Getting Wild

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Getting Wild Page 14

by Sarah Barrie

  “I caught a fish!” she said, slightly amazed by the whole experience.

  “Yes you did. And it’s a beauty!” Ryan kissed the top of her head as he moved past her to weigh it. “Thirty-five kilos – not bad, Baby.”

  “Ella,” she reminded him under her breath. “My arms feel like jelly and you took the majority of the weight.”

  “I helped. And you just caught us dinner.”

  “We’ll just add it to the three other enormous fish you’ve already caught.”

  “Yes we will. Let’s get back to shore.”

  “That’d be great. I don’t know how I’ll have time to cover the markets as it is.”

  “Marco was going to take some shots you can voice-over later.” He moved away to talk to the man in charge of the boat and thankfully, they were soon pulling in lines and heading back.

  Chapter Thirteen

  By the time she headed down to the barbecue for dinner, Ella was feeling happily exhausted. It had been an unusual day and even though she’d enjoyed herself more than she’d probably like to admit, she was hoping there were no more crazy, yet-to-be revealed surprises in store for the evening.

  “Hi Baby,” Ryan’s voice in her ear startled her.

  “Hi,” she replied, recovering, “and it’s Ella. Where’d you come from?”

  “I was coming back to find you.” He lifted her chin, studied her. “Let me start by saying you’ll fool the others, but you’re absolutely shattered, aren’t you.”

  “A little bit.”

  “Early nights all round this evening I’d wager. But first I have the best fish you’ve ever tasted to cook.”

  “Promises, promises.”

  She was tempted to lean against him as they walked and when he threw a casual arm around her, she gave in to the urge and dropped her head against his shoulder. There was the slightest hesitation – she gathered it was genuine surprise from Ryan, and he pulled her in closer with a quick squeeze. “Good day?”

  “It really was.”

  “See? You’re more adventurous than you thought.”

  Ella smiled and shook her head. “I’m not too sure many people would consider a little bit of jet-skiing and a short fishing trip very adventurous, but thanks for the encouragement.”

  “Gotta start somewhere.”

  “I guess. Where are we going?” she asked when they by-passed the dining area.

  “The motel’s set up a table for us outside and provided some salads and breads. Mostly everyone’s already down.”

  “Oh, it’s lovely,” she commented as they walked outside and saw the beautifully decorated table.

  “Go sit, I’ll get you a drink.”


  They ate mackerel and trevally, drank from a good selection of wines and just relaxed, everyone feeling the effects of many days of filming and travelling.

  “What’s this?” a familiar voice asked towards the end of the meal. “You all look completely over.”

  “Ben!” Ryan greeted, dragging himself to his feet. “You didn’t say you were coming.”

  “I felt like a holiday. Ok – I had a few potential clients to chase up. How’d it go today?”

  “They’re both still alive and we have some remarkably entertaining television,” Hannah replied happily.

  “Sounds good,” he said, “You got any of that left?” He nodded to the food.


  It was enjoyable, sitting under the stars on a warm evening in the presence of good company and afterwards most, as Ryan had suggested, opted for an early night. Ella had a suspicion by the looks of them that Lexi and Marco may have had more on their minds than sleep and smiled to herself, happy for them.

  “What about you Ella?” Hannah asked. “Up for one last drink at the bar?”

  Ella reluctantly nodded, sensing Hannah wanted to talk to her. “Sure.”

  “I’ve got those advertising figures with me,” Ben told Ryan. “Some surprising interest. Why don’t we get them then join the ladies for that drink?”

  “I could be in that,” Ryan agreed.

  “So what’s with you and Ella?” Ben asked when he and Ryan were out of earshot

  “What do you mean?”

  “I mean Jill said you had some serious on-screen chemistry and I’m thinking I sensed it at the table.”

  “All good. She’s starting to get her head around us.”

  “There’s an ‘us’? Bloody hell Ry, I leave you alone for three days…”

  “Butt out, Ben.”

  “Just don’t scare off my new star. Hannah says she’s awesome.”

  “She is. You get rid of Reece?”

  He shook his head, a look of distress on his face. “Fuck me, what was I thinking?”

  “I think you just answered your own question.”

  Ben grinned sheepishly. “Yeah, but in my defence, she came on to me like a hot little bulldozer with a chemical imbalance and it was supposed to be a casual thing, you know? She just won’t leave me alone. I should warn you she threatened to follow me up here.”

  Ryan swore. “Let me know if she puts in an appearance. I don’t want her running into Ella.”

  Bens face lit with mischief. “Do I detect a hint of protectiveness?”

  “Reece Bailey’s toxic. Watch your back.”

  They reached Ben’s room and he opened the door and gaped in surprise. “Reece?”

  “Hi handsome! Surprise!” She climbed off his bed, kissed him; “I’ve been waiting here for you for ages.”

  “Well, I’ve been busy.”

  Reece saw Ryan and her look was cautious. “Hello, Ryan.”

  “Speak of the devil…” Ryan muttered, pulling a face. It was a grimace and he turned it on Ben. “I’ll leave you to deal with…this.”

  “Ry wait,” Ben replied, flustered.

  “You want me to call the cops?” Ryan pulled his phone out of his pocket, waited.

  Reece turned furious eyes on Ryan. “Is this because of Ella? Give me a break, aren’t you sick of her yet? Ben…”

  “Reece, we talked about this. I’m not really sure why you’re here.”

  “How could you say that? I came to see you…and I thought…”

  “Here we go,” Ryan folded his arms, waited.

  “I thought you’d all have had enough of Ella by now. God, how could you put up with her this long?”

  Ryan studied her, head titled slightly in thought. “I guess…if you really listen, really look…yes, you’re still doing it. The way you talk, hold yourself; you’re still trying to be Ella, aren’t you? You’re still imitating the woman you profess to hate so much.”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about! Ben, don’t let him speak to me like this.”

  Ryan shook his head. “Oh don’t worry, I’m leaving. Catch you later Ben.”

  Ella sat next to Hannah with an apple martini in hand and attempted to stifle a yawn.

  “It’s ok, yawn away,” Hannah said unoffended. “You’ve been working hard for days and honestly, I feel the same.”

  “So…why are we still awake?”

  “I just wanted a chance to have a quick word with you about filming today.”

  Ella was immediately alert. “Have I done something wrong?”

  “No, technically I have. I shouldn’t have let Ryan talk me into springing today’s schedule on you like that. I want you to know I don’t intend on making a habit of it.”

  Ella raised an eyebrow. “So you’re not going to use the footage?”

  “Are you insane?” She grinned widely, “It’s gold. But I still want to apologise.”

  “Actually, I really enjoyed myself today.”

  “You looked happy. You’re not the same person you were just a few days ago…but saying that, I don’t think you’ve ever been the person most people think you are.”

  Ella looked down into her drink and played with the toothpick. “I don’t want to know what you thought.”

  “Probably not,
no. But I admired you. Seriously admired you in a professional capacity. Now I’m glad we’re friends.”

  Ella smiled. “So am I. I don’t tend to make friends very easily.”

  “You’re scary Ella. Little Miss Perfect. Women are jealous of you, men are intimidated by you. It’s tough to be gorgeous, smart and successful.”

  “You are.”

  “That’s how I know,” Hannah replied breezily, flicking her hair over her shoulder theatrically.

  Ella laughed, appreciating her. “So cheers to us!”

  “To us!” The women touched glasses.

  “So…are you in love with Ryan?”

  “What?” Ella blinked, thrown by the question. When Hannah just waited silently, expecting an answer, Ella shrugged. “I don’t know.”

  “He’s in love with you, I can see it.”

  “That’s what he tells me.”

  Hannah’s eyes bulged. “He told you? Wow! Go Ry!”

  “Yeah. Right before the breakfast meeting. Now what am I supposed to do?”

  Hannah laughed at her obvious distress. “Live happily ever after?”

  “Happily ever after is a fairy tale.”

  “Is it?”

  “Isn’t it?”

  “That’s something you need to figure out.” Hannah patted her on the hand. “If you need someone to talk to, I’m it, ok? I’m going to thank the kitchen staff for our outdoor meal, then head up to bed. The guys can do their own thing.”

  “Good idea. ‘Night Hannah.”

  Ryan strode out of Ben’s room and down the hallway. If he was lucky he could keep Ella in the bar long enough for Ben to get rid of Reece and avoid all hell breaking loose. If he was lucky.


  At Reece’s voice Ryan looked heavenward and spun around. “Is it possible you’re actually following me?”

  “If you get in my way again, I’ll ruin your friendship with Ben. Don’t think I can’t!”

  Ryan stared at the woman in disbelief. “Seriously? Go find a good psychiatrist, Reece. And disappear. You don’t want Ella to find you here.”

  “You’re not even going to give me a chance, are you? What are you doing…sleeping with her?”

  “I fail to see how you could possibly believe that that’s any of your business.”

  “God, you are. You’re the one who needs a shrink if you’re bedding Ella.”

  Ryan’s eyes narrowed dangerously. “Watch it.”

  “Oh come on…” Reece swaggered towards him, a pouty little smile touching her face. “If that’s how you like to conduct business, I could…” And then she spotted Ella. She flung herself at Ryan, held on. “Oh Ryan, it’s just that I’ve missed you so much!” She laughed happily through forced tears, “I couldn’t wait for you to come home. We don’t have to tell Ella…”

  “What the…?”

  Ella had just rounded the corner when she saw Reece leap into Ryan’s arms. As the scene unfolded in front of her, shock was replaced by a piercing stab of rage.

  Something inside her snapped.

  “This time,” she began, her voice echoing clearly through the hallway, “I’m not going to stop until you’re dead.” Exhaustion forgotten, she took off at a run. Reece clung to Ryan, who desperately fought to disengage her. Ben appeared in his doorway just as Ella flew past it.

  “Ella stop!” Ryan shouted, fully believing from the look on her face that she may just carry out her threat. “Son-of-a-bitch…Ben!” He shook off Reece, made a lunge for Ella but she evaded, neatly side-stepping. “Ben, get this cling-on out of here before Ella rips her to pieces.” He tried again, got a few fingers on Ella’s dress as she dove, pulled away.

  Lexi and Marco came out of Lexi’s room. “What’s going on? Oh shit. Marco, get Hannah.”

  “What the heck is Hannah going to do?”

  “Absolutely no idea,” Hannah said appearing from where Ella had just come. “Ella, don’t make a mess, hon.”

  “Is that honestly the best you’ve got?” Ryan asked in disbelief, struggling to keep the two women apart.

  “Ella, you should probably…”

  “Not now, Hannah,” Ella replied, a slightly insane look of pleasure in her eyes. “I’m busy.”

  Reece bolted for Ben and threw herself behind him, Ella on her heels. Ben stumbled; Ella vaulted over him and tackled Reece to the floor. She swung, was lifted high off the ground.

  “I can’t believe it.” Ben shook his head, “Ella Jameson… Ice Princess… Queen of Composure…”

  “The very hard-to-hold-onto, black-belt kickboxer,” Ryan grated with effort. “Ben, unless you want Ella arrested for murder, get that bitch out of here! Now!”

  Snapping out of it, Ben pulled Reece to her feet and dragged her at a serious pace down the hallway.

  “Let me go!” Ella demanded. “She dies first. I’ll get to you in a minute.”

  “Calm down!” Ryan ordered, almost losing his grip on her.

  “Maybe we should form a wall or something?” Marco suggested.

  Lexi looked at him like he was mad. “Are you going to get in front of her?”

  Ryan half carried, half dragged Ella to Ben’s room, shoved her through the door and followed her in. “She’s gone. Ben’s putting her on a plane.”

  “You mean you’re not going with her?” Ella snapped, moving to the window and staring, unseeing into the darkness. The adrenaline pumping through her body was causing her to shake, the question burning in her mind only making it worse.

  “Oh, of course,” he replied with angry sarcasm, “I’m off to continue my great, behind-your-back love-affair with the psycho. What am I waiting for?” Ryan walked across the room and attempted to hold her. “Ella, come here.”

  She shook him off. “Don’t touch me right now. I need to calm down.” She got as far as the door and had it open a few inches before he reached out from behind her and pushed it shut.

  “You’re not going anywhere. Not this time. Ella…”

  “I said hand’s off!” she objected when he again reached for her. “Just get out of my way.”

  “No. You’re staying put, so just calm down in here.”

  Ella stared at him in disbelief. “Screw you, Ryan. Move!”

  “I’m not moving until Reece is several thousand feet in the air, you’re calm and you can look me in the eye and tell me whether or not you really believe what you think you saw,” he snapped, his voice rising to match hers.

  She sighed heavily and threw her hands up in the air. “No. I don’t believe what I saw and I’m not going to go after Reece. I just need walk this off.”

  “You don’t believe it?”

  “Of course not.” Ella stepped back, hand to forehead. Calmer, quieter, she continued. “Of course I don’t believe you’re stupid enough to be involved with Reece. I’m fairly sure Reece probably saw me coming and threw herself at you to cause a scene. She got one. There, see? Calm.”

  “Fairly sure?”

  “It’s perfectly believable she would have thrown herself at you regardless.”

  He grinned at that and came to sit beside her. “Can I touch you yet?”

  “You’re adventurous, aren’t you?”

  He wrapped an arm around her shoulders, squeezed. “Ella, you went nuts.”

  She sighed. Nodded. “Yes. Yes I did.”

  He turned her in his arms. “Feel better?”

  “No, because I let her get to me again. I caused a scene. It’s what she wanted and I gave it to her.”

  “I think your reputation will survive. You do realise though, this is a big step in the evolution of our relationship?”

  Ella looked at his face, saw his eyes dancing with amusement and frowned in confusion. “What?”

  “We’ve gone from a no-strings-attached affair to you attempting to kill someone for putting their arms around me.”

  “I wasn’t really going to kill her. And that wasn’t about you.”

  “It wasn’t?”

  “It was
about Reece getting in my way again.”

  “Uh-huh. You’re really not going to admit it, are you?”

  She stared at him as she considered what to say. Ben’s knock on the saved her from having to reply.

  “Perfect timing,” Ryan muttered as he opened it, earning a puzzled look from Ben.

  “No flights until tomorrow. I put her in a cab, she’s headed for the motel down the road.” He looked warily at Ella. “I suppose you’ve calmed down?”

  Ella levelled him a cool glare. Remained silent.

  Ben looked at Ryan. “Composure’s back in place. Not talking?”

  Ryan grinned at Ella. “Just don’t hurt him.”

  “There’s nothing I can say you want to hear,” she finally replied to Ben.

  “You can tell me what a complete idiot I am for getting involved with Reece.”

  “Ok. Then I do have something to say. You’re a complete idiot.”

  He laughed and he rubbed his hands over his face, looked at her. “And what the heck was that out there? I thought I was hallucinating!”

  She smiled slightly. “That’s a good explanation, let’s go with that.”

  “Works for me.”

  Ella nodded, stood up. “I’m going to bed. Goodnight.” She walked towards the door, towards Ryan.

  “Ok. Goodnight, Ella.”

  When the door closed, Ben shook his head at Ryan. “Wow.”

  “Yeah, wow.”

  “You said kickboxing?”

  “Real deal.”

  “I had no idea. I want to tell everybody. But who’d believe it? Vincent Jameson…”

  “…doesn’t know,” Ryan finished for him. “She’s not quite the little granddaddy’s girl many people believe.”

  “That’s clear. And she went off like that because she thought Reece and you…?”

  “Reece climbed all over me in the hall, put on a good show.”

  Ben laughed. “So she’s the jealous type then?”

  Ryan shook his head. “It’s more than that. Ella was pretty serious about a guy a few years back, Reece slept with him. That’s when she stole Ella’s laptop, several articles and a contract.”

  Ben swore. “She told you this?”


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