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Lost in the Moment (A Savioe Family Novel)

Page 30

by Ginny Atkinson

  I placed my free hand on his cheek gently brushing it over his beard. “Is it helping?”

  He closed his eyes and leaned into my caress. “I don’t feel as lost, but it still hurts to talk about them. He wanted to put me on medication but I refused when I read over the side effects. To be truthful just being here surrounded by a family like yours helped a lot.” He grabbed my hand and placed a kiss in the center of my palm. “And you. You made me want to be a better man.”

  My breath caught in my throat as desire and longing spread through my body. Our eyes met, speeding up my already erratic heartbeat. I chewed on my inner cheek before I leaned forward to kiss him.

  His lips were so soft as I grazed mine against his sudden indrawn breath. He pulled back resting his forehead on mine. His tongue darted out to lick his bottom lip almost as if he was trying to savor the taste. I closed my eyes to ward off my sudden need to jump him.

  My voice was a husky rasp when I sighed. “You already are a good man, Marcus.”

  His smoky gaze met mine as I allowed all of my emotions to shine through. I no longer cared that I could get my heart broken by him; just being able to share what I had for him was enough for me. He touched the side of my cheek as he looked over my face in wonder. “Marie?”



  The roar in my ears from my beating heart was deafening as I stared into her amber eyes. Was she indicating what I thought she was? Her look. It was the same one I had seen my mother give my father. One of pure adoration and dare I say... love.

  She leaned into my hand turning her head slightly to kiss the inside of my wrist. Her lips were a whisper against my skin yet they ignited me in ways that made all of my previous lovers pale in comparison. That simple action, that innocent whisper, mixed with my hope that I saw love in her eyes touched my very soul and made my heart ache.

  I pulled her against me, wrapping my arms around her as I rested my cheek against the top of her head. She placed a shaky hand against my chest before letting out a soft contented sigh. Somehow, I managed to adjust our position on the couch. I rested my head against the arm of the sofa with her sprawled out on top of me. I closed my eyes and relaxed for the first time in a long time.

  I must have dozed off for a moment, the next thing I knew the sun was setting leaving the sky painted in hues of red and orange over the treetops. She shifted slightly adjusting her position. “Maw-cus.” Her rasping voice purred out at me making me shiver. I opened my eyes and stared into hers. Her chin rested on the back of her hand as she looked at me chewing the side of her lip.

  “Yes, pet?” I hoarsely answered as I rubbed her back. She moved again starting a slow burn of desire in my veins.

  “Someone is at the gate. Can you let me up so I can buzz them in?”

  I blinked rapidly as my brain slowly comprehended what she had said. I moved my arm and sat up when she slipped off me. I ran a hand through my hair. “I’ll get it, luv. Why don’t you grab us something to drink?”

  She nodded before heading toward the kitchen. She stopped by the archway and sent me a shy smile. With a goofy grin on my face, I walked over to the intercom and buzzed in the guy from Nox’s. When Roxy helped me order the meal, I allowed her to choose something that she thought Marie would like.

  He strode up to the door carrying my order in a box. He nodded at me in greeting. “Dresden?”

  I nodded my head yes. “Thanks, mate. I hope Mr. Charvat didn’t have any problems with someone delivering this.”

  He grinned shaking his head. “Oh, don’t worry about it. When he found out that you were a friend of little Roxanne he insisted. Do you need any help setting it up?”

  I sighed taking the box out of his arms. “No thank you. I can manage.”

  He nodded, turned around and headed back to his car, as I went back in the house. I placed the box on the counter and peeled back the flap. Each small container was labeled with the dish inside it and a bottle of white wine sat in the corner of the box with a small note attached. I unfolded the note quickly reading it over. Apparently, the little bit charged it to her dad’s account and paid extra for the wine.

  Marie stood beside me handing me a glass of soda. I could tell her curiosity was sparked. “What’s that?” She leaned against the counter trying to peer over my shoulder.

  “You’ll see.” I chuckled as she stood on her tiptoes and inhaled a deep breath.

  “Food? When did you order that?” She slowly lowered her heels back on the floor and tilted her head to the side.

  I shrugged starting to pull out the small containers. “I’ll tell you if you do me one favor?”

  “Um… okay.” She raised her eyebrows at me. “What is it?”

  “Go put on something nice while I get things set up.” I stepped away from the box, grasped her face in between my hands and whispered against her lips before placing a chaste kiss on them. “Please, luv, humor me.”

  “O-okay. I’ll be down in a few.” She frowned at me pouting her lips as she strode out of the kitchen.


  Almost an hour later, after I had finished setting the table, lighting the candles and dimming the lights in the dining room, I managed to change into a pair of black slacks with a matching button down shirt following a quick shower. I decided against wearing a tie and jacket. With how nervous I was about making everything just right for her I’d end up sweating all over it.

  I turned on the docking station for the MP3 player, hooked up the device and turned the volume down low. A soft guitar wove a sweet harmony with a piano. I looked around the room double-checking every little detail. Our glazed salmon sat on the plate next to the grilled asparagus and the small flute of white wine. The mint chocolate cheesecake was still in the kitchen for later. The candles were lit sitting away from the flowers I had purchased earlier in the day.

  She cleared her throat behind me as a song about someone’s sweet lady started to play. I turned around and was completely gobsmacked. She had on a silky floor length green dress with a slit up the side exposing a hint of her creamy skin. Her hair was piled on top of her head in loose curls that framed her heart shaped face, which had on the barest hint of makeup on it. She looked bloody gorgeous.

  That dress hugged her body in ways that should be illegal. Her perky breasts were put on display to perfection. The way her waist dipped in before the gentle swell of her hips blossomed made my mouth go dry as I lost most of my ability to speak. I cleared my throat pulling slightly at my collar. “Marie. You are absolutely breathtaking.”

  She blushed ducking her head slightly before looking around the room. “You did all of this for me?” I nodded slowly as I walked over to a chair and pulled it out for her. She took a seat and smiled up at me. “So that’s why Jess canceled tonight.”

  “Yes. She knew I had something planned. So did Roxy and Luke.” I took my seat across from her. “I hope you like fish.”

  “Shug, I’m from Louisiana. My dad is the only person in the entire extended family that isn’t involved in the fishing industry.” She smiled over the small bouquet of lilies.

  The light from the candles danced across her bare neck and collarbones drawing my attention to the freckle that winked at me above her breast. I swallowed hard wiping my palms against my leg under the table. My gaze traveled up the curve of her neck, to her chin and lips that were curved up in a small smirk. Why was she smirking? I looked up to her eyes and saw that her eyebrow was raised in humor. I felt a slight blush creep up my neck at getting caught checking her out.

  Her eyes twinkled in mischievousness as she lifted a fork to her mouth. Her lips slowly enclosed the tines drawing the attention of every nerve in my body. She closed her eyes in ecstasy as the salmon hit her taste buds. The pink of her tongue swept past her lips as she licked the remnants off them. I swallowed hard at the sheer sensuality of her eating. Keeping my self-control was going to be more difficult than I had imagined if she kept that up.

  I blamed Luke for plant
ing the thought of sex in my mind. If he hadn’t mentioned where he stashed his condoms, I wouldn’t be having this much difficulty suppressing my desire. Just knowing that they were in the house and we were alone…. I shook my head banishing the thought from my mind. This night wasn’t supposed to be about that. It was for her. To show her that I wasn’t an ass that cared only about a good stuffing. That she meant the world to me.

  “So how did you manage to get them out of the house?” She asked before taking a tentative drink from her glass.

  “Charles decided at lunch that he was staying at Brian’s over the weekend. Roxy wanted Luke over there tonight and Beau has that away game.” I gave her a lopsided grin.

  “Beau has a game? Wait. He’s back on the team. When did this happen?” She scrunched up her nose and frowned.

  “Payne and Scott mentioned the day of Roxy’s attack that they were trying to talk him into rejoining the team.” I shrugged thankful that this conversation had altered the direction my thoughts had taken.

  She snorted. “I can’t believe he didn’t tell us.”

  “He probably had his reasons, pet.”

  “Probably.” She gracefully shrugged her shoulder dabbing her napkin at her lush bottom lip. “So what all did you have planned?”

  My eyebrow rose at her, silently surprised she waited this long before she asked. “You’ll just have to wait until after dessert, pet, before you find out.”

  She puckered her lips in a pout before she cracked a smile shaking her head slightly. “Well, I guess we’d better shut up and eat.”

  We finished the rest of meal in a comfortable silence. Well almost. She’d take a few bites and sigh before she’d start to stare at me while chewing on the side of her lip. Her impatience was amusing. I intentionally started to eat slower. She caught on quickly and stuck her tongue out at me.

  When I finally brought the slice of cheesecake to the table, her eyes lit up in delight. This was the only thing I told Roxy to make sure she ordered. Marie had to have her mint chocolate. The surprise when she saw it was worth the little bit of teasing.

  I placed the plate in front of her and sat down on the chair beside her. She started to reach for her fork, her hand stopping in midair when she noticed I had already had it in my hand. “Let me, luv.”

  I cut off a bite and held it up to her. My hand trembled as she leaned forward closing her eyes slightly when her lips encompassed the tongs sliding the cake off them. My breath caught in my throat when she let out a soft moan. This was a bad idea.



  My heart pounded against my chest as I caught the molten silver of his gaze when I opened my eyes. His lips were parted slightly, his breathing becoming labored. The fork trembled in his fingers as he set it back down on the table. He ran a shaky hand through his hair, his throat bobbed up and down as he swallowed.

  I reached out brushing the side of his leg gently as I lifted my hand to the table to pick up the discarded fork. I held it up to him with a small bite of cake on it. “Did you want some?”

  His pupils dilated faintly before he let out a faint whimper. “Loaded question, pet.” He stood up suddenly causing me to lean back in my chair. He carefully grabbed the fork from my hand and placed it back down on the table. He held out his hand to me. “Care to dance?”

  I slipped my palm in his and stood up. He kissed the back of my knuckles before leading me through the open doors into the living room. He placed his hand on the small of my back as he pulled me closer to him. We spun around the room in tune to the soft guitar from the MP3 player. I rested my head against his chest closing my eyes listening to the steady beat of his heart.

  He placed his head on mine and hugged me closer to him. His smooth baritone voice sang along with the lyrics of the band Staind. “You’re my world, the shelter from the rain. You’re the pills that take away my pain. You’re the light that helps me find my way. You’re the words when I have nothing to say.”

  A tear ran down my cheek. Any misgivings I had over his feelings toward me were washed away. This small gesture of his singing to me was more than I could ever have imagined. My heart swelled with love.

  I ran my hand up his chest to his neck. His hair teased the tips of my fingers as I stroked the skin at the nape of his neck. I propped my head back as he looked down at me.

  I leaned up on my tiptoes brushing my lips against his. He moaned softly before sucking my bottom lip in between his teeth scraping it slightly. The sting set my blood on fire and a shiver ran down my spine. Desire, thick and hot, pooled in my belly. He lifted his head and stared down into my eyes.

  He reached up and gently ran his fingers down my cheek to my chin. I licked my bottom lip before he lowered his head capturing my mouth. The kiss was slow yet demanding. My body molded to his as he deepened the kiss. My hands threaded into his hair, nails scraped at his scalp.

  He pulled away with a hiss. “Marie, luv. You don’t have to…. I’m content just holding you in my arms.”

  The way he said my name made my body go up in flames and my heart pound more. I didn’t want to keep circling around with him over this. We were alone and would be for who know how long. I wanted to show him just how much he meant to me. Just how much I burned for him. There would be no going back after this. I had made my choice.

  I held up a shaky hand before gently touching my fingertips to his jaw. “Marcus, I never do anything I don’t really want to do. You have to know that by now.”

  A slow, sexy smile curved his mouth and a blatant hunger scorched in his eyes as he stared back at me. But there was something else shadowing his gaze. A love, pure and honest. A love so real, it took my breath away, shaking me to my very core.

  He took a step away from me and held out a hand that slightly trembled. His voice was thickly laced with his desire. “Come with me then, luv.”

  His smile widened, giving me a flash of his white teeth. He leaned down and brushed a gentle kiss over my lips. My heart fluttered at the tender caress. I kept my gaze locked with his gorgeous, wild slate eyes that held so much emotion. All for me. My bottom lip trembled as I placed my hand in his and let him lead me to his room. My heart pounded so loudly I was almost certain he could hear it.

  He closed the door after we crossed the threshold. He walked over to the lamp by his dresser and turned it on casting the room in a soft light. I chewed on my lip as he swaggered back over to me. He reached up to my head and pulled out the pins I had in it, releasing my hair. His fingers tunneled through the strands to loosen the curls as they tumbled around my face and cascaded down my back. His eyes followed the movement of his fingers as they captured a curl between his finger and thumb.

  He rolled the curl between his fingers then brought it up to his nose and inhaled. His eyes closed as he released the hair in a sigh. He swallowed, his neck bobbing up and down before he opened them back up. The raw craving that greeted me made me shiver with eagerness.

  His hands moved to the zipper on the back of my dress and slowly unzipped it. As the green silk pooled at my feet, my nervousness tripled. I stood before him in just a scrap of lace for panties, my thigh high stockings and black two-inch heels. He sucked in a harsh breath, his hands now visibly shaking. His palms cupped my breasts instantly hardening my nipples.

  “I have dreamed of these, pet. Ever since that day in the mall.” He murmured as his thumb brushed over one of my nipples.

  I gasped in pleasure as a small shudder coursed through my body. He brushed a kiss on my forehead. His lips lazily traveled down to the corner of my eye. He kissed the tip of my nose and edge of my lips. I parted them slightly in a silent welcome. His mouth hovered a scant inch from mine.

  When his lips finally settled on mine, I moaned in gratification. They were so soft yet firm as they pressed against mine. His tongue slid along the parted seam causing me to gasp. His kisses were sinful. His mouth was a wicked delight that blossomed my growing need. His tongue swept in my mouth, exploring and running sed
uctively over my teeth.

  His thumbs brushed across my nipples sending streaks of fire that raced from my breasts down my body to my clit all while he kissed me over and over until I felt delirious. I nearly cried out, the riot of sensations he brought forth was almost too much to stand.

  I stood there with him fully clothed seemingly so in control while I felt like a bomb about to explode. He set me ablaze, lighting something deep inside that flared, something utterly feminine and incredibly needy. I wanted to please him like he was me. I wanted to be his solace, his pleasure. His everything.

  My tongue slid along his, dancing and teasing, as I pushed my breasts further in his palms craving more contact. His kisses were addictive, pushing me out of control and hazy with desire. He bit at my lower lip and the sting sent a strike of lightning sizzling through my veins. My thighs quivered at the meltdown.

  His teeth scraped a path along my chin followed by his tongue tracing a path down the contour of it down to my throat. He took his time almost like he was savoring my every response. His mouth moved over my throat to my collarbone sending an erotic stream of heat sliding over my already frazzled nerves. I could barely breathe, waiting for his next move.

  He lowered his mouth and took my breast with the same lazy expertise he did my mouth. I felt his breath first, rolling along my skin in small warm puffs. I strained against him with an urgency that surprised me. His tongue flicked at my nipple wringing out a small whimper. Then his mouth drew it deep in his heated mouth, suckling it. I cried out tossing my head back. My arms cradled his head to me, holding him close. I curled my fingers into fists, capturing handfuls of his hair while my toes curled in pleasure.

  Desire ran rampant as he moved over to the other straining nipple and begun to roll his tongue over it. Another cry escaped me as a blaze of passion ripped through me. Blood roared in my ears and pounded in my heart as his rough velvety tongue sent me closer to oblivion. I needed him in ways I have never needed anyone before in my life. He was all fire and so calm and cool at the same time. He made me feel beautiful, so womanly.


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