Getting Wild

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Getting Wild Page 15

by Sarah Barrie

“With a bit of pressure. Ella’s very careful about keeping things to herself. Especially personal things. I’m having a hell of a time making her realise she’s in love with me,” he ended with a grin.

  Ben didn’t grin as Ryan expected. Instead he frowned. “Don’t be too hard on her. Parents like hers…then Vincent Jameson, she’s got to be excused for having trouble with that sort of thing.”

  Ryan’s head shot up. “What do you mean?”

  “You know the story, right? Ella’s father took an accidental drug overdose and died when she was seven. Her mother died twelve months later from an unknown medical condition.

  “Yeah, I heard about that. It’s rough.”

  “According to Reece – and yeah, it’s from Reece but they were friends once – Ella’s father suffered depression brought about by the inability to live up to his old man and he routinely took it out on the wife and kid before offing himself very much on purpose.” He held up a hand when Ryan frowned and would have spoken. “Ella’s mother turned to the bottle to deal with daddy dearest, then lost the plot when he died. Good old Vincent stepped in and sued for custody of Ella, so she packed the kid up and went on the run. Took a year to track them down. They were only found when Ella had to call an ambulance because she couldn’t wake her mother up. Alcohol abuse. Two dead parents in twelve months. One very screwed up little girl. Handed over to a guy like V.J.”

  “Ok,” Ryan muttered, trying to absorb it. “Ok. Well. In just what kind of a fucked-up world does that sort of thing happen to a kid?”

  “It happens. Probably more than we like to think. So what’s the go with you two, really?”

  “I’m working on it. She’s work.”

  “Listen to you,” Ben said with a teasing grin, “you’re gone.”

  “I am, literally, because I don’t want to leave her alone. I’ll catch you in the morning.”

  “Yeah, just…watch your back, and your ass, and anything else she can kick.”


  Ella expected the knock on the door, was waiting for it.

  “I was worried I’d wake you,” Ryan said as he came inside. He touched her cheek gently, watched her smile and stepped back to let him in.

  “I thought you’d turn up, so I waited. Has Ben forgiven me?”

  “Nothing to forgive, Baby. You just…took him by surprise.”

  “The name’s Ella,” she snapped in frustration.

  “Not one for endearments, are you?”

  “No, and I’m sorry, but I’m not in the mood for an argument.”

  “Handy, because I was thinking more along the lines of this.” He pulled her hard against him and locked his lips on hers. The kiss was hot, hungry and Ella welcomed the instant leap of her pulse, the spontaneous flood of heat. She felt his urgency, revelled in it and returned his kiss greedily, sliding against him impatiently, her movements torturing them both. Clothes were pulled, torn, tossed anywhere, everywhere. His hands moved around her and she sprung up, wrapping her legs around him. He slammed her into the mattress, thrusting into her in the same movement. She cried out and he withdrew, thrust into her again, then again. She held on, her fingernails digging into his hips, urging him on, riding the thrill, the building desperation. When the orgasm came it ripped through her like liquid fire, an explosion of pleasure so sharp it was almost pain. She shuddered, jack-knifed, cried out his name. A moment later he buried his head in her neck, a rasping breath shuddering out of him as he found his own release, stilled and, the tension draining from him, collapsed on top of her.

  It was several moments before he spoke. “Ella?”


  “I’m sorry, you make me insane. Did I hurt you?”

  “No, and do I look like I need an apology?” she smiled, eyes closed, completely sated. She heard the smile in Ryan’s voice as he replied. “Not really, no. You look ok.”

  “Ok’s too lame for this. Let’s go with…Oh hell who am I kidding? I can’t think right now.”

  “Now there’s a compliment.”

  “Like you need one. But I needed that.”

  “Me too. Even in the face of mortal danger, there’s something incredibly hot about what you can do with that body of yours.”

  A slow smile spread over Ella’s face. She yawned, suddenly exhausted.

  He shuffled them around so they were under the covers, Ella tucked into him. “Get some sleep,” he ordered.

  “You want to sleep here again?”

  He turned her face up to his. “Yes, I want to sleep here. I want you to admit that what we have going on is more than just casual sex. I want you to give us a chance, Ella. Is that a problem?”

  Ella looked into his eyes. She’d never been as reckless as she’d been repeatedly since he came into her life. He brought out a side to her she hadn’t even known existed. And she liked it. She liked this thing they had. More, she liked herself when she was with him. Maybe she should take this risk. If it failed, well…at least she’d tried. “No,” she finally whispered, “that’s not a problem.” She closed her eyes, and was almost instantly asleep.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Ella was scanning every person in the motel, all the way to the breakfast table.

  “She wouldn’t,” Ryan said, seeing her eyes move over everyone that happened past.

  “Don’t forget I know her. She’ll turn up.”


  “She doesn’t take no for an answer. She wants a job and she’s going to want payback for last night.”

  “I hope you’re being paranoid.”

  “That’s one of the few things I’ve never been accused of.”

  “Well, she’s not here yet.”

  “Then let’s eat before she has a chance to ruin our appetites.”

  They were almost halfway through their meals when Ella saw her walk in. She automatically stiffened, then took a deep breath and forced herself to relax. Ryan caught it, looked around. His groan had Ben turning, spotting her.

  “Don’t cause a scene,” Ella muttered under her breath, “it’s what she wants.”

  “Says you,” Ben muttered.

  “Lexi! How lovely to see you again,” Reece said loudly as she approached their table.

  Lexi stopped eating, glanced at Ella who nodded almost imperceptivity. “Reece.”

  “How’s it going?” Then in a mock conspiratorial tone, “What’s it like working for a neurotic bitch?”

  “It’s going well thanks and I haven’t worked for a neurotic bitch since a certain documentary in South America.” There were quiet chuckles around the table and Reece’s eyes narrowed. “Speaking of bitches, hello again Ella, it was awfully nice to catch up last night.”

  Ella didn’t bother looking up, just continued to eat her breakfast. “Go away Reece, you’ll put people off their food.”

  Hannah smirked into her coffee.

  “I’m not going away until you tell Ben it’s ok to hire me!”

  This time Ella did look up. “Just why would you think I can tell Ben how to run his business?”

  “He’s still a couple of reporters down and I’m the most qualified. You’re the reason I didn’t get an offer.”

  “Actually Reece,” Ben put in, “we’re still very much in the discussion stage on how many reporters we’ll need. Right now, Ella and Ryan are it.”

  “Don’t count on it,” she told Ben, then, “I hear dear old grandfather isn’t very happy with you, Ella.”

  “Well, that’s an understatement Reece,” Ella brushed off, casually buttering some toast, “What’s your point?”

  “Oh, no point,” she replied, “You know, you look pretty comfortable for someone about to be cut off from a multi-million-dollar inheritance. You’ll want to run home soon, we know how vindictive Vincent Jameson can be.”

  Ella just shook her head. “Careful. If you knew grandfather half as well you claim to, you’d know what’ll happen if you start making accusations about him.” She stood and moved the short distance t
o the coffee machine, determined to catch her breath and keep calmly disinterested.

  “What’s wrong Ella, don’t you want your friends to find out about your not-so-perfect family?”

  Inside, Ella was quaking with the horrible realisation that Reece was about to broadcast very private details about her life to the entire room. Well, so be it. Mask in place, she turned and leant back against the serving table, her arms folded as she raised her brow and asked calmly, “Go on then, do your worst.”

  “Oh, so cool,” Reece taunted, “but the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, does it? Daddy beat you up, mummy was too drunk to give a shit. You like to hurt people like your daddy hurt you.”

  Ryan’s voice cut through the silence. “Back off, Reece.”

  Ella had gone deathly still. Reece had hit a nerve, damn it, but she couldn’t let her see it. Knowing the eyes of the room were on her, she fought desperately against the inevitable red-hot fury and channelled every ounce of control she’d ever mastered into keeping her tone dismissive and carefree. “As far as stories go, I was hoping for something a little more sensational than that.”

  “You assaulted me – tried to kill me and unless I get a job I’m pressing charges!”

  “Reece if I had assaulted you, you’d be in hospital, if I’d tried to kill you, you’d be in the morgue.”

  “She makes a couple of good points there, Reece,” Hannah commented casually. “Maybe you should be a bit more grateful you’re still in one piece and go away.”

  “You can’t treat me like this! I deserve that position,” Reece snapped at Hannah, then sneered at Ella. “I’ve been talking to your grandfather – told him what’s been going on. He’s furious – why not do everyone a favour and walk away right now?”

  “My grandfather wouldn’t give you the time of day.”

  “Oh, you’d be surprised. I’ll turn him against you, Ella. Just like I did Connor.”

  Ella quietly approached the table, approached Reece and replied with deathly seriousness. “Oh, I’d love you to try, because I know grandfather very well. And I know exactly how that would turn out. I also know that no matter how annoyed he might be, one word from me – just one – and you’re toast. Got it?”

  “I don’t believe you.”

  “You’re going to want to try, because I’ve tolerated every accusation, every threat, every lie that’s come out of your mouth for years. But enough is enough. I tried to help you, when that didn’t work I tried leaving you alone. The only option I have left is to go on the attack. You don’t want that. Go away.”

  Reece glared back for several seconds, then turned on her heel and strode from the room.

  Ella would have loved nothing more than to take a coffee back to her seat and continue with her meal as though nothing had happened. But even she wasn’t that good.

  “I think I need to walk this one off,” she said, and followed Reece through the door. She kept walking out onto the street and down the road, following the beach. When she found a deserted area of seating she sat down, stared out to sea. Tears welled in her eyes, frustrating her and she closed them tight, balling her hands into fists as she fought to bring herself back under control. She knew how pointless it was allowing herself to be upset by Reece’s little point-scoring games. Pointless, useless, weak; but it hurt. The accusation she was like her father…that hurt. Everyone hearing what Reece said about her parents was humiliating. Now that they knew, what would they think of her? She took a couple of rapid breaths, contained it and stared out to sea.

  Ryan was after her in a heartbeat. As he hit the entryway, he saw Reece striding back towards him. “She’s got you conned.”

  “If you have one ounce of sense you’ll start running. Right now,” he threatened, furious.

  “She’ll use you up and spit you out. What do you think she’s going to do, have some sort of relationship with you? She’s not capable of it. Vincent Jameson controls her. She’ll run back to him and leave you high and dry. I can do this job better than she ever will. I want it!”

  Ryan just shook his head in disbelief. “Listen you destructive bitch, all I’m going to say is come near her again and see how that works out.”

  “That’s enough Ryan,” Hannah’s voice from behind him had him turning to see both she and Ben standing there. “You, at least, have a reputation to maintain.”

  Ben turned to Reece, narrowed his gaze. “I can’t tell you clearly enough that there is no way in this or any alternate reality that you’ll be getting an offer of employment from Montague Enterprises. I can tell you that if you continue with this vendetta, you’ll be sued for slander and harassment and anything else we can pursue charges against you for. Do you understand that Reece? ”

  “You’ll regret this.” Reece spun on her heel and stalked off. Again.

  “Dramatic Exits R Us?” Ryan sighed. “Go Hannah and Ben.”

  “Yeah go us.” Hannah repeated. “Ryan, why aren’t you with Ella?”

  “I’m going.”

  “I don’t suppose I have to tell you she was more upset by that little confrontation than she let on.”


  Hannah laid a hand on his arm. “We’ve all become a team in a very short time – a real team. Ella’s a big part of it and we want to keep it that way. Make sure she knows we’re on side.”

  It didn’t take too long to find her and he sat down quietly beside her, staring out over the water as she did. Eventually he turned his head and studied her face. She almost looked serene but for the tension he could feel her holding onto with almost superhuman strength. “Hey.”

  “Hey.” It was barely a whisper but a muscle in her face moved almost imperceptibly. Otherwise, she remained perfectly still. He dared to touch her, the lightest brush of fingers on her arm and saw the instant flash of pain move over her features, before once again her face smoothed. She was too still, too tightly held together. He knew the slightest miscalculation would send her fleeing.

  He was ready to just sit there, to be content to look out at the seabirds and simply be nearby. He would have, except that he caught it; the faintest tremble of a quietly released breath; the slightest quiver of her chin. It hit him like a kick in the gut. “Come here,” he murmured, automatically reaching out to pull her into his arms.

  “No.” She resisted, tried to pull away. He took a chance and held on, she almost moved in, shook her head. Her eyes were full with unshed tears, something he knew she wouldn’t appreciate, even now.



  “Let go. Just let it out.”

  “I’m sorry.” The words were a pained whisper as she buried her face into his shoulder, unable any longer to stem the flood of tears as the tension snapped and the storm of hurt and humiliation engulfed her. His arms came more tightly around her and he pulled her into his lap and just held on.

  When eventually she was able to bring herself back under control they stayed that way, his hand slowly stroking her hair.

  “Everyone heard her. They heard what she said. They’ll think…God, they’ll feel sorry for me. I can’t stand that.”

  “I don’t know about that, you were pretty convincing. And Reece lost it – you didn’t. You came across as calm and rational and she looked like a madwoman. No one will believe her. Ben told her where to go. He threatened all sorts of things.”

  “There’s no need for that. Reece gets under my skin because I let her, that’s my fault.”

  “I’m getting pretty sick of hearing about how everything is your fault.”

  “Just leave it, please. I shouldn’t have cried all over you as it is, God, it’s embarrassing, I’m…”

  “Hold on!” he ordered. “Let’s get one thing straight; what you’re striving for is impossible.”

  “What’s impossible?”

  “Ella, I used to think you should come with a manual, but you’re clear as glass. You expect yourself to be perfect and when you’re not, you consider yourself a failu
re. And you’re terrified of failing at anything, even more terrified of people seeing it.”

  “I can’t afford to fail.”

  “Yes, and if you allow someone to get under your skin, it’s your own fault and if you show people a weakness, they’ll exploit it. Better yet, if you love someone you become terminally judgement impaired…all these damaging little Vincent Jameson pearls of wisdom.”

  “That’s not fair. Grandfather’s the only one whose always been there, always reliable.”

  “And that’s a shame. Because he’s got you running your life like he runs his business. But somehow despite everything, you’re innately a kind and generous person. You can’t be Vincent Jameson and that’s what’s confused me all along. You’re two different people; the better one’s you and it’s not the one you think you should be.”

  She stood, looked away. “I appreciate the opinion and the shoulder.”

  “But butt out? You want to brood, I’ll sit right here with you.”

  She did, desperately. But there’d already be enough talk, enough speculation. She couldn’t hide from this, so she turned back to Ryan, looked him challengingly in the eye. “Brooding’s useless and yes, that’s a Vincent Jameson special.”

  “Ella!” Hannah and Jill appeared and caught up to them. “Just the woman we were looking for.”

  Ella turned her attention from Ryan to the women and tried to gauge their reaction to what they’d just heard. “Oh?”

  “We’re going shopping,” Jill said happily.

  “Shopping?” Ella repeated, somewhat dazed by their bright expressions.

  “Yes and being helpful, we brought your bag,” Hannah added, holding it out to Ella.

  “Oh, well…”

  “Go,” Ryan suggested, “it’ll do you good.” He leant over and kissed her on the lips. “Shop hard.”


  Hannah slipped her arm through Ella’s and began dragging her along. “No ‘buts’. It’s therapy; just what you need after a run-in with a jealous, personality-challenged bitch.”

  Not really having any choice, and grateful for her friends support, Ella sent Ryan one last look over her shoulder and followed.


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