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Lost in the Moment (A Savioe Family Novel)

Page 15

by Ginny Atkinson

  “Morning.” I chirped out as I walked over to the center island to grab a bagel. He narrowed his eyes at me as he took a drink from his mug. I glared back. “What? I’m not showing any skin. Would you rather I go back up and change?”

  He snorted at me as Charles and Luke filed into the kitchen. “You’re pushing it. Where’d you get those pants anyway?”

  “Marraine Sophie. Are you questioning her taste?” Even he wasn’t fool enough to try to go against our godmother. I was just thankful that she was more rebel than saint and sent me all of the edgier clothes she came across. I think that was because I was her only goddaughter and she loved to aggravate dad.

  His face paled for a second before turning what momma would call K&B purple. “Does dad know?”

  “Probably not.” I flashed him a toothy grin before I took a bite of the bagel.

  He shook his head at me leaning onto the counter and let out a sigh. “She lives to torment him, huh? Oh and I still want to talk to you about what happened at school Friday.”

  “What happened? I played my part to make people think I was with him.” I shrugged my shoulder taking another bite. “I suggest you start acting like you’re cool with it or people are going to suspect something.”

  “She’s got a point, Beau.” Charles spoke up behind me. “I was asked why you would let her go with him if it pissed you off so much.”

  Beau ran a hand up the back of his head. “I’m sure y’all have heard the rumors about him. There has to be some speck of truth behind it.”

  Luke snorted. “They’re just rumors, frère. Just like the crap that floats around about us. Unless you are trying to tell us that you have been arrested?”

  Beau let out a rare laugh. “Okay. I’ll get over my protectiveness, but Marie, if anything happens that you don’t like, let me know.”

  I tapped my finger against my lips. “Well, now that you mention it….”

  He clenched his jaw and leaned forward over the island. “What?”

  “Tell your ex-teammates to stop coming up to us. Scott tried to talk to us at the mall Saturday like we were best friends or something. He even put his arm around me.” I crossed my arms across my chest and glared at him.

  “Are you talking about that git that hit on you, pet?” Drez sauntered into the room. I spun around to greet him and my mouth dropped open slightly. He was wearing the jeans we bought at the mall with a powder blue shirt under a leather jacket. The shirt enhanced the paleness of his eyes and hung to every muscle he had hidden. It took everything in me not to run over to him and caress every bit of that chest. I cleared my throat and nodded at him.

  He walked over to the island that we congregated around and picked up a bagel. “Has anyone seen my keys?”

  Charles snickered as Beau and Luke groaned slinging his arm over Drez’s shoulders. “Ask the twins. They love hiding things. When they take Luke’s keys, they usually end up in the sugar bowl or the flour. Beau’s always go in the lint trap of the dryer. I suggest if you want to find them quickly ask Dev in front of momma.”

  “What are you talking about, Boo?” Mom walked in with the twins in tow. They just looked at each other behind her back and gave us a sneaky smirk.

  “Drez’s keys are missing and we have to leave in the next few minutes if we don’t want to be late.” Beau explained trying to hide his budding grin.

  She placed her hand on her hip and gave the twins ‘the look’. “What have I told you about taking things that aren’t yours?”

  Remi frowned at her. “He made Marie mad and say that bad word. I don’t care if he is Beau’s friend or not, no one messes with my sister.”

  Her face turned spotted in her growing frustration and anger. “Remi Aldric Savioe! Are you sassing me? That’s it! You two are going to go get those keys and you can forget about going to see that play today at school. I want them in my hand in the next ten minutes or so help me I will tan your little hides.”

  Dev gasped and whined. “But I had nothing to do with it!”

  She stood there with her hand held out not saying a word. Remi stomped his foot, growled and ran from the room. Dev groaned tossing his head back with his arms in the air before turning to leave the room. “Kids go ahead and head on to school. Marcus, honey, I’m so sorry about this.”

  He placed a hand on her shoulder. “It’s okay. I understand the reasoning behind it. Marie, go ahead and ride with Beau. You really shouldn’t be late.”

  I nodded, picking up my bag and headed out the door to the garage. Charles stood by the passenger door of the truck and leaned the seat up for me. I climbed in placing my bag beside me and started giggling. “And you guys wonder why I don’t want a car. I knew it’d only be a matter of time before they did something to him.”

  Beau’s shoulders shook as he held in his amusement. “I thought that was because dad didn’t want to pay the insurance on you and your horrible driving.”

  “Oh shut up.” I kicked the seat as we pulled out of the driveway and headed to school.


  At school we took a seat at our usual table, half of the football team kept a close eye on us. I nudged Luke and nodded in their direction mouthing ‘What the hell?’ He shrugged at me putting his helmet on the table. Charles took off to the breakfast line and Beau sat across from us. I kicked him under the table and nodded toward the jocks. “What’s with them?”

  He glanced over his shoulder then shrugged. “I dunno. Maybe it’s because of how you’re dressed.”

  I narrowed my eyes at him before rolling them. “Ha ha, very funny. Seriously what is up with them and the whispers?”

  He shrugged again and started tapping on the table. My phone chirped in my bag. I opened it, pulled out my phone and read the message.

  Drez: On my way now. Remi put my keys in the back of the toilet.

  I laughed out loud drawing the attention of everyone at the table. I typed out a quick response.

  Me: LOL. Those little shits. Be careful and C-ya when u get here.

  Drez: Aw. Worried about me again, pet? Don’t worry I always am. ;)

  My cheeks flushed at the blatant innuendo. I quickly put the phone back in my bag and looked up. All my brothers were staring at me like I had lost my mind. “What?” I squeaked. “He’s on his way. The terrors put his keys in the back of the toilet.”

  Luke and Charles snickered as Beau stared at me before holding out his hand. “Let me see your phone.”

  “Uh… no.” I pulled my bag closer to me as a shadow loomed over the table.

  We all turned our heads simultaneously at the person intruding. Scott stood at the end of the table resting his hands on it and leaned close to me. “Are you okay, Marie?”

  I furrowed my brows at him in confusion. “Um… yeah. Why wouldn’t I be?”

  He tapped his knuckles on the table. “Well, it looked like you and your man had a very heated argument at the mall Saturday. Hell, you even slapped him. I was worried that after you left that… you know… it might have gotten a bit more violent.”

  Beau growled at me. “What argument?”

  “It was nothing. You know how I like to argue with anything that walks.” I mumbled under my breath and pushed my hair back over my shoulder.

  Scott snorted, pulled out his phone and held it out to Beau. “Yeah right. Here, brother, take a look at this and tell me if it looked like nothing.”

  I jumped over the table and looked at the video on the screen. It started off shaky then quickly became clearer. Drez and I sat in the van glaring at each other. You could hear Scott and Hunter in the background giving their commentary.

  ‘Dude, isn’t that Marie and that punk bitch?’ Hunter sneered as you heard the sound of a lighter clicking on.

  ‘Yeah, man, that’s why I’m recording this. As soon as he got in the car, she asked him a question. He apparently didn’t like what she asked cause he clutched the steering wheel and what looked like growled at her. Oh shit! Do you think we should interfere?’ Scot
t asked as Drez started yelling at me. You could see my mouth drop open, as my face turned red and hand landed across his face hard. ‘Damn! Did you see that?’

  ‘Holy shit! His head snapped back with that. Looks like trouble in paradise.’ Hunter cackled.

  ‘We need to stop it. I’ve heard that once someone hits him or touches him in any way he’ll beat the shit out of them when he gets the chance. Male or female. I don’t know about you but I respect Beau too much to let some idiot hurt his sister.’ The footage got a little shaky again as he moved a little closer before the video ended.

  Beau pinned me with his hazel eyes raising an eyebrow in question as Scott put his phone back in his pocket. “What was that about, Marie?”

  I sighed as I sat back down. “It was honestly nothing. We argued over a misunderstanding.”

  “Hmm.” Beau nodded to Scott and left the table with him. They joined up with Hunter and a few of the other football players.

  “That was a wicked slap. What did he say to piss you off that bad?” Charles leaned over the table.

  “None of your business, frère. We have settled things so it shouldn’t matter.” The bell rang just in time for me to escape any further questions. I can’t believe they have video of it.



  I felt bad that both of the twins were punished for hiding my keys. Remi had even admitted to doing it, yet Eva reprimanded both of them. I had obviously made an enemy in that child. After he fished the keys out of the tank, he threw them at me and pushed passed me in an attempt to run from the room. Eva, the entire time, kept apologizing no matter how I tried to smooth over the situation. I eventually gave up and headed out the door for school.

  I was in hopes that Marie would let me know if she wanted to give us a go for real sometime today. This waiting for any type of response was starting to take its toll. I ran an exasperated hand through my hair before I pulled into the school lot. I was probably reading too much into it. Just because she has a crush on me doesn’t mean she’d want to date me. But she was all hot and bothered Saturday. I sighed as I parked Grace next to Beau’s truck. Women were fucking confusing.

  I left the car and started up the steps to the bus loading area. The first bell must have already rung. The commons was almost empty, only a few kids still littered the tables. I straightened my jacket and headed toward the locker banks. Beau stood by my locker leaning against it.

  “Hey. Did Marie tell you where they put them?” I asked as I approached him.

  He nodded slowly. “Ya wanna tell me jus’ wha’ ya two argued ‘bout Saturday?”

  I stopped short a few feet away from him. The hostility practically rolled off him in waves. I raised my brow and braced myself for what might come. “It was just a misunderstanding, mate. I took something she said the wrong way and she did the same.”

  “Ya’re lyin’. Scott showed me da video. Ya yelled at her, pushin’ her ta slap da fire out of ya.” He growled pushing off the locker and stalked my way.

  “Whoa. Did you hear exactly what was said on that video?” A shiver of dread sailed up my spine. I was a dead man for sure if he did.

  “Would ya like ta tell me wha’ ya said ta her?” He narrowed his burning hazel eyes at me sensing my rising consternation. “I have a feelin’ dat dere jus’ might be more goin’ on den wha’ either of ya wan’ ta admit.”

  I let out a long sigh and admitted. “There is.” His eyes widened in building fury as I continued. “I really would like to date her. She is amusing, fascinating and absolutely a pleasure to be around. She knows of my wishes but she hasn’t said if the feeling is reciprocated.”

  “Have ya done anyting wit’ her?” His face turned a blotchy red as he clenched his fist at his side.

  My hand stopped scratching the back of my neck as I debated telling him a very watered down version. He must have taken my silence as a yes because the next thing I know his fist was making contact with my jaw and I lost my footing stumbling backward into the other lockers behind me. He waited until I had regained my footing and tackled me around my waist picking me up off the floor before hip tossing me into the lockers again.

  I had had enough. There was no way I was going to allow someone to beat the hell out of me just because he was overly protective of his little sister. I needed to put a stop to this quickly before one of us got hurt. I stood up anticipating his next attack and blocked the jab with my left arm. I quickly wrapped my hand around his biceps and cranked up on his shoulder. “Beau calm down. There is no reason for us to fight, mate.”

  He narrowed his eyes at me and tried to hit me with his other hand. I caught it before it could make contact and applied as much pressure as I could. “Beau. Chill out. I have not done anything with her besides kiss her. Do you really think she’s like that?”

  He grimaced in pain before I shoved him away from me. Rubbing his shoulder, he glared at me with lingering anger before he shook his head.

  “Bloody hell, man. There is no reason for you to act like a bell-end. Damn, you had better calm down before lunch otherwise; I will not hesitate to do more than just keep you from hurting yourself.” I opened my locker and grabbed my books then turning to walk down the hall. “And they say I have a short temper.”


  At lunch, I picked Roxy up at her locker and drove her to Frank’s. When we arrived the Savioes were already there waiting for us. Luke stood by his motorcycle exuding an air of coolness. His face lit up when he heard Grace rumbling up the lane. Roxy sighed softly in her seat. I had an extreme urge to roll my eyes until I saw Marie and my breath caught in my throat.

  She walked beside Jess on their way from the restroom and time seemed to slow down. Her honeyed hair fluttered around her face. She strode with confidence, her head held high, passing the table of jocks. She rolled her eyes, shaking her head at something they said before laughing. When her gaze caught sight of Grace and those plump lips curved in a sexy smile. My heart picked up its beat at the thought that she’d be happy to see me. I quickly turned off my car and got out of it.

  As Roxy embraced Luke at the table, I met Marie by the bonnet of Grace. She placed a hand against my chest and rose up on her toes to kiss me. I closed my eyes while my hands gently cupped her cheeks as our lips met. A plethora of emotions swirled in me making my chest ache. I pulled back, rested my forehead against hers before pulling her out of sight in between the truck and my baby. “Marie.”

  She looked up at me and gasped. Her hand came up to my cheek as a frown marred her face. “What happened?”

  I grabbed her fingers and placed a soft kiss on them. “Don’t worry about it, luv. Just a misunderstanding with….” I looked over her shoulder across the truck at Beau. “…someone.”

  Beau got up from the table and walked over to the table of jocks. He leaned down and whispered something to Scott. Scott turned around to stare at us. His brown eyes narrowed as he nodded his head at what Beau said. He tapped Payne on the shoulder and motioned over to us. I hugged Marie close, her arms wrapped around me under my jacket. I closed my eyes briefly relishing in her touch before turning my attention back to the table with Beau and Scott. Something was not quite right with that.

  They were planning something. Scott and Payne got up from the table following Beau as he headed toward us. “Pet, I have a feeling your brother wants a word with me.”

  She turned her head stiffening in my arms. “So that’s what happened to your face. Beau confronted you about that stupid video Scott has on his phone.”

  “Yes luv, but he hit me when he thought I’d done more than just kiss you.” I admitted keeping my eye on the trio as they stopped on the other side of Beau’s truck. Her arms tightened around me pressing her slight curves further against me.

  “But you have.” She said in a husky whisper suddenly bringing my attention back to her. Her topaz eyes sparkled in banked desire bringing a sudden rapid thrum to my heart rate. The potential threat of Beau and his friends was wiped out o
f my mind.

  The only thoughts that raced were of her on the dryer. I closed my eyes and imagined her taste, the feel of her skin beneath my hand, how she shattered under my touch. My breath hitched when the scene changed to the dressing room. The timid way her fingers tickled up my length before she firmly took me in hand. I mentally shivered before opening my eyes.

  I looked down at her with a wicked grin spreading across my face and lowered my voice as I nuzzled her ear. “Mmm, pet, don’t remind me. It makes me want to take you over to the restroom and take you to places you’ve never dreamed.” I kissed the area under her ear and felt her quiver before she let out a gasp. “I’d leave you unable to think. Only feel, be lost in the moment, to lose yourself with me and reach heights like never before.”

  She lowered her head to my chest and whispered in her slow southern drawl that made me ache. “Maw-cus.” I loved how she said my name.

  “Yes, luv.” I kissed the side of her neck that peeked above the top of her turtleneck. I heard her stifle a moan and grinned against the fabric. She pulled away slightly, leaving me somewhat bereft from the lack of contact. I looked up and saw her inner turmoil. That shimmer of uncertainty that lingered in her eyes. I knew then that I had crossed a line and took a step away from her.

  “Drez. Can I have a word with you?” Beau interrupted. Marie and I looked over to him standing at the back of his truck with his arms crossed over his chest.

  Marie grabbed hold of the back of my shirt and growled at him. “Co faire?”

  “This doesn’t concern you.” He pushed away from the truck and walked over to us.

  “Um…. Yeah it does. Ya felt da need ta hit him earlier jus’ cause ya tought he got a little gogo from me.” She put her hand on her hip and waved the other at him. “Ya know wha’, frère? If he did it’s none of ya business.”

  “Marie Noëlle.” He growled at her.

  “Wha’? It’s da damn truth. Ya ain’t my daddy so my personal life is none of ya business. Jus’ ‘cause ya fucked up last year and got dat stick stuck up ya ass. Don’t mean ya have ta suck da damn fun out of everyting around ya.” She barked at him her shoulders heaving in her anger. Beau’s face turned a molted shade of purple as Scott and Payne stood behind him, their faces ashen.


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