Lost in the Moment (A Savioe Family Novel)

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Lost in the Moment (A Savioe Family Novel) Page 22

by Ginny Atkinson

  Charles nodded his head. “We’ve agreed to help you guys out as much as we can.”

  “I’m graduating this year. So by the time the baby is born I will have tons of free time. I can watch him during the day so you two can stay in school.” Beau explained.

  “Charles and I can take turns watching her during the evenings. That way you two can do homework or just have some free time with each other.” I touched his arm in a lame attempt to comfort him.

  Charles snorted to keep from laughing. “It’s not like none of us don’t know how to change a diaper.”

  Luke smiled at that. “True. Gawd, the twins had some nasty ones too.”

  Beau tapped Luke’s knee to get his attention. “You also get to spend as much time with her as you want.”

  “Yeah, it’s not like it’s the end of your life. It’s just the beginning of a new chapter of it.” Charles shrugged.

  “Then why do I feel like I’m in over my head.” Luke dropped his head in his hands.

  “Because you are.” I chirped. The three of them turned and glared at me like I had lost my mind. “What? Don’t get me wrong I think you two will do fine. I just realize that this is a big deal. Any of us would be in over our heads if we were in your shoes. The only thing though that I think her dad doesn’t recognize. You have us to help you out. No matter what.”

  Mom walked in the room smiling. Why was she smiling? I noticed the tiny hand that rested on her arm. I tapped Beau and pointed toward the door just as Luke stood up and wrapped Roxy in his arms. Mom motioned to the rest of us to leave them alone.

  We exited the room and went our separate ways. I went into my room and turned on my radio plopping on my bed. Holy shit, I’m going to be an aunt.


  The rest of the day Saturday and all day Sunday save going to church, I hibernated in my room still not wanting to see Drez. I know that it was childish of me but I was still hurt over the whole ordeal. The fact that Roxy was pregnant after just one time not using anything really scared me. If we would have gone through with it, that could have been me. We were stupid to even try without protection.

  Well, he was stupid. I was drunk, completely not able to use all of my brain functions. He was sober though. He should have known better, considering he’d done that before. Plus I was still fuming over him marking me the way he did. One I can understand but three hickeys and a damn bite mark. That was overkill in my opinion. Though I know deep down I really didn’t mind when it had happened.

  Both Monday and Tuesday were awkward. I rode in silence to and from school with him. During lunch and in the halls when he saw me he’d come over and hug on me or pull me down on his lap. It felt weird around him. He had seen me like no one else ever had, done things to me that I could never have fathomed. I didn’t know how to act about it at all. So I froze up when he came near me.

  After school, I’d do my homework in the living room and go help mom with the twins. I wouldn’t see him again until dinner. By then the entire family was around so we couldn’t talk. I had managed to avoid him at least until I could figure out how to deal with how I felt about him.

  Wednesday morning on our way to school, I stared out the window trying to figure things out. Mom always told me that I should listen to my heart, to trust my instincts and try to reason things out. But they were warring with each other. At least I think they were.

  My instincts told me to let it go, that he was really a good guy going through a rough patch in his life and he needed someone to help him with his burdens. While my head screamed, I would get hurt by him. That if I allowed myself to fall completely and utterly in love with him I would end up destroyed when he moved on to greener pastures. There was also that tiny voice in my heart whispering it was too late. I feared that it was right.

  The past few weeks being with him have been the happiest of my life. He was always in my thoughts. I got butterflies in my stomach every time he walked into the room. I loved that I could make him smile and enjoy himself. Of course, the physical attraction was there but it paled in comparison to how attracted I was to his intellect and humor. How he was able to make me laugh so easily, feel like the most beautiful girl in the world and that he treated me like a woman.

  I sucked in a deep breath at the realization. Holy shit, I am in love with him. I tossed him an alarmed look and swallowed hard. This was not supposed to happen. I thought I had steeled myself against that. My heart pounded in my chest as I started to give in to the rising panic.

  He sent me a concerned glance, pulled over and stopped Grace a mile away from the school. He slung his arm over the steering wheel and turned to look at me those grey eyes burning with a mix of confusion and anxiety. “Talk to me, pet. What’s going on?”

  I shook my head frantically at him. “It’s nothing. Just.… I’m….” I looked into those eyes and lied. “I forgot my French homework at school yesterday.”

  He brought his hand up to my cheek gently brushing his knuckles against it. His lips pulled together as he frowned. “You did that last night. It’s in your bag. Now tell me what’s really wrong?”

  I shook my head at him and looked back out the window. “It’s nothing.”

  He turned off the car. “I’m not moving until you tell me what’s wrong.”

  “Let it rest. I don’t want to talk about it.” Please take the hint and let me muddle through things on my own.

  He held his hands up, started Grace and signaled to get back on the road. When we were firmly back in traffic, he cleared his throat. “Do you want me to ring your brothers? Take you back home?”


  “Is this about Luke and Roxy?”


  He sighed running a hand through his hair. “Is this about Friday night?”

  I snorted and shook my head at him keeping my gaze out the window. My leg started bouncing in my frustration. “No. It’s not. Though I am really glad one of us had enough sense to stop before we did something stupid. Gawd knows, I didn’t need my first time to be at a party where I was so drunk I couldn’t think straight. It’s supposed to be with someone I love or at least care about.”

  He sucked in a breath as his fingers tightened around the wheel. When we pulled into the parking lot and parked, he grabbed my arm before I could leave the car. “So you’re saying you don’t care about me?”

  I gulped at the dead calm of his voice. “I never said that.”

  “Yes, you did, pet.” He caught my gaze. I saw the shimmer of hurt in those luminous depths. “What am I to you, Marie?”

  “You’re my brother’s friend. That’s all you ever can be. All I will allow you to be.” I ducked my head, squeezing my eyes shut. I needed to let him go for my own sake. I’ll just end up broken if I let this continue. I bit down on my cheek again to clear my senses and took a deep breath. “There is really no need for us to continue this charade. Roxy is allowed around Luke now and the football players are leaving me alone and out of the book.”

  He released his grasp and sat back in shock. “What?”

  “I’m done. I can’t continue this. Not after.… I’m sorry, Marcus.” I took his momentary shock as my perfect chance to escape. I pulled my bag tight over my shoulder and left the car. When I reached Roxy’s car I glanced back at him and brushed away a stray tear before continuing on my way to the commons.



  What the hell just happened? I sat back in shock and budding hurt. Did she really just call this off? My throat burned as it constricted. I slammed my palms against the dash in frustrated anger before jerking open the door to chase after her. This was far from over.

  As I followed her wake, passing Roxy’s car and Beau’s truck, up the stairs to the bus loading area everyone around me seemed to sense my seething hostility and parted out of my way. If I wasn’t so intent on reaching her, I might have laughed at how they acted.

  How dare she do this to me! Tell me that all I am is just a friend of her brother
s to be looked over as a mere annoyance then acting as if she didn’t give a damn about me, when every action and response from her betrayed that. Her reaction in the car puzzled me though. What ever thought crossed her mind sent her into an almost full-blown panic attack.

  I flung open the common doors causing them to bounce off the wall drawing everyone’s attention to me. I scanned the sea of startled faces. She was nowhere in sight. I stalked over to the Savioe’s normal table. Planting my hands on the end of it, I leaned forward and growled. “Where is Marie?”

  Beau seemed taken aback before nodding to the restrooms. “She went to the bathroom. What’s going on?”

  I clenched my jaw and pushed off the table, hissing out between my gritted teeth. “Ta.”

  I spun around and marched over to the girl’s loo. I stormed inside. A group of freshman girls squealed in surprise. I went to each stall to see if she was in one completely ignoring the chatter behind me. Fuck, she’s not here.

  The first bell rang adding to my frustration. Maybe I can catch her at her locker. I rushed out of there and made my way to the sophomore locker banks. As I rounded the corner, I spotted her putting her books up and grabbing something out of the locker. My heart constricted. Before I could rationalize what I was going to say to her, I found myself beside her.

  She looked up in shock. The whites of her eyes were slightly red indicating she had shed a few tears. My throat burned as my emotions took over. My eyes frantically searched her face for any clue as to why she would do this. I lifted a shaky hand to her cheek. My voice was hoarse. “Marie?”

  She closed her eyes, her bottom lip trembled as my palm settled on her face. I felt her jaw tense. “Marcus. Please go away.”

  The breath sucked out of me as my heart stumbled. “Don’t.” I rested my forehead on hers. “Don’t do this.” I bent my head to brush my lips against hers.

  She jerked away from me taking a step backward her arms firmly holding her books in front of her like a shield. “No. We’re done. I can’t…. Not anymore. Not now.” She shook her head at me and took off down the hall.

  I stood there grasping air. My heart crumpled as a slow fog settled over me. This can’t be it. I ran a hand through my hair before I slammed her locker shut. “This is bollacks, Marie, and you fucking know it!” I punched her locker out of frustration leaving a dent from my now bruised knuckles.

  “Mr. Dresden.” A voice sounded behind me.

  Fuck. I looked over at the security guard and glared at him. He took a step back reaching for his belt and the pepper spray on it. “What?” I spat out.

  “D-detention this afternoon for that little display.” His hand trembled as he reached for the white slips in his right breast pocket of his shirt. He quickly scribbled out the note and handed it to me.

  I yanked it out of his hand, shoving it in my jeans pocket. I headed down the hall to my first period class, passing Scott, Hunter and a few of their teammates.

  Hunter snickered low under his breath. “Guess she came to her senses after all.”

  I stopped short sending him an angry glance. “What was that?”

  Scott shook his head and held up his hands. “Nothing, brother. Just ignore him.”

  Hunter took a step forward and gave me a sly grin. “I said, guess she came to her senses after all.”

  He was nose to nose with me, puffing out his chest in an attempt at intimidation. All I saw was red. The bitter hostility of losing the only thing that I had cared about since my family passed came to a boil. I scantly narrowed my eyes at him before I headbutted him with all the force my old mates had taught me. He staggered backward holding his nose. Blood gushed from under his clenched hand.

  Bus pushed forward grabbing Hunter by the shoulders. He looked over his at his teammates. “Are we going to let this asshole do that?”

  “Bring it you balmy wanker.” I growled at him as I braced myself for their attack.

  Scott stepped in between us, his hands held up. “Hey. We need to chill out. We have a game Friday. Unless you want to get permanently benched, go ahead try to kick his ass. Jacob, take Hunter to the nurse get him patched up. Payne, help me here.”

  Scott and Payne grabbed hold of my arms and dragged me away from the scene into an empty classroom. Scott looked out the small window in the door to keep an eye out.

  Payne shook his head at me. “That was a stupid thing to do. He’s going to go crying to his dad now.”

  “I really couldn’t care less.” I muttered taking a seat on the edge of the desk. My hand ached from hitting her locker. I glanced down at it and flexed to see if anything other than my heart was broken.

  Scott turned around shaking his head. “Seriously, brother. There’s just so much we can do to keep you out of trouble.”

  “Why bother?” I grumbled.

  Payne looked over at Scott in exasperation before glancing back at me. His pale green eyes were serious. “Look, Drez. I’m going tell it to you straight. Beau asked us when you and Marie started dating to keep an eye out on you. Scott was supposed to keep Hunter entertained getting his attention off her and I was to make sure no one fucked with you.”

  “Why would you agree to that?” I crossed my arms across my chest inadvertently flexing my biceps.

  “We were hoping we’d be able to help Coach talk him into coming back to the team.” He said sitting on one of the desks.

  Scott shrugged. “It worked. Beau starts Friday meaning Bus is now back on second string. Plus, we owe him. If we hadn’t done what we did he never would have left and none of that mess would have happened.”

  “I assume you mean the Lacy and Teague thing?” I asked watching them both nod their heads solemnly. I clenched my fist and let out a controlled breath. “Since I’m no longer with her, why continue?”

  Scott’s look of disappointment and pity rocked me. Why the hell does he care? He cleared his throat. “Look, brother. We’ve come to think of you as another Savioe. Anything we’d do for Beau we’d do for you. We’ve helped him even when he hasn’t asked for it.”

  Payne nodded his head. “If you want we can find out why things…. Well what happened between you two.”

  I shook my head at them suddenly feeling a lump form in the back of my throat. “No thank you. She made it clear we’re over.”

  “That’s bullshit!” Scott snorted. “You’re just going to give up? Not try to fight for her.”

  “I thought you were English not French.” Payne joked.

  I gave him a droll stare as the late bell rang. Should I fight for her? My heart roared yes. I closed my eyes tight pinching the bridge of my nose with my fingers. “See what you can find out then. I need to get going to class.”

  Payne placed his hand on my shoulder. “I’ll find out what I can.”

  “We’ll walk with you so you don’t get another detention.” Scott opened the door.


  She skipped having lunch with us and took a different route to her classes effectively cutting me out completely. I handed the teacher my slip for detention and sat down at an empty table by the doors. As soon as this was over, I planned to talk to her when I got home. Shit, how was this going to affect my living situation. If I couldn’t get back together with her, it would get very awkward there. I closed my eyes and rested my feet on the table.

  “Did you two really split up?” Jess interrupted my thoughts placing her books on the table with a thunk.

  I opened my eyes at her, removed my feet and leaned forward. “For now.”

  “So it was her idea. Huh?” She pulled out her mobile and started playing on it. “I take it you are not happy about that.”

  I narrowed my eyes at the brassy redhead. “What do you think?”

  “I think she’s lucky she split when she did. You could’ve fucked her world up.” She shrugged putting it back in her pocket.

  “What the hell does that mean?”

  “Look, people like us. Yeah, we don’t do relationships. We get what we want the
n leave. Marie is too good for something like that and she knows it.” She sat back sizing me up. “It’s not like you can’t replace her with someone else.”

  My hand slapped the table causing her to jump. “Piss off, you slag. You know nothing about me. Marie is one of a kind. No one can replace her.”

  She sat back, slung her arm over the back of her chair giving me a smug grin. “Yeah, that’s what I thought. You really do care about her. Otherwise you wouldn’t have reacted the way you did.”

  “What?” I shook my head at the girl. How does she know what I feel for Marie?

  I was getting ready to ask her when the common doors slung open. I turned around in my seat to see Roxy stumble in drenched in blood. Jess stood up and screamed her name. Roxy stood there for a moment shaking before she collapsed. I rushed forward grabbing her before she hit the ground. Her jeans were torn, shirt ripped open. Her face was covered in the blood flowing from her nose, forehead and busted lip. Her arm bowed from the broken bone.

  I glanced up at Jess who stood there tears streaming down her face washing off her mascara. The teacher ran over to us. “Cops and an ambulance are on their way. Here I got her.”

  I stood up looking down at my bloodstained hands and headed out of the commons following the blood trail to a small alcove hidden behind a copse of trees. Bus lay on the ground panting hard grabbing his thigh as the blood pulsed out from around the wooden stick impaling it. I raised my eyebrow at him as I began to take off my belt. I can’t believe I’m going to help this ponce.

  “Hold still.” I ordered as I secured my belt above his wound.

  “Why are you helping me?” He panted out in obvious pain.

  “So Luke can get his revenge on you later. Now don’t be a bad sport and die before he can get that chance.” I roughly tightened the belt and pressed down on the stick giving it a slight twist before I left him. He screamed in pain as I rounded the corner a slight smirk eased across my lips as I delighted in his agony. I wished I could have hurt him the same way he did the little bit. It wasn’t my place to do so, that doesn’t mean I couldn’t make sure it happened though.


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