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Lost in the Moment (A Savioe Family Novel)

Page 6

by Ginny Atkinson

  “Go change.” Beau demanded. “I’m not taking you to school with you dressed like that.”

  “What!” Marie straightened up and spun around to glare at her brother. “Momma. You can’t let him do that.”

  Eva sighed and let out a huff of breath. “Beau, her clothing is fine.”

  “I’m not taking her if she is wearing that.” He leaned against the counter and gripped the lip. “We already have to worry about keeping the idiots away from Roxy. There is no way that we will be able to keep them away from her too.”

  “Um…. Who says I need your help?” Marie crossed her arms in front of her chest inadvertently pushing up her breasts. I squirmed in my chair as my cock twitched in response to her.

  Damn, I need to get laid. That’s all this was. It’d been over six months since I’d had any kind of action. It was kind of hard to bang someone in that small closet of a room at that hovel let alone get a girl to agree to go to the Point. Especially since, I couldn’t wine and dine them first. So the sight of killer legs and bedroom eyes were just enough to remind me of what I was missing.

  I finished off the omelet and drained the orange juice. Eva placed a hand on my shoulder as she walked around me. “Well, Beau if you won’t take your sister then I’m sure I could just go out of my way and drop her off when I take the twins to school.” She gave me a slight squeeze and walked over to the small table where the twins were. “That is an extra fifteen minutes running for me, well thirty really, if you count the trip back. Hmm, I guess we could leave now, Marie. I know that would put you there early and well you’d be sitting there alone.”

  Beau ran a hand over his face and sighed. “That’s not going to work on me, Momma. I’m still not taking her.”

  She turned her gaze to Luke. “You?”

  Luke shook his head and stood next to his brother. “No.”

  “Well, that just leaves two options. Me or our guest.” She pinned me in an artic stare. “If you could drop her off that would be greatly appreciated, young man.”

  I squeezed my eyes shut and sighed. I felt like I was in the proverbial rock and a hard place, if I said no I’d feel ungrateful for all that she had done for me but if I said yes Beau would be pissed that I allowed his sister to go to school dressed like the hot piece of ass she was.

  “Momma, don’t worry about it. I’ll go change.” Marie sighed her shoulders drooped in defeat as she walked out of the room.

  “Wait. I’ll take her.” I mumbled to Eva.

  She nodded to me then glared at Beau and Luke. “I hope you two are happy. She was so excited about finally getting the courage to dress nice and you had to go and crush it. Do you really think she’d let some cooyon push her to do anything she’s not ready for?”

  “But Momma….” Beau started to say only to be interrupted by Eva.

  “No, I don’ wanna hear it. Jus’ cause y’all two can’ keep it in ya pants, don’t mean she’s gonna drop hers as quick as y’all did. Now someone better go tell her ta come back here as is, so she can go ta school.” She demanded propping her hand on her hip. “Now!”

  Charles ducked his head and exited the room.



  Oh my god that was so embarrassing. It’s not like I’m walking around naked or anything. I stood in the hall outside of the kitchen and overheard the rest of the conversation. I can’t believe momma would tell them that! That makes me sound like a freak. Charles walked past me and started up the stairs before noticing me leaning against the wall.

  “I heard.” I grumbled at him. “Tell them I’ll be down in a few. I need to get my things.”

  He stopped me at the steps. “You do look nice. That’s the problem. We’re not use to seeing you look this beautiful. It’s weird for us because we ogle girls that are dressed like you.”

  “It’s whatever.” I shrugged him off and went to my room. My backpack sat on the edge of my bed. I took a long good look at it. It was originally a dark green but had faded to more of a camo color and was now threadbare in spots. The straps were held on by safety pins and the bottom was barely supported by black duct tape. I walked over to it and started taking my notebooks out of it. There was no way I was going to show up caring this… thing. I went to my closet in search of the Gucci bamboo python tote my father bought me for my birthday back in May. I found it hidden underneath a pair of soccer cleats and a deflated soccer ball. I picked it up and brushed it off heading back to the bed. The notebooks, pens and my ID case just barely fit.

  My door opened slightly as Dev popped his head in the door. “Everyone’s getting ready to leave. Beau said hurry up or you’ll be walking.”

  I rolled my eyes and grumbled under my breath. “I’ll be shoving my foot up his ass if he keeps up this bullshit.”

  “What?” Dev asked.

  “I said I’ll be done in a minute just have to gather all my stuff.” I picked up my bag and placed it over my shoulder. We walked down the stairs. I gave him a quick hug before he rushed out the door to mom’s van. I headed outside after him and spotted the guys standing by the garage.

  Mom stopped me on my way to them. “Don’t let them get to you today, Pumpkin. You look beautiful.”

  “Thank you, Momma.” I gave her a hug goodbye and walked carefully over to the guys. “So what’s the verdict? Who am I riding with?”

  Beau grumbled as he stepped up in his truck. Luke just shrugged and put on his helmet. Charles nodded over to Drez and got in the truck with Beau. I turned to look at Drez as my heart picked up its beat; this was going to be an interesting ride.


  He cracked the windows and gave an exasperated sigh as we got stuck behind a school bus. His arm was propped up on the door with his head rested on his fist. I shifted in my seat, crossed my legs and mirrored his position. I could have sworn I saw his eyes flick over them and swallow hard.

  “You really didn’t have to do this. Beau would have caved after a few more minutes of mom guilt tripping him.” I broke the silence.

  He shrugged his shoulder causing his muscles to ripple under the white T-shirt, which triggered my mouth to go dry. “It’s not a problem, pet.”

  I looked out the window and sighed. “Why do you call me that?”

  “What… pet?”

  I looked over at him and nodded my head.

  He pursed his lips and lifted his eyebrow before he shrugged again. “Don’t know really.”

  It was my turn to shrug as I turned my attention back to the scenery outside. After a few more minutes of silence and another round of shifting in my seat to stop my skirt from riding up. I heard him mutter under his breath. “Torture. This is torture. My three card trick is so hard I’m about to go in me parmers and this twist n twirl just keeps on flashin’ me those bacon and eggs. And I can’t do shit about it.” His jaw clenched as he ground his teeth.

  “What was that?” I asked in utter confusion.

  “Nothing. Just bloody nothing.” He gripped the steering wheel tighter and snorted.

  So being in a car with me is torture? Gawd, what a flattering thought. I know I’m not the most talkative person around but I like to think that I can be somewhat entertaining. I looked out the window and sighed. At least I was getting a little more comfortable around him. My heart wasn’t pounding like a jackhammer and my palms weren’t sweating up a storm. Of course, I knew that would change if I caught a glimpse of his enthralling grey eyes. One peek of those babies and I would be reduced to a puddle of goo at his feet.

  “So what did you guys decide to do about the Bus thing last night?” I asked in an attempt to ease the growing tension in the small space.

  “I agreed to keep an eye on her before school, at the lockers and after school. I was going to escort her to her classes but the more I thought about it. The more I realized that it might appear to everyone that she’s moved on from Luke.” He made eye contact for a second before his gaze traveled back to the road.

  I slowly nodded my head an
d ran my tongue over my teeth before slowly asking him. “So was anything mentioned that you hadn’t already told Jess and I?”

  “No.” He clipped out.

  “I see.” I clenched and unclenched my fist in an attempt to calm my growing frustration at being kept out of the loop. “So there was absolutely no reason for them to exclude me from the conversation. Figures. It never fails. Anytime a sensitive subject comes up, I’m automatically discarded from the mix. I might have had some insight on things.” The more I talked the more animated I became. My leg bounced with my agitation, my hands fluttered about with each word. The entire time I was completely oblivious that with each bounce my skirt slid up my leg.

  He pulled into the parking lot and found a spot in the back row. He grabbed my hand to still it. “I’m sure they just wanted to protect you from the knowledge of what some guy intends to try with your friend.” He looked down and let out a staggered breath releasing my hand. “You may want to pull your skirt down.”

  I gasped and looked down quickly tugging the fabric back in place. My cheeks heated up in embarrassment. I mumbled to myself as I grabbed my bag and opened the car door. “Shit. I don’t think I’ll be able to wear these stupid things on a daily basis. I should’ve just changed into my jeans so I wouldn’t have to deal with this crap.”

  He was still in the driver seat when I looked back at him. “Thanks for the ride. Roxy’s bus should be here in the next five minutes or so.”

  He nodded at me and shut off the vehicle. I closed the door and headed up to the commons. My heels clicked a tune on the concrete as I sashayed past a group of guys standing by the bus loading area. This is such a weird experience. I could actually feel their eyes on me as I walked by them. I opened the double doors and headed over to the usual table where my brothers were already seated.

  “Bout time you got here.” Beau grumbled and glared over my shoulder.

  “Oh, well you know, I had Drez stop so I could screw a few guys before school.” I rolled my eyes at him and took a seat beside Luke.

  “Not funny, Marie.” Beau sat back in his chair and crossed his arms over his chest.

  “Neither is your attitude.” I huffed at him. I turned to Luke and nudged him with my elbow. “Did you finish your history homework?”

  He groaned and placed his head on the table. “Shit no. I completely forgot all about that.”

  I reached into my bag and pulled out a notebook. “You’re lucky I love you. I knew you were going to be busy with that mess. So I finished it for you.” I opened the notebook, tore out the few pages of the work and handed it to him.

  “Marie, you are a lifesaver!” He grabbed the pages and captured me in a bear hug.

  “Quit. You’re messing up my hair.” I elbowed him in the ribs to ensure my release.


  First period was normally excruciatingly slow but today it just seemed to fly by. Before I knew it, the bell rang for classes to change. I made my way to my locker to put up my history books and grab stuff for French class. I kept my head somewhat downcast as I sauntered down the hall. If I knew this skirt would cause this much attention, I never would have worn it.

  Who am I kidding, yes I would. I have loved every minute of it so far. I entered the combination in the locker and placed my things inside when I opened it. I heard a low whistle come from a group of guys as they walked by. I turned and looked at them past my open locker door. One had turned around and was walking backward as he continued checking me out. I bit my lip and ducked my head back in my locker. Yeah, I’m really enjoying this.

  “Hey.” A deep voice sounded to my right.

  I slowly closed my locker after putting my French book in my bag. “Yeah?” It was the guy that was just staring. He had short-cropped blonde hair, chocolate brown eyes and a nice build, not super attractive like Drez or my brothers but definitely up there.

  “Are you new here?” He purred at me as he leaned against the locker banks.

  I giggled a bit. “No.”

  “Really? Wow, I must have been blind if I haven’t noticed you before now. I’m Hunter.”


  “Marie. Hmm, I’ll see you around sometime.” He winked at me and turned to catch up with his friends.

  The warning bell rang indicating that I had less than a minute to get to class. I slung my bag over my shoulder and entered the language arts pod that housed all the foreign languages and the multitude of English classes. Ms. White, my French teacher, stood beside the door waiting for the final bell to ring so she could hand out her tardy slips. I brushed passed her and took up my normal seat in the back of the class.

  I crossed my legs under the table and sat my bag down beside me waiting for the woman to start class. The girl beside me looked me over and whispered to her friends. She leaned toward me. “Is that a Gucci?”

  “Yeah.” I said suspiciously. I knew someone might make a comment about it today. So I had prepared a few different speeches depending on what they said, but none of them covered what she did.

  “Oh my god! I’ve been wanting one for forever. I’m Angie, this is Madison and that is Keegan. Where did you get it?” The brunette pointed to the redhead first and then the other brunette.

  “Hey. I’m Marie. My dad bought it for me for my birthday.” I shrugged nonchalantly and re-crossed my legs.

  “You’re so lucky. Daddy refused to get me one. He said that I needed to work for it or whatever.” She snarled down at her desk.

  Madison flipped her red hair over her shoulder when she turned around to me. “Was that you who got out of Drez’s car this morning?”

  The other two girls gasped and leaned forward to hear my answer. “Um… yeah. He’s a good friend of my brother Beau.”

  “You are so lucky. I think I hate you just a little bit right now.” Keegan sighed. “I’d do anything to be near that man.”

  Angie turned to the other two and nodded to them. They smiled at her and nodded back. She then whispered to me before Ms. White fussed at us. “Come to lunch with us today. We’re headed to Frank’s. That is if you want.”

  “Yeah. Sure.” I replied ignoring the little voice in the back of my head that kept saying they were only using me for some reason. I smiled and turned to the front of the class. If they were, I’m fine with it. I was tired of being around boys all the time.



  I pulled into Frank’s with Roxy a few minutes before the Savioes showed up. When she spotted Luke, she ran over to him like she did yesterday. I shook my head in disgust as a hint of envy tried to surface. I nodded to Beau and Charles when they climbed out of the truck. Jess tagged along behind them. I raised an eyebrow when I noticed Marie wasn’t with them. I was a little relieved yet somewhat disappointed. The ride to school with her this morning had nearly killed me, especially when she kept crossing her legs and that skirt of hers would slide up just a scant inch. I swear I was close to drooling when she stepped out of Grace. I spent most of last period hoping to catch another glimpse of them.

  Roxy took a break from snogging with Luke to ask what I had been thinking. “Where’s Marie?”

  Charles shrugged his shoulders. “I don’t know. She wasn’t at her locker after class.”

  Beau pulled out his mobile and typed out a quick text. Jess spoke up when she took the seat beside Roxy. “She’s eating with Angie and them today.”

  “Oh.” Roxy bit her lip frowning. “How does she know them?”

  Jess pulled out a stack of change from her pocket and started counting it. “They’re in her French class. She sent me a text to let me know that she’s going with them and that she might see us here.”

  “I hope she’s careful. Angie is a bitch.” Roxy muttered resting her head on Luke’s shoulder.

  Beau clapped me on the back and sat next to me. “I’ve been thinking about it. It’s kinda cool that you did that for Marie this morning. Even though we both know you didn’t have to.”

  “It’s not
a problem.” I leaned against the table with my elbows.

  “What’d you do?” Roxy asked tilting her head to the side.

  “He gave her a ride to school, chèr.” Luke answered before placing their order.

  Jess snickered under her breath. “Oh, I bet she loved that.”

  “Jess! Shush!” Roxy chastised shoving the ginger’s arm.

  “What? Oh yeah. Shit, I’m sorry.” Jess looked at the pile of change and then at the menu beside the table before placing her order.

  “What are you two talking about?” Charles asked putting down his graphic novel.

  Jess looked at Roxy who shook her head no before she turned back to Charles. “I cannot say. If you want to know ask your sister.”

  Beau nudged me and nodded over to the menu. “What do you want?”

  “I’m good.” I seriously doubt I’d be able to eat anything today. My stomach was still full from this morning. I looked around the Drive In that was just staring to fill up and spotted Marie walking to the table in the middle of the eating area. “There’s your sister.”

  Beau looked over at them and made a noise that sounded like a snort. I turned my attention back to her. She sat in between the two brunettes with a shy smile on her face. She had her legs crossed at the ankles and angled toward the side of the metal seat. Her fingers played with the hem of her skirt as she pulled it down. My lips turned down in a slight frown when a few guys joined them at the table.

  “Who are they?” I asked Beau, nodding to the newcomers.

  His lip curled in a snarl. “Scott, Jackson, Payne and Jacob, all but Jackson are starters on the team.”

  “Oh really.” I mumbled under my breath.

  Jess looked over to us with recognition on her face. “Oooh, I’ve read about them! That Jackson is a freaky dude.”

  Roxy nudged her again with a scowl on her face. “Jess!”

  “What! They’re in the book. Here let me show you.” Jess reached into her knapsack and pulled out a tattered composition book. She skimmed a few pages and held it out to me. “See right there. Jackson. He is currently in third place with nine hundred and fifty points. His last entry was four months ago, when he hooked up with Delaney B. from a town in Montgomery County. She was a college student who liked to have her hair pulled, use handcuffs and a spreader bar. Whatever that is.”


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