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By the Book

Page 35

by Pamela Paul

  And at home, I want to thank my husband, Michael, and my three burgeoning readers, Beatrice, Tobias, and Theodore, for all their love, inspiration, and support—even when I had to work at night and couldn’t read by their side.


  The index that appears in the print version of this title does not match the pages in your e-book. Please use the search function on your e-reading device to search for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below.

  Abbey, Edward

  “About Writing” (Delany)

  Above the River (Wright)

  Absalom, Absalom! (Faulkner)

  Acheson, Dean

  Act of War (Cheevers)

  Act One (Hart)

  Adams, Alice

  Adelman, Jeremy

  Adventures of Augie March (Bellow)

  Adventures of Pinocchio, The (Collodi)

  Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, The (Conan Doyle)

  Advice to a Young Scientist (Medawar)

  Aerogrammes (James)


  After Claude (Owen)

  After Mandela (Foster)

  After Visiting Friends (Hainey)

  Agassi, Andre

  Agee, James

  Aiken, Joan

  Alain-Fournier, Henri

  Alameddine, Rabih

  Al Aswany, Alaa

  Alcott, Louisa May

  ALEC (Campbell)

  Alexander, Elizabeth

  Alexander, Michelle

  Alexandria Quartet, The (Durrell)

  Alexie, Sherman

  Alger, Cristina

  Alice in Wonderland (Carroll)

  Allen, Woody

  Allende, Isabel

  All of It, The (Haien)

  All the Best (Bush)

  All the King’s Men (Warren)

  All the Way (Schenkkan)

  Almost Invisible (Strand)

  Along Came a Spider (Patterson)

  Als, Hilton

  Alter, Adam

  Alvarez, Julia

  Amazing Bone, The (Steig)

  Ambassadors, The (James)

  Ambrose, Stephen

  American Gods (Gaiman)

  American Life, An (Reagan)

  American Religion, The (Bloom)

  American Studies (Merlis)

  American Tragedy, An (Dreiser)

  American Wife (Sittenfeld)

  Amis, Kingsley

  Anabasis (Xenophon)

  Anatomy of an Epidemic (Whitaker)

  & Sons (Gilbert)

  Andersen, Chris

  Andersen, Hans Christian

  Anderson, Jean

  And Every Day Was Overcast (Kwiatkowski)

  Angel Esmeralda, The (DeLillo)

  Angell, Roger

  Animal Family, The (Jarrell)

  Anna Karenina (Tolstoy)

  Anne of Green Gables (Montgomery)

  Annie Hall (film)

  Ansary, Tamim

  Anti-California (Lamott)

  Apartment, The (film)

  Arana, Marie

  Arbus, Diane

  Archer, Jeffrey

  Arc of Justice (Boyle)

  Are You My Mother? (Bechdel)

  Ariyoshi, Sawako

  Armadale (Collins)

  Armed Forces Officer, The (Marshall)

  Armstrong, Louis

  Arsand, Daniel

  Art and Illusion (Gombrich)

  Arthur C. Clarke Awards

  Art of Fielding, The (Harbach)

  “Ashes” (Sedaris)

  Ashes and Sparks (Sedley)

  Asimov, Isaac

  Aslam, Nadeem

  Assange, Julian

  Assassins, The (Oates)

  Assomoir, L’ (Zola)

  Asterix books (Goscinny and Uderzo)

  Atkinson, Kate

  Atlas, James

  Atonement (McEwen)

  Attack of the Theocrats! (Faircloth)

  Atwood, Margaret

  Auden, W. H.

  Auslander, Shalom

  Austen, Jane

  Autobiography of Mark Twain, The

  Autumn of the Patriarch, The (García Márquez)

  Avoid Boring People (Watson)

  Axelrod, Robert

  Babar books (de Brunhoff)

  Babel, Isaac

  Bad Behavior (Gaitskill)

  Bad Blood (Sage)

  Bad Monkey (Hiaasen)

  Baez, Joan

  Baker, Nicholson

  Baker, Ray Stannard

  Baldwin, James

  Balzac, Honoré de

  Band of Brothers (Ambrose)

  Bang the Drum Slowly (Harris)

  Bankers and Pashas (Landes)

  Banks, Russell

  Barbash, Tom

  Bardem, Javier

  Barnaby Rudge (Dickens)

  Barnes, Julian

  Barry, Dave

  Barry, Lynda

  Barthelme, Donald

  Barthes, Roland

  Bartok, Mira

  Barzun, Jacques

  Batman comics

  Batters, Elmer

  Battleborn (Watkins)

  Baudelaire, Charles

  Baum, L. Frank

  Beah, Ismael

  Beard, Jo Ann

  Beardsley, Aubrey

  Beattie, Ann

  Beauman, Ned

  Beautiful Mind, A (Nasar)

  Beautiful Ruins (Walter)

  Bechdel, Alison

  Becoming a Man (Monette)

  Been Down So Long It Looks Like Up to Me (Fariña)

  Been in the Storm So Long (Litwack)

  Behind the Beautiful Forevers (Boo)

  Behn, Aphra

  Being Wrong (Schulz)

  Belloc, Hilaire

  Bellow, Saul

  Beloved (Morrison)

  Benchley, Robert

  Benjamin, Walter


  Berg, Mary

  Berger, Thomas

  Bernheimer, Kate

  Berriault, Gina

  Beschloss, Michael

  Best American Nonrequired Reading, The

  Best and the Brightest, The (Halberstam)

  Betrothed, The (Manzoni)

  Betsy-Tacy books (Lovelace)

  Beyond Black (Mantel)

  Beyond Palomar (Hernandez)

  Bhowani Junction (Masters)


  Bierce, Ambrose

  Big Short, The (Lewis)

  Big Sleep, The (Chandler)

  Billy Budd (Melville)

  Billy Lynn’s Long Halftime Walk (Fountain)

  Bird Alone (O’Faolain)

  Bird by Bird (Lamott)

  Bishop, Elizabeth

  Bishop, K. J.

  Bitch Reloaded (King)

  Bittman, Mark


  Black, Alethea

  Black Beauty (Sewell)

  Black Behind the Ears (Candelario)

  Black Boy (Wright)

  Black Cloud (Hoyle)

  Black Lamb and Grey Falcon (West)

  Blackmon, Douglas

  Blake, William

  Bleak House (Dickens)

  Bless This Food (Bryant)

  Blind Man’s Garden, The (Aslam)

  Blind Side, The (Lewis)

  Blink (Gladwell)

  Blonde (Oates)

  Blonde Faith (Mosley)

  Blood Knots (Jennings)

  Blood Meridian (McCarthy)

  Bloom, Harold

  Blount, Roy, Jr.

  Blue Angel (Prose)

  Blue Carbuncle, The (Conan Doyle)

  Blue Flower, The (Fitzgerald)

  Bluest Eye, The (Morrison)

  Blyton, Enid

  Bobbsey Twins and Baby May, The (Hope)

  Boccaccio, Giovanni

  Bolaño, Roberto

  Bolívar (Arana)

  Bonfire of the Vanities, The (Wolfe)

  Bonsai (Zambra)

  Boo, Katherine

  Boone, Daniel

  Borderlands of Culture, The (Saldívar)

  Borges, Jorge Luis

  Bornstein, Kate

  Borowitz, Andy

  Borrowers, The (Norton)

  Bossypants (Fey)

  Bowden, Mark

  Bowen, Elizabeth

  Bowles, Jane

  Box of Delights, The (Masefield)

  Boye, William

  Boylan, Jennifer Finney

  Boyle, Kevin

  Boys in the Band, The (Crowley)

  Bradbury, Ray

  Bradford, Barbara Taylor

  Braly, Malcolm

  Brandeis, Louis


  Bread Givers (Yezierska)

  “Bremen Town Musicians, The” (Grimm)

  Brennan, Maeve

  Brideshead Revisited (Waugh)

  Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao, The (Díaz)

  Bring Up the Bodies (Mantel)

  Brink, Carol Ryrie

  Brockman, John

  Brodsky, Joseph

  Broken Music (Sting)

  Brontë, Charlotte

  Brookner, Anita

  Brooks, Gwendolyn

  Brooks, Louise

  Brother, I’m Dying (Danticat)

  Brothers Karamazov, The (Dostoyevsky)

  Brown, Dan

  Brown, Helen Gurley

  Browne, Sylvia

  Browning, Edmond Lee

  Brubaker, Ed

  Brussig, Thomas

  Bryson, Bill

  Buarque, Chico

  Buckingham, Marcus

  Buckley, Christopher

  Buckley, William F., Jr.

  Bugliosi, Vincent

  Building Stories (Ware)

  Bulgakov, Mikhail

  Bulldog Drummond (Sapper)

  Bunker Hill (Philbrick)

  Burdick, Eugene

  Burke, James Lee

  Burns, Ed

  Burroughs, William

  Buscaglia, Leo

  Bush, George H. W.

  Bush, George W.

  Bush, Laura

  Butler, Octavia

  By Night in Chile (Bolaño)

  Byron (Nicolson)

  Byron, George Gordon, Lord

  By the Waters of Babylon (Lazarus)

  Caddie Woodlawn (Brink)

  Caesar, Julius

  Caldwell, Erskine

  Calico Joe (Grisham)

  Call It Sleep (Roth)

  Call of the Wild, The (London)

  Calvino, Italo

  Camera Lucida (Barthes)

  Cameron, David

  Campbell, Eddie

  Campbell, Joseph

  Camus, Albert

  Camus, Catherine

  Canada (Ford)

  Candelario, Ginetta

  Cannon, Lou


  Carlat, Daniel

  Caro, Robert

  Carpenter, Don

  Carpentier, Alejo

  Carpetbaggers, The (Robbins)

  Carroll, Lewis

  Carroll, Sean

  Carson, Anne

  Carter, Jimmy

  Carver, Raymond

  Caryl, Christian

  Casanova, Giacomo

  Casanova books (Fraction)

  Case Histories (Atkinson)

  Case of the Transposed Legs, The (Keeler)

  Casual Vacancy, The (Rowling)

  Cat and Mouse (Grass)

  Catch-22 (Heller)

  Catcher in the Rye, The (Salinger)

  Cather, Willa

  Catherine, Called Birdy (Cushman)

  Cat’s Table, The (Ondaatje)


  Cavali, Patrizia

  Céline, Louis-Ferdinand

  Center Cannot Hold, The (Saks)

  Centuria (Manganelli)

  Ceremony (Silko)

  Chabon, Michael

  Chandler, Raymond

  Chanel Bonfire (Lawless)

  Charlotte’s Web (White)

  Chase, The (Carpentier)

  Chayes, Sarah

  Cheever, John

  Cheevers, Jack

  Chekhov, Anton

  Cheng Naishan

  Chern, S. S.

  Chesterton, G. K.

  Chiang, Ted

  Chicken Soup with Rice (Sendak)

  Chief, The (Nasaw)

  Child, Lee

  Child of the Jungle (Kuegler)

  Chip Hilton books (Bee)

  Chopra, Deepak

  Christie, Agatha

  Christopher, John

  Christ Stopped at Eboli (Levi)

  Chrysalids, The (Wyndham)

  Church and State (Sim)

  Churchill, Winston

  Cider House Rules, The (Irving)


  Cioran, E. M.

  Cisneros, Sandra

  Cistercian World, The

  City in History, The (Mumford)

  Civilization and Its Discontents (Freud)

  Civil War, The (Library of America)

  CivilWarLand in Bad Decline (Saunders)

  Claire of the Sea Light (Danticat)

  Clark, Mary Higgins

  Clark, T. J.

  Clarke, Arthur C.

  Clerke, Agnes M.

  Clifton, Donald O.

  Clifton, Lucille

  Clinton, Bill

  Closers, The (Connelly)

  Cloud Atlas (Mitchell)

  Cocktail Hour Under the Tree of Forgetfulness (Fuller)

  Cocteau, Jean

  Code of the Woosters, The (Wodehouse)

  Coetzee, J. M.

  Cold Comfort Farm (Gibbons)


  Collingwood, R. G.

  Collins, Wilkie

  Collodi, Carlo

  Coltrane, John

  Columbus, Chris

  Colwin, Laurie

  Coma (Cook)

  Common Sense and Nuclear Warfare (Russell)

  Complete Guide to Lock Picking, The

  Compton-Burnett, Ivy

  Conan Doyle, Arthur

  Concise Knowledge Library: Astronomy, The (Clerke)

  Condition of the Working Class in England, The (Engels)

  Confederacy of Dunces, A (Toole)

  Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court (Twain)

  Connell, Evan S.

  Connelly, Michael

  Connolly, Cyril

  Connor, Tony

  Conrad, Joseph

  Conscious Business (Kofman)

  Consolations of Philosophy, The (de Botton)

  Constellation of Vital Phenomena, A (Marra)

  Contact (Sagan)

  Conversations with Wilder (Crowe)

  Cook, Bruce

  Cooke, John

  Cooper, Susan

  Coover, Robert

  Coppola, Francis Ford

  Coppola, Sofia

  Coraline (Gaiman)

  Corelli’s Mandolin (de Bernieres)

  Corner, The (Simon and Burns)

  Corral, Eduardo

  Corrections, The (Franzen)

  Cosmopolis (DeLillo)

  Cosmos (Sagan)

  Cotton Comes to Harlem (Himes)

  Cotton Kingdom, The (Olmsted)

  Couch Fiction (Perry)

  Couldn’t Keep It to Myself (Lamb)

  Countersong to Walt Whitman (Mir)

  Count of Monte Cristo, The (Dumas)

  Country Bunny and the Little Gold Shoes, The (Heyward)

  Country Girls Trilogy, The (O’Brien)

  Coupland, Douglas

  Cowell, Cressida

  Coyne, Jerry

  Cracked (Davies)

  Cranston, Bryan

  Crisp, Quentin

  Crockett, Davy

  Cross, Amanda

  Crowe, Cameron

  Crowley, Mart

  Cruise, Tom

  Cuckoo’s Calling, The (Rowling)

  Curious George (Rey)

  Cushman, Karen

  Custom of the Country, The (Wharton)

  Cutter and Bone (Thornburg)

  Cutting Season, The (Locke)

  Dahl, Roald

  Dance of Anger (Lerner)

  Dancing to the Precipice (Moorehead)

  Dangerous Book for Boys, The (Iggulden)

  Daniel, Susanna

  Daniel Deronda (Eliot)

  Dante Alighieri

  Dante to Dead Man Walking (Schroth)

  Danticat, Edwidge

  Daredevil comics

  Dark Universe (Galouye)

  Darlings, The (Alger)

  Darrow, Clarence

  Darwin, Charles

  Dasher (Wooten)

  Dass, Ram

  D’Aulaire, Ingri and Edgar

  David and Goliath (Gladwell)

  David Copperfield (Dickens)

  David-Weill, Cécile

  Davies, James

  Da Vinci Code, The (Brown)

  Davis, Clive

  Davis, L. J.

  Dawkins, Richard

  Dawn (Butler)

  Day, Sylvia

  Day at the Beach, A (Wolff)

  “Dead, The” (Joyce)

  Dean, Cornelia

  Death by Black Hole (Tyson)

  Death in the Family, A (Agee)

  Death of Bees, The (O’Donnell)

  de Botton, Alain

  Debussy, Claude

  Dee, Jonathan

  Delafield, E. M.

  Delany, Samuel R.

  Delicate Truth, A (le Carré)

  DeLillo, Don

  Demick, Barbara

  DeMille, Nelson

  Demon-Haunted World (Sagan)

  Denial (Stern)

  Dennett, Daniel C.

  Den of Thieves (Stewart)

  Deraniyagala, Sonali

  Desai, Anita

  Desperate Characters (Fox)

  deWitt, Patrick

  Dhalgren (Delany)

  Diamond, Jared

  Diamonds Are Forever (Fleming)

  Diaries of Auberon Waugh, The

  Diary of a Nobody, The (Grossmith)

  Diary of a Provincial Lady (Delafield)

  Díaz, Junot

  Dick, Philip K.

  Dickens, Charles

  Dickey, James

  Dickinson, Emily

  Didion, Joan

  Different Seasons (King)

  Difficulty of Being (Cocteau)

  Digital Fortress (Brown)

  Disgrace (Coetzee)

  Divine Comedy, The (Dante)

  Dixit, Avinash

  Doctor Dolittle books (Lofting)

  Doctorow, E. L.

  Doctor Sleep (King)

  Doctor’s Wife, The (Ariyoshi)

  Dominican Republic (Moya Pons)

  Don Camillo stories (Guareschi)

  Don Casmurro (Machado de Assis)

  Don Quixote (Cervantes)

  Don’t Bump the Glump! (Silverstein)

  Doonesbury Chronicles (Trudeau)

  Door in the Floor, The (film)

  Dostoyevsky, Fyodor

  Dotter of Her Father’s Eyes (Talbot and Talbot)

  Doubleday Cookbook, The (Anderson and Hanna)

  Dracula (Stoker)

  Dreiser, Theodore

  Dreisinger, Baz

  Drifting House (Lee)

  Dropped Names (Langella)

  Drunk Tank Pink (Alter)

  Dubliners (Joyce)

  Dubus, Andre

  Duel, The (Chekhov)

  Dumas, Alexandre, père

  du Maurier, Daphne


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