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Lost in the Moment (A Savioe Family Novel)

Page 12

by Ginny Atkinson


  Chapter Six


  The little demon in my head pounded a deafening rhythm against my temple. I squeezed my eyes shut rubbing the top of my head. Just what the hell did I do last night? I slowly sat up in the bed. Wait, whose bed is this? I quickly looked around the room for any signs of who it might belong to. It was bare, just a bed, small bureau and a painting of a landscape on the wall.

  I gingerly got out of the bed and noted that my clothes were still on. Thank god. My boots were neatly placed at the end of the bed. I shoved them on trying to remember what had happened. I had a drink in that room with the pictures, started feeling sorry for myself. I ran into that kid that gave me the white pill and then… oblivion. Well, not really. As I sat at the edge of the bed, I placed my head in my hands and tried to recall. I remembered vague images of buttery soft skin against my lips, red lace ripping under my fingers as I plunged them into a welcoming heat. Smooth thighs cradling my face. My eyes shot open in shock. Holy shit. Who the fuck was I with? I ran an agitated hand through my hair. Fuck! This is not good. How was I going to explain this to Marie?

  I stumbled toward the door, quietly opened it and peeked out the crack. Good, this place looked familiar. I fully opened the door and headed down the hall. A few pictures hung on the walls. I stopped in front of one. It was of four small children, three boys and a girl, lined up in a row standing in front of an old antebellum style house. The picture next to it had the same four kids only slightly older all of them laughing. Underneath that was of the girl in a gymnastic uniform. I raised my eyebrow at the picture. Her honey hair was slicked back into a tight ponytail, her amber eyes twinkled in pure happiness as she stood next to a trophy.

  “She was nine in that picture just before the twins were born.” Nate suddenly announced behind me causing me to jump.

  I turned to look at him. “She looks like she’s having fun.” I turned to look back at the photo.

  “She was. Every time we turned around, she was turning flips and the like. It’s a shame she is considered too tall to continue.” He placed a heavy hand on my shoulder. “I’d like to have a word with you in my study after you freshen up. Head in to the kitchen. Eva has a change of clothes in there for you and she’ll point you to the shower.” He closed the study door behind him.

  I stood there with a sudden feeling of dread enfolding me. That did not sound good. I let out a breath and headed toward the front of the house. Eva stood by the stove in the kitchen with a wooden spoon in her hand tasting the concoction she was making. She grimaced before mumbling something about more pepper. She glanced over to me. “Well don’t just stand in the door, honey, come on in. I have some coffee for you on the counter.”

  I mentally let out a whimper of gratitude as I headed toward the center island. “Thank you.” I took a seat grabbing the mug in between my hands and groaned as the black liquid slid down my throat. “That’s good.”

  “You look like that cat threw you up then dragged you through the mud.” She clicked her tongue at me as she shook her head in disapproval. “I have some of Nate’s clothes over here that should fit you. At least until I can wash what you have on. Now head on up to the shower. It’s the only door on the left. When you get done just bring me those clothes.” She shooed me out of the kitchen.

  With the clean clothes in my arms, I made my way up the steps and down the hall. I took the left at the top of the steps noticing the line of rooms on the right. The room closest to me had a sign on it that read ‘keep out danger zone’, the one in the middle was closed and the final door was slightly cracked. This must be their rooms. I wonder which one is Marie’s?

  I opened the only door on the left of the hall and entered. I locked the door and set the clean clothes on the sink. The mirror in front of me showed just how rough I looked. My eyes were bloodshot, I had bags under them and my hair was a horrible mess. It stood up all over the place.

  I peeled out of my black T-shirt and winced as the material rubbed against my hand. The backs of my knuckles were raw, scraped and had thin crusted trails of blood on them. What the hell? I looked up at the mirror and inspected my face for any signs of bruising.

  “Just what did I get into last night?” I mumbled under my breath continuing to get undressed. I turned on the water getting it to the right temperature before I hopped in. I pulled the shower curtain closed as I debated with myself on telling Marie about the faceless girl.

  I know this relationship was fake, but we did promise to keep it just us and me hooking up with an unknown girl at a jock party would blow this pseudo relationship up in our faces. I closed my eyes leaning my head against the tiled wall and sighed. Maybe I should broach the subject with Beau first before I speak to her.


  After my shower and giving my dirty clothes to Eva, I stood in front of the study door. My palms were sweaty as I knocked on it. A muffled voice commanded me to enter. I opened the door and entered the room. He sat behind his desk with a pair of glasses on.

  “Have a seat.” Nate motioned to the chair in front of him. I hesitantly lowered myself into the chair and raised an eyebrow at him. He took off his glasses before he pinched the bridge of his nose. “Is this a habit of yours?”

  “Is what a habit?” I frowned at him.

  “Drinking until you are so shitfaced you have to be carried in.” He sat back in his chair and folded his hands in front of him on the desk.

  “No, sir, it’s not.” I relaxed a bit in the chair when I realized that this was going to be one of those conversations.

  “Then why did you do it last night, son? It’s not really giving us the best impression of you. And if you want to date my only daughter, I have to be able to trust you. Right now, I don’t trust you as far as I could throw you.”

  I leaned my head back and huffed out a breath. I might as well tell him the truth. “Can I be perfectly honest with you?”

  “The truth is always appreciated.”

  “I was feeling depressed last night. That is something that I am not use to feeling or even admitting to. The past few days I have spoken and thought about my family more than I care to admit. At that party, I happened to see a photo of a mother holding her young son. He was smiling a toothless grin at the camera.” I took a deep breath and continued. “And the last time I saw my brother alive I had just given him a sweet for loosing another tooth. He smiled up at me with the same expression as the child in the photo. Before I knew it, I was drinking more and feeling sorry for my lot in life. At that moment I needed an escape.”

  He sat motionless for a moment before he leaned forward on his desk. “After their death did you see a therapist?”

  I shook my head. “No. As soon as the solicitor read the will, my aunt and uncle took me out of England. That was maybe a week after the burials. I honestly don’t remember. Everything was so jumbled and I was in a fog most of the time.” I was completely unaware of how my voice sneered at the mention of my relatives.

  He raised an eyebrow. “You don’t care for them?”

  I placed my elbow on the arm of the chair and leaned my busted hand against my mouth. “Not particularly.”

  “Why is that?” He moved a sheet of paper on the table, looked it over then glanced back at me.

  I squeezed my eyes shut and admitted. “He is a drunken gambler that likes to beat my aunt. She lets him do it. She even let him knock me around a time or two when I tried to intervene.”

  “And that’s why you left their house?”

  My eyes popped open in shock. “Most of it yes.” I started to open my mouth to ask how he knew but he just held up his hand.

  “I looked into a few things as a precaution. Don’t worry no one knows this but me and the kids will never know unless you tell them. If you need a place to crash or something to eat our doors are always open unless you continue to use alcohol as a way to treat your sadness. I will not tolerate that in my house or around my kids. A sip here or there is fine but
to get so thrashed you blackout is not how to handle things, son. If you need therapy to help you with the grief, I can help you find a decent one.”

  I ran my hands through my damp hair before resting my elbows on my knees. “Thank you, Mr. Savioe. I really appreciate the offer but I don’t think I need therapy.” I clasped my hands and rested my chin against them as I stared at him. Just what exactly did he investigate? I hesitated for a moment before I decided to ask him. “What exactly did you look in to?”

  My question seemed to startle him. He picked up a sheet of paper and passed it across the desk. I leaned forward taking it out of his hands and looked it over. A basic background check was printed on it. It contained the names of my parents, brother, aunt and uncle, the registration for my car and insurance company. I winced when I saw my grades. It showed nothing of my living situation. “How did you know I moved out of my uncle’s place?”

  “Just a suspicion Eva had. Now that is just the basic that came in last night. I have a more detailed one that should arrive within the near future if you are interested in looking at it.”

  I handed him back the single sheet that contained my life utterly confused. “How detailed can it be? I lived a very sheltered life in England, aside from playing rugby, I was always with my parents or tutors and everything I’ve done since I’ve set foot in the States is on the sheet in your hand.”

  “You didn’t attend a school?” He sat back in his chair.

  “No. My parents had different opinions on my going to one once we stopped moving around. My father wished for me to attend his alma mater and my mother wanted me homeschooled. She said that being sent away to a boarding school would give me psychological harm. My father wanted to keep her happy.” I shrugged my shoulder.

  “Hmm. What school did he attend?” He picked up a pen and scribbled on the back of that paper.

  “Eton as did his father.”

  His eyebrows rose as he continued scribbling. “The next report will have every minute detail. Like your uncle and his activities, your father’s work and what your mother did. Do you remember what was in your father’s will?”

  “No. I don’t. What does this have to do with anything?”

  He peered over his glasses at me blinking his eyes. “Sorry. I got a little carried away. I told Eva the other night that I had a feeling that something is not quite right about you or your situation. Hence, the background checks. Now from what you have told me and what I have received so far, it is raising some questions.”

  I rubbed my aching head in an attempt to calm my fraying nerves. “Um, not to sound ungrateful or rude but I don’t want to know. My family is dead, my aunt and uncle are going to be completely out of my life once I turn eighteen and I have more pressing issues to deal with. I need to get a job, place to live and at least try to graduate.”

  “That’s simple, son. You will stay here until you graduate. Beau is supposed to be talking to his boss about getting you a job at the garage he works at. Now even if your relationship with Marie ends, we will still want you to stay here until you get back on your feet.” He rose from his chair, walked around the desk and leaned against the front of it.

  “Are you serious?” I sat there gobsmacked. Was this really happening?

  “Yes. Eva and I both agreed on it this morning.” He crossed his arms in front of him and glared at me. “My only rules are no drinking, drugs and you leave Marie in the same condition that you found her. That means no breaking her heart. Unlike my boys, I do have the means to make you disappear and the connections. Nothing gets found in the bayou, son... nothing!”

  I swallowed hard and nodded my head in understanding. “Mind if I ask you a question?”

  “Go ahead.”

  “Just how did you know I came in drunk last night?” I leaned back in the chair awaiting his answer.

  “I saw Marie and Beau carry you in and when Marie came in here to tell me she didn’t stay at her friend’s house. She reeked of beer.”

  I frowned at him in confusion. “She was there last night?”

  “You really don’t remember anything do you?”

  “Just bits and pieces. I don’t even recall how I banged up my hand.” I flexed my damaged hand in front of me.

  “Beau said that you punched someone for flirting with Marie. Then you grabbed her and took her to….”

  “The laundry room.” I supplied as my eyes went wide in realization. Marie. That was her and not some faceless slag.

  “Yes, I see you remember that. He said that you yelled at her for being there before you passed out.” He stood before me gaging my reaction.

  I sat still and quickly repressed all the images of his daughter from flooding my mind. A soft knock sounded on the door before Eva opened it. She smiled at us and entered. “Brunch is ready. If you two are hungry.” She walked over to her husband and hugged him. “Did you mention it to him?”

  He looked down at her and kissed her forehead. “Yes, chèr.”

  She perked up and smiled at me. “So you will be staying here?”

  “Just until I find my own place.”

  “Good. Now go get your things out of your car and bring them in. If you need any of it washed just place it in the hamper I put in your room. Breakfast is at seven during the school days, dinner is at six thirty. No later. You will keep up your grades while you are here. I go shopping every Friday, so if you need anything just put it on the list that is on the fridge. And here.” She handed me a small package. “Our numbers are already programed in it. It was Beau’s old one before he wanted to have his own plan. We kept it as a backup in case one of ours broke.”

  I opened the small box and saw a smartphone. “I can’t….”

  “Nonsense. Yes, you can and you will. Use it in case of emergencies or if you need to talk to one of us. There is nothing worse than getting a flat or having any other kind of car trouble and end up having to walk to the nearest house. Plus if you are going to be late or are staying somewhere else for the night, you can text us to let us know. Now out both of you or the food will get cold.”


  I closed the door on Grace with my pillowcase full of everything I owned in my hand. I rested my head on the cool metal of the roof. This was beyond anything I could have imagined. Staying with a family that actually seemed to give a shit about others had never crossed my mind, not to mention being so close to Marie on a daily basis. That was severely going to test my self-control now that I remembered getting a taste of her, literally. Man, was she sweet, her thighs so soft. I quickly shook my head to clear my mind of the erotic thoughts. Hands off! I have to keep my hands off her.

  I walked into the house and my new bedroom. Clean sheets, a comfy bed and a door that actually closed. For the first time in almost a year, I felt safe, no worries of overhearing a fight, getting awoken by fists raining down on me or trying to find something to eat. I just needed to make sure I didn’t fuck it up. I pulled out my clothes from the makeshift bag, folded them and placed them inside the small dresser.

  My only remaining memento of my family was left at the bottom of the bag. I pulled it out and stared at the faded photo. My father with his dark hair and classic English features stood behind my mother with a hint of a smile playing at his lips. She had both my brother and I encased in her arms laughing. Both of us children were in our Sunday best kneeling on the floor trying to pet the dog, Barclay. Of course, the dog had other ideas and was in mid-shake trying to dispose of the water he had just trampled through.

  I smiled down at it before sitting on the edge of the bed. “Things are looking up, Mum. I have a place to stay and will be able to eat regularly. I was getting worried about that. It has started to get cold here and sleeping in my car would not have been an option for much longer. I’m very grateful that the Savioes have done this. I think you would have liked them. I know Nicky would have gotten along with the twins.” I sighed placing the photo on the dresser and stood up brushing the tear that slid down my cheek off with t
he back of my hand. “I miss you. I miss all of you, even that ratty dog. I swear when I can I will go back to visit you.”



  I backed away from the door and leaned against the wall. I should have knocked. Why didn’t I knock? It broke my heart to see him so sad. All I wanted to do was rush in there and hug him until he felt better. I brushed my hair away from my face and took a deep breath. Grabbing hold of the doorknob, I knocked on the door.

  “Yes?” He called out.

  “Momma asked me to see if you were going to grab something to eat anytime soon.” I kept the door partially shut to give him the privacy he may or may not need. I heard him pad over to the door before it opened. His slate eyes met mine and I ducked my head feeling my cheeks flush.

  His fingers grazed my cheek in a soft caress before settling on my chin and lifting my head up. “Why are you so shy today, pet?”

  I bit my lip, cheeks reddening more and ducked my head again before taking a step back. “Um…. I’ll just tell her you’ll be in there in a few.” I turned to rush down the hall but was stopped by his hand on my elbow.

  I felt him take a step closer to me. His body heat radiated on my back and sent a shiver down my spine. He leaned his head down to my ear. “Sorry, luv I didn’t mean to tease you.” He stepped around me with a slight frown marring his face. “In fact I need to apologize for how I acted last night. I was not myself as you might have noticed. If I said or did anything untoward I express my humblest regrets.”

  Regrets? He regretted what he did to me? My temper flared to ease the hurt in my chest. “Don’ mention it, Shug. I’d figured it was jus’ da alcohol. Ya’d be stupid ta try dat sober. Now if ya’ll excuse me I hafta go get my food before it gets cold.” I pushed past him and started down the hall.

  “Marie.” He called after me.

  I stopped by the bathroom and turned around. “Wha’?”

  “I was referring to the fight, luv.”


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