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by Duff McDonald

  Orth, Charles, 398

  Orwell, George, 379–80

  Osgood, Mary Elizabeth, 237

  O’Toole, James, 224

  Overdorf, Michael, 303

  Ovitz, Michael, 371

  Paine, Lynn Sharp, 437

  Palepu, Krishna, 408–9, 521

  Palihapitiy, Chamath, 329–30

  Palmisano, Sam, 404

  Pareto, Vilfredo, 78, 81, 111, 112, 113, 244

  Parker, Dorothy, 23

  Parks, Sharon, 437

  Parsons, Talcott, 356–57, 244

  Pascal, Amy, 534

  Patton, Arch, 538–39

  Paulson, Hank, 74, 466, 475–77, 561; financial crisis of 2007–10 and, 548; Goldman Sachs and, 477–78; HBS given $400 million, 478; Paulson Institute, 561

  Paulson, John, 68, 466, 477–79, 531, 533, 535

  Pechter, Richard, 468

  Peck, Gregory, 186

  Pellegrini, Paolo, 478

  Perkins, Donald, 106, 332

  Perkins, Thomas, 120, 127, 322

  Pershing Square Capital Management, 466, 479, 481

  Person, Harlow, 38

  Pestillo, Peter, 163

  Peters, Tom, 417, 513

  Petriglieri, Gianpietro and Jennifer, 311, 313

  Pfeffer, Jeffrey, 314, 317, 424

  Pickens, T. Boone, 367

  Piff, Paul, 313

  Piketty, Thomas, 5, 281, 540, 544

  Piper, Thomas, 401–2, 403, 437, 527

  Platt, Gerald, 356–57

  Platten, Donald, 157

  Podolny, Joel, 236, 439–40

  Poets & Quants, 410, 493, 561, 574

  Poor, Henry Varnum, 244

  Poor, Lucy, 244

  Porras, Jerry, 492

  Porter, Eduardo, 362

  Porter, Michael, 155, 251, 261, 296, 299, 377, 378, 411–27, 443, 447, 453, 458, 503, 525, 542, 554, 557, 572, 575; advising nations, 421–22; consulting for NFL and, 403; critics of, 417, 424–25; “Five Forces” framework, 413, 415, 416, 422; generic strategies of, 413; impact on HBS, 422–23; Initiative for a Competitive Inner City, 421; Lifetime Achievement Award, 416; monetizing, 419; Qaddafi as client, 405–7, 420, 423, 567; Reagan and, 419; speaking fees, 410; survey of HBS alumni, 425–26; as a university professor, 423; value chain idea, 414; works by, 414, 417, 419, 421, 486. See also Monitor Group

  Portland State University School of Business Administration, 450

  Powell, Colin, 273

  Powell, Joseph W., Jr, 125

  Power Elite, The (Mills), 188–90, 196, 197, 219

  Practice of Management, The (Drucker), 183

  Prahalad, C. K., 300

  Pratt, John, 216

  Presidio Graduate School, 561

  Preventing Regulatory Capture (Moss), 249

  Price of Inequality, The (Stiglitz), 165

  Principles of Scientific Management, The (Taylor), 35

  “Private Entity with Public Pretensions,” 125

  Probability and Statistics for Business Decisions (Raiffa), 216

  Problems in Industrial Accounting, 116

  Procter & Gamble, 142, 191, 211, 289, 460; community and, 192; growth, 191; HBS grads on its board, 191; Morgens as CEO, 190–93

  productivity, 36, 40, 165, 491; lighting and, 83, 87; Mayo’s theories, 80, 84–86; Taylorism and, 39

  Profit Beyond Measure (Johnson), 445

  “Profits Without Prosperity” (Lazonick), 377

  “Public Looks at Business, The” (David), 142

  Pusey, Nathan M., 127, 335

  Putnam, Robert, 56, 391

  “Putting Integrity into Finance” (Jensen), 378

  Qaddafi, Muammar al-, 405–7, 420, 567

  Questrom School of Business, Boston University, 235

  Raab, Sidney, 289

  Radcliffe College, 238, 239: Harvard-Radcliffe Program in Business Administration, 151, 239, 240

  Raiffa, Howard, 215–18, 336–37, 355

  Rajaratnam, Raj, 211

  RAND Corporation, 258, 272, 275

  Random Walk Down Wall Street, A (Malkiel), 411

  Rangan, V. Kasturi, 475

  rational choice theory, 275

  RCA, 335; HBS’s Executive Education and, 151

  Reagan, Ronald, 160, 163, 371, 387, 419, 422, 430, 474

  Redefining Corporate Soul (Cox), 492

  Redefining Health Care (Porter), 421

  “Re-engineering Work: Don’t Automate, Obliterate” (Hammer), 301

  Reich, Robert, 425, 426–27

  Reinhardt, Forest, 560

  Relevance Lost (Kaplan and Johnson), 297, 443

  Relevance Regained (Johnson), 446

  “Remuneration” (Jensen and Murphy), 375

  Replogle, John, 561

  Rethinking the MBA (Datar et al), 564

  Riesman, David, 184, 185–86, 350

  Rio Tinto, 209, 543–44

  Rise and Fall of Strategic Planning, The (Mintzberg), 262

  Rivkin, Jan, 419, 425, 542

  RJR Nabisco, 209, 371

  Robinson, James D., III, 106, 128, 209, 255

  Roby, Joe, 468

  Rock, Arthur, 120, 319–21, 328, 329

  Rockefeller, John D., 12, 28, 38, 44, 57, 77, 79, 373

  Rockefeller, John D., Jr., 71, 142, 145, 220

  Rockefeller, Laurence, 322

  Rockefeller, Nelson, 289

  Rockefeller Foundation, 90, 112, 211; as HBS benefactors, 81, 82–83

  Rockefeller General Education Board (GEB), 44, 97

  Roeder, George, 289

  Roethlisberger, Fritz, 85, 89, 118, 222, 238, 308, 355

  Romeo and Juliet (Shakespeare), 397

  Rometty, Ginni, 404

  Romney, George, 507

  Romney, Mitt, 332, 419, 501, 506–10

  Romney, Tagg, 419, 506

  Roosevelt, Franklin Delano (FDR), 101–3, 123, 131–32, 136, 139, 200; New Deal, 122, 161, 192

  Roosevelt, Theodore, 16, 22, 37, 244, 441

  Roots, Rituals, and Rhetorics of Change, The (Augier and March), 220

  Rose, Charlie, 17, 570

  Rose, Clayton, 236

  Rosenberg, Nathan, 535

  Ross, Stephen M., 533

  Rost, Joseph, 197

  Rothenberg, Jim, 535

  Rothkopf, David, 388

  Rothrock, Ray, 322

  Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto, 235, 283, 419

  Rottenberg, Jennifer, 536

  Ruane, Bill, 169

  Rubin, Bob, 469

  Rubio, Marco, 508

  Rude Awakening (Keller), 247

  Rudenstine, Neil, 423

  Ruggles, Clyde, 131

  Sabine, Wallace, 34

  Sabrina (film), 183–84

  Sachs, Samuel, 474

  Sachs, Walter and Paul, 474

  Saez, Emmanuel, 540, 544

  Sahlman, William, 301, 328, 331, 332, 333, 480, 494

  Salmon, Walt, 332, 333, 356

  Salter, Malcolm, 521

  Sandberg, Sheryl, 74, 241, 534

  Sanders, Thomas, 116

  Sargent, Ron, 333

  Sarofim, Fayez, 328

  Sass, Steven A., 286

  Scale and Scope (Chandler), 14, 230, 246, 247, 248

  Scalia, Antonin, 334

  Schacht, Henry, 128

  Schlaifer, Robert, 215, 216, 218, 355

  Schlesinger, Leonard, 235

  Schmoller, Gustav von, 21, 27, 48

  School of Business Administration, University of Western Ontario, 228

  Schumpeter, Joseph, 243, 244, 348

  Schwarzman, Stephen, 76, 394, 466, 470, 531

  Sculley, John, 320

  Sears, F. B., 26

  Securities and Exchange Commission, 169, 38, 430–311, 469, 478, 548

  Sehdev, Jeetendr, 535–36

  Seidler, Lee J., 345

  Selfridge, H. Gordon, 105

  Sender, Claudia, 241

  Seneca the Younger, 167, 168

  Senior, Nassau William, 273–7

  Sequoia Fund, 169, 322, 469

  Servan-Schreiber, Jean-Jacques, 230

  Serving America’s Business? Graduate Business Schools and American Business, 1945–60 (Aaronson), 194, 197, 247

  7 Habits of Highly Effective People, The (Covey), 492

  Shad, John, 169, 430–32; HBS ethics endowment, 431–32, 436–37

  Shaeffer, Charles, 106

  Shames, Laurence, 168, 169–70, 172, 173–74, 177, 281, 435, 529

  Shaping the Waves (Cruikshank), 324

  Shapiro, Benson, 300, 332, 333

  shareholder value/profit-driven management, 6, 10, 36, 298, 315, 360–64, 366, 418, 442–43, 454, 469, 491, 524, 550, 567

  Shaw, Arch, 43, 47, 116, 293

  Sherman Antitrust Act, 200

  Sicilia, David, 248, 251, 370

  Siegel, Jeremy, 424

  Siegel, Martin, 380

  Silicon Valley, 234, 319, 321, 328; HBS grads and, 323; HBS outpost in, 328, 494; Rock and, 319–21

  Simpson, James, 69

  Skilling, Jeff, 76, 437–38, 456, 502, 512–24, 525

  Skinner, Wickham, 498

  Sklair, Leslie, 388

  Slichter, Sumner H., 160

  Sloan, Alfred, 61, 194, 245, 348

  Small Business Management (Hosmer), 326

  Smith, Adam, 43, 73, 246

  Smith, Fred, 128

  Smith, George, 289

  Smith, Roger, 246

  Snook, Scott, 439

  Social Choice and Individual Values (Arrow), 275

  Social Enterprise Initiative (SEI), 475

  “Social Responsibility of Business Is to Increase its Profits, The” (Friedman), 360

  “Social Significance of Business, The” (Donham), 433

  Social Structure and Learning Climate (Orth), 398

  Sokolow, Ira, 380

  Sonnabend, Roger, 173, 185

  Sony, 183, 534, 537

  Sorkin, Andrew Ross, 480

  Spar, Debora, 362, 363

  Spater, George, 289

  Spector, Bert, 141, 143, 184

  Spender, J.-C., 25, 27, 65, 114, 179, 180, 187, 197, 215, 224–25, 259, 281–82, 283, 340, 369, 439, 446–47, 448, 451, 576

  Spengler, Oswald, 77

  Spirit of Enterprise, The (Gilder), 329

  Stahlman, Mark, 301

  stakeholder theory, 6, 367, 388–89, 442–43

  Stamps, James, 351

  Standard Oil, 90, 136, 142, 149, 191, 245, 372

  Stanford Graduate School of Business, 48, 92, 120, 202, 280, 323, 343, 345, 382, 424, 494, 574; MOOC at, 572; women at, 240

  Stantcheva, Stefanie, 544

  Staples, 76, 238, 332–33

  Steiger, Paul, 305

  Stemberg, Thomas, 76, 332, 333, 509

  Stephen M. Ross School of Business, University of Michigan, 92, 533, 544

  Stern, Stefan, 547

  Stern Strategy Group, 410

  Stevenson, Howard, 325–26, 327–28, 456

  Stevenson, T. K., 83, 84

  Stewart, Donald A., 157

  Stewart, Donald L., 157

  Stewart, Matthew, 31, 35, 36, 77, 83, 85, 87, 205, 309, 415–16, 418, 511

  Stewart, Thomas A., 305

  Stiglitz, Joseph, 165

  Stone, Nan, 302–3, 317

  strategy, 257–61; Andrews and situation specific, 458; CEO as strategist in chief, 415–18; Chandler’s analysis, 245, 248, 251, 252; Chandler’s maxim, 443; HBS curriculum claims, 484; HBS’s Business Policy course, 416; historical HBS view, 413–14; industry paradigm, 413; Kaplan vs. Johnson, 442–52; Porter and, 413, 414, 422, 427, 443, 458; the positioning school, 416; quantitative orientation, 458; three assumptions, 415–16; Toyota, 450, 452

  Strategy (Freedman), 259, 342

  Strategy and Structure (Chandler), 194, 204, 245, 246, 247–48, 257

  Straus, Herbert, 69

  Straus family, 104

  Stringer, Howard, 534

  Student Small Business Placement Program (SSBPP), 327

  Subliminal Seduction (Key), 288

  Suicide (Durkheim), 77–78

  Sumitomo bank, 205–6

  Summers, Larry, 74, 334, 469, 502, 522–23, 545

  Sun, Anthony, 322

  Superclass (Rothkopf), 388

  SuperCorp (Kanter), 404

  Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB), 561–62

  Swope, Gerald, 69, 105

  Taeusch, Carl, 94

  “Takeovers: Folklore and Science” (Jensen), 370

  Takeuchi, Hirotaka, 235, 427

  Tarbell, Ida, 37, 56

  Tata, Ratan, 157, 533, 536

  TaTa Sons, 574

  Taussig, Frank W., 16–17

  Taylor, Bill, 301

  Taylor, Frederick W., 29, 30–41, 43, 78, 86, 301, 415; Bethlehem Steel and, 32–34; at HBS, 34–35, 37, 42

  Taylor, Kenneth, 161

  Taylorism, 29. 32–38, 81, 84, 212, 301

  Teaching and the Case Method and Education for Judgment (Christensen), 279

  “Teaching the Profession of Business at Harvard” (Baker), 49

  technology: Clark and updating HBS’s infrastructure, 500; fast failure, 172; HBS and Silicon Valley, 319; MBAs in Silicon Valley, 10, 120, 514. See also Rock, Arthur; Silicon Valley

  Tedlow, Richard, 249, 263

  Teele, Stanley (dean), 19, 139, 149–50, 162, 254, 255; admission of women and, 239–40; on business ethics, 434; case method and, 279; curriculum changes by, 215, 216; on faculty “inbreeding,” 195; on grading, 175–76, 180; pro-business views, 285; retirement as HBS dean, 286

  Teradyne, 125, 341

  Tercek, Mark, 561

  Textron, 125, 127

  Thain, John, 475–77, 548

  theory of the firm, 4–5, 27, 57–58, 261, 366, 370, 412, 422–23, 562, 567

  “Theory of the Firm” (Jensen and Meckling), 366

  Thiel, Peter, 120, 121

  Thompson, Clarence, 35

  Thornton, Charles “Tex,” 192, 265–66, 270, 292

  Thrift, Nigel, 490–91

  Thunderbird School of Global Management, 551

  Time Inc., 241; HBR editorships and, 302–3, 305, 306

  Time magazine, 105, 135; business faculty and outside consulting, 401; Doriot profile, 126–27; MBAs at the DOD, 272; Nohria in, 569

  Tocqueville, Alexis de, 12

  Toyota, 450, 452

  Trade Union Fellowship Program, 151, 160–66

  Transnational Capitalist Class, The (Sklair), 388

  Traub, Marvin, 169, 171

  Trippe, Juan, 538

  Tripsas, Mary, 404–5

  True North (George), 315

  Truman, Harry, 136, 467

  Trump, Donald, 511, 575

  Trumpbour, John, 432

  Tuck School, Dartmouth, 11, 19, 38

  Tufano, Peter, 235, 520

  Turkish Institute of Business Administration, 30, 231

  Turner, Ted, 430

  Twain, Mark, 258

  Tyco, 381, 491, 520

  Universities (Flexner), 97

  University of Chicago, 116, 260, 275, 378; free market tradition and, 366

  University of London, School of Management, 311

  USA (Dos Passos), 41

  U.S. Air Force Academy, 192–93

  U.S. Defense Department: MBAs at, 272; McNamara reorganizes, 272–73

  U.S. economy: average income (1949), 144; capital investment, 343; consumption-based, 185, 193; corporate layoffs (1990s) and, 492; crisis of 1907, 23; decline, American managers and, 342–52; distressed (1893–97), 23; early 1970s, 386; effect of shareholder value ideology, 372–73; federal regulation and, 102, 103, 108, 122, 131–32, 133, 200, 244, 347, 357, 358, 367, 385, 386–87, 430, 504–5, 513; financial crisis of 2007–10, 2, 372, 381, 425, 471, 476, 477, 525; 545–53; GDP, 144, 171, 193; government role in, 5, 7; Great Depression, 59, 62, 79, 95, 96, 101, 107–10, 112, 132, 144, 167, 201, 434; growth (1939–44), 182; HBS graduates and, 198; HBS influence on, 8, 9, 545–53; hostile
takeovers and leveraged buyouts and, 362, 367, 369, 370–71, 380, 430, 463; income inequality and, 56, 165–66, 463, 539, 544; Keynesian ideas and, 386; loss of industry in, 343–44; manufacturing (1949), 144; New Economy, 490–91, 492, 514–15; peacetime federal budget, 193; personal debt, 193; postwar economic boom and, 167–74, 349; R&D spending drop, 347; railroads and, 251; recession of 2001, 381; redistribution of wealth in, 462; regulatory and legal reforms (1903–14), 56; rise of “neoliberalism,” 385; “trans-national capitalist class” and, 8; Wall Street distortion and, 10, 466, 575

  Useem, Jerry, 572

  Useem, Michael, 189

  U.S. Treasury, 73, 74

  U.S. War Department, 135–39

  Uyterhoeven, Hugo, 153

  Valeant Pharmaceuticals, 480, 481, 482

  “Value Maximization, Stakeholder Theory, and The Corporate Objective Function” (Jensen), 373–74

  Vanderblue, Homer, 73

  Vanity Fair, 188, 519

  Van Maanen, John, 80, 309–10, 392–95

  Van Slyke, John, 328

  Veblen, Thorstein, 95

  Venrock, 320, 322

  venture capital, 61, 120–21, 125, 127–28, 328; Doriot and ARD, 124–28; Harvard MBAs and, 320–22, 329–30, 332; unicorns, 320, 327. See also specific firms

  Vietnam: A History (Karnow), 272–73

  Vietnam War, 3, 264, 272–74, 276, 343, 354, 358

  Vietor, Richard, 249, 560

  Visible Hand, The (Chandler), 246, 250, 446

  Visiting Committee, 42–43, 67, 104–5, 140, 189, 283, 254–55

  Von Neumann, John, 97

  Wagner, Jeanette Sarkisian, 157

  Wagner Act, 201

  Waite, Charles, 323

  Walker, George Herbert, 467

  Walker, Ross G., 115–18, 264, 268

  Wallace, David Foster: “This Is Water,” 566–67

  Wallace-Wells, Benjamin, 506, 509–10

  Wall Street: American stock ownership, 467; bull market (1980s), 490; Chandler and, 244; deregulation, 469; dot-com bust, 506; Eisenhower era, 467; ethics and, 431–32, 434; HBS and, 70, 377, 465–82; HBS grads and, 168, 197, 209, 314, 354, 365, 368, 377, 453, 460, 463, 532, 544; housing market crash and, 506; influence on U.S. economy, 575; Jensen at HBS and, 365–82; MBAs and, 10, 96, 359; securities analysts, 462–63; shareholder capitalism and, 315; speculative risk and Great Recession, 381; stockbrokers’ social status, 467

  Wall Street Journal, 14, 305, 493; Enron fraud and, 516–17; “To Some at Harvard, Telling Lies Becomes a Matter of Course,” 336–37

  Walsh, Jim, 27

  Wan, David, 305

  Washington Mutual, 471, 548

  Washington Post: Fouraker in, 337

  Watson, Thomas, 154

  Wealth of Nations (Smith), 73

  Webber, Alan, 300, 301, 303

  Webber, Susan, 409

  Weber, Max, 244

  Weill, Sandy, 469, 471

  Weinberg, John, 289, 474


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