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Make-Believe Marriage

Page 36

by CA Quigg

  His mother curled her hand over the mouthpiece. “I’ll make the bed for you in a minute.”

  He placed a kiss on her head. “I’m almost thirty, Ma. I can make the bed.”

  She nodded and returned to her phone call. When she thought Ronan was out of earshot, she said, “Something’s not right. He looks as if he hasn’t slept in days. I haven’t seen him like this since Abbey.”

  “Leave it, love,” his dad replied. “He’ll tell us when he’s good and ready. You pushing him for an answer isn’t going to make him tell us anything.”

  “I should talk to his brothers.”

  “You’ll do no such thing.” His dad’s voice rose, something that only happened if he was annoyed. “We’ve never poked around in our children’s business before, and we won’t start now. He’s a grown man.”

  “You’re right. I just worry about my boys being so far away.”

  Ronan tore upstairs. Abbey. Why did it always come back to her?

  Chapter Nine

  When Quinn opened her eyes, late evening darkness surrounded her, and an emptiness leaked into places that, until earlier, overflowed with happiness. It’d been seven hours since Ronan stormed out. Seven hours since she’d discovered he’d been in cahoots with Brady the entire time.

  How could he betray her like that? She balled up the covers and pulled them over her face. Her head throbbed in time with her heartbeat and her eyes stung, grainy from crying. Why was she so upset over a man she’d met five days ago? Five unimportant days. Not five months. Not five years. One-hundred and twenty insignificant hours. He wasn’t her dream man. He was a stranger. A fabrication. Make believe.

  A sob fell from her lips. Who was she kidding? He was everything she’d dreamed of. The piece of tin engagement ring she still wore strangled her finger. It had to go. She yanked the trinket off and threw it into the fire. Good riddance.

  Curling into the fetal position, she pulled a pillow over her head in an attempt to silence her thoughts. She might stay hidden away forever. Pretend nothing else in the world existed. She could live in the room. If only. She’d have to face everyone eventually, plus if Lily hadn’t already fired her, she still had a wedding to plan.

  There was a knock on the door. “Quinn, sweetheart, you in there?” Brendan called.

  Quinn peeked from beneath her fabric fortress. “Give me a few minutes, and I’ll come downstairs.”

  “You okay? It’s been a few hours since… well, you know…”

  Since I committed personal and professional suicide .

  “Is Lily still here, or has she left?”

  “I’m going to come in,” he said matter of factly. “Are you decent?”

  “Apart from looking like I’ve been dumpster diving, I’m fine.”

  The door opened with a creak. The light flicked on, smarting her eyes, and Quinn tunneled beneath the blankets again.

  “Come out, chicken.” Brendan tugged at the covers.

  “I’d rather not.”

  “Lily’s still here.” He sat at the edge of the bed. “You need to talk to her.”

  “Does everyone know how I ruined Ella Harper’s wedding?”

  “Why would you think that?”

  She moved the blankets down, so her eyes were visible. “I’m sure Lily has already been on the phone to Ella.”

  “You’ve got her all wrong. Whenever you’re ready, come down and talk to her.”

  “I don’t think I can face the world right now.” She never wanted to face anyone ever again.

  “No matter what happened, no matter what’s true and what isn’t, you and Ronan care about each other. You have a connection.”

  “We don’t. He destroyed everything. He was in league with my ex.”

  “Destroyed everything, did he?”

  “If he hadn’t lied to me about Brady, things wouldn’t be the mess they are now.”

  “Tell yourself whatever’ll make you feel better, but you have a job to do.” He lowered his head and interlaced his fingers as if in prayer. “Take it from someone who’s been there, lying in a bed of your own sweat and tears isn’t the way to get things done.

  “The airport’s opening as soon as it can and will be fully functional by tomorrow. If you want this to work for the both of us, then you need to get your arse in gear. You committed to a job that needs finishing.” He left the room without looking back.

  When she was on her own, Quinn kicked off the covers and stared at the ceiling. Brendan was right. She couldn’t hide away piecing back her shattered heart. It wasn’t as if she’d die if she never saw Ronan again. It wasn’t as if the world had ended. It wasn’t as if there weren’t other men who would make her weak with one glance.


  Lily sat on a fireside chair in the kitchen with her legs tucked beneath her and a fishbowl-sized glass of red wine cupped in her hand.

  “Well, well, well, look who decided to grace us with an appearance.” She eyed Quinn. “You look like shit.”

  “You’re so sweet.” Quinn nodded toward Lily’s yoga pants ensemble. “The soccer mom look suits you. You should wear yoga pants more often.”

  Peals of rasping laughter spilled from Lily. “You need to work on your insults, hun.”

  Quinn scooped up a wine glass and an open bottle of Merlot warming by the fire and poured herself a generous helping.

  “That’s my girl.” Lily raised her glass in salute. “Drown your sorrows with alcohol. Wine makes everything so much better, don’t you think?”

  Quinn took a large gulp, and her body relaxed as soon as the honeyed liquid hit her taste buds. “I needed that.”

  “Sit.” Lily patted the seat of the chair opposite her.

  “I shouldn’t.” But she plopped down anyway, which made the wine slosh over the rim of her glass and drip onto her jeans. “I don’t have time. I have to read my texts, my emails. Have you seen my phone?”

  “Stop fidgeting. You’re wasting wine.” Lily reached out and steadied Quinn’s wrist. “I have your phone. No calls or texts from lover boy if that’s what you wanted to know.”

  Quinn crossed her legs and arms. “You’ve been reading my messages?”

  “Eh. When you were off having a pity party for one, someone had to make sure the sky didn’t fall.”

  “So I’m not fired.” Quinn didn’t dare breathe.

  “No.” Lily paused for a sip of wine. “Not yet.”

  Masking her relief with what she hoped was an indifferent expression, Quinn held out an upturned hand. “Phone.”

  “On the mantel. You’re welcome, by the way.”

  Quinn reached for her phone, desperate to see for herself if Ronan had gotten in touch. She swiped through the messages and emails. He hadn’t. And neither had Brady, which confirmed to her they were working together. Ronan must have told Brady the game was up, but she still wasn’t sure what that game was. As long as she lived, she never wanted to see either of them again.

  “Told you so,” Lily said in a singsong voice.

  If Lily hadn’t been the gatekeeper to Ella, Quinn would’ve told her where to shove it.

  “Go on say it,” Lily said.

  “Say what?”

  “Shut up, Lily. Mind your own business, Lily.”

  Quinn thumbed through some spam emails before glancing up. “So you’re a mind reader now?”

  Lily churned the wine around her lipstick stained glass. “I’m everything and anything I need to be. A bit like you.”

  Quinn didn’t take the bait and ignored Lily’s comparison. “Brendan said the airport’ll reopen tomorrow. Have you spoken to Ella? When’s her flight arriving?”

  “Sunday morning.”

  “You’re kidding? The day of the wedding? How are we supposed to have everything ready if the bride doesn’t arrive until a few hours before she’s due to walk down the aisle?” Quinn stood, and power lapped around the kitchen. “What about Kai, wh
en does he get here?”

  “They’re arriving together.”

  “Okay. I’ll do what I can to make sure everything goes to plan.”

  “We still need to talk about what happened today.” Lily motioned toward Quinn’s vacated seat.

  Quinn stopped walking. “Can’t it wait until after the wedding?”

  “No. Now sit and finish your wine.” Lily inclined her head and gave a queenly wave. “Explain.”

  Quinn grasped the stem of her glass with both hands. Taking a generous sip, she sank into the chair and gazed into the snapping flames. “I told you everything this morning. There’s nothing else to explain. I lied to save my ass. Ronan found out. He lied to me about knowing my ex, which is worse than anything I did.”

  “Why’d you come clean?” Lily asked. “A few more days you and lover boy would’ve been home free. No one else had a clue. As long as the job got done, I didn’t care. And as much as you think I’m a heartless bitch, which I can be, I get that people do things to claw their way up.”

  “Ulcer forming guilt, I guess. I dunno. I thought telling the truth would show Ronan I wasn’t a two-faced liar.”

  Lily barked out a laugh. “That sure backfired, huh?”

  “You think?” Quinn took another long sip of wine. “So why haven’t you fired me and told Ella about my fantastical love story?”

  “I like you. So what? You told a lie. Who hasn’t? And, hello, Romeo deserves those heels of yours lodged in his junk. He’s as much to blame for this three-ringed circus as you are.”

  “Maybe. I don’t care enough to care about his part in all of this.”

  Lily tilted her head. “Denial is a river in Egypt, ever heard of it?”

  “I’m not in denial.”


  For a brief second, Quinn closed her eyes. “I’m not. It’s the truth.”

  Lily dismissed Quinn with a flick of her fingers. “Whatever.”

  Quinn stood and walked to the sink, where she poured the remnants of her glass down the drain. “Think I’ll call it a night. Lots to do tomorrow.”

  “You do that. Brendan and I have some things to… discuss.” There was a twinkle in Lily’s eye and dirty laughter in her voice.

  “I’m sure you do.” Quinn set her glass on the draining board and left the kitchen.


  Since sleep refused to come, she sat in bed browsing through pictures and articles about Ronan on her laptop. For a while, she’d foolishly believed they could make it as a couple. Have a real relationship once Ella’s wedding was over. Dumb. In the long run, a relationship created from lies would never have worked. They’d never stood a chance.

  When she needed his support, he turned on her—attacked her character—and walked away. To him, she was a business deal and nothing more.

  All along he’d been plotting against her. Every word and every kiss calculated and planned. How could she have trusted him? Been so stupid, so blind? She’d let herself get swept away on a wave of romance and fairytales.

  A tear slid down her cheek and she used the edge of the comforter to wipe it away. The way Brady had broken her heart was nothing compared to what Ronan had done. His betrayal made her heart feel as if it were physically broken. As if his words had pummeled it to pieces. Every time she thought about him, which was every second, the broken piece splintered into slivers of pain. How could she have fallen so hard for him? Ignored all the warning signs? It wasn’t supposed to be like this. Her coming clean was supposed to show him she wasn’t like his ex. Supposed to show him how much she valued what they had.

  “Quinn,” Lily yelled, hammering on the door, “we have to talk. Right now.”

  She glimpsed at the time—5 a.m. Placing her laptop on the bed, Quinn stumbled toward the door, opening it a crack to block the hallway light from blinding her.

  “Can’t it wait?” she asked, her voice scratchy from lack of sleep.

  “No.” A lit cigarette dangled from Lily’s lips, the smoke curling upward. Bruised shadows beneath her eyes made her look like she’d spent the night in a boxing ring. “You’re lucky I didn’t wake you earlier. But after yesterday’s drama, I assumed you needed sleep.”

  “I wasn’t sleeping. What’s so urgent?”

  Lily thrust the bedroom door open, pushing Quinn out of the way. “The wedding’s off.”

  When Quinn could string together coherent words, they came out pinched and on the verge of hysteria. “Off? Why?”

  “Ella thinks the snow and all the problems getting here are a sign from a greater power that she shouldn’t marry Kai. I should have known she’d pull this kinda crap. Can you believe this?”

  “No.” An iced over snowball of realization hit her hard, and she slid down the doorjamb to the floor.

  “I’m too old for this.” Lily inhaled deeply, removed the cigarette from her lips, and clamped it between her fingers. She closed her hands around Quinn’s biceps and hauled her up from the floor, her steely eyes glinted dangerously. “I already have one deranged woman on my hands, and I don’t need another.”

  Panic bubbled in Quinn’s throat, but she swallowed it down, not allowing it to take control. Lily eased her grip, and between half-laughing and sobbing, Quinn managed to pull in enough air to speak. “W-what about the guests, the food?” Her voice rose several octaves. “The other suppliers are going to lose a fortune.”

  “Stop it.” Lily snapped, her smoker’s rasp rustier than ever. “Everyone’s getting paid. No one’s lost anything. As for the guests, Ella already told most of them before I had a chance to. Thank God it was only fifty people. Can you imagine if it’d been a thousand? We got off easy if you ask me.”

  “Easy?” Quinn dragged her hands through her knotted hair. “You might be used to having your time wasted by a spoiled brat with no respect for anyone or anything. I’m not. Everyone might get paid, but what about the exposure and future business this wedding would’ve brought? I’ve been counting on it.”

  “Get over yourself.” Lily’s face twisted. “While you were moping about your lost love, I sent out a press release that explains everything. When you’re ready to pull on your big girl panties and act professionally, go check your email.”

  Lily walked out in a curl of smoke, leaving Quinn feeling she was the spoiled brat. She scurried to the bed and checked the emails, searching for Lily’s press release.

  For immediate release:

  Global movie star Ella Harper would like to put rest to the rumors that she and Kai Parks are to marry on Christmas Eve. While a wedding was due to take place at Oak Castle, County Donegal, Ella and Kai have parted ways. Although they are no longer in a relationship, they remain close friends and ask you to respect their privacy during this difficult time. Ella would like to thank Quinn Marshall from Making Memories and Ronan Donovan from Donovan Events for all of their efforts in planning what would surely have been a fairytale day.

  Had Lily been in the room, Quinn would’ve kissed her feet. Her business was safe, and since she’d mentioned the castle, Brendan wouldn’t have to worry either. A vortex of relief and regret spiraled inside of her. If she’d waited twenty-four hours before telling the truth, then Ronan would still be here celebrating with her. But that wouldn’t take away his involvement with Brady. Nothing would.

  After dressing, Quinn packed up her belongings and fired off emails canceling all suppliers. The roads were still too icy to drive, so she planned to stay at the castle and work until noon. Perhaps when she got back to her flat, she’d unpack her boxes and attempt to make her apartment some sort of home.

  On her way to find Brendan and say goodbye, she saw several people she didn’t know scurrying around the foyer.

  Brendan hurried toward her with rosy excitement glowing on his face.

  “What’s going on?” she asked.

  “The media want to see where the wedding was going to take place. The phon
e’s been blowing up. Lily says I should allow one paparazzo in, and she’ll take care of selling the photo rights worldwide. Oh and, by the way, there’s still going to be a wedding tomorrow.”

  “Did Ella change her mind?” Hope swirled within Quinn, but she willed herself not to get flustered. “I swear I don’t think I have the stamina to deal with a high-profile wedding again. We’ll have to pull the press release, but I’m sure Lily is on that. I’ll call Lorcan. Tell him to bring the food, and I—”

  “Slow down, woman, will you?”

  Confused, she shook her head. “I can’t slow down. The guests. I have to make sure the rest of the rooms are ready, and you need to make sure the staff we’d hired can come in, and—”

  “Quinn, sweetheart.” He dug his hands into his pockets, a sheepish expression on his face. “I’m getting married.”


  “Aye.” He grinned. “Lily and me.”

  Quinn dropped down onto one of the gilded gold chairs hired for the reception. “B-but you don’t have a wedding license, guests, or clothes.”

  “Sure, don’t we have Ireland’s best wedding planner here? We have every faith that you’ll do a grand job. As for the license, we’re going to have a proper ceremony in the spring. If you like, consider this a ceremony of intent.”

  “I… wow… great… I… wow.”

  Brendan sat beside her. “Lily and me, well, we’re both closer to sixty than we are fifty. We’re on our own, and we’ve both been through the mill, but this is our chance for a new beginning. I didn’t think it was possible to fall in love with someone I’d just met.”

  Quinn’s heart reached out for Ronan. “Me either.” She wanted him by her side, to tell him she was sorry, to tell him she wanted to work things out. To hear his side of the story. But even after all that, she didn’t know if she’d forgive him for Brady.

  She wasn’t aware of the tears streaming down her cheeks until Brendan offered her a crumpled tissue.

  “Don’t cry, pet.” He gave her shoulder a quick, awkward pat. “I’ll never understand women and their tears over weddings.”


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