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Lost in the Moment (A Savioe Family Novel)

Page 28

by Ginny Atkinson


  The music was pulsing when I walked back in the house after six beers and actually talking to the git. He wasn’t as bad as I had originally thought; though there was no way I’d intentionally hang out with him. I ran into Jess in the kitchen pouring a huge shot of four different liquors.

  “What in the bloody hell is that?” I peered over the rim of the cup and turned my nose up at the muddy liquid.

  She pasted a devious grin on her face. “It’s called the Four Horsemen. Jack, José, Johnny and Jim. My four favorite men.”

  “Who is it for?” I hesitantly asked.

  “Why Marie of course.” She grabbed the cup and walked into the living room. I followed behind her suddenly very anxious over her handing Marie that lethal of a concoction. That much straight liquor could cause some serious damage to a person.

  All the Savioes stood on the side of the makeshift dance floor talking amongst themselves. Luke stood behind Roxy with his arms wrapped around her slowly rocking back and forth in time to the music. Charles had his helmet off cradling it under his arm as he drank from a bottle of water. Beau leaned against the wall smiling at something one of them had said. Marie had her cape flipped over her shoulders talking adamantly with her hands.

  Jess hurried over to her, grabbed one of her hands and placed the cup in it. She mouthed the words. “You promised me.”

  As I got closer, I saw Marie’s shoulders deflate in reluctant acceptance. She tilted the cup up to her nose and blanched at the smell. She turned to look at Jess before slinging back the noxious liquid. “I seriously hate you a little bit right now.” Her face scrunched up in disgust and pain before she grabbed the water bottle out of Charles’s hand and chugged it. “Gawd, that was nasty.”

  Beau nodded to the cup. “What was that?”

  “Just a shot.” Jess smirked looking back over her shoulder to someone in the corner nodding her head slightly. She turned back to Beau shrugging her shoulders. “Though it might knock her on her ass.”

  Shit, that’s what I thought. I started to take a step closer to them when Marie’s ‘not’ friend stepped in front of me. Her hand slid inside one of the rips in my shirt and touched my stomach. I gently shoved her off me. “Angie, isn’t it?”

  She nodded her head and batted her dull blue eyes at me threatening the stability of one of her false lashes. I looked down at her with her tiny white cat ears on her head and the barely there Hello Kitty outfit and took another step away from her toward the Savioes.

  She plastered herself on my arm and smiled at me looking down at the front of my jeans. “My, what big… eyes you have.”

  I raised my eyebrow at her in exasperation. That’s the best she could come up with. I grunted at her. “All the better to look somewhere else.” I stepped around her and headed toward Marie.

  I heard her snort and felt her hand slide in my shirt yet again. “I don’t give up that easy, sexy.”

  I sent a pleading glare over to the Savioes for a little help in getting untangled from this… girl. Roxy looked over to me and mouthed. “Shit.”

  Marie swung her head my way, her mouth dropped before snapping shut. “Aw hell no!” She shoved the water bottle at Charles and stomped over toward me. Her stony expression should not have had this kind of effect on me yet I found myself seriously turned on by her at the moment. Her golden eyes blazed with jealousy and possessiveness. Her chest heaved in righteous indignation drawing my eyes to her gently bouncing breasts.

  When she reached me, I had almost completely forgotten about the annoying cow at my side trying to crawl into my shirt. “Care to lend a hand, pet. For some reason she seems to think no means go ahead.”

  Marie snorted jerking Angie away from me. “Back off him.”

  Angie rolled her eyes at Marie. “Whatever. You threw him away.” She stepped back toward me foolishly turning her back on Marie.

  Marie grabbed her shoulder halting her progress. She bent down and whispered something in Angie’s ear that made the brunette turn red in anger. She spun around slapping Marie across the face. That resonating slap drew everyone’s attention in spite of the throbbing bass of the music.

  Marie did not hesitate in her reaction. She balled her fist and punched the girl in the face. Angie clutched her face and screeched. “You bitch!”

  She jumped at Marie seizing her by the shoulders as they toppled to the floor. I quickly took a step back to avoid falling with them. Angie tried to smack Marie in the face.

  Marie caught her hand and laughed at her. “Seriously? My six year old brother hits harder than you.”

  Angie shrieked grabbing a handful of Marie’s hair and yanked out small strands of that glorious caramel mane before scratching at her throat. Marie openhandedly smacked Angie against her ear knocking the girl onto the floor. Her already flimsy costume ripped at her shoulder.

  Some kid bounced against my shoulder before gasping in excitement. “Catfight!” A rush of people encircled them on the floor.

  Angie gasped when she noticed her outfit had ripped. She crawled forward grabbing Marie’s hair yet again. Marie grunted as she absorbed the impact. She twisted her slender waist flipping the brunette back on to the floor. Angie’s fingers tangled in Marie’s cape.

  Marie struggled to untie the strings slowly cutting off her air. A flare of panic flashed in her eyes until Beau yelled out to her. “Relax, sœur. If you don’t you’ll lose.” I saw Marie close her eyes and relax her shoulders. The red cape fluttered to the ground landing on the other girl’s face.

  Marie sprung around deftly flipping over Angie before pinning her face down on the ground. She grabbed Angie’s arm pulled it behind her back and cranked up on it. She used her new position to her advantage. She straddled the girl one hand on her arm the other burying itself in her hair. She yanked back the fistful of hair. Angie’s back bowed putting strain on her ripped shirt. She leaned forward and whispered something in Angie’s ear before slamming her face against the floor. She stood up, looked around the crowd of faces and spotted me. She leaned down swiped up her cape and marched over to me.

  Her eyes still ablaze with fury narrowed at me as she stopped in front of me. She opened her mouth to say something only to snap it shut seconds before she knocked me on my ass. Sprawled out on the floor at her feet, I looked up at her in shock.

  Her eyes widened in surprise as they slowly brimmed with unshed tears. She quickly spun around and fled the room. Jess and Roxy ran after her.



  I rushed out of the living room before anyone other than him saw my watery eyes. Why did I just do that? When I turned to see Angie slithering all over him, the only thing that crossed my mind was ‘he’s mine’ and she had better back off. My scalp still tingled from the loss of some hair and my neck stung from clawing at it to untie that damn cape. That had been terrifying. Before I heard Beau tell me to relax, I was already starting to see little black dots in my vision from lack of air. If I had allowed the rising fear to overtake me, I know I’d have just been humiliated on that floor.

  I sighed as I grabbed hold of the bannister to head up the steps and put on my normal clothes. After that ridiculous display there was no way I’d stay here a second longer. Roxy rushed over to me placing a hand on her side with a grimace. “Marie, what are you doing?”

  “I’m going to change so I can leave.” I mumbled starting my way up the staircase.

  Jess looked at me and Roxy then glanced down the hall. “Hey, I’ll go get your things for you. Roxy, can you take her to the small camper out back? No one goes there.” She shot off up the stairs leaving us confused as we watched her go.

  “How does she know that?” I asked Roxy.

  She just shook her head and cringed a bit. “Something tells me that I really don’t want to know.”

  I sighed rolling my eyes in vexation. If I couldn’t leave then I might as well just take this time to chill out before I completely broke down. I followed her down the crowded hall into the kitchen q
uietly sneaking out the side door to the deck. We made our way down to the slightly overgrown yard. The lights were dimmer toward the back making it very difficult to maneuver over the tiny lawn gnomes and other cheesy decorations.

  Roxy reached into her jacket and pulled out her phone switching on the flashlight. “Don’t know about you but I don’t want to break my neck because of a rabbit hole or anything.”

  “If I had my phone on me I’d do the same thing.” I grimaced as we walked past a shed and a covered riding lawn mower.

  A grey shape formed slowly as we reached the back of the Jackson property. Roxy shined her tiny light on it revealing a patch of weeds surrounding the tires and hitch. The plants stretched at least halfway up the shiny metal body.

  “If I get bit by a snake I’m going to kill her.” I mumbled as I took a step closer.

  The grass seemed to be a bit disturbed around the door. I reached out and opened the latch expecting it to at least have some sort of rust or something to hinder the movement. I stumbled backward when it flung open with ease. I glanced over my shoulder to Roxy and hid my sudden urge to gulp. “Hand me your phone so I can see in here.”

  She held out the device to me. As I grabbed it, my hand brushed the plaster of her cast. I frowned slightly before turning the light on the darkened interior. Maybe it was the overgrowth outside or because it was sitting about a hundred and fifty feet from the house, but I was not anticipating it to look like this inside.

  It had hardwood floors and cabinets. A beautiful side dinette set, overhead cabinets and a marble looking countertop next to the sink and top range. A small room was to my right. I assumed it was the bathroom. I turned to look down the other end and saw a bed already made with a dark comforter including fluffy pillows.

  “It’s surprisingly clean in here.” I said over my shoulder to Roxy. I heard her grunt and climb in behind me.

  “Wow. Who’d have thought?” She whispered motioning me to give her the phone back.

  I leaned against the wall as she nosily looked through the cabinets. After finding a tiny fridge that was stocked with at least two dozen unopened beer cans, she pulled out a small box of matches and a hurricane lamp. I stepped away from the wall taking the lamp and putting it on the small table. I lifted the glass globe and checked the wick before lighting it.

  The flames cast a soft glow on the wooden cabinets. I looked around the camper under the new light and shivered when I realized what this place was. “Oh, gross. This must be his little ‘love nest’.”

  She smirked gently lowering herself on to the bench seat by the table. “Explains why it’s so nice in here.”

  A soft knock sounded on the door before Jess poked her head in. She held my clothes out to me after she climbed in. “Here you go. Whoa, who cleaned?”

  I went in the small bathroom and pushed the door halfway closed behind me. I peeled off the boots and sighed in relief when my heels touched the floor. They were hot shoes but damn they pinched the back of your feet. I rubbed the fishnet-covered skin until the sting had lessened. “You two don’t have to stay with me.”

  I heard Jess snort. “And let you mope in here by yourself? I don’t think so. Hmm, though I think Roxy should return to Luke. Just to let him know she’s okay and you’re fine.”

  “That’s what cell phones are for, girl. I’ve already sent him a text letting him know where we are and that we are both fine.” Roxy sighed.

  “Oh.” Jess softly breathed out. She sounded disappointed. “Well that’s… cool.”

  I stripped out of the corset suddenly thankful to be able to take a full deep breath. I heard Roxy’s phone ring as I let the skirt and crinoline fall on the floor. She gasped and giggled murmuring silly nothings to the caller. “Rox, just go to him. You don’t have to babysit me. That’s what Jess is for.”

  “Are you sure?” She asked through the door.

  “Yes.” Just leave so I don’t have to hear you fawning over my brother. I bit my inner cheek at the pang of envy that overcame me. I quickly donned my loose fitting jeans and shrugged on my T-shirt. There was no need for me to feel that. Hell, I was happy for them. I just wished I hadn’t screwed up my chance at the same.

  I picked up the costume from the floor and opened the door just as Roxy was leaving. Jess nodded to the bench seat. “Just toss it there. When things die down, I’ll make sure Mrs. J gets it back.”

  “So. How do you know of this place?” I asked taking a seat beside the outfit.

  “Scott and I hang out in here every now and then.” She shrugged walking into the bathroom. She left the door cracked letting the little of the light shine in there.

  I got up and started looking through the cabinets in search of something to drink other than beer. Under the bed, I found a bottle of vodka and a box full of pill bottles. I took the bottle and held it up to the light. It contained tiny particles floating about in it. Yeah, that is not healthy. I placed the bottle on the counter and looked in an overhead cabinet. An unopened jug of drinking water sat next to a roll of toilet paper. I pulled the jug down and I poured a tiny amount into the cup just as she walked out. I held it up to her. “Want some?”

  “Sure.” She rolled her shoulder and reached for the glass.

  I filled another one before I sat down on the bench. I slung the drink back and sighed at the crisp liquid. She sat down across from me played with her glass. “Can I ask you something?”

  “Go ahead.”

  “Why are you being a bitch to him tonight?” Her brows furrowed in a deep frown.

  I sat there staring at the empty glass in my hand. “The other night I explained why I did the things I did. He…. He has jus’ kinda ignored me since den. Well ‘til tonight, he decided dat a crowded party would be a good place ta talk ‘bout it.”

  “So you’re mad because he hasn’t talked to you since then? When has he had time?” She threw her hands up in the air. “Seriously, Marie, use your fucking head. The boy works like a dog and your brothers are always hovering. Like some sort of weird ‘Let’s keep her a virgin until she’s eighty’ guard dogs. I’m surprised you two even had time to make-out when yous two were together.”

  I slouched down on the bench. “We’ve done more dan jus’ kiss.”

  Her eyebrows shot up beneath her wig. “Really? When?”

  I felt my cheeks heat up as I ducked my head. “Hunter’s party a few weeks ago we fooled around in da laundry room, den at da mall in a dressing room and Scott’s party got a bit heated.”

  She gave me her Cheshire cat grin. “Tell me about it. What all have you done?”

  I popped my head up in shock. “Jus’ some stuff and no I’m not gonna give ya da details. But I will say it was more dan kissin’ yet enough ta keep me wit’ my V-card.”

  “You’re no fun.” She pouted as she pushed the glass around the table. “Is this from the bottle under the bed?”

  “Naw, it’s from the unopened jug of water that was in the cabinet. It’s sitting on the counter. Damn, my head is swimmin’ from that nasty shot you gave me.” I pushed my empty glass away from me and nodded to the jug sitting beside the bottle of contaminated liquid.

  “Thank god. I was going to start panicking if it was.” She squeaked staring at the bottle in horror.

  I frowned as I shook my head and felt the room tilt. “Wha’s wrong wit’ it?”

  Her eyes went wide then quickly darted around the room trying to focus on something other than me. “Nothing.”

  “Ya’re lying. Tell me wha’ da hell it is or so help me I’ll titty punch ya.” My legs wobbled as I tried to stand up. I grabbed hold of the edge of the table and narrowed my eyes at her.

  She snatched the wig off her head and ran her hand through her hair. “That was Scott’s special cocktail ‘the panty dropper’ that he used to use on some girls last year.”

  I quickly sat back down on the bench shaking my head. “Damn, Jess. How can ya stay friends wit’ him after knowin’ wha’ all he’s done? I’d have kicked hi
s ass as soon as I found out.” I released a long sigh.

  Her mouth dropped open briefly before she shut it. “You know what that is?”

  “Yeah, it was mentioned in da damn book. It’s his special cocktail of two Percocet and one Vicodin mixed in whateva alcohol he has lying around. He would give it ta ‘em when it looked like dey’d be difficult.” I rested my elbows on the table trying to keep my head from spinning. When I sobered up and burned that crap shot out of my system, I was never going to drink again. A terrifying thought hit me. “Was dis planned? Were you supposed ta give me dat crap ta drink tonight? Is dat’s why ya’ve been actin’ shady all damn night and was in such a hurry ta git Roxy outta here.”

  “Hell no! I’d never drug one of my friends. I swear that was never part of the plan.” She held her hands up in surrender as she shook her head furiously in denial.

  “What plan?” I groaned into my hands.

  “Well, Scott and I were talking about you two earlier in the week and we both thought that if yous guys just had some alone time to sit and talk it out. Well… you’d be happier and not bitchy and he wouldn’t be a dick to everyone. We thought bringing you two out here and leaving you alone would help. Don’t be mad at me for having your best interest at heart. Hunter is in on it too, same with Payne. And Beau knows that we are arranging a way for you to talk in private. He’s just not aware of all the details.”

  “Great.” I sighed plopping my head down on the table. “So if dat bottle is Scott’s den why is it here and why’d he stop using it?”

  She played with her wig staring down at the table. “Scott keeps all of his old stuff here so his brothers don’t find it and he stopped because of Beau.”

  “Wha’ do ya mean?”

  “I’m guessing it has something to do with that night with Lacy. I don’t know for sure. He refused to tell me about any of it. Even the book entry is just a watered down version of what happened.” She sighed before staring at me. Her blue-green eyes were filled with pain for her friend. “What I do know, is he came home that night scared shitless and on the verge of a breakdown. He kept mumbling that it was all his and Payne’s fault. That they never meant for that to happen.”


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