with a slit up that side that touched the floor when I tried it on. Last thing I pulled out was a backless red dress that hit mid-thigh and fluttered about my legs. I left the new underwear in the bottom of the bag. She really didn’t need to see what Jess talked me into getting in that department. Gawd knows if she did, I’d be locked in my room until I turned twenty-one.

  She held up the grey shoe in front of her and inspected the six-inch heel. “You know you are going to have to practice walking in these every day until you can do it without breaking your neck or ankle.”

  “Yeah, I know.” I laughed and placed them all back in the bags before getting up to put them in my closet.

  She sat on the edge of my bed and watched me. “When did you decide to start dressing up again?”

  “Roxy and Jess helped me realize the other night that I shouldn’t hide who I am.” I sat back down next to her and rubbed my upper arm. “To be honest Momma, I wasn’t happy. I kinda got lost in myself when we moved here and became something I wasn’t. Well not really. Roxy and Jess are the only two girls in the school who haven’t gawked at me or tried to use me to get to the boys.”

  She patted my hand. “I’m glad you finally figured that out, Pumpkin. I was so worried that you kept yourself hidden from everyone.” She pursed her lips and curled her nose. “You know this means they will notice as well and start to try to baby you. Beau especially.”

  “I hope not.”

  She shook her head at me. “It’s ingrained in their DNA I think. All the Savioe boys are like that, even your cousins. Once they realize that a female in their family or close group of friends is maturing. They try to protect them. Well look at how they are with Roxy. Speaking of which, Beau informed both your father and I about some boy threatening her. He wants to have a meeting with y’all to see what y’all can do to stop it. Oh and that reminds me. Your dad is going to try to reason with Roxy’s father about it. Explain how this boy operates and hopefully he will change his mind enough to at least let y’all around her at school.”

  I forced myself not to roll my eyes at her. “I doubt it, Momma. Mr. Saintshill will probably just think it is a ploy for Luke to see Roxy.”

  I glanced at the clock and noticed it was way past dinnertime. I winced and apologized. “I’m sorry about being so late and forcing you to push back dinner. Jess and I ran into Beau’s friend outside of the mall and he had to tell Beau about what he heard. Then I had to take Jess home and put gas in the truck.”

  She got up, walked to the door and waited for me to follow her. “You were cutting it close.”

  “I’m sorry again, Momma.” I walked down the stairs trailing slightly behind her. “Do you need help setting the table?”

  “The twins have already done that. Just go wash up and take a seat.”

  As she disappeared into the kitchen, I shrugged and headed to the small bathroom across from my dad’s study. The white painted door was cracked open with the light still on. I rolled my eyes and thought that one of the twins had left it on. I wrapped my hand around the door and pushed it open.

  A solid chest slammed into me almost knocking me off my feet. Calloused hands gripped my elbows to keep me from falling. “Careful there, pet.”

  His fingers lightly gripped my skin causing goosebumps to travel up my arm. A slight tingling sensation echoed their trail as my pulse picked up its beat. I could feel my cheeks heat up and quickly ducked my head to conceal my embarrassment. I tried to mutter my apologies but my voice came out in a husky whisper. “Sorry ‘bout dat.”

  He let out a soft chuckle and released his grip. His fingertips lingered a moment before he slowly removed his hands causing yet another shiver to course through my body. “It wasn’t your fault.”

  He stepped aside allowing me to rush into the bathroom. I closed the door and locked it leaning back against the wood. I closed my eyes, tilted my head back and released a shuddered breath. Pushing away from the door, I turned on the water and quickly washed my hands. I glanced up at the mirror and noticed my cheeks were still a bit flushed. I really need to calm down before my brothers realize that I like him.



  I scratched the back of my neck and stared at the bathroom door in amusement. She is just too easy to tease. With a smile still playing on my lips and a shake of my head, I walked into the dining room and immediately felt dizzy with hunger. I had to bite my lips to keep from salivating over the piles of corn on the cob, mashed potatoes, dinner rolls, fried chicken and some kind of stuffing just sitting on the table. The scents emanating from it caused my stomach to cramp in anticipation.

  Beau’s mother, Eva, walked over to me. “Honey, why don’t you sit down in between the twins. Come on.” She grabbed my hand in her tiny one and ushered me over to the empty seat in between the two young boys.

  “Thank you, Mrs. Savioe. I apologize for being an unexpected guest at your table.” I pulled my seat out and waited until she took her seat at the end of the table before I sat down.

  “Nonsense. The more the merrier.” She smiled at me as the rest of their family started taking their seats. When Marie rushed in I quickly stood up and waited for her to take her seat.

  All the eyes at the table looked in my direction in curiosity. I quickly ducked my head and sat back down. “Sorry. That’s an old habit.”

  Eva’s eyebrow rose a scant centimeter at me before she looked down the table to her husband Nate. “It’s your turn to say grace, Nate.”

  I bowed my head along with everyone else when he started. The aroma from the chicken tickled my nose. The herbs and spices on the breading whispered of a tantalizing journey my taste buds were about to take. My stomach gripped in excitement and let out a low rumble.

  The twin to the left of me popped up h
is dark head and looked at me in surprise. His hazel eyes widened in amusement before he tried to stifle a giggle. The one to the right of me giggled back at him. When their father finished the prayer, the twin to the right cackled. “Gawd, sounds like someone is tryin’ to strangle a bear.”

  “Remi!” Eva chastised as she passed the potatoes to Beau. She looked at the little boy with a grim expression and her right eyebrow seemed to lift almost to her hairline.

  The one to my left hissed out. “You’re in trouble. She’s givin’ you the stink eye.”

  “Shuddup, Dev.” Remi muttered and placed a big heap of stuffing on his plate and handed me the bowl.

  I put some food on my plate and handed the dish to Dev. “Stink eye?” I whispered to him.

  He giggled passing the bowl to Charles and explained. “You know that look that means you need to quiet down or my head is going to split in two and I’ll end up eating your soul if you don’t. Doesn’t your momma have that look?”

  A lump formed in my throat as I thought about my mother. She was a beautiful woman, long blonde hair, grey eyes and a laugh that could bring anyone to a smile. I don’t ever remember her frowning, let alone giving me the ‘stink eye.’ I shook my head at him swallowing my emotions. “No, she never had that look.”

  Remi swallowed a mouthful of chicken. “Had? What do you mean by that?”

  I picked up my utensils and sliced off a piece of fried chicken breast. My stomach begged me to pick up the piece of meat and tear into it, but I didn’t want to appear like I was starving. Even though I had eaten more today than I had in the past few weeks. I gingerly placed the fork in my mouth and savored the taste. My eyes closed the moment the meat and spices touched my taste buds. I chewed slowly as I regained my ability to speak about the subject at hand. I dabbed a napkin at the corner of my mouth and reached for my glass of water before I answered him. “Both my parents and brother passed away last year.”


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