Lost in the Moment (A Savioe Family Novel)

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Lost in the Moment (A Savioe Family Novel) Page 21

by Ginny Atkinson

  I walked into the living room and saw the table where she did a shot off me and my body twitched. That was a horrible idea, but then again I knew it would be. It took everything in me not to carry her off somewhere and have my way with her after that first tentative touch of her velvet soft tongue. I squeezed my eyes shut as my mobile vibrated in my pocket.

  Beau: Charles found her. She’s out in Grace tore the fuck up.

  I put it back in my pocket and headed for the door. That tarty blonde from earlier stood next to it, her heavily made up face brightened when she saw me and my stomach turned. I rolled my eyes trying to move pass her and her friends.

  “Hey there.” She purred at me grabbing my arm pushing her overly endowed chest against me.

  I shrugged her off. “No thank you. I have someone.”

  “What does she have that I don’t?” She pouted at me obviously drunk.

  I sighed not in the mood to deal with flattering someone’s hurt ego. “Self-respect. She has self-respect.”

  She sucked in a gasp of shock. I turned away from her and continued down the steps to Grace. Charles was leaning against the opened passenger door talking with his brother. He nodded over to me. Beau turned around just as I rounded the front of my baby. “Where’s Marie?”

  Beau shook his head and nodded to the backseat. “Passed the hell out. I figure we need to sober her up before we get home or all of us will be grounded for life. I already texted dad to let him know we’re going to go grab some food from Waffle House after the party. That should buy us a few more hours to get her coherent.” He patted his brother on the back. Charles looked at me and ducked in Grace closing the door. Beau walked over to his truck. “Just follow me and Drez…. We are going to have a long talk about the passion mark she has on her neck.”

  A what? What was a pashin mawk? Oh a hickey. I winced as I climbed in the driver side. Charles looked over at me and shook his head grinning. “Hell, don’t worry about it. Luke and I have your back.” His voice was a little slurred.

  “Shit. You’ve been drinking haven’t you?”


  Beau took us to a secluded field a mile away from the Point. I parked Grace, turned her off and noticed that Charles had dozed off in the passenger seat. I turned around to check on Marie. Her mouth was slightly agape as she drooled on her bag. She had somehow managed to change back into her jeans and shirt. I looked down at her hand and frowned. When did she mess her knuckles up?

  Beau tapped on my window. I opened my door and got out shoving my hands in my pockets. He stood there with his arm still cradling his ribcage. “You really like her don’t you?”

  “More than I should.” I started to lean against Grace but he shook his head no and motioned for me to follow him. We walked to a clearing just in front of his truck. He reached in a red cooler and offered me a beer. I shook my head. “Promised your dad I wouldn’t drink tonight.”

  He nodded his head and kicked the beer back. “What exactly happened with you two tonight?”

  I sighed rubbing the bridge of my nose with my finger and thumb. “She wore this barely there dress, forced me to allow her to do a body shot off me then….” I took a deep breath and braced myself for his attack. “I almost had sex with her.”

  He sat there for a moment lifted his brow at me and started laughing. A set of dimples popped out on the corner of his mouth. He wiped the corner of his eye. “Forced you? How the hell did she force you?”

  No mention of me almost stuffing his sister? I released the breath I was holding and explained everything. “Jess suggested it to Scott. He enlisted the help of Payne and Hunter. There was no way I’d let her take a shot off Hunter so I volunteered.”

  “I can’t believe you fell for that.” He laughed harder. “Scott does that all the time.” He stopped laughing. “Did you two go to the bedroom on the left or right?”

  “Left why?”

  “Thank god. He has the room to the right wired up to record everything.” He took another swig of his beer. “What exactly do you mean by almost?”

  “She’s still a virgin. Technically.” I rubbed the back of my neck. A few more moments and she wouldn’t be. God, she shouldn’t be.

  “Did you stop it or her?” He crushed the can and tossed it in the cooler switching over to a bottle of water.

  “I did.” Unfortunately.

  He hissed out a long breath. “If she remembers come morning you know she’ll be pissed right?”

  I hung my head down and leaned on his truck. “I know.”

  “Why did you stop?”

  “She deserves better.” Someone better than me. I thought grimly.

  “That’s bull shit and you know it.” He punched my shoulder. “You care for her right? You want to keep her safe and protected.”

  I nodded my head. “Yes, I do.”

  He cracked a smile before glancing back over to Grace. “So quit being a pussy and go for it.”

  I stared at him incredulously. “Why the change of heart?”

  His smile faded. “It’s not a complete change of heart. If you hurt her, I’m still going to kill you. I just know what it’s like to be kept away from the girl you want.” I raised my brow at him in confusion as he continued. “Last year before I quit the team, I tried to date my best friend’s sister.”

  “Scott has a sister?”

  He shook his head no and tilted the bottle of water to his lips. “No. Teague did.”

  I raised my eyebrows at him. “Did?”

  His jaw clenched as the muscles on his throat contracted. “She died… last year. Teague blames me for it.”

  “Why would he blame you?”

  He gave me a sad smile and shook his head tapping his fist against the side of the truck. “Let’s head on to grab some food. Luke told me that she cooked tonight so I’m sure you and Charles want something decent.”

  “It wasn’t completely inedible. The garlic bread was good.” I shrugged accepting his blatant change of subject.

  “Then you know that mom made that.” He opened his truck door laughing.


  After we grabbed some food at Waffle House and roused Marie and Charles from their slumber, we headed home. Charles admitted to Beau that he had a few beers and that he never wanted to do it again. Marie on the other hand had not spoken a word to anyone. She just sat in the backseat staring out the window.

  When we arrived at the house, Beau rushed over to help them out of the passenger door. We decided that we’d better leave her bag in the car just in case their parents were up. Charles stumbled a bit when he stepped away from the car. I caught him before he could fall flat on the driveway. He sniggered and patted my back.

  Marie got out, grabbed the door and slammed it. I winced at the force she used and sent a pleading look over to Beau. He slowly shook his head, his eyes wide with apprehension, almost as if he anticipated her to hit something or someone. I snorted at him and placed my arm around her shoulders to help her in the house.

  She elbowed me in the stomach and shoved me away from her grumbling. “Now ya wanna touch me ya cooyon. I don’ tink so. Get off me.”

  Beau grabbed her arm before she could take a swing at me and escorted her in the house. Damn I really fucked up. Charles snickered before he staggered into me. “Dog house, man.”

  I quickly caught him as he stumbled backward. With my arm up under his, I guided him in the house and up the stairs one-step at a time. “Keep it down, mate. You don’t want to wake the house.” I scolded as he started chuckling when he missed a step.

  “I am quiet, cap. Dere’s no need ta treat me like a child.” He cackled as we reached the top of the stairs.

  Their parent’s door opened to reveal Nate. His eyebrow arched at us before he shook his head and grabbed Charles under his other arm. “How much did he have?”

  “He admitted to a few, but I seriously think it was more than that.” I admitted as I opened his door.

  “Marie?” Nate asked as we steered th
e now limp Charles through the doorway.

  “I tried to keep her from drinking but every time I turned around she had a cup in her hand.” I grunted as we placed him on his bed.

  “You?” He started taking Charles’s shoes off.

  “Just soda.”

  He looked up at me when he finished, covered Charles up with a blanket and placed his hand on my shoulder leading out of the room. With the door closed and me at the top of the stairs, he nodded to me a hint of admiration and respect in his light brown eyes. He held out his hand for me to shake. “You are a man of your word. Thank you.”

  I clasped his hand briefly before he went back to his room. Beau exited Marie’s room quickly shutting the door before something hit it. He let out a long drawled out breath running a hand through his hair as he joined me on the steps. “Yeah, she’s pissed. You may want to steer clear of her for a few days if you value your uh… junk.”



  Chapter Ten


  My head pounded when I opened my eyes and flinched at the sun shining in my window. I pulled my pillow over my face and sighed into it. Why did I drink so much? Yeah, that’s right I wanted to lose some of my inhibitions and actually have fun. Well, now I know I turn into an Alco-ho after a few shots and a mean one at that. I still can’t believe I almost had sex last night and that he was the one to stop. What was his problem? Most guys would have jumped at the chance to get laid.

  I flexed my sore hand before sitting up glancing at my clock. Ten thirty. Brunch should be ready. I got out of bed, stumbled to the bathroom, grabbed a quick shower and returned to my room. I walked over to my vanity, grabbed my brush and started the process of getting rid of the tangles in my hair. How am I going to face him today? I started to pull my hair back in a bun when I noticed a strawberry red mark on the side of my neck. I pulled the collar of my robe over to inspect it and saw the glimpse of another closer to my breast.

  I widened my eyes, parted my robe and gasped when I saw my chest. I had three damn passion marks and one bite mark on top of a freckle. That punk! I stormed over to my dresser and pulled out a sports bra quickly putting it on. I opened another drawer and shoved on a high neck long sleeve shirt then yanked on a pair of baggy jeans. Just wait until I see him.

  I jerked open my door all ready to storm down there and yell at him when I saw my mother trying to carry Remi into her room. I rushed over to her and grabbed his feverish body. “What’s wrong?”

  She sighed, the look of total exhaustion overcoming her face. “They both have been sick since three this morning. Stomach flu of some sort.”

  I cradled him against me as she opened her bedroom door. “Poor baby.” I gently laid him down on her bed. “Do you need me to get anything for him or Dev?”

  “No, Pumpkin. Just go on downstairs and get something to eat.” She covered him up and shushed me out of the room.

  I bit my lip on the way to the kitchen. I hope it wasn’t from dinner last night. Yeah, we all ate but those two had more than the rest of us. I grabbed a cheese danish, a cup of coffee and took a bite while I stared out the kitchen window. A good workout session was in order for today. The past few weeks I’ve been slacking on it. To be honest, I think I just needed to beat the crap out of something.

  The gate intercom buzzed signaling we had a visitor. I saw Charles rush over to the security system and check to see who it was. He looked taken aback for a second before he pressed the button to let them in. I glanced back out the window and saw a black R8 zip up the driveway. Roxy’s father Daniel Saintshill stepped out looking grim.

  Shit, this wasn’t good. I poured out my coffee, tossed my danish in the trash and ran to the garage to get Beau. He met me next to the laundry room on his way in. “I saw. Where are Charles and Luke?”

  I shrugged my shoulders tossing up my hands. “I don’t know where Luke is but Charles is in the foyer.” We rushed through the kitchen just as dad greeted Mr. Saintshill. My father paled when that man whispered something to him. I saw his hand shake as he motioned for Mr. Saintshill to go to his study.

  Beau and I looked at each other as a flood of dread settled in the pit of my stomach. “The vent?”

  He nodded his head at me. “Yeah. Go make sure Drez is up first. Charles and I will be in there in a few.”

  I ran down the hall and jerked open Drez’s door. He shot up in bed startled to see me there. I held my index finger up to my lips telling him to be quiet and walked over to the dresser. I sat on the floor my back to the wall and opened the vent.

  “I have to tell Eva.” I heard my father whisper before he opened the door. “You two go on. This doesn’t concern you.”

  Drez looked at me and mouthed, “What’s going on?”

  I whispered. “Roxy’s dad is here and he is not happy.”

  Beau and Charles crept in the door slowly closing it behind them. Beau nodded to me silently asking if they had missed anything. I shook my head at him holding my finger to my mouth to make them aware I had the vent open.

  We heard the door open and shut. “Lucian will be down here in a few minutes. He is helping Eva put one of the twins to bed.” The sound of his globe squeaked open and liquid poured before his chair creaked, signaling to us he sat back down. He sighed heavily. “Are you sure, Daniel?”

  Mr. Saintshill cleared his throat before unleashing a sad breathe. “She took a test less than thirty minutes ago.”

  “I can arrange all the paperwork if you are still insisting they marry.”

  Daniel grunted. “I expect nothing less. I was not raised in a household that accepted unwed mothers. Though I know, there is nothing wrong with it. I just feel like it takes two people to raise a child properly. My mother in her archaic views would disown Roxanne if she doesn’t accept responsibility for her mistakes.”

  “I’ll get started on the arrangements Monday.” My father sighed in frustration.

  The door opened and closed. Luke asked. “Mom said you wanted to see me?”

  “Sit down.” The globe opened again followed by the sound of glass clinking. “Drink you’ll need it, lord knows I do.”

  My father sighed. “Remember our talk a few weeks ago?”

  After a long pause, we heard Mr. Saintshill growl. “If you’re not going to tell him I will. Roxy’s pregnant, boy.”

  We all gasped. My stomach dropped and tears welled in my eyes. My hand flew up to my throat as I bit my lip to keep from crying in empathy.

  We heard Luke barely whisper. “How is she?”

  “I don’t know she won’t speak to me.” Mr. Saintshill exhaled in frustration. “We had her take a home test this morning. Figured it had been long enough for one of those to read accurately. While we were waiting, we argued over it. Jamie went in and told us the results. Roxy locked herself in her bedroom and will not come out for any of us. Not even Lizzy.”

  “What did you argue about?” Dad asked after someone set a glass on a table.

  “Everything. What we were going to do if it was positive.” Daniel answered.

  “What did you want her to do?” Luke slowly enunciated.

  “Stay with my mother until it was born then give it up for adoption.” Daniel said flatly obviously lying in order to provoke the response he wanted from my brother.

  “So I was ta have no say?” We could hear the anger building in Luke’s voice.

  “No. She is my daughter. I make all the decisions for her.”

  “But dat is my child dat ya were tryin’ ta dispose of. By ya own logic dat means I make da decisions where it is concerned.” Luke shouted at him.

  “You’re seventeen what do you know about making decisions?” Daniel snapped at him.

  “I know enough ta realize dat I need ta accept responsibility fo’ my actions. Ya said a few weeks ago ya would accept nothin’ less dan dat. I am willin’ ta hold up my end of tings. If ya would jus’ let me.”

  Dad sighed. “We were just talking about that, son. Daniel an
d I have agreed that over Thanksgiving break you two will marry.”

  I closed the vent in shock and stared at everyone in the room. Beau sat down on the bed as Charles collapsed in the floor. I bit my lip and sighed trying to make a joke. “Well I always wanted a sister.”

  Charles shook his head at me letting me know it was too early to kid about it. “We are all going to help them right?”

  Beau nodded his head. “Of course. That’s what being a Savioe is about.”

  I looked over at Drez with a sudden realization. We weren’t using protection last night. If he hadn’t stopped when he did that could be me. I let out a long sigh and released some of my anger. I motioned for my brothers to leave the room. “We’ll give Luke a few minutes before we go talk to him. Meet me in ten outside of his room.”

  They nodded and left making sure no one was outside of the door. I turned to look at Drez. He still sat in his bed with just a sheet covering him. I closed my eyes for a moment before rambling out. “Thank you.”

  He adjusted the sheet over him and looked up in confusion. “For what?”

  “For stopping when you did last night. It occurred to me a few moments ago that we weren’t using any type of protection. If things would have progressed well.…” I pointed to the vent. “That could have been our fate. Though I’m still mad at you.” I flashed him a quick smile and left the room.


  We knocked on Luke’s door, crowding the small set of stairs that led up to his attic room. He cleared his throat and croaked. “It’s open.”

  As we entered, we noticed he was lying on the bed with a pillow covering his face. Beau closed the door behind us. I walked over to his bed and sat at the end of it taking the pillow off his face. Charles pushed him over so he could sit at the head of the bed. Beau moved the desk chair so he could sit in front of us.

  “We heard everything.” I said quietly.


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